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=== Notes of: "The Pervasive Interface: Tracing the Magic Circle", by Eva Nieuwdorp ===
== Notes of: "The Pervasive Interface: Tracing the Magic Circle", by Eva Niewdorp ==

The Go Game, looking fro the speaker (  
The Go Game, looking fro the speaker (  

Latest revision as of 19:15, 21 January 2012

Notes of: "The Pervasive Interface: Tracing the Magic Circle", by Eva Nieuwdorp

The Go Game, looking fro the speaker (

Pervasive Games within digital games

to broaden the game world to include elements of everyday life (barcodes! you remember?)

including public sphere and workplace

Wavering between fantasy and reality.

Ambiguity between fantasy and reality, core issue in the game and core of the contruction of a game world.

Pervasive game: interweaving of reality and fantasy (is it the right word?)

everyday environment as a playground (is not already always like that? reductivity of choices? Fuller, set of rules)

notion of reality and fantsy for a pervasive game.

play vs game

juxtaposition with everyday life

interface as the co-existence of supposed antagonistic forces in pervasive games.

interface corresponds to this place in which reality and fantasy are intertwined.

where and how the interface come to being?

not only the balance between reality and fantasy (virtuality? Fuller again) but also the typology of game (ludus and paidia)

role of the player

plyers forms the most crucial kind of interface in pervasive games.

interface located in thoguhts of the player and then acquiring a more cultural and symbolic meaning.

real and virtual: opposition between cultural conventions and fictional game world (set of rules) generated by computers. (telic and paratelic)

Pervasive Gaming

pervasive vs ubiquitous games, augmented reality, etc.

pervasive: mixture of real and virtual

creating virtual wordsl of play in everyday environments (temporal, spatial and social way)

multiple media platforms

Digital games: interface in the hardware (controllers), software (visual elements)

HCI (human-computer interaction)

screen as an Alberti's window from physical to digital., translucent membrane: digital signs into player experineces

screen as a obstacle to immersive qualities of games

notion of interface in digital games sufficient to cover pervasive games?

visual representations out of the screen

interface: affected in HCI, reality/game, hardware/software

HCI: scree is the ultimate interface, tip of the iceberg

interface: graphical and tangible concept

Grudin, "we need to customize the concept of the interface to apply the social and spatial environments of interactions"

define the practice of computing in relation to user and environment: personal history and setting

Dourish "embodied interactions"

pervasive games: actively creating meaning and reinterpret conventions

willing suspension of disbelief

Semiotic domains

define game world and everyday life: signs and semiotics

what elements change when the game world comes into being?

example of the key, anything but a conventional key

"view familiar environments with different eyes" (what if apply the same approach to everyday life?)

changes in the correlation between an enity and its meaning.

Saussure: signifier (sound image of a thing) and signified (mental concept of it)

a different mental state

Gee: videogames as distinct semiotic domains (again the consistency of the domain Fuller)

Where does the border between lifeworld domain vs game domain reside?

The magic circle and the metaphorical membrane

magic circle:

tracing the contours of the circle is tracking down the levels of the pervasive interface

magic circle: an organic entity that changes and develops and interacts with its surroundings, a permeable membrane

game and life not just crude juxtaposition

two-way direction of exchange

how can we delineate this border?

mechanisms that keep the boundary:

1. rules of irrelevance

2. transformation rules: a non-game element is transformed when it passes the magic circle

3. realised resources: all possible moves that can be done

pervasive games: transformation rules very loosely defined, realised resources seem infinite

acceptance of the game world as an omnipresent and persisten realm.

rules of irrelevance is problematic in pervasive games

semiotic domain of pervasive game-world is activated by a shift of the player in relation to his own environment

The liminal interface: paratelic and paraludic

"interfaces are also located in the mind of the player": liminal (Turner) interface: threshold, transitional stage

semiotic switch

subcategories: paratelic (from serious to playful) and paraludic (from play to game)

from serioud to playful: rejection of conventions and practices of everyday life (rules of irrelevance)

temporary and reversible attention shift

develop a literacy


interface ubiquiotous and mobile (cause is in the mind of the player?)

liminal interface as the edge of the magic circle, metaphorical membrane