User:Dave Young/Trimester 1 Research

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

Points of Departure

Methods of information distribution > limiting information exchange across a network
Collateral listeners / Overhearing / Eavesdropping
Radio broadcasts > encryption > Number Stations
Francis Ford Coppola's The Conversation

Control, Paranoia, and Technology

All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

Adam Curtis documentary about "how humans have been colonised by technology." Adam Curtis has kindly made this available to watch online - find all three parts on thoughtmaybe.

Part 1

Ayn Rand > The Fountainhead/Atlas Shrugged > Rational, systematic blueprints for a new society. Free from political/religious control.
Order without social control.
Ayn Rand's theories greatly influenced tech-entrepreneurs in 70s > Heroic individuals > decentralisation of control systems.
Fear of anarchy from decentralised control.
Alan Greenspan > Encouraged a cybernetic approach to managing US economy in late 90s > deregulation, low interest rates > crash!

Part 2

Arthur Tansley > Ecosystem theory > Inspired by Freud's concept of the brain as a machine > translated this idea to the natural world as a whole
Ecosystems tend towards equilibrium
Howard Odum > ecosystems as circuit schematics > studied environments and created self-regulated electronic circuits based on interactions between animals and vegetation and climate
James Lovelock > Gaia Theory followed on from this > see The Revenge of Gaia
Jay Forrester > Early Warning System > Cold War > Network of satellites that would "predict" an attack from Russia
Jay Forrester > Club of Rome > Environmental Disaster in the early 70s > Forrester's crisis-aversion feedback system viewed humans as automatons, heavily criticised > his model predicted societal breakdown in the early 21st Century
George van Dyne > Colorada ecosystem project > failure? > seemed to disprove eco-equilibrium theory
The failure of the communes > Synergia > flat hierarchical system actually generated power/control relationships between commune members
Richard Brautigan > All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace manifesto > viewed harmonious relationships between animals and machines
Buckminster Fuller > The Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth