My Hackpact entries here

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ideas to explore

pager hacks

with pi

mesh networking with pi

router configuration flash to pi:

hand held radio receiving image from sstv

05 12 2019

Today I am sending two emails to artist collectives in Beijing, to ask if they want to participate in the Channel Channel project on VPNs. To extend the project and collaborate with them is to have a realistic ground to create a public discourse and to involve the groups who may not be technically oriented.

15 10 2019

screenshots from Dimanche á Pekin (1956), portraying elementary school children tinkering with laboratory equipment. I captured the screenshots not only because of the aesthetics, but also because the idea behind letting school children under communist regime to tinker with technology.

Lab hacking girls.png Lab hacking boys.png

13 10 2019

try to run peervpn on two pis connected on the same wireless network to get them communicate with each other without passing through central server.

steps: download package wget

unzip package tar xvf peervpn-0-044-linux-x86.tar.gz

how to install the program

I installed peervpn on one of my pis. however my other pi has some problem, i can't ssh into it. <try in studio network? because the router can connect up to 12 pis.

On November 8th, the Pis were detected by HR IT because of passwords were not changed.

Email correspondences with the programmer of Peervpn

Mail tobias.png

Tobias mail 2.png

File:Steps for installation peervpn.pdf

25 09 2019

try to use Jinja to generate repetitive tags and id in html page.

from jinja2 import Template

	{% for image in images %}
	<img class="gallery" href="{{ image }}.jpg" id=images_{{ image }}></img>
	{% endfor %}


numberList = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"]


output is:

        <img class="gallery" href="1.jpg" id=images_1></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="2.jpg" id=images_2></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="3.jpg" id=images_3></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="4.jpg" id=images_4></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="5.jpg" id=images_5></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="6.jpg" id=images_6></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="7.jpg" id=images_7></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="8.jpg" id=images_8></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="9.jpg" id=images_9></img>
	<img class="gallery" href="10.jpg" id=images_10></img>

26 09 2019

I tried to do ssh on client and server side according to homebrew server side config, but I wasn't able to troubleshoot.

I was doing this because I have some problems with my ports on raspberry pi, and it loads the website too slow. So I switched to using a Virtual Server Provider.

27 09 2019

continue on exploring pelican

28 09 2019

generated pages with Jinja, become more familiar with its syntax

29 09 2019

mostly reviewing Jinja syntax and looked at how homebrew server club made their homebrew theme, how different templates work. [index, base, article, page, etc]

hope to adjust existing themes and make my own theme, with credits to the original.

30 09 2019

installed etherpad on a pi together with artemis

Etherpad install w artemis.png

some memorable moments are 1. overcoming the temporary switch problem in xpub studio 2. mysql, the suggested database for installation couldn't be set up, we opted for MariaDB which was similar and it worked. prospects: keeping the authorship color? can look into this - to see if doable.


tried to use IM to do montaging

Im montage 2.png

Im montage.jpg


task: use 95 layouts to play more with imagemagick

name files to sequential order

ls -v | cat -n | while read n f; do mv -n "$f" "$n.ext"; done

Gif montage3.jpg

tried to montage a gif.

project websites

in the process of publishing few project sites, as a ongoing archive and working framework.

the sites

contextual electronics (not being updated!)

channel channel (not being updated!)

I am having lots of troubles maintaining the website. one problem that I encountered is, for example I want to post an article, and I need to insert the article in plain html and save the file. It became very troublesome for me to maintain texts. I want to use a proper cms to do it.

Today I am trying out possibilities, however, I am running to several problems.

  • my server kept crashing. I don't know if it's a problem that's caused by port mapping. I have now 3 pis installed with my router, and I've mapped the two others' http and ssh ports accordingly. The main one (which ports were from default) never crashed, and the other two kept crashing. I couldn't ssh and couldn't connect on cyberduck. Not only I wasn't able to connect but the OS was corrupted, I have to install again the OS.
  • I couldn't install nginx or apache on the servers, after I flash a new system. The problem just occurred today. The error was some files could not be fetched from this archive I was planning on trying out a cms named Kirby on the server, but I couldn't install the server so I couldn't proceed.
  • pay wall. Since I saw many sites are built with wordpress as cms, I wanted to try it too. But then I gave up after Wordpress asked for a fee to use the cms annually. Kirby is also not free.
  • Now I am going to try pelican according to this documentation - . This person identified similar problems with me, that html took ages to write and need a easy to maintain manager. Lighttpd, if I am understanding correctly, is the web server, that's to substitute nginx and apache? Then I will try to first install it on the pi and see if it has similar error with nginx and apache. <and as I expected I also had similar error trying to install lighttpd of not fetching the right files. >if it has similar errors, I can try on my laptop, but I don't know how the server aspect works if I am trying out locally on my laptop.

