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| | '''What are you making?''' |
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| ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| | I am working on a project on intersex people in Slovenia. This summer I met two intersex people who have a common starting point but very different stories. Eros came out in public as a homosexual. When he was born, he was first declared a boy, but then doctors convinced his parents that his biological sex was female, so they surgically removed his male genitals when he was one year old. Eros had never felt like a woman, and at the age of 20, through meditation, he realised that he did feel like a man, but since his parents had not told him that he had been operated on as a child, he did not know where this desire came from. He then had another operation on his genitals and now, as a result of this unsuccessful operation, he has difficulty urinating. He meditates a lot and spends a lot of time in nature. He currently works on an organic farm where he can eat organic food ans stays in contact with nature. This summer Eros met another man of the same sex through a man living on this farm. Although the doctors suggested the same operation to Mark's mother when he was a baby, she refused. Only his closest relatives know that he is intersex. He does not want to talk about it, because he has had bad experiences by telling to people, they put him down a lot. In Slovenia, no one talks about this issue, but in some EU countries, these operations are no longer allowed. |
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| During the reading of the Media Archive from Adilkino there wasn’t really one paragraph that stood out. It was reading between the lines that sparked my interest into thinking.
| | '''Why are you making it?''' |
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| This idea came obviously from the beginning of the text about the ‘gibberish’ left by the writers. Destroying books by giving the possibility of misreading’s. Making up your own version of what has been written. No moment of truth, but metaphorsize the text to your own liking. Like what happens with stories that are told. One person changes a name, or a location. A few persons later the story has found a new light.
| | I found out from an Instagram post by a woman who my friend follows. The woman on the instagram talks about improving health, and in one of the posts I saw that her father was a surgeon who operated on children when they were born. I started researching because I was shocked that this was still happening and I wanted to change the way society look at these people, because the life of people like Eros, who had surgery because of the old beliefs of doctors and society, was very difficult. For people like Marko, who has not been operated on, it is still uncomfortable to speak out because society perceives them as some kind of weirdos. I think it is beautiful that they have both female and male genitals and spirits and I want to share this with others. Many people, even many of my friends, don't realize this is still happening. |
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| Just like what is being said in the text itself, it’s about the noise – an authentic source of information - deconstructing the text into just the basics about what they’re trying to tell you. Text was the starting point for the idea of order, it’s when you take away that order sometimes when you see what the basics are.
| | '''How does it relate to other things you have done?''' |
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| When scanning the text there was a word that struck me. Death. In this particular paragraph the death of media was discussed. Mentioned was that at the moment we start to have media that involves near death experiences, hospital reality shows etc, the death of media has started. I thought this to be a strange definition, and most of all it felt outdated.
| | I was always interested in people that are kind of pushed to the edge of society and I'm interested in how to bring these topics to a public realm, how to make it visible for the majority. If I can to help change life for them to be accepted and treated differently. |
| Doesn’t this mean we’ve entered that stage now, and have been for a while. It seems that we are being sucked into the death of media with not only hospital reality shows, but shows about things that are basically of no value, or indeed are about experiencing death, accidents etc. I have stopped looking at this media for a while now, having no television channels. Hearing people talking about these media outlets was like being on the outside. I had no desire to see this media, but I missed the connection. Now, having back my television channels I try to stay clear of this particular media. Even though I know about it, I still let it in somehow. Are we so submersed into media now that we don’t even realize or care the end of media has been here for a while? Have we lost the ability to choose our own influencial media. And is this indeed, the death of (normal) media? I hope to learn more about this – it creates interesting conversations and thoughts.
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| The media itself doesn’t care what it does with us anyway. We are raw material, for the media to test itself upon again and again. It keeps developing itself. It will never be finished because the media surrounding the media is also in development. The route that the media take during the process is not laid out. It’s formed by means of experimenting, which can never be completely the same as previous taken routes. It lacks any responsibility and especially towards its audience. But then I ask myself, what if the media trial takes it so far that irresponsibility becomes recklessness. Does this indeed mean the result of ‘death’?
