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this draft is fuelled by my summer research about '''[ poetry and games]'''

=<span style="color:#00a8e8">୭ What do you want to make? ୭</span>=
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">୭ What do you want to make? ୭</span>=
I want to study and work at the intersections of poetry and videogames.<br>
<!--I want to explore poetry as a multifaceted form of thinking, creating, and publishing, while demonstrating its relevance in the contemporary artistic and technological context.
These two types of mediums, each with their own depth and complexities, have a lot more in common than it might seem. Both these mediums are intense, complex, political, personal, proud and constantly shapeshifting.<br>
This will take the shape of a collection of creative projects across different media, from algorithmic AI poetry, interactive poetry games, to diy experimental publishing and digital archiving. Through these projects I aim to answer a main question: How can poetry exist and persist in today’s artistic and technological landscape? How can poetry help and foster communication between people, culture and mediums?-->
But still they seems, in many ways, far from each other. Indeed it is not true, and I'll prove it!
I want to explore poetry as a multifaceted form of thinking, creating, and publishing, while demonstrating its relevance in the contemporary artistic and technological context.<br>
This will give me the opportunity to focus on three different fields: AI poetry, poetry games and DIY experimental publishing, which I'll explore through multiple projects.<br>
Through these projects I aim to answer one main question:<br>
<big>'''How can poetry exist and persist in today’s artistic and technological landscape?'''</big>

=<span style="color:#00a8e8">⟡ How do you plan to make it? ⟡</span>=
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">⟡ How do you plan to make it? ⟡</span>=
Completely immerse myself into both, enjoying both, being overwhelmed by both.<br>
I will work on three main chapters, each contributing to get the viewer a deeper understanding on poetry’s adaptability across media and spaces. Alongside focusing on these three main areas I will continue to conversate with artists and poets that will help me in getting deeper into the poetic discourse, their interviews will be fragments, these conversations will be dispersed, scattered, around the chapters enriching the research. Each chapter will be connected to a unique project:<br>
I would like to work with my poems and other people poems, trying to grasp what poetry at all is for me and others, how it can be useful and in which context, how to publish poetry traditionally and not, how interactivity within poetry shape the experience for the user.
꩜ '''Algorithmic verses: the AI poetic machine''' <br>
In this chapter I will develop and AI love poem generator, arduino based.
This device will be a way to investigate the generative AI phenomenon while exploring these such as authorship and the intersection of technology with poetic language<br>
꩜ '''Playing, interactive poetic experiences'''<br>
Using open source tools (bitsy, pico8…) I will get into creating interactive game poems that will be experiments of narrative structured and mechanics, translatic the poetic form into playful experiences<br>
꩜ '''The poetic of diy experimental publishing'''<br>
This chapter will focus on the tangible, handmade, publishing experience, by creating a zine holder kit that will be presented in multiple independent publishing events and fests. I will experiment with materials that are easily accessible<br>

