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== Tutorials 2021-22 ==
31.01.2022 - David Haines
31.01.2022 - David Haines
* Blake 7 bbc sci fi 80s
* Blake 7 bbc sci fi 80s
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* Liebach - Slovenian rock band art group - relates to Zizek's 'overidentification'  
* Liebach - Slovenian rock band art group - relates to Zizek's 'overidentification'  
* develop a more embodied mode of address for Purge
* develop a more embodied mode of address for Purge
23.05.22 - Simon P (G-Zi, V01)
* interesting level of detail
* surprised to learn it's a performance - not a VO
* speaking of mongrels - Jews/cosmopolitanism
* Trade import/export
* Are there many documents or photos of the family?
* The language sounds metaphorical but it is of course literal - incredible amount of drama in the real stories e.g. '...underground networks to sing in the house of worshio'
* encouraged to do a long research process and travel to Iran + to create objects building up to an exhibition
23.05.22 - Rosella (G-Zi, V01)
* pacing is different or inbalanced - could be more consistent or intentional
* seems to be propelled by action - what if there's more non-space e.g. like the saucepan boiling, there's a lot of overlapping information
* it's described as a performance - what if the video was a one shot lasting the duration of the cooking?
* is moving away from first person perspective necessary? It disrupts the immersion. Can it be a more extreme disruption?
* possibility that this is a prolonged period of artistic research and documentation leading to a work which is more 'mediated'or formally considered
25.05.22 - Steve Rushton
* meal as feeding propelling the
* curiosity about the black limes - acts of violence 
* fishing programme - attempting to
* in the cook programme - slef confessional identity -
* idea of fulfilling the apetite -
* boil it down - stewy
* character is you but it's also emerging
* venn diagram - food - vlogging - etc
* Pages Magazine, gives a voice to the diaspora, based on a healthy cultural life that is discrete and cryptic + Nazeer ; Rib Gallery in the South of Rotterdam, father was a poet - make documentaries that the artist
* i'd like to know what you do with this
* visceral things + visceral text - quite tasty
* domestic - feels isolation - is it an isolate character -
* see how it's thickening up over time - do more of it
* text
* crypted jews - encrypted secret -
* George Perec - 'W A Childhood War' reading - Jewish lived in Paris during WW2, lived on the coast in plain sight, concelaing their religion - juxtaposed with a fairy tale olympian Utopia the Aryan race - part of alepo wrote 'Life A Users Manual' about moves on a chessboard - 'The Void' without the letter 'E' again exclusion
* Cryptic Jew - Wandering Jew - codeswitching - shapeshifting - relates to class in UK - disguising how elevated/
* Bodily movements
* Restraint/excess controlled
* embedded history
* considering your own position in relation to where yuour from - meal as a portal to the past to relate to family - to tell the story of hiding in plain sight - you should do a few more - get richer thicker - connections will start to appear - & the characterisation of yourself will grow stronger as well -
* you're a medium since you're relaying what you heard in another place - youre channeling something from the past - it's all embodied through the voice -
* connections - where am i and what's my place - amongst all these conflicting discourses - is it enough just to regurgitate existing text - is it a way to construct an identity - its an exploration of these things - i thin theres something about in/authenticity a very high form of art
* playing with identity - always more complex than where were from and the religion we were born into
* 'Argo' with Jon Goodman and Ban Affleck - lots of typecasting etc.
=30.05.21 Cihad (G-Zi)=
* Sebatayism - Sebaty Sevi - a 'donme' or messiah
* Amin Malouf ' In the Name of Idenity'/'Balthazars Odyssey: The One Hundred Names' about Sebaty Sevi
* relation of Amsterdam to diaspora - melting pot, Spinoza
* make a map you carry all this movement in your body - food/cooking as a carrier/vessel
* how to interview without showing faces
* how to convery or present research - does it all need to be said - or just the tip of the iceberg
=30.05.21 Tim Leyendekker (G-Zi)=
* share an experience - tactility - material
* main materials - food and textiles
* personal - single person perspective
* body cam obvs close to your body in contrast with surveillance - camera become more synonymous with surveillance
* contained generosity - sharing but witholding - questioning access to other cultures - reflects anthropological distance even when conducting autobiographical research
* Claudia Roden 'Jewish Diasapora' cook book
= Listening workshop with Etienne Karlos 20-24 Sep 2022=
* Deleuze unthought
