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Devising a portfolio through far far future speculation:
Devising a portfolio through far far future speculation:
Introduction: 15min<br>
making: 35min <br>
Talking & Sharing: 5-10min <br>
Today we are going to speculate in far far futures, through making clay tokens and describing them in a form. To contextualize this exercise I introduce to you the The Far Far Futre Fund:
On behalf of the fund, we as artists and researchers are going to construct a physical representation of the fund, as a sort of founding document. We will use clay as it is a medium well suited for documents to last for potentially thousands of years.
The "document" will be constructed through crafting small clay tokens, akin the ones used in oral preliterate cultures. Which were used to count, store and communicate economic data.
In our case the tokens should "count" something that you think holds value indefinitely.
More information on these tokens can be found on the university of Texas' webiste: written by proffessor Denise Schmandt-Besserat who have contributed a lot to what we know about these tokens, like with her book ''How writing came about'' (1996) amongst others.
The tokens and their meaning will be documented in a form.
This exercise will hopefully result in a collection of tokens, that can serve as a blueprint for how the funds portfolio, as in how the fund can be invested in to the different ideas.

Revision as of 21:00, 9 March 2025

Devising a portfolio through far far future speculation:


Introduction: 15min
making: 35min
Talking & Sharing: 5-10min


Today we are going to speculate in far far futures, through making clay tokens and describing them in a form. To contextualize this exercise I introduce to you the The Far Far Futre Fund:

On behalf of the fund, we as artists and researchers are going to construct a physical representation of the fund, as a sort of founding document. We will use clay as it is a medium well suited for documents to last for potentially thousands of years.

The "document" will be constructed through crafting small clay tokens, akin the ones used in oral preliterate cultures. Which were used to count, store and communicate economic data. In our case the tokens should "count" something that you think holds value indefinitely.

More information on these tokens can be found on the university of Texas' webiste: written by proffessor Denise Schmandt-Besserat who have contributed a lot to what we know about these tokens, like with her book How writing came about (1996) amongst others.

The tokens and their meaning will be documented in a form.

This exercise will hopefully result in a collection of tokens, that can serve as a blueprint for how the funds portfolio, as in how the fund can be invested in to the different ideas.