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1 Η ο At AtDf Fe|Sg|Nm 2 Atr _ _
1 Η ο At AtDf Fe|Sg|Nm 2 Atr _ _
=== Radio2text ===
I want to use speech_recognition to transcribe speech from radio (FM, AM, FSK,...)
=== Collect radio sounds ===
An attempt to collect radio sounds depending on what text accompanies them, on time, on frequencies or other factors. For example every time the software listens to streaming and recognizes a sound of voice (300 and 3000 Hz) or a word then it records down/collects.

== Antennas ==
== Antennas ==
[[File:Directing to satellites.JPG|500px|Directing to satellites]]
[[File:Directing to satellites.JPG|500px|Directing to satellites]]
[[OuNuPo_Publishing#web_radio|Web Radio]]
[[OuNuPo_Publishing#web_radio|Web Radio]]

Revision as of 16:04, 1 October 2018



export GPS data, publish routes/video frames to raw data-publish

thump thump

import pykml
from pykml import parser
import csv
import re
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas

def translate(value, leftMin, leftMax, rightMin, rightMax):
    # Figure out how 'wide' each range is
    leftSpan = leftMax - leftMin
    rightSpan = rightMax - rightMin

    # Convert the left range into a 0-1 range (float)
    valueScaled = float(value - leftMin) / float(leftSpan)

    # Convert the 0-1 range into a value in the right range.
    return rightMin + (valueScaled * rightSpan)

all_routes = {} 
with open(kml_file) as f:
    doc = parser.parse(f).getroot().Document.Folder

for pm in doc.iterchildren():
    if hasattr(pm, 'LineString'):
        name =
        coordinates = pm.LineString.coordinates.text
        cordinatesinline =  coordinates.split('\n')
        cordinatesasarray = []
        for line in cordinatesinline:
        	pattern = re.compile("^\s+|\s*,\s*|\s+$")
        	array = [x for x in pattern.split(line) if x]
        	if array:
        all_routes[name]= cordinatesasarray

canvas=canvas.Canvas("route.pdf", pagesize=letter)
canvas.setFont('Helvetica', 6)
for name in all_routes:
	for points in all_routes[name]:

	for a in x:
		if i < len(x)-1:
			x_new=translate(float(x[i]),float(min(x)), float(max(x)),50,500)
			x_new2=translate(float(x[i+1]),float(min(x)), float(max(x)),50,500)
			print x_new,y_new,x_new2,y_new2

Walking/annotating/listening/transcribing/present voice

Walking the text


Los Banos(PH) voices/ Nomidu Nuna Exhibition

37844413 452939751875169 180676655528804352 n.jpg

The secrets of pocketsphinx

Acoustic model/training

0 46797 She had your dark suit in greasy wash water all year.


1	Η	ο	At	AtDf	Fe|Sg|Nm	2	Atr	_	_
2	Σίφνος	Σίφνος	No	NoPr	Fe|Sg|Nm	3	Sb	_	_
3	φημίζεται	φημίζομαι	Vb	VbMn	Id|Pr|03|Sg|Xx|Ip|Pv|Xx	0	Pred	_	_
4	και	και	Cj	CjCo	_	5	AuxY	_	_
5	για	για	AsPp	AsPpSp	_	3	AuxP	_	_
6	τα	ο	At	AtDf	Ne|Pl|Ac	8	Atr	_	_
7	καταγάλανα	καταγάλανος	Aj	Aj	Ba|Ne|Pl|Ac	8	Atr	_	_
8	νερά	νερό	No	NoCm	Ne|Pl|Ac	5	Obj	_	_
9	των	ο	At	AtDf	Fe|Pl|Ge	11	Atr	_	_
10	πανέμορφων	πανέμορφος	Aj	Aj	Ba|Fe|Pl|Ge	11	Atr	_	_
11	ακτών	ακτή	No	NoCm	Fe|Pl|Ge	8	Atr	_	_
12	της	μου	Pn	PnPo	Fe|03|Sg|Ge|Xx	11	Atr	_	_
13	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	0	AuxK	_	_

1	Πιστεύω	πιστεύω	Vb	VbMn	Id|Pr|01|Sg|Xx|Ip|Av|Xx	0	Pred	_	_
2	ότι	ότι	Cj	CjSb	_	1	AuxC	_	_
3	είναι	είμαι	Vb	VbMn	Id|Pr|03|Sg|Xx|Ip|Pv|Xx	2	Obj	_	_
4	δίκαιο	δίκαιο	No	NoCm	Ne|Sg|Nm	3	Pnom	_	_
5	να	να	Pt	PtSj	_	7	AuxV	_	_
6	το	εγώ	Pn	PnPe	Ne|03|Sg|Ac|We	7	Obj	_	_
7	αναγνωρίσουμε	αναγνωρίζω	Vb	VbMn	Id|Xx|01|Pl|Xx|Pe|Av|Xx	3	Sb	_	_
8	αυτό	αυτός	Pn	PnDm	Ne|03|Sg|Ac|Xx	7	Obj	_	_
9	.	.	PUNCT	PUNCT	_	0	AuxK	_	_

1	Η	ο	At	AtDf	Fe|Sg|Nm	2	Atr	_	_


I want to use speech_recognition to transcribe speech from radio (FM, AM, FSK,...)

Collect radio sounds

An attempt to collect radio sounds depending on what text accompanies them, on time, on frequencies or other factors. For example every time the software listens to streaming and recognizes a sound of voice (300 and 3000 Hz) or a word then it records down/collects.


Directing to satellites Web Radio