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AIMS: EXPLORE THE FIGURATION OF MOUVEMENT AND TIME IN PHOTOGRAPHY EXPLORE THE LIMITATIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHY EXPLORE CONTINUOUS RECORDING Probably everything will be blur. Working on the materiality of image making. Exploring the concept of space, time. Stepping out of classic and normative size limitation / sensor / film sizes.

Reciprocity of time and space

Continuous photograph, no shutter, the whole film is exposed / rewinded in front of the light source. The photograph's size will be the film size. 120 = 61mm X 760mm. A 1.2m height print will be moe than 14 meter long. Can we look / read the long photograph like a timeline? Like historical graph with events = Cave painting storytelling

How can we achieve that with digital technologies ? continuous recording in time and space like on a film, not only on the sensor size. Scanning continuously. Digital allows us "infinity" recording (Victoria, Russian Arch) in time.

Calculating speed of the movement to fit the speed of the film. Matching lansdscape in the train?

The photograph will be taken manually allowing variations of speed. Speed variation will impact the image. Slowing down = figuration

We will try to take photographs of things in movement, like landscapes passing from the train window, and try to match the film speed with the landscapes. Also interesting to explore movement of fish in aquarium or birds flying. Another test could be with waves and water movement.

How do i bring the fragmented perception / society together? How can we represent the fluidity of emotions or life?. How to give a new unity? Fluidity / Liquidity is associated with two thematics: Elements and The transience nature of contemporary life.

Liquid Modernity in human science (Zygmunt Baumnan) Fluidity in Impressionism (Monet) How to record / represent / fix the fluidity of movement.