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''Page dedicated to brainstorming, planning and preparation of the thematic''
''Page dedicated to brainstorming, planning and preparation of the thematic''

= Topics =

== Distribution Networks ==
What has been done so far?

10:00-11:30 Introduction Annet and Andre
What can be done?

11:30-12:30 Aymeric Mansoux - ''Novel forms of distribution: cultural diffusion of proto free and free culture (undefined notions of access, freedom and public).''
Choose a work and produce a translation of it.

12:30-13:30 Lunch break
Next meeting we should be presented with a few translations. 

13:30-14:30 Amy Wu - ''Fanzines and underground networks of publications' distribution.''

14:30-15:00 Break
==Jan 20==
* no translations
* start the epub from the report produced by steve.
* git rep
* is it something you want to do?

15:00-17:30 Practice
* Making the epub from the translations and documentation

17:30-18:30 Dinner break

== division of tasks==
* Natalya: content transformations from videos onto still images ( pixel scan) + code snipets
* Pleun: design 
* Colm: gathering and preface
* Samira: write, editor
* Nadine: coordinator
* Max: translation onto code
* Stone: content translation
* Julia: reflective text (TBA)
* Sara:

18:30-22:30 Films
* Git
* Epub

Introduction / comments by Martino Morandi (t.b.c.)

Francoise Levie, The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World (2002) - 60 min

Ben Lewis, Google and the World Brain (2012) - 90 min
==Pleun - Index== 

Bregtje ter Haak, Digital Memory Loss (2014) - 49 min (if needed ?) ( i think there is also a subtitled version)

* Not interested in topic. Finds little value in the format?
* Interested in design part, interested, similar to the web-design
* Working on a photobooks and non-the-less experimenting making epub

* intense, long days (tiring)
* '''5 days''' could be more appropriate, since they allow the creating work, and for thoughts and work start to alignment
* interested in talks

Vannevar Bush. As We May Think. [ original article scan]
* interesting the different perspectives on the same subject

From Print to Ebooks: a Hybrid Publishing Toolkit for the Arts
* topics for the days - titles, texts, talk - realizing how deep each threat of the topic helps.
* confuse: how far they should go? Would like the expected outcome was more clear from the beginning.

Aymeric Mansoux. How Deep is Your Source.
* something happens when you go white far
* wish to have it every month

* look at an object like an epub - from something technical and practical, to a more experimental and exploratory object

* unsure about if 3 days or good, or should go long
* suspicious about the topic - everything around the topic was interesting
* was not clear where the connections were.
* 3 days were about '''ways of doing''', rather than the content.

* intense, but needed, specially after 1 month unemployment
* 1st impression was not of interest, but also because it was a foreign topic
* texts created interested
* pity to have not discussed the texts - since they are ways to process the rest of the readings and talks. Need to approach the text differently.
* Report (Steve) - as way of process
* work in groups and without hierarchies
* necessity for collective thinking -

Chantal Mouffe
* necessary to work more with the students for the preparation phase. Talk them more on what to expect.
* guests - what did you feel?
* content - underestimated the context of the content.

* (students were not making the connections, being active withing the text)

'''Additional reading (not required, yet recommended)'''

== Writing the Archive ==
necessaity to prepare

10:30-11:30 Introduction Annet and Andre

11:30-12:30 Sandra Fauconnier - Writing Wikimedia

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

13:30-14:30  Michael Murtaugh - ''Active Archives;  Erkki Kurenniemi: In 2048''
= To do =
* send email to all participants with their time.

14:30-15:00 Break
=To Bring in=
* @andre:
** audio recorder
** books
** Film: "The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World"

15:00-17:30 Practice
= Planning =

17:30-18:30 Dinner break
== Goals for the work sessions ==
* conceive and implement an electronic publication for the works developed under the context of the documentation project.
* discover the works, letting the works talk for themselves, before framing them 
* organize the works so that an entity (a narrative?) emerges from the publication 

18:30-20:30 Continue Practice
== (Possible) Task distribution for Publication ==

20:30-21:30 Films / shorts (t.b.c.)
=== Monday===

Selection of interviews
* Introduction to the Documentation project at MMDDC
* Introduction to Hybrid publishing

* Documentation goals: publicity, funding, process
* Exploring the documentation materials and their different media( video, photography, text, print) -
(As 1 single group OR 1 group per year for?)
* Exploring overlaps: funding + process for different purposes
* Strategies for digitizing off-line content
* Strategies for common and retrievable storage

=== Tuesday===
* the same groups as yesterday.

