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Dreaming Awake at the End of Time

while sleeping, watch”

while going to sleep, there isn’t a barrier- a place in the process of gong to sleep that is like a mercurial edge, its river….and than true hallucination. images. trans personal images.

what is the individual, or the societal relation so this idea

there is no longer a commonality for understanding

balkanization of epistemology

human consciousness is in some kind of indeterminate zone. if human consciousness makes up our world, and some of us are awake, and some of us are asleep, than we are never fully awake, and we are never fully aware.

profane-techno-consumerist-post maccluenist-electronic pre-apocoplytic existance

conspiracy theory about who is in control are epistemological cartoons whats scarier, is the truth and that is that no one is in control

“Now, if in fact we exist inside some kind of morphogenetic field that is created by the sum total of human minds on the planet, and if in fact in half or more of those minds at any given moment, the rules of the dream hold sway, then it is no surprise that when we make our way into society, or just when we live our lives, there is an eeriness to it, there's a fatedness to it, there's a plotedness to it, [as if] we are inside some kind of engine of narrative.

“you can see the thumb prints of editors on our reality”

most peoples lives are mythical, archetypal

we need to understand that we are characters

22 mins

everything that is important-feelings, colour, ambition. they are secondary qualities-they are peripheral. they come as a result or are determined by the presence of the animal body, and therefor dismissible by the theory of pure abstraction

plasticity of time in a dream: it is the plasticity of historical time, and the acceleration of things, that is the strongest evidence that we are in some kind of dream.

“the world is made of language” if so, then why are things not as I want them to be?

primary insight of the 20th century thinking: information is primary. everything existing is made of information. its the deepest of all concepts.

if reality is made of language, and than reality can be hacked. if reality is made of code, than it is far more deeply open to manipulation

the human animal is biological hardware. the human hardware has not changed, but what has changed, rapidly, is our operating systems.

(Bio Hacking)

culture is not your friend. separates us from our bodies.

culture provides rules and myths to prevent us from having to think the problem is that we live so long that we realise what a scam this is once you figure this out, you become alienated from the rest of your culture


intellectual responsibility freedom, and devotion to eloquence of thought the final call is aesthetic we can not set knowing the truth as the standard for choosing among the models we can produce. we must set our aesthetic compass towards the more true. the “true enough”. epistemology, the philosophy of science

plato: the good, the true, and the beautiful what are these things?

the good and the true are difficult to describe but the beautiful, that is easy, “you are doomed to live out the consequences of your taste”

we make choices based on beauty

when we are freed, we are not freed into a void

by openly confronting the necessity for paradox, we begin to honour the complexity of our situation

the project should be: bringing ever amounting amounts of beauty into the world.

“uncertainty about the nature of reality"

it seems to be in our human condition to not notice radical change

what happened in 2012? an end in the increase of human intelligence

the internet: the literal exteriorisation of the human nervous system , brought into being by forces of science and big capitalism,  and big military strategic thinking , and now in the service of a global information market place- it like all new technologies-is the focus on fantastic hopes. the internet seems particular to draw this kind of extreme rhetoric. 

web: supports huge diversity

is the web more than a medium? more than connecting my information to your information?

spiritual side of the web: the web is an expression in peculiar forum. it is an expression of the spiritual aspirations of ancient times.

what is the invention of the web evidence of in terms of human evolution?

suppose: the web is there for impart spiritual wisdom, instead of producing a web of AI, its spiritual intelligence. as it is the last thing you would expect to find in a computer

in regard to the web, are we designing our own prosthesis, or are we designing a new promethesus as mary smelly sub titled her novel, frankenstein

what is the the nature of information? genetic information, and the information that we code, and hack.

“by any means necessary, we need to communicate”.

the millennium is an excuse to notice that this ramping up effect is happening, and the internet is the further progress towards this inevitable, extensive domain of connectivity that is gonna link everything to everything and make ordinary reality some how obsolete. this is an explosive example of evolution will it replace reality?

Fantastic imagination it does not full full-fill an evolutionary agenda, but why do we spend so much of our time in fantacies, reveries, dreams, altered states? it may be that our minds are like antennas, extending into a dimension that links all parts of the universe together, coextensively.

we can only know informational about these other parts of the universe. we can never go there. but interestingly, but we are growing towards accepting information alone as the coinage of reality suppose that in the human imagination, there are aliens whispering secrets of civilisations that have evolved in other galaxies or star systems , we will never be able to touch the alien flesh but under the name of the enterprise of art, we attempt to built VR, Web sites, that are as alien as we can possibly make them. halfway through that process

i would bet that you would discover you were essentially engaged in an automatic writing process with an alien intelligence at the other end 

The web could be a landing zone for a creature made purely of information

___ technology has become prosthesis

our major evolutionary factors are our technologies

I can not see with out too much sweat from here to the escaton, in ten easy steps. its perfectly clear that is novelty is intensifying, and locally concentrating, its headed towards virtual or cyber space.

everything will comet rue in cyber space. its the human imagination, vivified, hard wired. what we are doing, furiously, is exteriorising the human nervous system into a global organism or some kind it is neither subjective or objective

the sanest place to occupy is “artist producer”.