I plan to investigate the nuances between small, poetic, experimental video game projects and massive industry AAA titles.
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">⟡ Timetable ⟡</span>=
One of the main focuses will be narrative structures, exploring how storytelling is crafted through art and video game development. I will examine linear and nonlinear narrative structures, poetic language, and the creation of purpose within games and interactive.
I am tracing parallel lines here to connect contemporary art and the videogame industry, to explore the difference between the interactive art pieces placed in museum and videogames played by people on their personal screens. At the same time examine why art galleries often contribute to the perception of art as elitist, while the accessibility of video games might lead to them being perceived as “less” artistic worthy.
* Exploring
'''October''' (confusion month)
Gaming to me offers moments of detachment, but not a total disconnection from self or reality. My research could then go into the concept of play itself and how it changed during human history, considering the roles of rituality, ritual spaces, liminality and gamification of reality in it. What does it mean to play now compared to the past, and what could it become in the future?
* Being confused
* Reading a lot around, getting inspiration from everybody practices
What's interesting is that I would say the same thing about any artistic medium. For me, the best part of art lies in its ability to explore reality along a parallel line, capturing details in unique ways while simultaneously reflecting society and reality. Whether or not we consciously recognise it, art serves as a mirror to our world, offering insights into what reality and society truly are.<br>
* Trying to understand how to work between tangible and intangible
* Create a first draft of project proposal
* Prepare zines for event and first public moment
'''November''' (public moment and first prototypes month, then more clarity!)
* 1 Nov INC_Amsterdam, zine market, present zines made for the public moment
* 5 Nov First public moment
* Getting feedback about games, interactivity, zines reception, everything that could be helpful
* Writing down a clear thesis outline, connecting dots, deciding on an instable thesis structure
* 27 Nov open mic WDKA, Out loud, doing the open mic and asking for interviews to people invested in Poetry
* Writing down a list of Poets I would like to interview and start to contact them
* making the zine holder kit + zine
[[File:Thesis photos 3.jpg|650px|frameless]]
'''December''' (zine holder kit month #1)
* 2 Dec Brutus winter market, getting feedback on the zine holder kit and zine
* 14 Dec Open Mic Dox, getting to know more about the Spraakuhloos community, asking for interviews to the head of the project, and other great artist there
* 27-28 Dec Manine di Lucertola fest, Bari, getting feedback on the zine holder kit
'''January''' (zine holder kit month #2)
* Presenting the zine holder kit to multiple events
* Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
* Starting working on the AI poem generator
'''February''' (Ai poem generator month #1)
* Working on some pen plotting party workshop, the first draft of our idea is to have as a theme “love letters to the machine”, this might be a great interesting point in my thesis too, on how to create poetry through pen plotters
* Working on the AI poem generator, publish the work in progress or first prototype of the generator to some valentine's day event
* Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
'''March''' (AI poem generator month #2)
* Working on the AI poem generator
* Continue interviewing, gathering materials
* Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
* Love is in the air! Finish the AI poem generator and present it to some public moment out there, which one? Too soon to know!
* Returning to Godot
'''April''' (little games month #1)
* Continue interviewing, gathering materials
* Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
* Continue creating little games on, exploring all the other tools I might use, like pico8
* Getting more into Godot, create the first little game made all in Godot
'''June''' (little games month #2)
* Continue interviewing, gathering materials
* Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
* Publish a possible Godot little game
Random key points:
*The concept of Play
* Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
*Ritualisation of reality, gamification and mental health
* Debugging, finetuning, cleaning
*Art mirroring society, obsession with interactivity
*Little games, indie industry, faking the small aiming for the big
*Narration and storytelling, game poems
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">⊹ What is your timetable? ⊹</span>=
I don't believe in time
* Debugging, finetuning, publishing :)

=<span style="color:#00a8e8">★ Why do you want to make it? ★</span>=
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">★ Why do you want to make it? ★</span>=
I love poetry, in a much bittersweet way. Poetry, can be lot of things.
I want to challenge what is the conventional understanding of poetry, moving from the static and niche literary page and environment to a much more interactive, technological, contemporary space.  
Poetry can be helpful, it is wonderfully helpful for many, within moment of despair is surely known to be a good soul balm. Still it is a language, a way of exploring hidden corners of reality, this liminal aspect of poetry is what intrigues me and it is what right away brought me to connect it to videogames. Both Poetry and Videogames are liminal forms of expressions, portals. Poetry dances between words and meanings, this intangible land between known and unknown, videogames invite players to live worlds that exist at edges of realities, blending the tactile with the imaginative. They are both blurred lines. Both involves transformation, and are mirrors of the human experience.
By applying poetic thinking and forms to different disciplines I will show its potential as a tool for connection, critique and investigation of today’s creative world.<br>
Exploring the liminal world to me is fundamental as a personal step for my own growth.
This project will be deeply personal too, poetry is not just a medium to me, but a way of experiencing the world, in the last few years it was the way I found to survive much, that’s why I want poetry to be the main thread of my research, even if I feel still as a beginner into the poetry world I want this to be a tribute to poetry in a much more broader sense, not focusing on my own experience with it, but to show the public how much poetry can be embedded in anything, and can be something more that you would expect.<br>
All the projects will reflect my own Xpub path, as all projects will include different aspects of my first year of Xpub. <br>
For example the archiving practices and possible interviews and conversations I'll work on will be inspired by the radio show making and interviews I organised during the first trimester, called ''Destroy the Protocols'' (for special issue 22, part of the interview I made was included [ in this publication by INC]) and the Piet Magazine production I was involved from last year. The AI love poems generator will be created inspired from the project I worked on during the the second trimester, called [ ''Loading... Feminist server''], here for the [ documentation] (for special issue 23) and thanks to the arduino sessions we had during the last trimester of our first year (for special issue 24). The little games I will work on will be hosted on our server, that I learned to ''collaborate'' with during our second trimester. <br>
While I tried my best during my Xpub experience to create a distance from my previous practice, I now understand how important it is for me to return back to that more traditional approach to printmaking and publishing from my previous study, that's what will mainly influence the zine holder kit project and the handmade aesthetic I would like to apply on the making of zines and probably, the final publication of the whole thesis.<br>
[[File:Thesis photos 1.jpg|750px|frameless|center]]

