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== <span style="font-size:.9em;font-family:'Helvetica';"> S02 Week | == <span style="font-size:.9em;font-family:'Helvetica';"> S02 Week 6 <span style="color: magenta; font-size:.7em;">10-17 Feb </span>== | ||
===Doriane's Class=== | ===Doriane's Class=== | ||
[[File:DIV2.png|frameless]][[File:DIV1.png|frameless]] | [[File:DIV2.png|frameless]][[File:DIV1.png|frameless]] |
Revision as of 18:22, 19 February 2025
Sevgi's SI26!!! Let's go!
Today is 18-03-2025.
Quick link to the issue: SI26
User:Sevgi/Special Issue 26/Quilting p
S02 Week 1 06-13 Jan
Doriane's Class
D E C L A R A T I O N S !!!!!!!
W3C writes the standard of css declarations and every browser interprets it in their own way.crazy stuff < awesome games
degrades gracefully
Joseph's Plotting Class
Claudio and I tried ColorPro but we didn't have the cartridge so couldn't make it work.
We are using the Taxan printer. Joseph connected a piezo to it. We played a bit.
It was very fun, we wrote a python script together which created random squares hatched randomly across an A3:import random as r
pos = r.randint(1000,10000)
for x in range(pos, 10000, 1000):
randythesecond = r.randint(1000, 10000)
randythethird = r.randint(800, 8000)
linetype = r.randint(0,4)
linelength = r.randint(1,5)
filltype = r.randint(3,4)
fillspacing = r.randint(50,200)
fillangle = r.randint(0,2)*45
print("PU"+str(randythesecond)+"," + str(randythethird) + ";")
print("start is = " + str(pos))
import random as r
for i in range(7000,10000,1000):
linetype = r.randint(0,4)
linelength = r.randint(1,5)
filltype = r.randint(3,4)
fillspacing = r.randint(50,200)
fillangle = r.randint(0,2)*45
#import is a keyword to be able to use random()
#for is a cycle, you specify the start and end
#for name* in a defined range (minValue, maxValue, step in between the values)
# for n in range(0,10) will result in
#0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# for n in range(0,10, 2) =
# 2 4 6 8
# for name in n
S02 Week 2 13-20 Jan
Manetta's Class
Going back to 1984 reminded me of these:
These were released around the same time as .ps.
255 0 0 setrgbcolor newpath
/Times-Italic findfont 72 scalefont setfont
200 500 moveto
(price) show
S02 Week 3 20-27 Jan
Doriane's Class
was a webkit
chrome+chromium VS mozilla
> speak individualy to each browser engine
3d css:
13.01 notes: (I wasn't there :// I was trying to make a book)
What is Display about?
I feel like this one is like if there was a dinner table and first there is nothing, then you decide what goes on the table and what you bring out later or just hide in the kitchen instead of putting it on the table.
This is from mdn website:
The display CSS property sets whether an element is treated as a block or inline box and the layout used for its children, such as flow layout, grid or flex.
I think this is the ultimate display website(which is also available as a poster):
display: inherit;
display: initial;
display: revert;
display: revert-layer;
display: unset;
intuitively I think inherit is whatever the element entails as a css standard, like list-item display keyword.
align-items(for vertical alignment) baseline: aligns things at the bottom
S02 Week 4 28 Jan - 02 Feb
Manetta's Class
pdf exploration!!!!!!
A houseofdust project:
print("A PDF NAMED " + choice(name) + ".pdf")
print("TO " + choice(reasons))
print("FOUND IN" + choice(locations))
#print(" written in " + choice(language))
print(" dwelling on " + choice(locations))
print("not bothered by" + choice(issues))
print("- by the beautiful " + choice(authors) + choice(actions) + "in" + choice(languages))
print(" ")
here is the latest code to see how many pngs I have on my computer:
myfolder = "/Users/designworm/"
mypngs = []
for root, folders, files in os.walk(myfolder):
print("root: { root }")
print("folders: { folders }")
print("files: { files }")
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".png"):
howmany = len(mypngs)
print(f"Oh wow, I have { howmany } pngs on my computer!!")
S02 Week 5 03-10 Feb
Doriane's Class
editing ether pad css to your voice:
(from ether pad, (kiara))"we are structuring the flow with CSS"
giving structure to the flow happens in CSS, while we are often saying HTML is the structure
^^^ could it be that html is the material given and css is how it is shaped, not really like makeup or dress but controlling all the elements into shape
yesterday during dorianes class i shared with martina what i wanted to make with the web extension; a quilt. she was making blocks and it looked amazing and then they started crossing each other that made me really excited it looked amazing and it reminded me of an article about Fiberspace i read. the article is from 1994 and it starts with a prediction of what quilting would look like in 2010… imagine that… anyway we started and we got somewhere we really enjoyed but because we blurred all the images through css, the extension would break firefox and stop working a lot. I took notes on the pad we started with martina, from dorianes and freds suggestions.
I think next steps should be:
Research: quilting, speculative fiber future, archiving&collecting website/ what does it mean to pile up a digital past, why is it now more important to VISIT websites instead of staying in one platform that answers qs
Do: look into local storage thingies(jesus christ), figure out how the quilting qworks digitally with iframes, think about which website should have which styling and what could it mean(fq visited, social media, archiving websites like pinterest arena)
Get: iron, scraps, threads
idle > webextension
Joseph's Class
I am the same age as the web browser!
im so confused....
window manipulator;
working rules.json:
"id": 1,
"priority": 100,
"action": {
"type": "redirect",
"redirect": {
"url": ""
"condition": { "urlFilter": "*.jpeg", "resourceType": ["image"] }
"id": 2,
"priority": 100,
"action": {
"type": "redirect",
"redirect": {
"url": ""
"condition": { "urlFilter": "*.jpg", "resourceType": ["image"] }
working manifest.json:
{ "manifest_version": 3,
"name": "under construction",
"version": "1.0",
"description": "I can't be done",
"author": "sevgi",
"icons": {
"32": "icon.gif"
"permissions": [
"host_permissions": [
"declarative_net_request": {
"rule_resources": [
"id": "ruleset_1",
"enabled": true,
"path": "rules.json"
I feel like I will come back to this because I keep changing things and losing the Reload game..
