FIRST TRIMESTER My aim for the first trimester is to experiment with lots of new things and try out new medium and methods. I want to allow myself to work freely and come up with lots of new ideas since I have not been working creatively with myself for a while. This will let me get to know myself again in my creative mind and see where I want to take my ideas. I want to get to know my new camera. Find myself again behind the lens. I also want to advance in playing with images. I want to start learning Cinema 4D. Kvennleggur Muybridge Happiness project
Other Readigs
Dazed Interview with Audry Wollen about Sad Girl Theory [1]
Audry Wollen´s instagram [2]
History Lesson in Icelandic Feminist Art [3]
Feminist Art Journal [4]
Still need to read
Gender Equality in Iceland, has a good timeline of womens rights
How our surroundings influence happiness and health, by Esther Sternberg