Reading, Writing & Research Methodologies 2012/2013: Difference between revisions

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Texts discussed (read):
Whole Earth Catalogue (issue #1, 1968)
Radical Software (issue # 1, 1970)
From Counterculture to Cyberculture, Fred Turner (2009)
Digital Culture, Charlie Gere (2008)
One Dimensional Man, Herbert Marcuse (1964)
All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace, Richard Brautigan
Punishment Park, Peter Watkins (1970)
Abbie Hoffman and the yippies (1968)
footage of 1968 Democratic Convention and 'police riot' (1968)

Revision as of 15:59, 24 January 2013

This is a shared page for the R,W & R module.


Trimester 2

This trimester we will be looking at key terms in the media lexicon and study the ideas and work they inspire, beginning with:

Cultural Hegemony


Week one: read Marx and Gramsci texts (if you haven’t got one Leslie has copies).

Assignment: gather together material comprising the following and bring that material to the seminar on Wednesday:

Make brief synopsis of each text:

Make notes on how Gramsci developed Marx’s idea

Posit your own definition for cultural hegemony

Speculate on how cultural hegemony might operate in the contemporary world... consider Chomsky’s use of the ‘propaganda model’. Can we consider the recent occupy movement and similar movements as countering cultural hegemony? If so, in what ways do they do this?


1) You will work in groups on the texts you upload on to the wiki – at this point you should have material to work with and piece together, we can discuss what might be done with this material. [BUT DO NOT COME EMPTY HANDED]

2) Introduction into Adorno & Horkheimer and ‘the culture industry enlightenment as mass deception’


Cultural Hegemony Part two


Counter-culture & the New left

The culture industry (link to related media)

Texts discussed (read):

Whole Earth Catalogue (issue #1, 1968)

Radical Software (issue # 1, 1970)

From Counterculture to Cyberculture, Fred Turner (2009)

Digital Culture, Charlie Gere (2008)

One Dimensional Man, Herbert Marcuse (1964)

All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace, Richard Brautigan


Punishment Park, Peter Watkins (1970)

Abbie Hoffman and the yippies (1968)

footage of 1968 Democratic Convention and 'police riot' (1968)

links for 9-1-13 class

Upload here

Trimester 1

November 2012

'YouTube mini- seminar: participatory surveillance post- TV.'

With YouTube and Facebook as the central media under investigation we will explore the role of 'consumer as producer' in the post (mass) media context, drawing on our understanding of Deleuze’s societies of control and Foucault’s notions of disciplinary societies and neoliberal governmentality

1 (31-10-12): a) screening of We Live in Public b) discussion of film c) identify areas of interest related to your work and allocation of texts

2: (6-11-12) Notes on The YouTube Reader and related texts

3: Seminar: presentations and screenings

See also:

In the Long Tail Part - Mark Leckey (7 parts)

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Wednesday 17-10-2012

Assignment for the 17th: having listened to the advice of your peers, make changes to your texts and upload them on the wiki. Read and make notes of the text(s) you chose in the seminar. On the 17th we will discuss how the texts connect to each other and to your own work

Tuesday 09-10-2012

link to Holmes:

Assignment for next week TUESDAY (9-10-2012)

Everyone reads Holmes text and makes notes (a line on every couple of paragraphs)

Those reading Deleuze: make synopsis = 250 words and also make synopsis of Holmes’ text = 250 words = 500 words

Those reading Oullette & Hay: Make synopsis of 250 words for each chapter = 500 words

Those reading Foucault: Make synopsis of 500 words = 500 words

2012-13 : 18-9-2012

Descriprion of previous projects