* W - Rossilini neorealist cinema
* R - Chekhov - interstitial space, liminal space, etc.
* R - Notes on Cinematography, Bresson
* R - The Jesus Incident, Frank Hubert
* Short Stories, DH Lawrence + Willa Cather
* George Kuchar, Weather Diaries
= Visual Abstracts 28.09.22 =
* R - Cannibal Manifestoe
* R - How Forests Think. Latin American anthropology
* W - Black Audio Film Collective on LUX - 'Twilight City', interview found footage scenes
* get in touch with Benjamin Cook (programmer) for institution access
* - big image archive
* R - A feminist counter-apocalypse
* doc Lisbon - no distinction between documentary and film
= 03.10.22 Laura (Third Rock)=
* R - Ursula Le Guin, The Carrier Bag of Fiction. essay
* W - Sun Ra's Space is the Place
* w - Sohpia Bogadnovich, 'MS Slavic Siren'
* R - Directing Actors by  Judith Weston
* perhaps find Iran in your locale
* trigger the archive within the film universe - what cause and effects can it create?
* importance of improvisation. give the film a more intuitive feel. Feed the fabric of the actor into the character
* science fiction as diasporic
* world making
* film is already like a microscope - so don't necessarily need to magnify it
* sci fi can be really interesting without stylising - finding the uncanny or otherworldly in everyday material
= 03.10.22 Project Propsal session =
* finding the third idea between Purge (G-Zi) and Heterotopia (Third Rock)
* W - Killing of a Sacred Dear
* W - Journey to the Moon, Kutlag Ottoman
* W - Nathaniel Mellows, vide artist
* consider improvisation and shoulder cam in future - treat fiction like a documentary, documenting performance
* consider turning G-Zi into a live performance with storytelling
* G-Zi should be more thicky and syrupy, form reflecting the content
= 17.10.22 Project Mentor session (Visual Abstract V1) =
*interesting to use the word 'host' - it relates to hospitality, hostility, hostess, ghost all from the wortd 'ghosti' the root word, which sounds like ghost and relates to sci fi
*artistic labour as feeding the public of the host culture
*remember the reverse funnel metaphor. Don't take loads of complex ideas and hope that a single pure artwork will plop out. You need to turn the funnel upside down. Execute one simple idea and see the possibilties that come out the other side.
*keep things simple - in vernacular terms - in concrete terms. Don't rely on all the academci nuances, that may push you into a corner.
*I - Henry Lefbre 'Production of Space'
*now it's a mish mash - this is interesting - you've got all the flavours - see what you need to keep and take away.
= 18.10.22 Etienne Kalos (Visual Abstract + Commander + Third Rock) =
* W - Elephant Man (a strait rendering of weirdness) v. Blue Velvet ( a weird rendering of straitness)
* R - The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sonic Methodology
* W - I don't want to sleep alone
* Third Rock Critiques - Third Rock risks being totally inaccessible since it begins in an off strange tone alienating tone. The opening shot is very silhouetted so we don't see this character. Perhaps the audience need a proxy? Who's point of view would be more relatable. Not enough is revealed or resolved! Where's the resolution? What's going on? There's too much left to the audiences imagination.
* Commander Critiques - could have gone much further. Why didn't they strip him completely bare? He could have had a more ordinary outift. As our proxy it's strange that he is a colonel. 
* G-Zi Critique - given its a POV film what are you going to show us that we don't usually see or the things that only the character would see.
* Consider doing light studies in the future, where you trace/track the movement of light over time.
* When filming give yourself coverage for the editing room - film more and from different angles
* Directing strengths: sexual ambiguits, in-camera editing, wides (exteriors), frames within frames, flora wilderness, sense of place, sonic sensibility, working in depth (background, middle ground, foreground), silent film (the ability to make cinema without using dialogue/words which is not easy).
* Direcing Weaknesses: casting, coverage, characters too staged/static (need wilding, dont tame the actors - perhaps always include a tame where they simply do what they want), medium shots (mid interiors especially odd), dialogue (too academic, workshop the script with actors and writers)
* Rewild the acting - in both films there is acting that feels too theatrical/staged - its not suitabel for cinema which requires more subtle acting a lot of the time.
* In general you need to play more with improvisation/control. Provide a frame in which actors can lose themselves in the world or characters. Dont control everything. Another issue is hiding/revealing, don't feel the need to hide everything to create mystery. There can be more absurdity in revealing.

