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<nowiki><I am in my element></nowiki>
Hello I am Sevgi and < I am in my element >. This is a summary of what I had been doing so far (Sept 2024 - Apr 2025).

== Special Issue 25 ==
== Special Issue 25 ==
- likes

Radio: I really liked the way the radio shows were spread out, I liked listening sessions, I liked spending time at the radio, I liked making a radio receiver with 
=== I like: === search thingy: [ link to my thing]
* Radio: I really liked the way the radio shows were spread out, I liked listening sessions, I liked spending time at the radio, I liked making a radio receiver with ''[ shortwave collective].''
* Broadcast 1: I was a part of 3 radio shows. First one had an experimental notation (performed by [[User:Kim|Kim]]). [[SI25 Broadcast 1: Soundmapping|''SI25 Broadcast 1: Soundmapping'']] > Collecting songs was super nice! First show was super chaotic and scary.

- doubts
* Broadcast 4: [[SI25 Broadcast 4: Protocols to Freestyle]] > This was reaaalllyyyy fun and reading out a script was a really nice experience.
* Broadcast 12: [[SI25 Broadcast 10: The Final Broadcast]] > This was also really fun. I conducted some interviews that was super nice and the quiz show by [[User:Wordfa|Fred]] was great. Lexie wrote an entire NDA AND a script... Amazing stuff.<u><br /> made a list of other community radios:</u>

- interests
* [[User:Sevgi/Radio List]]
* the idea of building a rolling pianola that works with embroidery, so we can host an embroidery workshop AND a jam session at the same time!!!!!!!

- html experiments and ideas born
[[File:Claudio as a VJ and message reader.jpg|200x200px|claudio!!! from the 4th show|thumb]][[File:Map_radio.png|200x200px|thumb]]
[[File:Makingradio.jpg|200x200px|first show|thumb]]
==== ====
[ link to my thing]

- Call sign cards
other archives:



-Old phone - Research - what was interesting for me
====  Soundboard: ====
Asil yapmak istediğim:
Multiple users on one page:
managed something here but couldn't figure it out really:
====  checkbox drawing pad: ====
====  web to print call sign card maker: ====
I thought this would make a great workshop
[ here]
=== I doubt: ===
* how can I create time to make things I want to make?? when do I practice coding/making?
* I don't have any time to do even the readings...
* when am I going to learn all this..... what am I going to use it for? what am I doing?
* I wanna be a part of every project everyone is so cool
* I have no time and no money
=== i find interesting ===
* multi - multi - multi user web: [ party kit] works here: [ link to cerealbox]
* copyright copyleft - I wanna write my own!!!!!!! why not
* api,,, what data can we pull?
=== i special in this issue ===
==== Old phone ''w/ Fred&Tina'' ====
for the Sassie project I started with doing research, documentation and handling some hardware things. I designed the publication and co-processed the information that was collected. Documented [[User:Wordfa/oldphonehack|here]].
I was really interested in how people would share their loopholes, I really wanted to hear weird solutions to weird bureaucratic problems. We didn't get much of those but I still really liked the idea of people sharing their frustrations through an old telephone, talking to prerecorded Tina sound-bytes. I think it is important to keep these messages and publish them, which we did but we didn't really actually so...
==== Urban Small Talk ''w/ Eleni&Imre'' ====
for Urban Sound Map I went around Rotterdam and collected sounds, worked with Imre to propose more meaning into found sounds throughout the city.
This was really fun for me because I genuinely thought everyone else also records weird sounds around the city, while they are commuting or walking to the supermarket etc. I already had some recordings and for this project I went around town to collect more. That was really nice. 
It made me stop and listen, literally.
==== Jamming ''w/ Imre&Tessa&Charlie'' ====
For Sounds of Marmalade, I went to every thrift store I could find and smashed every piece of metal onto another until I found something that made sense. I helped a bit with wiring, etc and made a didgeridoo. Thank you Charlie for handling everything else. especially the [ website]
I really liked working with Imre and reading her interpretation of the Urban Small Talk, I loved working with Fred because I think it made us better friends, I really enjoyed the jam session because it felt like I was a part of something harmonious without having to be anything, just clap until it makes sense...
[[File:BRC2.jpg|left|thumb|Bureaucratic Review Committee table at Sounds of Making.]]
[[File:Bowlandball.png|center|thumb|bowl and ball found in Rataplan Rotterdam]]