=<span style="color:#00a8e8">✧ Who can help you and how? ✧</span>=
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">✧ Who can help you and how? ✧</span>=
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Xpub peers and tutors.<br>
Xpub peers and tutors.<br>
Lot of people I'll meet along the way.<br>
Lot of people I'll meet along the way.<br>
Poets and creative people. I would love to have some conversations with poets I met in Rotterdam, as Victoria Chang and Samira Negrouche, as well as my previous creative writing professor Isabella Leardini, with whom I worked with during my bachelor.<br>
Poets and creative people (Victoria Chang, Samira Negrouche, as well as my previous creative writing professor Isabella Leardini, with whom I worked with during my bachelor...)
The school of poetry in Bologna (Centro di Poesia Contemporanea dell'Università di Bologna) might have some interesting poets that would love to engage in discussion about the medium, but I am not really sure my personal research would resonate with their ideas of what poetry ''should'' be (but I would love to have my prejudices destroyed).<br>
The school of poetry in Bologna (Centro di Poesia Contemporanea dell'Università di Bologna) might have some interesting poets that would love to engage in discussion about the medium.<br>
There are lot of games and web developers I know and met that I am sure would give me help, tips and good vibe.<br>
There are lot of games and web developers I know and met that I am sure would give me help, tips and good vibe.<br>
If my research will change its route to go a little bit more toward folklore I am sure Cristian Cuna, my previous university tutor, would be able to help me a lot. In any case I am sure he would like to help me with the publication.<br>
Cristian Cuna, my previous university tutor.<br>
The Rib team too, and some other people I met through Rib.<br>
The Rib team too, and some other people I met through Rib.<br>
Random people walking on the street, I swear.
bookhandels, independent publishing bookhandels around the country (and outside the country), zines with poetry as their core (such as Mug zine)<br>
numerous people I'll meet during events like zinefests and such

=<span style="color:#00a8e8">✶ Relation to previous practice ✶</span>=
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">✶ Relation to previous practice ✶</span>=
Working in publishing is still one of my little nice dreams, then working in poetry publishing is one of my even nicer little dream.<br>
I like writing poetry, I like working with poetry. I think my favourite experience in Rotterdam is still Poetry International, the poetry festival in the city that really boosted my energy level so high that I still feel drunk from it. In that occasion I met many artists and poets that I am collaborating with and will, hopefully, collaborate in the future.<br>
I like writing poetry, I like working with poetry. I think my favourite experience in Rotterdam is still Poetry International. In that occasion I met many artists and poets that I am collaborating with and will, hopefully, collaborate in the future.<br>
I worked at a book publication for a book by Isabella Leardini in collaboration with Scuola Grafica d'Arte di Venezia, by Vallecchi, a collection of poems by italian women poets forgotten or almost by history.<br>
During my bachelor I engaged in different ways with poetry. At my university, poetry was often believed to be an "higher" art form, grand, "aulic." This project of mine aims to critique that narrow and constructed vision of poetry.
My little secret poems are around zines, published online and not.<br>
Here some photos:<br>
I worked at a book publication for a book by Isabella Leardini in collaboration with Scuola Grafica d'Arte di Venezia, by Vallecchi, a collection of poems by italian women poets forgotten or almost by history
[[File:Thesis photos 2.jpg|750px|frameless|center]]
My little secret poems are around zines, published online and not.
About games, I always loved videogames, I didn't have much opportunity to play a lot, I was watching lot of gameplays, that's why maybe I am much more interested in the narrative aspect of the medium than the techniques of it.
While living around Venice, and working in different galleries and museums, I really started asking myself the difference between all that video interactive art and the videogames, or game poem, or conceptual videogames, that I could have played at home in front of my computer. What was, and is still, the difference?