Latest revision as of 16:44, 24 October 2022

Tutorials 2021-22

31.01.2022 - David Haines

  • Blake 7 bbc sci fi 80s
  • many signals coming together
  • not making the link of fossils
  • interesting to think of other ways of seeing
  • the directness of the language - so powerful, so many connotations - hard to disassociate from the orignal context - so strong dominant
  • certain langauges are so loaded its a battle to displace it from the context
  • awful lot of information - layered and complex
  • artist Constant Dullart - giftshop, airport lounge, GAN imagery
  • trying to interpret - two i's - the speaker and the artist naviagting the agency
  • double screen is very rich - ways of seeing
  • GAN has deep philosophical connotations
  • Hito Steyerl - new exhibition - Stedelijk
  • Ed Atkins - clashing registers
  • text speaking from - media bombardement
  • Computer summarising meanings - reckoning
  • Next steps: contingent on where your interests lie; continue deep learning see that in its context; assess the words, work with the words; GANs whats the meaning behind them; dealing with the content the transmission of the context; taking the lizard character futher; the double screen, anamorph; could be part of visual language; deanthropocentrising, deanthropomorphising.

07.02.2022 - Cihad

  • machine learning longer
  • build AvP into sound installation
  • 'Production of Space', Bachilaard; mystical spaces Henri Lefbrever
  • Poetics of Space, Bachelard
  • quite didactic - testing different language methods - engagement
  • human - non-human relationships - the text - VR experience - motion capture - in the form of a server - stuck in the screen, trapped in the server - placing them vertically
  • Anex, artist duo, server cages - bonfire art piece
  • content + form = how can the final form refelct the idea

22.02.2022 - Barend (Bubble Tours)

  • What's your specific perspective? What will I get out of it as an audience? What would you want the audience to take away from it?
  • Tell me something I don't know
  • What's my specific position in this
  • Can you make it your own? It's such a general subject
  • What's it a symptom of? What's the broader systemic shift this sits in.
  • Identify the underlying concerns - what's the bigger issue at play

22.02.2022 - Baremd (Lizard Larry)

  • motion capture - speak to Chihad
  • face + body done separately
  • model a liazard (weeks/months) - motion capture and targeting the model - refining the animation -
  • motion capture - real time rendering - Unreal/Unity

07.03.2022 - Ine (Bubble Tours)

  • Is this important to you? What's your message?
  • How much is it science fiction?
  • It was in an industry in Amsterdam - selling hotel rooms that don't exist
  • it would be spooky if he had a neighborhood
  • bubble - surveillence
  • Vladimir Nabokov - The Eye
  • unfindable photo - 90s - strnge still lifes -
  • metaphor - privacy
  • men in white suits - Chernobyl / Belmar
  • Can the removers be in service to the Bubble?

07.03.2022 - Simon (Bubble Tours)

  • The bubble has to have consequences
  • What happens when the bubble arrives?
  • You've got the central image and character. How do people respond to it?
  • Cause and effect
  • Kafka literalizes metaphors
  • Is it in/visible? Does it have a smell? Can people see it?

21.03.21 - Barend

  • black of book reminds obituary
  • cinema 4d light / blender - the donut - displacement maps
  • sphere - 3D noise -

21.03.21 - David (TPDE)

  • abject
  • uncanny - self-disgust
  • Blade Runner - imposters
  • Murakami -
  • Kyodhi Kurosawa 'Pulse' (2011)
  • grim

11.05.22 - Steve Rushton

  • Ant Fram - media burn - The Eternal Frame
  • OLIVER LARIC Versions (2010)
  • Liebach - Slovenian rock band art group - relates to Zizek's 'overidentification'
  • develop a more embodied mode of address for Purge

23.05.22 - Simon P (G-Zi, V01)