Geoff Cox, Nicolas Malevé, Michael Murtaugh, Archiving the Data-body: human and nonhuman agency in the documents of Kurenniemi
Think about the output format the epub.

Lori Emmerson, The influence of writing interfaces - typewriter, computer terminal, ipad - on the text works produce with them.
Stipulate a goal for your publication.

Address the steps that you'll need to get there.

'''Additional reading (not required, yet recommended)'''
What will be the limitations?

Matthew Fuller, It looks like you're writing a letter: Microsoft, in: Behind the Blip.

Michel Foucault, What is an author?
Homework: Make a written summary  (1 paragraph ) of your publication.

Matthew Kirschenbaum, What Is an @uthor?

== Digital & Hybrid Publishing ==

10:30-11:30 Introduction Annet and Andre
* division into 3 teams, each dealing respectively with: '''Source material''', '''publishing pipeline''',   '''Front-end design'''
* '''implement a prototype''' that puts into practice the necessary tasks

11:30-12:30 Florian Cramer - ''Off-line digital reading''
==== Groups and Tasks:====
<s>* Source material
** digitization
** storage and organization on the wiki
** context, information

12:30-13:30 Lunch break
* Publishing pipeline
** getting the content from storage (wiki) into its publishable form
** publishable format(s)
** translations necessary to represent works under the publishable format

13:30-14:30 Pia Pool - ''Digital publishing for publishers''
* Front-end design
** publishable format(s)
** identity of publication(s)

14:30-15:00 Break
=== Wednesday:===
* Continue to work on Tuesday prototypes
* results, issues, questions
* elaborate a proposal a simple for the continuation of the work

15:00-17:30 Practice
== Reading groups ==
* conflict

17:30-18:30 Dinner break
=== Tuesday:===
* the web &amp; algorythms as a writing technologies 



Katherine Hayles, Writing Machines (chapters 1,2,3)

Johanna Drucker, The Century of Artists' Books.
( Chapters 1 - The artist's Book as Idea and Form, 7 - Self-reflexivity in book Form) 
[[User:Castrobot/Making It Public-Notes]]
[*98d*A4*8D*D96*83*3A*E2*D5*F0*FB*A4*83j*5E&EncodedQuery=*98d*A4*8D*D96*83*3A*E2*D5*F0*FB*A4*83j*5E&Source=SysQR&PageType=Start&PreviousList=Level1&WebPageNr=1&NumberToRetrieve=50&WebAction=NewSearch&StartValue=0&RowRepeat=0&ExtraInfo=&SortIndex=Title&SortDirection=1&Resource=&SavingIndicator=&RestrType=&RestrTerms=&RestrShowAll=&LinkToIndex= in WdKA library]
'''Additional reading (not required, yet recommended)'''
Friedrich Kittler, Gramaphone, Film, Typewriter - chapter 3 Typewriter
Alessandro Ludovico Post-Digital Print.
Video: Books in Browsers 2014: Johanna Drucker
== Examples ==
Electronic Literature & Its Emerging Forms:
Silvio Lorusso, Post-Digital Publishing Archive:
= Structure / Prep =
Each of the thematic's days could perhaps be organized, according to:
* 10:00 - 11:00 Reading list presentation and discussion. Aiming to prepared the ground for the presentations that will follow. Participants present (organized in groups) 2 or 3 of the titles from the reading list.   
* 11:00 - 13:00 Guest presentations
* 14:00 - 17:00 Workshop - how to create the publication? We need to walk together through the material, the aim of the publication, the different necessary tasks:
** works: storing, describing classifying on the wiki
** publishing pipeline: getting the content from wiki into a publishable form
** front-end design: how the publishable output(s) will look like.
** communication and distribution
=Reading list: key arguments=
==Hayles, Katherine. Writing Machines==
Chapters: 1,2,3
* the work being influenced by the ''materiality'' of its ''inscription technologies''
*  artist's book and concrete poetry reflect upon and expose this influence of the inscription technologies. (22:05, 27 September 2015 (CEST) will also include some web art works - Jodi - or glitch art though the introduction of errors).
elaboration ideas:
* how is the current writing inscription technologies affecting what is being written? Examples of this influence are clear in music the 3' song form that result form the duration of a side from a 78rpm record.
* can the publication of works across multiple media, like in hybrid publishing, inhibit the dialog and reflection between work and inscription technology?
* links to other texts:
** Lori Emmerson: the influence of writing interfaces - typewriter, computer terminal, ipad - on the text works produce with them.
** Johanna Drucker "A Centruy of Artists Books": artists books as self-reflexive objects
** Johanna Drucker "Graphesis": proposals for exploration of writing technologies - footnotes, taes of contents, referencing, etc - in digital and networked environments.