| | '''How is it different to other things you have done?''' |
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| Or can we see this particular phrase of ‘death’ under the fact that innovative media has become a must instead of a creative impulse. Because of the overwhelming forms of media that are effective today, it seems everyone is trying to ‘keep up’. There is this need for ‘more’ and to stay connected with each other which creates a pressure to constantly adapt to new innovations. We are not secure, we are merely trying to follow and chose the right things out of the impossible number of choices that is available today. With every new form of technology we create a new view for ourselves, which changes the previous path or definition we knew. We can never be secure this way, if our nervous system has to keep adapting. We are becoming so involved into these new formats that at one point in the text the word ‘homo electriconus’ was used to describe human beings today, which in my opinion says it all.
| | I want to do a documentary, which i have never done before. I want to film and make montage, I'd like to realise the project myself. Usually i use photography to communicate, this time i would like to make a short film. |
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| What is being mentioned in the paragraph about the need to make technological innovations is that this is partly motivated by the threat of Data. I didn’t quite understand how this could be the case. Later this Data is being labeled the Data Dandy, as a person who wants as much data as possible, obsessed with creating the complete file no matter what – having the ability to grow beyond its own borders. I think we all know what that is in reference to. The world today is being controlled by this precise Data Dandy. | | '''What are the most significant choices have you made recently?''' |
| To me this has always been the biggest interest of all – the big Dataland in which it seems we are all disappearing into. I don’t understand how this is a motivation for innovative media though. Is it so that this puts pressure on people to keep up with media and the Data Dandy so as not to become isolated, cut off from connection, or afraid of being noticed – because we are the only one not within the data? If you think rationally it seems that this is a motivation to stay clear of all innovative media and technologies. And with that also the possible death of media. But maybe we are too submersed into media and controlled by the Data Dandy that we can’t think like that anymore.
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| ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
| | I borrowed the camera and made some shots but i haven't continued because it was hard to organize the meetings this summer. One of them works at night and one of them only has time on Sundays. With another friend, a theatre director Nina Raji, I want to start an Intersex Association, for them to become more visible in society and try to improve their legal rights through this organisation. |
What are you making?
I am working on a project on intersex people in Slovenia. This summer I met two intersex people who have a common starting point but very different stories. Eros came out in public as a homosexual. When he was born, he was first declared a boy, but then doctors convinced his parents that his biological sex was female, so they surgically removed his male genitals when he was one year old. Eros had never felt like a woman, and at the age of 20, through meditation, he realised that he did feel like a man, but since his parents had not told him that he had been operated on as a child, he did not know where this desire came from. He then had another operation on his genitals and now, as a result of this unsuccessful operation, he has difficulty urinating. He meditates a lot and spends a lot of time in nature. He currently works on an organic farm where he can eat organic food ans stays in contact with nature. This summer Eros met another man of the same sex through a man living on this farm. Although the doctors suggested the same operation to Mark's mother when he was a baby, she refused. Only his closest relatives know that he is intersex. He does not want to talk about it, because he has had bad experiences by telling to people, they put him down a lot. In Slovenia, no one talks about this issue, but in some EU countries, these operations are no longer allowed.
Why are you making it?
I found out from an Instagram post by a woman who my friend follows. The woman on the instagram talks about improving health, and in one of the posts I saw that her father was a surgeon who operated on children when they were born. I started researching because I was shocked that this was still happening and I wanted to change the way society look at these people, because the life of people like Eros, who had surgery because of the old beliefs of doctors and society, was very difficult. For people like Marko, who has not been operated on, it is still uncomfortable to speak out because society perceives them as some kind of weirdos. I think it is beautiful that they have both female and male genitals and spirits and I want to share this with others. Many people, even many of my friends, don't realize this is still happening.
How does it relate to other things you have done?
I was always interested in people that are kind of pushed to the edge of society and I'm interested in how to bring these topics to a public realm, how to make it visible for the majority. If I can to help change life for them to be accepted and treated differently.
How is it different to other things you have done?
I want to do a documentary, which i have never done before. I want to film and make montage, I'd like to realise the project myself. Usually i use photography to communicate, this time i would like to make a short film.
What are the most significant choices have you made recently?
I borrowed the camera and made some shots but i haven't continued because it was hard to organize the meetings this summer. One of them works at night and one of them only has time on Sundays. With another friend, a theatre director Nina Raji, I want to start an Intersex Association, for them to become more visible in society and try to improve their legal rights through this organisation.