First outline

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Revision as of 12:34, 5 October 2017 by Moistuart (talk | contribs)



When I’m sitting in a cinema and find the film is unexpected obscure, I sense boredom. When I have plenty of time yet not sure what to do but staying in my room, I sense boredom. When I’m travelling on the train with a no battery phone, I sense boredom. When I started to write this paper, I sense boredom. Is boredom merely a boring/negative emotion? What can boredom bring to me? What am I discovering through boredom? Interestingly, boredom is more positive rather than negative to many artists and researchers. As Walter Benjamin wrote in <The Arcades Project>: Boredom is the threshold to great deeds. This paper mainly focuses on boredom from perspectives of psychology, philosophy, contemporary art, myself. Furthermore, related questions to myself.


Boredom in modernity


Ragnar Kjartansson’s <Me and My Mother>,2000-2015. Rafael Rozendaal. John Cage < 4'33">. Fischli & Weiss, etc.


-What does boredom mean to me? -What’s my boredom experiences? -Is it a problem? -Poetic and ambiguous boredom.-What would boredom be like if it can be characterized? -Can boredom be poetic? -Is boredom chaotic or can it be minimalistic? -Timing experience in boredom.


Loop, repeating, soft, more to come… What are the constitutions of boredom? What elements can I extract from boredom and how I manage to transfer this invisible abstract emotion to my visual work.


Boredom is a warm grey fabric lined on the inside with the most lustrous and colorful of silks. In this fabric we wrap ourselves when we dream.


The MIT Press & Whitechapel Gallery, [2017], <Boredom, Documents of Contemporary Art>, Edited by Tom McDonough.

Guggenheim Museum, [2014], <Wasted Time>, Interview of Peter Fischli.

Otto Fenicbel, [], <On The Psychology of Boredom>.

Michael E. Gardiner, Julian Jason Haladyn, [2016], <Boredom Studies Reader>

More to come…