  • interesting level of detail
  • surprised to learn it's a performance - not a VO
  • speaking of mongrels - Jews/cosmopolitanism
  • Trade import/export
  • Are there many documents or photos of the family?
  • The language sounds metaphorical but it is of course literal - incredible amount of drama in the real stories e.g. '...underground networks to sing in the house of worshio'
  • encouraged to do a long research process and travel to Iran + to create objects building up to an exhibition

23.05.22 - Rosella (G-Zi, V01)

  • pacing is different or inbalanced - could be more consistent or intentional
  • seems to be propelled by action - what if there's more non-space e.g. like the saucepan boiling, there's a lot of overlapping information
  • it's described as a performance - what if the video was a one shot lasting the duration of the cooking?
  • is moving away from first person perspective necessary? It disrupts the immersion. Can it be a more extreme disruption?
  • possibility that this is a prolonged period of artistic research and documentation leading to a work which is more 'mediated'or formally considered

25.05.22 - Steve Rushton

  • meal as feeding propelling the
  • curiosity about the black limes - acts of violence
  • fishing programme - attempting to
  • in the cook programme - slef confessional identity -
  • idea of fulfilling the apetite -
  • boil it down - stewy
  • character is you but it's also emerging
  • venn diagram - food - vlogging - etc
  • Pages Magazine, gives a voice to the diaspora, based on a healthy cultural life that is discrete and cryptic + Nazeer ; Rib Gallery in the South of Rotterdam, father was a poet - make documentaries that the artist
  • i'd like to know what you do with this
  • visceral things + visceral text - quite tasty
  • domestic - feels isolation - is it an isolate character -
  • see how it's thickening up over time - do more of it
  • text
  • crypted jews - encrypted secret -
  • George Perec - 'W A Childhood War' reading - Jewish lived in Paris during WW2, lived on the coast in plain sight, concelaing their religion - juxtaposed with a fairy tale olympian Utopia the Aryan race - part of alepo wrote 'Life A Users Manual' about moves on a chessboard - 'The Void' without the letter 'E' again exclusion
  • Cryptic Jew - Wandering Jew - codeswitching - shapeshifting - relates to class in UK - disguising how elevated/
  • Bodily movements
  • Restraint/excess controlled
  • embedded history
  • considering your own position in relation to where yuour from - meal as a portal to the past to relate to family - to tell the story of hiding in plain sight - you should do a few more - get richer thicker - connections will start to appear - & the characterisation of yourself will grow stronger as well -
  • you're a medium since you're relaying what you heard in another place - youre channeling something from the past - it's all embodied through the voice -
  • connections - where am i and what's my place - amongst all these conflicting discourses - is it enough just to regurgitate existing text - is it a way to construct an identity - its an exploration of these things - i thin theres something about in/authenticity a very high form of art
  • playing with identity - always more complex than where were from and the religion we were born into
  • 'Argo' with Jon Goodman and Ban Affleck - lots of typecasting etc.

30.05.21 Cihad (G-Zi)

  • Sebatayism - Sebaty Sevi - a 'donme' or messiah
  • Amin Malouf ' In the Name of Idenity'/'Balthazars Odyssey: The One Hundred Names' about Sebaty Sevi
  • relation of Amsterdam to diaspora - melting pot, Spinoza
  • make a map you carry all this movement in your body - food/cooking as a carrier/vessel
  • how to interview without showing faces
  • how to convery or present research - does it all need to be said - or just the tip of the iceberg

30.05.21 Tim Leyendekker (G-Zi)

  • share an experience - tactility - material
  • main materials - food and textiles
  • personal - single person perspective
  • body cam obvs close to your body in contrast with surveillance - camera become more synonymous with surveillance
  • contained generosity - sharing but witholding - questioning access to other cultures - reflects anthropological distance even when conducting autobiographical research
  • Claudia Roden 'Jewish Diasapora' cook book

Listening workshop with Etienne Karlos 20-24 Sep 2022

  • Deleuze unthought
  • W - Rossilini neorealist cinema
  • R - Chekhov - interstitial space, liminal space, etc.
  • R - Notes on Cinematography, Bresson
  • R - The Jesus Incident, Frank Hubert
  • Short Stories, DH Lawrence + Willa Cather
  • George Kuchar, Weather Diaries

