Graduate Research Seminars
Seminar #1
Writing + making: parallel practices!
Steve's general points on presentations :
- rapid prototyping = 'how do i approach that research question with a piece of work?'
- we as tutors will be working with you on finding modes of address: 'what's the most appropriate way to speak about this work i am making?
- everyone arrives here with an existing practice: it's valuable to look at what we've made already and see what it is that we are doing.
- It's common at this stage to try out many different approaches to the same question/material, and this can be a very rich and fruitful approach: this is the point at which you can be considering possibilities.
Project proposal:
- text describing proposed work (indication)
> project proposal outline!
- what do you want to make? (specifics: media, topic, audience)
- How do you plan to make it? (descibe approaches: reading, writing, making, thinking: discuss possible outcomes. are these realistic?)
- timeline: (what will you do when?)
- motivation: (what drives me?)
- who can help you and how? (experts, involved, externs! people for input)
- how does it relate to previous practice and interests? (mention practice, theory, art, anything beyond scope of own works and show how it connects)
- references (Harvard method)
Additional notes:
- This text will go hand in hand with your assessment: practice-oriented text to make sure your project is feasible
- Suggested outline available on the wiki - you can use parts of other texts you wrote last year on your practice
- Important: include visuals, sketches, images, etc. to help illustrate your project
- nothing set down in this text is set in stone, your plans can change
- what do you want to make? if the form is unclear but the topic is clear, focus on the topic - focus on what you know
- how do you plan to make it? describe how you will approach this project through reading, writing, making, thinking: discuss possible outcomes. are these realistic?
- what is your timetable? include a timeline e.g. month by month - to demonstrate you know which steps to take and when
- why do you want to make it? most of you will have written texts that will help you to address this point about your motivation
- who can help you make it? tutors but also fellow students who have similar research interests/expertise - and also, any outside people
- Relation to your previous practice? again, look back to your previous texts to help you address this (e.g. text on method will be helpful here)
- Relation to a larger context - connect your work and project to other bodies of work, artists etc to demonstrate an awareness of the broader context within which you are working.
- References - please use the Harvard method - this could be a resource for your thesis
WHY? To develop a relationship between writing and practice, and learn to consider your writing as an integral part of your practice, as a medium of reflection and production.
- report on your research and practice (doesn't need to be theoretical!!)
- analytical essay (+ case studies)
- how do you want to speak to people????
Additional notes:
- Again, all resources you need are on the wiki
- Why a thesis? it's a parallel activity to the body of work you are producing for your graduation
- Goal: to develop a relationship between writing and practice
- It can be hard to articulate the intuitions which motivate your work but doing this your work can develop
- there are three suggested thesis formats but in fact, you can create any form you like, as long as it meets the criteria for evaluation
- see wiki for further details of suggested formats and criteria
- harvard referencing *must* be used
Homework: mini prototype, sketch, gesture in relation to your project proposal
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