=<span style="color:#00a8e8">♡ Relation to a larger context ♡</span>=
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">♡ Relation to a larger context ♡</span>=
In a larger cultural and artistic space the interaction between poetry and videogames reflects a neverending conversation about the merging of "high" and "low" forms of art, accessibility, the evolution of storytelling. Poetry and Games while costantly evolving contribute to the reshaping of the ways as humans we engage with narrative, interactivity, emotions, both in contemporary art and everyday life.
With this project I want to situate poetry within the broad context of contemporary art, technology and social matters. It engages with questions about authorship, creativity, interactivity in a world shaped by generative AI, digital media and a world where the reflective acts of pausing, exploring emotions, as poetry invites us to do, often feel impossible.<br>
By exploring poetry through diverse disciplines the project will connect to conversation about the role of ai in the creative industry, how it is reshaping our creative practices and how authorship is questions, the accessibility to tools, with diy publishing and open source tools, and the evolving role of play in art, interactivity in every day life.<br>
By addressing all these points my thesis will contributes to the constant redefinition of poetry as a adaptable form that speak of the complexities of our world.<br>

The democratisation of interactive content is challenging the exclusivity that thrive into environments such us literary and fine arts. The accessibility of videogames compared to the elitism of art spaces has started a re-evaluation of what artistic and literary means.
Independent, as a concept, "indie", with its emphasis on personal expression and experimenting as a core, mirrors a philosophy that prioritise unconventional narratives over commercial ones.
The intersection between poetry and games sparks a discussion about mental health and digital spaces too, on many levels. Both poetry and videogames provides ways of exploring and process emotions, trauma, identity, society. This might show an interesting insight into the role of art as a therapeutic and reflective practice in a increasingly digital world.
=<span style="color:#00a8e8">✦ References/Bibliography/Key Texts ✦</span>=
* Game Poems: Videogame Design as Lyric Practice, Jordan Magnuson
<!-- =<span style="color:#00a8e8">✦ References/Bibliography/Key Texts ✦</span>=
An unusual perspective on the convergence between game making and lyric poetry, can game operate as a kind of poetry?
👾 '''Game Poems: Videogame Design as Lyric Practice''', Jordan Magnuson<br><br>
* A Long History of Generated Poetics: cutups from Dickinson to Melitzah, Everest Pipkin
An unusual perspective on the convergence between game making and lyric poetry, can game operate as a kind of poetry?<br>
This article explored the historical tradition of generative poetics have existed for much more than we think about, even before the blooming of AI, before generative became a central term.
👾 '''A Long History of Generated Poetics: cutups from Dickinson to Melitzah''', Everest Pipkin<br><br>
* Relational Aesthetics, Nicolas Bourriaud
This article explored the historical tradition of generative poetics have existed for much more than we think about, even before the blooming of AI, before generative became a central term.<br>
Where does the obsession for interactivity in our contemporary art, and society, comes from?
👾 '''Relational Aesthetics, Nicolas Bourriaud'''<br>
* My own damn wiki about liminality, and all the books, researches and inspirations I quoted there that I love
Where does the obsession for interactivity in our contemporary art, and society, comes from?<br>
👾 My own damn '''wiki about liminality''', and all the books, researches and inspirations I quoted there that I love<br>
* as a whole world, bitsy and its jams<br>
👾 '''''' as a whole world, '''bitsy''' and its jams<br>
<!-- =<span style="color:#00a8e8">⊹ Public moment I ⊹</span>=
During the public moment I'll present three prototypes:
* '''I dreamed''', a little game made in
* '''Coffee poem.''' a little zine-poem, focused on the uneasiness of returning home, and the beauty of small ritual, like the one of coffee making in the face of challenging times and silence
* '''Kado''' (corner in japanese, and present, cadeau in french and dutch). A little zine-poem about losing myself in the city, searching for wonder in filth and dust, searching for beauty or creating the illusion myself?
File:I dreamed.png|
File:I dreamed 2.png|
File:Coffee poem.jpg|
File:Coffee poem 3.jpg|
I'll set up few prompts, some questions for the public too<br><br>
File:Public moment Alessia.jpg|
File:Aquarium public moment.jpg|
<br> -->
* Pacholik, D. (2015). We Went to a Death Metal Poetry Reading. [online] VICE. Available at:
* Hughes, M. (2022). Meet Soul Glo: Hardcore Poets Confronting Trauma, White Supremacy and ‘Hard Conversations’. [online] Revolver. Available at:
* The Hindu. (2014). Poetry helped me heal, says former Naxalite. [online] Available at:
* Bedford, E. (2024). Interview: Dan Power // AI Literary Review : The Indiependent. [online] The Indiependent. Available at: [Accessed 19 Nov. 2024]
* Bedford, E. (2024). Poetry Review: AI Literary Review : The Indiependent. [online] The Indiependent. Available at:
* User:Alessia/liminal - XPUB & Lens-Based wiki. [online] Available at:
* (2024). Litte Buddy Move. [online] Available at:
* Floex Zorya album by
* Dvořák, T. Floex - Zorya (Full Album / Álbum Completo). [online] YouTube. Available at:
<!--* Kooky movie and illustrations by Jan Svěrák and Jakub Dvorský
* DVA - Nunovó Tango>
* (2024). Game Collection Vol. 1. [online] Available at:
[[File:Dec2.png| 500px | frameless | center]]