Latest revision as of 11:51, 20 January 2016

Page dedicated to brainstorming, planning and preparation of the thematic


What has been done so far?

What can be done?

Choose a work and produce a translation of it.

Next meeting we should be presented with a few translations.

Jan 20

  • Making the epub from the translations and documentation

division of tasks

  • Natalya: content transformations from videos onto still images ( pixel scan) + code snipets
  • Pleun: design
  • Colm: gathering and preface
  • Samira: write, editor
  • Nadine: coordinator
  • Max: translation onto code
  • Stone: content translation
  • Julia: reflective text (TBA)
  • Sara:


  • Git
  • Epub

Pleun - Index



  • Not interested in topic. Finds little value in the format?
  • Interested in design part, interested, similar to the web-design
  • Working on a photobooks and non-the-less experimenting making epub


  • intense, long days (tiring)
  • 5 days could be more appropriate, since they allow the creating work, and for thoughts and work start to alignment
  • interested in talks


  • interesting the different perspectives on the same subject


  • topics for the days - titles, texts, talk - realizing how deep each threat of the topic helps.
  • confuse: how far they should go? Would like the expected outcome was more clear from the beginning.


  • something happens when you go white far
  • wish to have it every month


  • look at an object like an epub - from something technical and practical, to a more experimental and exploratory object


  • unsure about if 3 days or good, or should go long
  • suspicious about the topic - everything around the topic was interesting
  • was not clear where the connections were.
  • 3 days were about ways of doing, rather than the content.


  • intense, but needed, specially after 1 month unemployment
  • 1st impression was not of interest, but also because it was a foreign topic
  • texts created interested
  • pity to have not discussed the texts - since they are ways to process the rest of the readings and talks. Need to approach the text differently.
  • Report (Steve) - as way of process
  • work in groups and without hierarchies
  • necessity for collective thinking -


  • necessary to work more with the students for the preparation phase. Talk them more on what to expect.
  • guests - what did you feel?
  • content - underestimated the context of the content.
  • (students were not making the connections, being active withing the text)

necessaity to prepare

To do

  • send email to all participants with their time.

To Bring in

  • @andre:
    • audio recorder
    • books
    • Film: "The Man Who Wanted to Classify the World"


Goals for the work sessions

  • conceive and implement an electronic publication for the works developed under the context of the documentation project.
  • discover the works, letting the works talk for themselves, before framing them 
  • organize the works so that an entity (a narrative?) emerges from the publication 

(Possible) Task distribution for Publication


  • Introduction to the Documentation project at MMDDC
  • Introduction to Hybrid publishing
  • Documentation goals: publicity, funding, process
  • Exploring the documentation materials and their different media( video, photography, text, print) -

(As 1 single group OR 1 group per year for?)

  • Exploring overlaps: funding + process for different purposes
  • Strategies for digitizing off-line content
  • Strategies for common and retrievable storage


  • the same groups as yesterday.

Think about the output format the epub.

Stipulate a goal for your publication.

Address the steps that you'll need to get there.

What will be the limitations?

Homework: Make a written summary (1 paragraph ) of your publication.

  • division into 3 teams, each dealing respectively with: Source material, publishing pipeline,   Front-end design
  • implement a prototype that puts into practice the necessary tasks

Groups and Tasks:

* Source material

    • digitization
    • storage and organization on the wiki
    • context, information
  • Publishing pipeline
    • getting the content from storage (wiki) into its publishable form
    • publishable format(s)
    • translations necessary to represent works under the publishable format
  • Front-end design
    • publishable format(s)
    • identity of publication(s)


  • Continue to work on Tuesday prototypes
  • results, issues, questions
  • elaborate a proposal a simple for the continuation of the work

Reading groups


  • conflict


  • the web & algorythms as a writing technologies 



User:Castrobot/Making It Public-Notes