I've been trying to make cursor party happen for a css tryout I was playing around with:
I find it reallyy fucking hard to manage but it is definitely doable. I will play around with :hover on this I think.
Lidia's Class
I am in the HANDMADE WEB reading group with Kiara. I loved working with her I think we made a nice group and were done in literally half a day.
She wrote > OWN YOUR WEB PRESENCE -- be aware of the tools you use, the communities you're a part of, what you show (display) and how (position) < as the connection of the text to our study and I find it to be a very well written summary.
This is an ancient wayback img we found looking around the links of the text:
Unindexed the google search loop github:
the web poetry artists JR Carpenter was referring to:
This website is really fun and the poetry is incredibly immersing. I really love the project.
Lidia tells me I can use this to build something like Alan trotters website:
game made with this:
Artist made her own coding lang:
This also reminds me of A House of Dust by Allison Knowles. I love how she also wrote her own coding lang, even though at the time it was probably a necessity. But she also made language bend at random... Inspiring.
Found this project while looking at ps5.js after Fred's suggestion to use it for the quilting project. Geodata Weaving Kaspar Ravel
What bothers me here is that this man(derogatory) had NOOOO idea what a weaving draft is... He thought he could just read about it and put it in a pile of code... I hate that he didn't take the time to learn how to weave, never even set up a loom and was like here is a DRAFT. The drafts created by this project are unimaginably hard to prepare to weave through because the weft part of the draft is as randomised as warp. If he attempted at trying to set up a loom for even just one of the locations, he would lose his mind. And at the end he hires someone else to do it for him... Incredibly blind to the entire concept of weaving, insulting to all weavers and theoretically almost empty. I love that this was made but it can't be anything more than a visual game to play around and see what your hometown would look like on a draft...
Pseudo code
Fred tells us this is nice to use, it's also Kasper Ravel's page as well.
Server Things
For something, that is not really clear to me at the moment, I need to create and host a server... I just need to do it... Anyway!
Manetta showed me this page: Hosting and serving
I really want to get an old computer and make a server out of it. I think purchasing an old computer feels a bit more tangible and almost easier to set up a server. I really want to explore hosting a server through an android phone as well. I know Claudio has Terminal on his and can control things through there which is crazy cool.
When I was loud about it in the studio Kim mentioned that their friend made a server which shares a website link if you connect to it and the website has a compass that points to the servers direction.... Amazing stuff.
I find the A FEMINIST SERVER MANIFESTO v interesting as well.
Here it is, in a box:
A feminist server…
☞ Is a situated technology. She has a sense of context and considers herself to be part of an ecology of practices
☞ Is run for and by a community that cares enough for her in order to make her exist
☞ Builds on the materiality of software, hardware and the bodies gathered around it
☞ Opens herself to expose processes, tools, sources, habits, patterns
☞ Does not strive for seamlessness. Talk of transparency too often signals that something is being made invisible
☞ Avoids efficiency, ease-of-use, scalability and immediacy because they can be traps
☞ Knows that networking is actually an awkward, promiscuous and parasitic practice
☞ Is autonomous in the sense that she decides for her own dependencies
☞ Radically questions the conditions for serving and service; experiments with changing client-server relations where she can
☞ Treats network technology as part of a social reality
☞ Wants networks to be mutable and read-write accessible
☞ Does not confuse safety with security
☞ Takes the risk of exposing her insecurity
☞ Tries hard not to apologize when she is sometimes not available
I tried everything I can with cursor-party last night. I think I need help to update the server.tsx for it to include an event listener to the whole page rather than just the chat function. I don't understand why this is not available as a tut on the project page. Feels like a natural next step. Maybe I should dive back into party kit..... I don't want to....
I started looking at the but that's also chat.
Blast from the past:
For the call sign maker:
S02 Week 6 10-17 Feb
Doriane's Class
My screenshots from Sunday's extension session.
Wingdings, email hacking, Kandinsky experiments and blackhole and the autopsy one.
What's a webring> ring of webpages: 1->2->3->4->1
Joseph and Mantas Dot Matrix Class
Today we are working with Imre with the Pinwriter P20
Here is how we got it to work:
Install printer from printers and scanner
on terminal run:
lpr -o raw output.txt
lpr -o raw output.txt
press SELECT as the data comes to the printer We also ran A House of Dust again and printed the output like this:
python3 > output.txt
and then run the printer again.
SURPRISE: CHECK THE CODE!! sometimes the printers prints something I=unexpected......
Fred found out you can edit console logs today here is ::::
Lithuanian Radio (playlist based):
S02 Week 6 17-24 Feb
Doriane's Class
We talked to her about the quilting project and my notes are there
I feel like Doriane thinks there is a backwards connection from quilting to web that we can develop some sort of tool that is like loom to programming. It is an interesting perspective and something to practice by hand. Makes me want to quilt more.
User:Sevgi/Special Issue 26/Quilting p
Joseph's Class
How to inject css and js into a webpage with extension scripts.
We made cool stuff with css first then made sounds come out of the website AND then we put random images on the page.
Lidia's Class
Kim's sources I always find interesting