error: frequent broken pipe. SSH crashed my house, and in PZI it also crashed, after I tried to curl a file.

Working normal diet pi.png
Broken pipe diet pi.png

I don't know if I try out these instructions it will be helpful for my ssh?

  • I also would like to know, if it's possible to buy a server? on Varia's website they mentioned a server that various other self hosted devices are connected. I always found myself frustrated using the pi as server (crashing, slow, don't know how to manage things..) I don't know if that's a good idea.
trying out pelican
├── Makefile
├── __pycache__
│   └── pelicanconf.cpython-37.pyc
├── content
│   ├──
│   ├── category
│   │   ├── article1.rst
│   │   └── displaytest.rst
│   ├──
│   ├── images
│   │   └── kaixin.png
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └── pdfs
├── output
│   ├── archives.html
│   ├── article3md.html
│   ├── author
│   │   └── biyi.html
│   ├── authors.html
│   ├── categories.html
│   ├── category
│   │   ├── category.html
│   │   ├── misc.html
│   │   └── review.html
│   ├── images
│   │   └── kaixin.png
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── my-first-review.html
│   ├── pages
│   │   ├── aboutmd.html
│   │   └── testmd.html
│   ├── tags.html
│   ├── the-first-article.html
│   ├── the-second-article.html
│   ├── theme
│   │   ├── css
│   │   │   ├── fonts.css
│   │   │   ├── main.css
│   │   │   ├── pygment.css
│   │   │   ├── reset.css
│   │   │   ├── typogrify.css
│   │   │   └── wide.css
│   │   ├── fonts
│   │   │   ├── Yanone_Kaffeesatz_400.eot
│   │   │   ├── Yanone_Kaffeesatz_400.svg
│   │   │   ├── Yanone_Kaffeesatz_400.ttf
│   │   │   ├── Yanone_Kaffeesatz_400.woff
│   │   │   ├── Yanone_Kaffeesatz_400.woff2
│   │   │   └── font.css
│   │   └── images
│   │       └── icons
│   │           ├── aboutme.png
│   │           ├── bitbucket.png
│   │           ├── delicious.png
│   │           ├── facebook.png
│   │           ├── github.png
│   │           ├── gitorious.png
│   │           ├── gittip.png
│   │           ├── google-groups.png
│   │           ├── google-plus.png
│   │           ├── hackernews.png
│   │           ├── lastfm.png
│   │           ├── linkedin.png
│   │           ├── reddit.png
│   │           ├── rss.png
│   │           ├── slideshare.png
│   │           ├── speakerdeck.png
│   │           ├── stackoverflow.png
│   │           ├── twitter.png
│   │           ├── vimeo.png
│   │           └── youtube.png
│   ├── this-is-a-test.html
│   └── try-to-see-if-this-shows.html

Chronological order articles.png

pelican differentiates pages and articles. pages are static, like about page. whereas articles are published under same categories under chronological order.

possibility of familarizing how jinja works with pelican?

about Jinja

about blogging culture

reading this sentence from pelican documentation I start to thinking of blogging culture, for me it was popular since 2000s, would be nice to examine the culture and labor of blogging?

The questioned being asked in FAQ is - Is Pelican only suitable for blogs?

No. Pelican can be easily configured to create and maintain any type of static site.

work archive site


trying the fancyindex module in nginx because saw it's employed in quite some sites.

fancyindex working on this manual while tinkering.


managing multiple website on one router and several raspberry pi look for help here:

publishing in Dat


load bunch of text (without formatting) to webpage

is php solution?


look into ipfs, an file transfer system comparable to http