Latest revision as of 16:37, 26 November 2024


୭ What do you want to make? ୭

I want to explore poetry as a multifaceted form of thinking, creating, and publishing, while demonstrating its relevance in the contemporary artistic and technological context.
This will give me the opportunity to focus on three different fields: AI poetry, poetry games and DIY experimental publishing, which I'll explore through multiple projects.
Through these projects I aim to answer one main question:
How can poetry exist and persist in today’s artistic and technological landscape?

⟡ How do you plan to make it? ⟡

I will work on three main chapters, each contributing to get the viewer a deeper understanding on poetry’s adaptability across media and spaces. Alongside focusing on these three main areas I will continue to conversate with artists and poets that will help me in getting deeper into the poetic discourse, their interviews will be fragments, these conversations will be dispersed, scattered, around the chapters enriching the research. Each chapter will be connected to a unique project:

Algorithmic verses: the AI poetic machine
In this chapter I will develop and AI love poem generator, arduino based. This device will be a way to investigate the generative AI phenomenon while exploring these such as authorship and the intersection of technology with poetic language

Playing, interactive poetic experiences
Using open source tools (bitsy, pico8…) I will get into creating interactive game poems that will be experiments of narrative structured and mechanics, translatic the poetic form into playful experiences

The poetic of diy experimental publishing
This chapter will focus on the tangible, handmade, publishing experience, by creating a zine holder kit that will be presented in multiple independent publishing events and fests. I will experiment with materials that are easily accessible

⟡ Timetable ⟡


  • Exploring

October (confusion month)

  • Being confused
  • Reading a lot around, getting inspiration from everybody practices
  • Trying to understand how to work between tangible and intangible
  • Create a first draft of project proposal
  • Prepare zines for event and first public moment

November (public moment and first prototypes month, then more clarity!)

  • 1 Nov INC_Amsterdam, zine market, present zines made for the public moment
  • 5 Nov First public moment
  • Getting feedback about games, interactivity, zines reception, everything that could be helpful
  • Writing down a clear thesis outline, connecting dots, deciding on an instable thesis structure
  • 27 Nov open mic WDKA, Out loud, doing the open mic and asking for interviews to people invested in Poetry
  • Writing down a list of Poets I would like to interview and start to contact them
  • making the zine holder kit + zine

Thesis photos 3.jpg

December (zine holder kit month #1)

  • 2 Dec Brutus winter market, getting feedback on the zine holder kit and zine
  • 14 Dec Open Mic Dox, getting to know more about the Spraakuhloos community, asking for interviews to the head of the project, and other great artist there
  • 27-28 Dec Manine di Lucertola fest, Bari, getting feedback on the zine holder kit

January (zine holder kit month #2)

  • Presenting the zine holder kit to multiple events
  • Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
  • Starting working on the AI poem generator

February (Ai poem generator month #1)

  • Working on some pen plotting party workshop, the first draft of our idea is to have as a theme “love letters to the machine”, this might be a great interesting point in my thesis too, on how to create poetry through pen plotters
  • Working on the AI poem generator, publish the work in progress or first prototype of the generator to some valentine's day event
  • Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic

March (AI poem generator month #2)

  • Working on the AI poem generator
  • Continue interviewing, gathering materials
  • Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
  • Love is in the air! Finish the AI poem generator and present it to some public moment out there, which one? Too soon to know!
  • Returning to Godot

