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==URL Submission Form==
==Displaying Image==
<source lang="python">
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi, glob
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
#-------- ascertain latest image filename -------------#
images = glob.glob('../../forbiddenPixels/images/*')
number = len(images) # counts number of files in images folder
latest = '%05d' % number # converts to 5 digits. note: this changes type from int to str
#print number
#print latest
image = "../../forbiddenPixels/images/" + latest + ".png" 
#-------- print html doc with image ------------------#
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A Censored Image</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
print """
      <div class="container img">
      <img src=" """ + image + """ " alt="Sorry, image not currently available" />
      <div class="centred">
      This image has been censored. Help to bring it back online, one pixel at a time:<br /><br /> <a href="inputForm.cgi"><button>adopt a pixel</button></a>
print """
==URL Input Form==
<source lang="python">
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi, random
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
# prints out the URL input form, giving the user a random pixel string (for testing).
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Adopt a Pixel</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
print """
<div class="centred" style="margin-top:50px;">
Below is the unique identifier for your pixel.
Copy and paste it somewhere public on the internet, exactly as it appears:
<div class="container txt">
<span class="pixelString">
Pixel position:""" + str(random.randint(100,500)) + "." + str(random.randint(100,300)) + "; Color:rgba(" + str(random.randint(100,255)) + "," + str(random.randint(100,255)) + "," + str(random.randint(100,255)) + """,1)
<div class="centred" style="margin-top:50px;">
Then tell us the URL of the page where you pasted it:
<div class="container txt">
  <form action="saveUrl.cgi" name="inputForm"> 
    <span class="containerText">Paste url: </span>
    <input name="url">
    <input type="submit" value="OK">
<div class="centred">
Your pixel will appear in the image for as long as the text remains at this URL.
==Saving the URL==
<source lang="python">
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi, os, subprocess
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
# recieves url from inputForm.html and saves the submitted url as a new line in urls.txt
#------------- get URL from input form -------------------#
form = cgi.FieldStorage() # Grabs whatever input comes from form
url = form.getvalue("url", "")  # assigns form's input to var 'url'. url on the right is a default value that will be printed for testing if nothing is recieved from the form
#------------- save url to a text file --------------------#
f = open("data/urls.txt", 'a')  # opens text file in write mode
f.write(url + '\n') # write url then newline
#-----------run scrapeNdraw script and pipe to bash--------#
command = "./scrapeDraw.cgi | bash" # script called here must be executable!
os.popen(command, 'r').read()
#------------- print acknowledgement ----------------------#
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A form talking to a python script</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
print """
      <div class="container txt" style="margin-top:100px;">
      Thanks, url submitted.
      <br />
      <a href="showImage.cgi"><< Back to the image</a>
print """
==Composing the Image==
<source lang="python">
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi, re, urllib2, glob
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
# reads submitted urls from the text file where they're stored, scraping each one and adding a corresponding pixel to the image.
# prints bash commands - pipe to bash to run
# open image to be edited
print "convert ../../forbiddenPixels/images/00001.png \\"  # opens the original, blank image. This means img is made fresh each time, so strings that have disappeared from the web will also disappear from the image.
# open urls file
f = open("data/urls.txt")
# for each line in file, add a pixel
for line in f:
  url = line
  if url == "\n": # skips over any blank entries in the text file. TODO: change to 'any invalid url'
  text = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() # reads page at the specified URL
  pat = r"Pixel position:(\d\d\d).(\d\d\d)\;\ Color:(rgba\(.*\))"
  if not, text): # if pattern 'pat' isn't matched within 'text'
      print " " # TODO: Change to 'do nothing/skip'
      for m in re.finditer(pat, text): # for each match in text...
          #string =                # lets you access data within the match object
  xPos = int( # note: is first capture () - is always whole string
  yPos = int(
  color =
          print "-fill ' " + color + " ' \\"  # this part adds a pixel to the image
          print "-draw 'point %d,%d' \\" %(xPos,yPos)
# count how many images are in the 'images' folder
images = glob.glob('../../forbiddenPixels/images/*')
number = len(images) # counts number of files in images folder
latest = '%05d' % number # converts to 5 digits. note: this changes type from int to str
#save new version of the image, adding 1 to previous filename
newNumber = '%05d' % (number + 1)
newImage = "../../forbiddenPixels/images/" + newNumber + ".png" # saves with new filename
print newImage

