User:Simon/Meeting in small rooms in small groups

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meeting in small rooms, in small groups

bootleg library session at Varia, 26th January, 2020

see also administrating, consulting, making public

The library collection is intentionally small; it does not wish to be everything to everyone. Focused library sessions are held regularly, and informally, with participants free to come and go as they please. The sessions do not require registration, and make no demands on participants. The result is often a small group of session attendees, who can offer personal insights and opinions in an intimate setting. It is more beneficial to the library’s development to have a conversation between a small number of participants than to lecture to a crowd.

Image: bootleg library session at Varia, A Collective-space for Everyday Technology, Rotterdam, 26th January, 2020


bootleg library sessions at WdKA

10:20-10:50, 10:50-11:20, 11:20-11:50
Attendees: Simon, Mia, Angeliki

multiple languages?
possibly hard to find in their native language e.g. slovene PDFs

šum magazine:

    buttons! red button is very attractive
    download everything at once in a shelf?

categories - and sub-categories?
tags and categories separate?
categories chosen by drop-down, tags individually decided
temporality, personal aspect of tags e.g. #trending
tags become keywords

+ recently added 
+ hot books

from book view - can you make a new shelf there?
related books in book view - e.g. you may also like (and can be related to tags/categories)

Simon's favourite pirate libraries (by invitation only)

bootleg library link & link to pad on the main page of the wiki?

journal articles - how do you enter in autumn 1977 in publishing date?

case sensitivity for tags?

JSTOR watermarking - how do we remove this/ use our own watermarks?

Martino knows how to remove watermarks

remove watermark from pdf:
 sed -e "s/watermarktextstring/ /g" <input.pdf >unwatermarked.pdf && pdftk unwatermarked.pdf output fixed.pdf && mv fixed.pdf unwatermarked.pdf


10:00-10:30, 10:30-11:00
Attendees: Simon, Ugo

French language texts - classic & contemporary social sciences from University of Quebec

Collective Memory - Maurice Halbwachs
Georg Simmel - The Philosophy of Money

Google Scholar for academic texts?

Descriptions for non-English books, not in English?

date of publication - had to click on 2/1/1925 to enter 1/1/1925!!!

"Upload Format" vs Submit button - a bit confusing at the moment


10:00-10:30, 10:30-11:00
Attendees: Simon, Sonia, Wilma

Sonia - using Zotero a lot at the moment, likes writing tags

library loaded in French on Chrome!

uploading - can't upload large files!!!

    difficult with tagging people - hard to remember who the reference was

At some point people will look for specific things, when the collection grows

How do I browse everything?

LB is very self-directed

Finding contemporary references is hard - easy to find Susan Sontag, Flusser, but what about today?

found references through other books - e.g. non-human photography > anthropology of tourism
not often through people

it's about having a space to have conversations - reading groups etc

focus group classes: what is artistic research?

Wilma Knol (librarian at Research Station), ginger koons, Jojanneke Gijsen 

memory of the library - remembering student through books they borrowed
e.g. painters who borrowed Phillip Guston books

From 12-1 December 11th in the library
"make a sustainable library for the future" directive from management - inclusivity

library thing - open source library