April (little games month #1)

  • Continue interviewing, gathering materials
  • Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
  • Continue creating little games on, exploring all the other tools I might use, like pico8
  • Getting more into Godot, create the first little game made all in Godot

June (little games month #2)

  • Continue interviewing, gathering materials
  • Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
  • Publish a possible Godot little game


  • Continue going around events, market, zine fests and open mic
  • Debugging, finetuning, cleaning


  • Debugging, finetuning, publishing :)

★ Why do you want to make it? ★

I want to challenge what is the conventional understanding of poetry, moving from the static and niche literary page and environment to a much more interactive, technological, contemporary space. By applying poetic thinking and forms to different disciplines I will show its potential as a tool for connection, critique and investigation of today’s creative world.

This project will be deeply personal too, poetry is not just a medium to me, but a way of experiencing the world, in the last few years it was the way I found to survive much, that’s why I want poetry to be the main thread of my research, even if I feel still as a beginner into the poetry world I want this to be a tribute to poetry in a much more broader sense, not focusing on my own experience with it, but to show the public how much poetry can be embedded in anything, and can be something more that you would expect.

All the projects will reflect my own Xpub path, as all projects will include different aspects of my first year of Xpub.
For example the archiving practices and possible interviews and conversations I'll work on will be inspired by the radio show making and interviews I organised during the first trimester, called Destroy the Protocols (for special issue 22, part of the interview I made was included in this publication by INC) and the Piet Magazine production I was involved from last year. The AI love poems generator will be created inspired from the project I worked on during the the second trimester, called Loading... Feminist server, here for the documentation (for special issue 23) and thanks to the arduino sessions we had during the last trimester of our first year (for special issue 24). The little games I will work on will be hosted on our server, that I learned to collaborate with during our second trimester.
While I tried my best during my Xpub experience to create a distance from my previous practice, I now understand how important it is for me to return back to that more traditional approach to printmaking and publishing from my previous study, that's what will mainly influence the zine holder kit project and the handmade aesthetic I would like to apply on the making of zines and probably, the final publication of the whole thesis.

Thesis photos 1.jpg

✧ Who can help you and how? ✧

Xpub peers and tutors.
Lot of people I'll meet along the way.
Poets and creative people (Victoria Chang, Samira Negrouche, as well as my previous creative writing professor Isabella Leardini, with whom I worked with during my bachelor...) The school of poetry in Bologna (Centro di Poesia Contemporanea dell'Università di Bologna) might have some interesting poets that would love to engage in discussion about the medium.
There are lot of games and web developers I know and met that I am sure would give me help, tips and good vibe.

Cristian Cuna, my previous university tutor.

The Rib team too, and some other people I met through Rib.

bookhandels, independent publishing bookhandels around the country (and outside the country), zines with poetry as their core (such as Mug zine)

numerous people I'll meet during events like zinefests and such

✶ Relation to previous practice ✶

I like writing poetry, I like working with poetry. I think my favourite experience in Rotterdam is still Poetry International. In that occasion I met many artists and poets that I am collaborating with and will, hopefully, collaborate in the future.

I worked at a book publication for a book by Isabella Leardini in collaboration with Scuola Grafica d'Arte di Venezia, by Vallecchi, a collection of poems by italian women poets forgotten or almost by history.
During my bachelor I engaged in different ways with poetry. At my university, poetry was often believed to be an "higher" art form, grand, "aulic." This project of mine aims to critique that narrow and constructed vision of poetry.
My little secret poems are around zines, published online and not.

Here some photos:

Thesis photos 2.jpg

♡ Relation to a larger context ♡

With this project I want to situate poetry within the broad context of contemporary art, technology and social matters. It engages with questions about authorship, creativity, interactivity in a world shaped by generative AI, digital media and a world where the reflective acts of pausing, exploring emotions, as poetry invites us to do, often feel impossible.

By exploring poetry through diverse disciplines the project will connect to conversation about the role of ai in the creative industry, how it is reshaping our creative practices and how authorship is questions, the accessibility to tools, with diy publishing and open source tools, and the evolving role of play in art, interactivity in every day life.

By addressing all these points my thesis will contributes to the constant redefinition of poetry as a adaptable form that speak of the complexities of our world.

