User:Max Lehmann/Special Issue X
< User:Max Lehmann
Revision as of 14:16, 17 October 2019 by Max Lehmann (talk | contribs) (→5.Session with Olli Aarni at De Player)
1.Session with Dennis de Bel
Meergranen module - all required parts
Meergranen module - all parts
soldered together Meergranen module with custom
lasercut frontpanel
soldered together Meergranen module with custom
lasercut frontpanel
- Intro into modular synthesis: (exists in both, analogue and digital form)
Several modules, that are not hardwired totgether.
Each module does (not allways) one task only - but does that very good.
In-, outputs allow to interface several modules. - Soldering / testing of the "Meergranen" module
- Flashing different presets with onto the Arduino
- Designing and lasercutting the first custom frontpanel
Custom sample selection (to be continued):
2.Session with Olli Aarni at De Player
Dennis playing around witha modular synthesizer setup Modular synthesizer setup
- Listening sessions with the purpose of learning how to talk about sound
- Hunting interesting sounds and writing a description of them
- Inventing a new word to describe the sound: "knüsprichtlic" (engl.: "crunchdenseyficial")
- learning musical vocabulary (pitch, frequency, timbre, overtone, metrics,...)
- Exercise: sorting given abstract soundfiles into categories and naming them
to the workshop to make music with My improvised "instrument" and
notation for a performance Recording of performances
- Everybody brings in 3-4 random objects that one can make sound with
- Choose objects and experiment with making:
- ..the most quite sound possible
- ..the longest sound possible
- ..shortest sound possible
- ..a sound that involves a change in pitch
- ..a sound that involves a change in timbre
- Choose objects and create sounds that match the categories created yesterday
- Create a composition / performance and write down notation
- Perform while being recorded
- Jam in groups while being recorded
- Talking about language (Phoneme, toneme, chroneme -> see interesting links)
- Speech to song instrument: recording speech - looping a part of it and listening to the melody
- Add recording from earlier and make a quick song
- Course feedback
Field trip to Dutch Modular Fest
3.Session with Dennis de Bel
- Talking about possibilities and limitations of Arduino
- Introduction to Arduino coding
- Playing around with the Meergranen
- Connecting several Meergranen modules and modulating them with oneanother
modules connected ...
4.Session with Dennis de Bel
- Recap on how to use the Git (with Aymeric)
- Synthesis Basics (additive synth., substractive synth., FM synth., granular synth., wavetable synth., ...)
- Making a simple Kick with Arduino
- Going to meet again on Fr, 11.10 to deepen understanding of Arduino code and check the modules (see pad xpub1temp2)
Independent Development 1
- Developing and building a simple external trigger using a staple remover, 2 AA bateries, some cables, insulating tape, metal wire (paperclip) and a lightbulb to check battery level
- Properly insulate one side of the staple remover and wrap the metal wire around it (must not touch the metal)
- When closing the staple remover the wire must touch the other side of it (to closer the circuite and act as a switch)
- Cut a patchcable in half and seperate the inner and outer cables from another
- Connect wires to the batteries/patchcable/staple remover/(lightbulb is optional) as shown in the drawing
5.Session with Olli Aarni at De Player
First Day
- Feedback on the state of the process / work done so far
- Collecting concept ideas (unstructured):
- Need to let go, try out, find common ground
- Transparency / de-blackboxing
- Accessibility
- Haptic gestural input
- Deeper meaning: What do we want to say?
- Visual output
- Visualize sound
- Analog / unconventional input triggers
- Visualize the process / concept
- Cultural signals / speech
- Embrace frustration
- Keep public in mind
- A map as an interface
- A map as a manual (as part of the publication)
- Let the user choose the way to go (soundwise)
- Sound maze
- Navigating / journeying through the modules that create an overall soundscape together
- What should the experience be?
- Create sound with strangers
- Deomcratize the process of the creation of audiovisual content
- Open or close the "black box" (ramdomness / chaos // transparency)
- Playing with expectations
- Universal connection matrix
- Live manual / adjusting to the actions of the user
- Each module having both, one seen and one unseen function
- Producing a series of modules, rather than just one single "percious" object
- Educational / explainatory?
- Accesibility or transparency?
- Importance of code as the underlaying basis
- Showing whats behind the surface
- Several layers of depth
- Playing aroung / interfacing / accessing
- Understanding
- Interpret
- Unpredictability
- Transpartent about our own project process
- Two sides:
- Accessible - Inaccessible
- Mystifying - Demystifying
- Tranparency - Black box
Second Day
- Publication
- Big map
- Individual pockets to fill
- Flowcharts / diagram
- Statement on experience
- Journey
- Exhibition
- Two sides:
- Mystified - Demystified
- Gradient / slider from mystified to demystified
- Charish the ambivalent
- Work closer together in model development for connectivity and good integration
- Different combinations for different narratives
- Two sides:
- Technical potential
- Usage of language
- Visualize performance
- Usage of speech to modify...
- The modules as a representation of a deeper concept (?!)
- Input sound - Output different sound
- Input sound - Output visuals
- Using components from old phone (text messaging / camera / antenna / screen / phone as module)
- Input code (binary) - translation - output speech / strange sounds
- Modules as vehicles for audio essays
- Different types of listening (knobs to choose)
- Output raw data
- Video / image manipulation with narrative aspect
- X-Y-manipulation
- Asymetrical, confusing interface
Ollis conclusion
Helpful/interesting links
- Feedback on the state of the process / work done so far
- Audio glossary
- Another audio glossary
- Vocabulary to describe sound
- more vocab for sound
- what is timbre?
- a arduino based effect pedal...
- ...and the git for the arduino based effect pedal
- Speech to Song Illusion
- Phonemes, tonemes, chronemes
- Foley (filmmaking)
- Harmonized Habanero (funny)
- Circuit design app
- Ciat Lonbarde
- Marloes van Son
- Photoresistor
- I Dream of Wires - Documentary on the history of synthesizers by director Robert Fantinatto
- Youtube playlist with (sometimes random) videos I collect concerning "Synthesizer/Electronics/DIY"
- Youtube playlist with videos I collect concerning "Interface/UX/Design"
- Youtube playlist with videos I collect concerning "Coding"