== Special Issue 26 ==
== Special Issue 26 ==
- likes

- doubts
=== I like: ===
* quilting quilting quilting : dead things, scrapped things, things that are still online, things that we still build up upon [ (∞ It's buttons all the way down, buttons pressing buttons ∞)]. digital inheritance, what floats and what doesn't
* stalking W3C
* servers!
* everything css!!!! I love the language + how it shapes how I think and how it transforms my perspective towards all digital stuff(indesign EPUB window where you can add CSS to the file>>>>)
* extensionsssss!!!!!!!!!
[ + ?]
* dead links error codes, whats wrong, how do I get there
==== Valentines Py: ====
At the beginning of this day, I tried to make the dotmatrix printer work with Imre and working with her was really nice
Then we made something like :
<code>for i in Name:</code>
<code>    print('    My ' + choice(dear) +' '+ i +', \n')</code>
<code>    print('        You ' + choice(EXCITE)+' me more than ' + choice(PLOTTERS) + '...\n')</code>
<code>    print('When I see you my heart ' + choice(PEEPS) + ' like a ' + choice(PRINTERS) + '.\n')</code>
<code>    print('This valentines day, hug me as tight as ' + choice(SOMETHINGSOMETHING) + '. \n')</code>
<code>    print('                  \n')</code>
<code>    print('                           with ' + choice(love) + ',\n')</code>
<code>    print('                          Chrissy&Eleni&Sevgi <33333\n')</code>
<code>    print('                  \n')</code>
<code>    print('                  \n')</code>
''My appelflap Joak,''
''        You touch me more than online tools...''
''When I see you my heart explodes like a hungry tamagotchi.''
''This valentines day, hug me as tight as a cd-rom.''
''                 ''
''                           with love,''
''                          Chrissy&Eleni&Sevgi <33333''
=== I doubt: ===
* I think I am over bookmaking... or am I?? I will never ever ever do this for money every again.... or will I ??
* Can I afford to be uncritical? If I don't speak up.. who will for me? Still no money, no time... Loud voices never die(?)
* for loudness to exist there must be quiet
* am I going to be a workshop maker forever... do I wanna be that? I think without people whatever I am doing doesn't make sense anyway----->>>
=== I find interesting ===
* server servers servers servers this is prime CREATING DIGITAL SPACE.. I need to be there.... let me in...
=== i special in this issue ===
==== TIMELINE: ''w/Kim & Feline'' ====
I really loved looking through the history of W3C because it is basically the history of the web. I feel like I have a better grip on how things work, especially servers. However I still am not sure how to make mine work... [[File:Timeline Model.png|thumb|model of the timeline]]
I really liked digging deeper into the history of W3C not only because it is fascinating seeing all this documentation, it is also fascinating seeing how they work together/apart/with other Companies. What are these companies? Why can't we access older member informations?
What is discarded throughout W3C's 30 year long life, and since they don't actually scratch things out, where does all this unused property info go? Do they die or is there a protocol for reanimation?
==== QUILTING: ''w/Tina'' ====
The idea for the quilting was very visual and casual but the progress really made me think about all the digital death surrounding the web. I am interested in all things inaccessible / unused / abandoned. I think quilting already has a very real digital equivalents, like webrings, hyperlinks etc. After all everything is woven together here. I really thought servers were going to be a part of our project since webrings->servers but this is also very much so covered in SI23. We are late to the party.
For quilting we already had a workshop which was great and fun. We made quilts that corresponded to websites and It was really really nice seeing how people interpret the web. It works even better if the person has no idea how it works. 
[[File:Quilting workshop.png|thumb|results of the quilting workshop]]
For quilting project I:
did some research,
made some websites,
made extension,
read & scanned Many Hands Make a Quilt, Stitching Freedom and Alphabet Quilt. 
// >Links:
Web extension history thing< I broke this already... ??
[ Local Storage php thing]
Our Sketches for this [ here]
what creates digital value? how would digital heritage work? What kind of economy does that create?
creating value outside of an existing value system->taking back power over commodities->what is the digital equivalent of scrap exchange?->how do we define value digitally
how do we assess the value of something that triggers an archive response?<blockquote>"God is not Being... I would be as wrong to call God a Being as I would be to call the sun black" (Meister Eckhart)</blockquote>
I find the two projects very related and seeing how W3C standardised web is how we define the meaning of things published online as well.
every stitch is proof of a knot
a needle is a proof of existence and resistance
a needle is a tool of binding
a quilt is of heritage
=== Reflection ===
I need to be more patient (and less loud)
nothing is new its fine
we are not saving the world its really fine
I want to make more things with my hands...
I want my work to be more critical/political
=== Next Up? ===
autonomy & authority and signatures & permission
CORS, error codes, security risks falan filan
servers as space to create / customize / store / loose / forget about
something thats open to [ interpretation]
I wanna look into how markup languages are made?