Latest revision as of 12:52, 3 April 2012

Displaying Image

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import cgi, glob
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

#-------- ascertain latest image filename -------------#

images = glob.glob('../../forbiddenPixels/images/*')
number = len(images)				# counts number of files in images folder
latest = '%05d' % number			# converts to 5 digits. note: this changes type from int to str
#print number
#print latest

image = "../../forbiddenPixels/images/" + latest + ".png"  	

#-------- print html doc with image ------------------#
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A Censored Image</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">

print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
print """
      <div class="container img">
      <img src=" """ + image + """ " alt="Sorry, image not currently available" />
      <div class="centred">
      This image has been censored. Help to bring it back online, one pixel at a time:<br /><br /> <a href="inputForm.cgi"><button>adopt a pixel</button></a>

print """

URL Input Form

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import cgi, random
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

# prints out the URL input form, giving the user a random pixel string (for testing).

htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Adopt a Pixel</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">

print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
print """
<div class="centred" style="margin-top:50px;">
Below is the unique identifier for your pixel.
Copy and paste it somewhere public on the internet, exactly as it appears:
<div class="container txt">

<span class="pixelString">
Pixel position:""" + str(random.randint(100,500)) + "." + str(random.randint(100,300)) + "; Color:rgba(" + str(random.randint(100,255)) + "," + str(random.randint(100,255)) + "," + str(random.randint(100,255)) + """,1)
<div class="centred" style="margin-top:50px;">
Then tell us the URL of the page where you pasted it:
<div class="container txt">
  <form action="saveUrl.cgi" name="inputForm">  
    <span class="containerText">Paste url: </span>
    <input name="url">
    <input type="submit" value="OK">
<div class="centred">
Your pixel will appear in the image for as long as the text remains at this URL.


Saving the URL

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import cgi, os, subprocess
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

# recieves url from inputForm.html and saves the submitted url as a new line in urls.txt

#------------- get URL from input form -------------------#

form = cgi.FieldStorage()			# Grabs whatever input comes from form
url = form.getvalue("url", "")  # assigns form's input to var 'url'. url on the right is a default value that will be printed for testing if nothing is recieved from the form

#------------- save url to a text file --------------------#

f = open("data/urls.txt", 'a')  		# opens text file in write mode
f.write(url + '\n')				# write url then newline

#-----------run scrapeNdraw script and pipe to bash--------#

command = "./scrapeDraw.cgi | bash"		# script called here must be executable!
os.popen(command, 'r').read()

#------------- print acknowledgement ----------------------#

htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A form talking to a python script</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">

print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
print """
      <div class="container txt" style="margin-top:100px;">
      Thanks, url submitted.
      <br />
      <a href="showImage.cgi"><< Back to the image</a>

print """

Composing the Image

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import cgi, re, urllib2, glob
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()

# reads submitted urls from the text file where they're stored, scraping each one and adding a corresponding pixel to the image.
# prints bash commands - pipe to bash to run

# open image to be edited
print "convert ../../forbiddenPixels/images/00001.png \\"  	# opens the original, blank image. This means img is made fresh each time, so strings that have disappeared from the web will also disappear from the image.

# open urls file
f = open("data/urls.txt")

# for each line in file, add a pixel
for line in f:
   url = line
   if url == "\n":				# skips over any blank entries in the text file. TODO: change to 'any invalid url'
   text = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()		# reads page at the specified URL
   pat = r"Pixel position:(\d\d\d).(\d\d\d)\;\ Color:(rgba\(.*\))"

   if not, text):			# if pattern 'pat' isn't matched within 'text'
       print " "				# TODO: Change to 'do nothing/skip'
       for m in re.finditer(pat, text):		# for each match in text...
           #string =                 # lets you access data within the match object
	   xPos = int(		# note: is first capture () - is always whole string
	   yPos = int(
	   color =
           print "-fill ' " + color + " ' \\"  	# this part adds a pixel to the image
           print "-draw 'point %d,%d' \\" %(xPos,yPos)

# count how many images are in the 'images' folder

images = glob.glob('../../forbiddenPixels/images/*')
number = len(images)				# counts number of files in images folder
latest = '%05d' % number			# converts to 5 digits. note: this changes type from int to str

#save new version of the image, adding 1 to previous filename
newNumber = '%05d' % (number + 1)
newImage = "../../forbiddenPixels/images/" + newNumber + ".png"		# saves with new filename
print newImage