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=Reading, Writing and Research Methodologies=

It is a title of a series of photographs. There are around 18 analog photographs in the series that make part of this story. The real story itself took part during three nights and four days on an island in Croatia.  It was a short get away, for me, my best friend and his dog. I guess everybody of us had its own reasons for needing to elope. The main idea was to get at least 500 kilometers from the city and then cross the sea to the island, find a beach to settle down on and sleep under the sky for some nights and stay clean from the everyday habits.
There are certain thing one needs to do for his self- therapy. I wanted to deal with my pre-anxiety before a big project I was about to embark on. To be more precise, I wanted not to think about the project and use the best of my three day short holiday break.  Without making these rules, I wanted to be one/with the sea, two/ under the sky, /three/find complete darkness compared to the stars above. Moving through these steps consciously, you might actually enter a slowmotion mode and virtually prolong the 3 day holiday into many and more - non time subjected moments.
The title and the term that means: “ A representational quality in a narrative that is felt to be – true to – life “.  It also suggests that for some viewers, when watching a soap opera or a long running series - gives viewers a chance to form parasocial interactions with the characters. Hence my close ups shots –  are aiming to develop a parasocial relationship with the nature itself. For the cultural theorist Ian Eng who coined the term, emotional realism depends on connotation more than on denotation. Even if at the level of content the treatment is unrealistic, what is recognized as real is truth to feeling.
This body of work was made with two analog  cameras during an afternoon. It is a record of a pagan ritual that takes part every year in the region of Croatia that is not as close to the sea as it is engraved in the solid rocks. Rocks are also a representation of a nationalistic right wing conservative ignorant society that now predominates the region.
In some previous times during the history of the mentioned region, people were mostly shepherds, and so their everyday  life was mostly defined by the season, or the rain or the lack of it.  It is well know how strong and strenuous work leaves no time for the mind to overplay you.
On the contrary, if - and - as - the  idle mind is the devil’s playground, feed your head would be a metaphor on what is my position toward this people’s non- evolution.
The images, both in color and in black and white, show  groups of people, predominantly white males but also women and children wearing masks. The most used mask is circa a meter long sheepskin made totem planted on the top of the persons head. The atmosphere should be one of a celebration, while in reality it is not.
To play with the eerie feeling I received from the experience and to mix it with the already formed opinion on the region where the pagan ritual is taking place. To propose a message to the same people to feed their heads with something more useful than nationalistic propaganda. To give another option on how to read them, or at least a musical background to it, with the last lines of Jefferson Airplane’s White Rabbit song.
trip to the tent notes.
my notes were hand written. will upload photos when i locate them..
my lucky number.
reading day.
i had a page from Paul Bowles/Sheltering Sky
i wanted to upload an image but ..
Melvyn Bragg
the idea has been there since human thought began
thomas moore - utopia , no place — already kind of an idea
the conditions in england at that time
idealised perfect society - egypt time
the first kind of realisable utopia - better world for the public — plato’s republic - eugenics - selective breeding of human beings
filtering out - tourtures, terrors
human society was always driven to utopias, for  producing the best  conditions for everybody in society
religious  ideas - paradox
all happy - suffering gone
writing utopias - wish to evade death
death is the ultimate anti utopian thing - if you can only find how to become immortal - ultimate utopia
was plato’s republic - totalitarian
authoritarian - hierarchical  / egalitarian communities - non hierachical
fascist / anarchist utopia
20th century utopian communities
living up to Skinner ideals - everybody’s equal
egalitarian communities
the federation of egalitarian communities
the idea in the k. those who can work work
marx slogan  From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)
sacrifice of individual to the whole ?
communities should have enough for everybody
///  h.d. wells  > the face of things to come
//// Skinner —— walden
scientific minds see the problem of selective breeding and overpopulation
platos republice is = warriors virtues civic virtues
post darwinism - a lot of information that makes us human beings in genetic information.
its not institutions but human nature , inbread
human unhappiness or happiness is genetic
within a 100 years genetic engineering will allow parents to erase the diseases
interbreeding will be impossible
the modification of human nature in a way
the viruses are going strong nowadays the bacteria will get us
///modernist utopias
richard ______          - intelligent planet
how long can it go on
cannibals in brasil
in the end utopia is going to be —— > going back into ourself ??
huxley - fears of the unwashed masses will take over the society
orwell - fearing big brother, societies over controlled
Ferdinand Tönnies (German: [ˈtœniːs]; 26 July 1855, near Oldenswort, Eiderstedt, North Frisia, Schleswig – 9 April 1936, Kiel, Germany) was a German sociologist and philosopher. He was a major contributor to sociological theory and field studies, best known for his distinction between two types of social groups, Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft. He co-founded the German Society for Sociology, of which he was president from 1909 to 1933, after which he was ousted for having criticized the Nazis. Tönnies was considered the first German sociologist proper,[1] published over 900 works and contributed to many areas of sociology and philosophy.
late 19 st utopias - optimistic egalitarian
early 20 - pessimistic exclusive
marx >>>>> from each according to his ability, to each according to his need 
edwards bellamie >>>>>> takes marxes ideal and ..
there will be no money everyone will have a credit card -that entitled everyone to  absolutely equal share of a national surplus
———> absolute equality
whether there were fit unfit
hd wells >>>>  represented a great change -ruination of the planet due to  overpopulation
first person to be worried about the planet
reduce the population - overpopulation
we’re destroying the planet
he’s a rasial suprematist
thomas moore - his utopia egalitarian
french revolution
main currencies in society
industrial revolution - mid victorian
after 1890s understood - second way ,other forms of utopia became prevalent.
naturalisation of catastrophic changes brought with industrialisation
masses, mass society - society became to understand itself
mass will, mass labour
mass psychology - gustav le bonne - “on Crowds”
society became contious of themselves
invention of electricity
by the 1880 technologies become soft machines, intimate,
even the light bulb gave birth to some utopias
technology got inside the human beings
engineering people not engineering society per se
ideology - beings to become part of the effort to understand human beings of how they behave collectively
beliefs feelings from the late 19th century  - are seen as things that can be produced
engels - utopian propensity ???
the new woman writers
using dreams and allegories
utopia - for women writers - not as a no-place  but a “ not yet “ place.
—————the tense of utopia of woman writings
van Dyke - a land of only girls - daughters
virginia wolf — orlando
marge pierce -
hd wells - people of the abyss
the cult of life
life has been defined as regulative ideal - who isn’t on the side of life?
in this century - life is the ULTIMATE VALUE
it’s not getting rid of wickedness but of the ugliness
there should be no UGLINESS IN utopia
EUGENICS the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.
In Plato’s utopia, defective children were killed at birth
Synthetic genes - eliminate all genes
designer babies - the future children
no possible interbreeding
humanism - immune response to darwinism????
with the population growing no-one knows if the planet can sustain it
nuclear war - in 1914 he said, and regulation by sensible birth control
huge game parks on the planet keeping all the animal species ____
planned  society - organised society - utopia  ...
Huxley - brand new world  - utopia dystopia satire ?
>>the educated mind is what matters
BNW -allegory of contemporary America
the world of jazz, of the mass culture
distopya of the Good Time
classical music
read shakespeare
intellectual elite
the future lies with the — orwell
pitch for the Eye projecT

Latest revision as of 01:43, 12 December 2017