- interests

-html experiments and ideas
=== Reader ===
[ Handmade web by JC Carpenter]

What now?
[ Guide to Open Content Licenses by Jiang Lawrence]

constant interests
Archaeology: The Discipline of Things, by Bjørnar Olsen

what do I wanna do
In Deed: Certificates of Authenticity in Art

[ Death-Design-Data] - [ My Harddrive died along with my heart] by Thomas Walskaar (he also went here I think?)

autonomy authority and signatures
Lost and Living IN Archives, Collectively Shaping New Memories by Annet Dekker<blockquote>"There are some rational reasons for an economy of physical human presence in the art field: the physical presence of people is, on average, cheaper than the presence of works that need to be shipped, insured and/or installed. Presence puts so-called butts on seats and thus provides legitimacy to cultural institutions competing for scarce funding. Institutions sell tickets or even access to people—this is usually done in the scope of para-academic formats like masterclasses or workshops—and capitalize on people’s desire to widen their networks or add contacts. In a word, presence can be easily quantified and monetized. It’s a thing that few people get paid for and a lot of people pay for, and is thus rather profitable."<ref name=":0">Duty Free Art by Hito Steyerl<nowiki/></ref></blockquote><blockquote>Is the cult of an embodied and engaged presence that cannot be copied and pasted an expression of the relentless quantification of everything within most contemporary occupations? Is it going hand in hand with the body count performed by institutions to prove their perceived importance by attendance numbers while simultaneously harvesting visitors’ data and preferences?<ref name=":0" /></blockquote>

Latest revision as of 15:31, 31 March 2025

Hello I am Sevgi and < I am in my element >. This is a summary of what I had been doing so far (Sept 2024 - Apr 2025).

Special Issue 25

I like:

  • Radio: I really liked the way the radio shows were spread out, I liked listening sessions, I liked spending time at the radio, I liked making a radio receiver with shortwave collective.
  • Broadcast 1: I was a part of 3 radio shows. First one had an experimental notation (performed by Kim). SI25 Broadcast 1: Soundmapping > Collecting songs was super nice! First show was super chaotic and scary.
  • User:Sevgi/Radio List
  • the idea of building a rolling pianola that works with embroidery, so we can host an embroidery workshop AND a jam session at the same time!!!!!!!
claudio!!! from the 4th show
Map radio.png
first show

link to my thing

other archives:




Asil yapmak istediğim:

Multiple users on one page:


managed something here but couldn't figure it out really:

checkbox drawing pad:

web to print call sign card maker:

I thought this would make a great workshop


I doubt:

  • how can I create time to make things I want to make?? when do I practice coding/making?
  • I don't have any time to do even the readings...
  • when am I going to learn all this..... what am I going to use it for? what am I doing?
  • I wanna be a part of every project everyone is so cool
  • I have no time and no money

i find interesting

  • multi - multi - multi user web: party kit works here: link to cerealbox
  • copyright copyleft - I wanna write my own!!!!!!! why not
  • api,,, what data can we pull?

i special in this issue

Old phone w/ Fred&Tina

for the Sassie project I started with doing research, documentation and handling some hardware things. I designed the publication and co-processed the information that was collected. Documented here.

I was really interested in how people would share their loopholes, I really wanted to hear weird solutions to weird bureaucratic problems. We didn't get much of those but I still really liked the idea of people sharing their frustrations through an old telephone, talking to prerecorded Tina sound-bytes. I think it is important to keep these messages and publish them, which we did but we didn't really actually so...

Urban Small Talk w/ Eleni&Imre

for Urban Sound Map I went around Rotterdam and collected sounds, worked with Imre to propose more meaning into found sounds throughout the city.

This was really fun for me because I genuinely thought everyone else also records weird sounds around the city, while they are commuting or walking to the supermarket etc. I already had some recordings and for this project I went around town to collect more. That was really nice.

It made me stop and listen, literally.

Jamming w/ Imre&Tessa&Charlie

For Sounds of Marmalade, I went to every thrift store I could find and smashed every piece of metal onto another until I found something that made sense. I helped a bit with wiring, etc and made a didgeridoo. Thank you Charlie for handling everything else. especially the website

I really liked working with Imre and reading her interpretation of the Urban Small Talk, I loved working with Fred because I think it made us better friends, I really enjoyed the jam session because it felt like I was a part of something harmonious without having to be anything, just clap until it makes sense...

Bureaucratic Review Committee table at Sounds of Making.
bowl and ball found in Rataplan Rotterdam

Special Issue 26

I like:

  • quilting quilting quilting : dead things, scrapped things, things that are still online, things that we still build up upon (∞ It's buttons all the way down, buttons pressing buttons ∞). digital inheritance, what floats and what doesn't
  • stalking W3C
  • servers!
  • everything css!!!! I love the language + how it shapes how I think and how it transforms my perspective towards all digital stuff(indesign EPUB window where you can add CSS to the file>>>>)
  • extensionsssss!!!!!!!!!


