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When i thought now about the concept of hegemony and in special about the ruling ideas that will be formed by the ruling class is there still one question about the nowadays situation. Does every banker, politican, technologycompany-CEO, activist and artist* are in full consciousness that he or she is creating the ruling ideas because Marx wrote: "The individuals composing the ruling class possess among other things consciousness, and therefore think." ("Die Individuen, welche die herrschende Klasse ausmachen, haben unter Anderm auch Bewußtsein und denken daher;")?   
When i thought now about the concept of hegemony and in special about the ruling ideas that will be formed by the ruling class is there still one question about the nowadays situation. Does every banker, politican, technologycompany-CEO, activist and artist* are in full consciousness that he or she is creating the ruling ideas because Marx wrote: "The individuals composing the ruling class possess among other things consciousness, and therefore think." ("Die Individuen, welche die herrschende Klasse ausmachen, haben unter Anderm auch Bewußtsein und denken daher;")?   

*(maybe the all are now the establish rulling classes who have now this Gromscian dispute about the ruling idea)
*maybe the all are now the establish rulling classes who have now this Gromscian dispute about the ruling idea

Latest revision as of 10:58, 23 January 2013

Trying of a description of hegemony:
Based on a marxist notion is hegemony the ability of a ruling class to legitimize power over or with the agreement of rest of society. This happens thus because the ruling class controlls the "material resources" and this relationship to the "material resources" are shaping or constituting the "intellectual resources" and is "expressed as an external law". The proliterian class lives the given rules, structure or/and order by the from the ruling class given ideas(intellectual power). Gramsci extended the concept of hegemony with the subaltern classes and their cultural characteristics in the point of dominance. This means that domination over the subaltern class is enabled in a social concensus.

Marx econemy
Gramsci culture
----- -----
future ?

Short annotation about hegemony:
The critical concept of hegemony seem to be during the history in a different use and got also different modifications depending on the current circumstances but it seems for my that in "nowadays" the concept/method of hegemony should get a small "fundamental" revision. It seems that the current societies(not singular)-structure is much more different than society in Germany around 1845 or as the structure of society in Italy around 1926. Still Gramsci extended the hegemony with the civil society and focused his analysis deeper into the cultural side of society and allowed a deeper view but following Marx and Gromsci texts and methode it seems that i can't find any comparable situation in our current society that applies or fits to this old theoretical approach. In the "digital age" the distribution is more complex. marx wrote "...also unter Andern auch als Denkende[Anmerkung: die herrschende Klasse], als Produzenten von Gedanken herrschen, die Produktion und Distribution der Gedanken ihrer Zeit regeln; daß also ihre Gedanken die herrschenden Gedanken der Epoche sind."(... among others also as thinkers[Note: the ruling class], as producers of ideas that dominated the production and distribution of the ideas of their time; so that their ideas are the ruling ideas of the epoch. //bad translation by my) The reason for quote this is that i can't see thinkers who a talking for a ruling class or even a ruling class who dominates the production of ideasMore i can agree to the later view of Gromsci that there is a dispute about hegemony between intellectuals in the public to find a consensus but i must note to it that i think that a nowadays civil society is in there internal communication much more intertwined than in the time of Gromsci. As a said the the view or concept of hegemony should be adapted to today's requirements.

When i thought now about the concept of hegemony and in special about the ruling ideas that will be formed by the ruling class is there still one question about the nowadays situation. Does every banker, politican, technologycompany-CEO, activist and artist* are in full consciousness that he or she is creating the ruling ideas because Marx wrote: "The individuals composing the ruling class possess among other things consciousness, and therefore think." ("Die Individuen, welche die herrschende Klasse ausmachen, haben unter Anderm auch Bewußtsein und denken daher;")?

*maybe the all are now the establish rulling classes who have now this Gromscian dispute about the ruling idea