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Transcibe voice recording Research artist and write what you see.

What have you done since your project proposal?

I try to find a way to contecturize the sculptures because within the talks with David we found out that it has a strong technical background and a solid building block to work from. Only context is still disputable..

What does that mean?

Well, just, what is the context? And in which way does it need to have context and is it an objective project in stead of a project that is really informs theviewer of what they see. I’m going actualy in the direction of an objective artform that has connection with the technical or previous..

How does that manifest itself?

I think you remember the purple stick. I have made a bigger one from wood, it’s much taller, i also made a kind of wave vorm, made out of discs

Is it rotated on a..

Yeah, it’s all made out of discs and you just stick them together and then you have the outline and the vorm. These are all quite interesting shapes and strong shapes..

How many did you make?


How big are they?

No, the biggest is this. Smaller one like this etc..

Why re they the same wave vorm?

Because the technical aspect of recreating the wave form and getting information from an object is already set. And i have to work towards prototyping different materials or experimenting with materials.

Ok, so your intention is to work with lots of different materials?

At this point, yeah.

What happened after the wooden…?

This wooden figurine is Basically it’s still a jar because sound is coming from a jar, it’s generated by the jar. And it’s just captured know in some wooden scalpture but it’s a jar.

Explain that to me

The characteristics of what the jar is in sound is captured within the object. What is made out of wood and the jar is made out of glass. So the next step was to find similar material to make the sculpture out to either have connection with what it is or was or an idea that like this the wave.. the sculpture being out of metal. Because when you have the measurement of the room the equipment you are present in the room, so in some way you alter the room, it’s not really clean, because you’ve been there, the soundwaves reflects on you and you make the measurement different than it could be. Presents alters the result. And if I make the sculpture out of a shiny object and the object is put back in the room and you are not there it is natural environment, let’s say a zero point. But as soon asomeone wants to look at it closer you distort the object because your reflection is giving within that object and you alter the same way you’ve done with..

You’re saying the interruption of…

That is the one aspect that I find interesting. Because the ideas to give the viewer a new engagement with space, i think this comes close to what i imagine, or what i want.. It is kind of a gimmic or a trick. When you see it, i‘ve tricked you in altering my sculpture and it is exactly the same as the sculpture that was made actually

Why do you want to trick people?

It is not a trick, it’s just a way of making stuff. It’s just a, i don’t know.

Is the metal one made? I have think about making one. Because it is going in all different area that i havn’t been before. I have done some metal works before, but not in a way that i have to actually melt metal and poor it into a cast. That’s like.. I can make a malt from the wooden one and then go from there. It’s all within reach.

In an ideal world, how do you see it exhibited?

I’m not so, i don’t know. I don’t need really a galery, i need just a space that either the response was made in and have the same amount of visitors visiting an exhibition but then in a space that relates to the object.

What changed?

I think my personal breakthrough. No matter what happens in these next months/years is that within the state of mind that i’m normally in working also towards an endproduct, like i do daily in my studio, it’s not, if you want to be really creative or different, you have to look more carefully to every step you’re making and don’t be fixed on the end point. That is like maybe for some people, they already knew this, but for me it is quit revelating.

What are the possibilities after the metal shapes and form?

It is actually a data set were i’m working with. I have this measurement that’s all cool and nice but then you have the outcome of it. It’s up to me to find a way to show or to visualize / sonolize to show that data. And know I choose a wave shaped form/sculpture, but it can also been done in different ways. And not sticking with one way but still going from one step back to what i originally had, the data, and then going sprout my way into different directions. But that’s not good for this graduation anymore because then i’ll start over again.

What options would there be?

I’ve got some artists from David. I wrote it down. Isa Hesse, Rachel Witereed

What’s about these artists?

I did’t look them up yet. David was really font of the plastic aspect of the material. Because it remindend of socialist sculpturism 60’s I think the material plays a big role withing the sculpture

If you use different materials next to the reflecting ones.

It’s like when you have 2 mirrors and you want to see the infinite reflection. The sculpture is the same You can’ t see the original because yo become part of the sculpter and that also happens with the acoustics of the room when you make an impulse respionse

Just liek science when you pay attention to the precense of the scienticst like in quantum physics .

Using this form are there anyways of making this clear.

If you use plaster or hay or musley

.On of the thing I was think of to make the material the same as the material of the object the impulse responce come from and to place the original object next to the sculpture. Like stone sculpture and metal casing takes time and I have only so much time.

But what can you use the material to devlop new associasiont and possibilities with connection to the sculpture. What does it mean to makei t out of plaster?

Other then just the material then the impulse responce was taken I don’t see any diifference connection yet. If I lthink longer about what you just said.

When you make things you releasie things. How does it work.?

It’s still hard there is somehing I want but the process is important make little spteps and focus on those and something will come out. Still the resilt is where you start you are gonna sculpt with something in mind a pre exisitng idea and when you are making new things comeup and there are technical limitations.