  • dead links error codes, whats wrong, how do I get there

Valentines Py:

At the beginning of this day, I tried to make the dotmatrix printer work with Imre and working with her was really nice

Then we made something like :

for i in Name:

    print('    My ' + choice(dear) +' '+ i +', \n')

    print('        You ' + choice(EXCITE)+' me more than ' + choice(PLOTTERS) + '...\n')

    print('When I see you my heart ' + choice(PEEPS) + ' like a ' + choice(PRINTERS) + '.\n')

    print('This valentines day, hug me as tight as ' + choice(SOMETHINGSOMETHING) + '. \n')

    print('                  \n')

    print('                           with ' + choice(love) + ',\n')

    print('                          Chrissy&Eleni&Sevgi <33333\n')

    print('                  \n')

    print('                  \n')

My appelflap Joak,

        You touch me more than online tools...

When I see you my heart explodes like a hungry tamagotchi.

This valentines day, hug me as tight as a cd-rom.


                           with love,

                          Chrissy&Eleni&Sevgi <33333

I doubt:

  • I think I am over bookmaking... or am I?? I will never ever ever do this for money every again.... or will I ??
  • Can I afford to be uncritical? If I don't speak up.. who will for me? Still no money, no time... Loud voices never die(?)
  • for loudness to exist there must be quiet
  • am I going to be a workshop maker forever... do I wanna be that? I think without people whatever I am doing doesn't make sense anyway----->>>

I find interesting

  • server servers servers servers this is prime CREATING DIGITAL SPACE.. I need to be there.... let me in...

i special in this issue

TIMELINE: w/Kim & Feline

I really loved looking through the history of W3C because it is basically the history of the web. I feel like I have a better grip on how things work, especially servers. However I still am not sure how to make mine work...

model of the timeline

I really liked digging deeper into the history of W3C not only because it is fascinating seeing all this documentation, it is also fascinating seeing how they work together/apart/with other Companies. What are these companies? Why can't we access older member informations?

What is discarded throughout W3C's 30 year long life, and since they don't actually scratch things out, where does all this unused property info go? Do they die or is there a protocol for reanimation?


The idea for the quilting was very visual and casual but the progress really made me think about all the digital death surrounding the web. I am interested in all things inaccessible / unused / abandoned. I think quilting already has a very real digital equivalents, like webrings, hyperlinks etc. After all everything is woven together here. I really thought servers were going to be a part of our project since webrings->servers but this is also very much so covered in SI23. We are late to the party.

For quilting we already had a workshop which was great and fun. We made quilts that corresponded to websites and It was really really nice seeing how people interpret the web. It works even better if the person has no idea how it works.

results of the quilting workshop

For quilting project I:

did some research,

made some websites,

made extension,

read & scanned Many Hands Make a Quilt, Stitching Freedom and Alphabet Quilt.

// >Links: Web extension history thing< I broke this already... ??

Local Storage php thing

Our Sketches for this here

what creates digital value? how would digital heritage work? What kind of economy does that create?


creating value outside of an existing value system->taking back power over commodities->what is the digital equivalent of scrap exchange?->how do we define value digitally

how do we assess the value of something that triggers an archive response?

"God is not Being... I would be as wrong to call God a Being as I would be to call the sun black" (Meister Eckhart)

I find the two projects very related and seeing how W3C standardised web is how we define the meaning of things published online as well.

every stitch is proof of a knot

a needle is a proof of existence and resistance

a needle is a tool of binding

a quilt is of heritage


I need to be more patient (and less loud)

nothing is new its fine

we are not saving the world its really fine

I want to make more things with my hands...

I want my work to be more critical/political

Next Up?

autonomy & authority and signatures & permission

CORS, error codes, security risks falan filan

servers as space to create / customize / store / loose / forget about

something thats open to interpretation

I wanna look into how markup languages are made?



Handmade web by JC Carpenter

Guide to Open Content Licenses by Jiang Lawrence

Archaeology: The Discipline of Things, by Bjørnar Olsen

In Deed: Certificates of Authenticity in Art

Death-Design-Data - My Harddrive died along with my heart by Thomas Walskaar (he also went here I think?)

Lost and Living IN Archives, Collectively Shaping New Memories by Annet Dekker

"There are some rational reasons for an economy of physical human presence in the art field: the physical presence of people is, on average, cheaper than the presence of works that need to be shipped, insured and/or installed. Presence puts so-called butts on seats and thus provides legitimacy to cultural institutions competing for scarce funding. Institutions sell tickets or even access to people—this is usually done in the scope of para-academic formats like masterclasses or workshops—and capitalize on people’s desire to widen their networks or add contacts. In a word, presence can be easily quantified and monetized. It’s a thing that few people get paid for and a lot of people pay for, and is thus rather profitable."[1]

Is the cult of an embodied and engaged presence that cannot be copied and pasted an expression of the relentless quantification of everything within most contemporary occupations? Is it going hand in hand with the body count performed by institutions to prove their perceived importance by attendance numbers while simultaneously harvesting visitors’ data and preferences?[1]