Visual Abstracts 28.09.22

  • R - Cannibal Manifestoe
  • R - How Forests Think. Latin American anthropology
  • W - Black Audio Film Collective on LUX - 'Twilight City', interview found footage scenes
  • get in touch with Benjamin Cook (programmer) for institution access
  • - big image archive
  • R - A feminist counter-apocalypse
  • doc Lisbon - no distinction between documentary and film

03.10.22 Laura (Third Rock)

  • R - Ursula Le Guin, The Carrier Bag of Fiction. essay
  • W - Sun Ra's Space is the Place
  • w - Sohpia Bogadnovich, 'MS Slavic Siren'
  • R - Directing Actors by Judith Weston
  • perhaps find Iran in your locale
  • trigger the archive within the film universe - what cause and effects can it create?
  • importance of improvisation. give the film a more intuitive feel. Feed the fabric of the actor into the character
  • science fiction as diasporic
  • world making
  • film is already like a microscope - so don't necessarily need to magnify it
  • sci fi can be really interesting without stylising - finding the uncanny or otherworldly in everyday material

03.10.22 Project Propsal session

  • finding the third idea between Purge (G-Zi) and Heterotopia (Third Rock)
  • W - Killing of a Sacred Dear
  • W - Journey to the Moon, Kutlag Ottoman
  • W - Nathaniel Mellows, vide artist
  • consider improvisation and shoulder cam in future - treat fiction like a documentary, documenting performance
  • consider turning G-Zi into a live performance with storytelling
  • G-Zi should be more thicky and syrupy, form reflecting the content

17.10.22 Project Mentor session (Visual Abstract V1)

  • interesting to use the word 'host' - it relates to hospitality, hostility, hostess, ghost all from the wortd 'ghosti' the root word, which sounds like ghost and relates to sci fi
  • artistic labour as feeding the public of the host culture
  • remember the reverse funnel metaphor. Don't take loads of complex ideas and hope that a single pure artwork will plop out. You need to turn the funnel upside down. Execute one simple idea and see the possibilties that come out the other side.
  • keep things simple - in vernacular terms - in concrete terms. Don't rely on all the academci nuances, that may push you into a corner.
  • I - Henry Lefbre 'Production of Space'
  • now it's a mish mash - this is interesting - you've got all the flavours - see what you need to keep and take away.

18.10.22 Etienne Kalos (Visual Abstract + Commander + Third Rock)

  • W - Elephant Man (a strait rendering of weirdness) v. Blue Velvet ( a weird rendering of straitness)
  • R - The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sonic Methodology
  • W - I don't want to sleep alone
  • Third Rock Critiques - Third Rock risks being totally inaccessible since it begins in an off strange tone alienating tone. The opening shot is very silhouetted so we don't see this character. Perhaps the audience need a proxy? Who's point of view would be more relatable. Not enough is revealed or resolved! Where's the resolution? What's going on? There's too much left to the audiences imagination.
  • Commander Critiques - could have gone much further. Why didn't they strip him completely bare? He could have had a more ordinary outift. As our proxy it's strange that he is a colonel.
  • G-Zi Critique - given its a POV film what are you going to show us that we don't usually see or the things that only the character would see.
  • Consider doing light studies in the future, where you trace/track the movement of light over time.
  • When filming give yourself coverage for the editing room - film more and from different angles
  • Directing strengths: sexual ambiguits, in-camera editing, wides (exteriors), frames within frames, flora wilderness, sense of place, sonic sensibility, working in depth (background, middle ground, foreground), silent film (the ability to make cinema without using dialogue/words which is not easy).
  • Direcing Weaknesses: casting, coverage, characters too staged/static (need wilding, dont tame the actors - perhaps always include a tame where they simply do what they want), medium shots (mid interiors especially odd), dialogue (too academic, workshop the script with actors and writers)
  • Rewild the acting - in both films there is acting that feels too theatrical/staged - its not suitabel for cinema which requires more subtle acting a lot of the time.
  • In general you need to play more with improvisation/control. Provide a frame in which actors can lose themselves in the world or characters. Dont control everything. Another issue is hiding/revealing, don't feel the need to hide everything to create mystery. There can be more absurdity in revealing.