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== Counter-sexual Manifesto ==
== Counter-sexual Manifesto ==
== Shell Song ==
== Shell Song ==
== Nature Study Notes ==
== Nature Study Notes ==

== On Sonic Art ==
== On Sonic Art ==

Revision as of 00:55, 13 October 2022

Situated Knowledges

Who has a body?
We don't want to represent the world.
We don't want one body
Universality is reductionism
Prosthesis and not objectivity
All vision has an embodied nature
The body is an agent not a resource
How to see from below?
Vision requires instruments of vision
Who can and who cannot?
How to see?
Where to see from?
What limits to vision?
What to see for?'
What other sensory powers do we wish to cultivate besides vision?
Location is about vulnerability
Situated knowledges are about communities and not about individuals
Sex as an object of biological knowledge
Situated knowledges require that the object of knowledge is an actor or agent
Conversation vs discovery
Bodies as objects of knowledge are material-semiotic, generative nodes

subjugated knowledges
partial perspective
politics of vision
fantastic imaginings
local knowledges

Counter-sexual Manifesto

Shell Song

Nature Study Notes

On Sonic Art