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===Benjamin's text(s)===
===Benjamin's text(s)===

* [http://pzwart3.wdka.hro.nl/wiki/User:Themsen/RW5 | The deterritorialization of educational institutions can also be perceived as a new trend particular to the society of control.]
* [http://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/why-are-finlands-schools-successful-49859555/?no-ist#comment-1689654102| A sovereign society where the foundation of power was based on a symbolic leader without a strong centralized seat of power.]
The deterritorialization of educational institutions can also be perceived as a new trend particular to the society of control; as the originally centralized organization of education was too slow to react to trends and new flows of information. This focus on the performance of education as opposed to the disciplinary representation of its institutions has diversified the mode of teaching in finnish schools.  
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scsp7V9Jpvg&google_comment_id=z12ef1d5ktqle532z22xidfhqkyaytrwp04| Foucault mentioned the use of power as a tool of presenting reality.]
* [https://www.facebook.com/SerpentAttack/posts/784984781567566| Deleuze’s illustration of the control society’s animal metaphor is the serpent slithering across the power structure.]
* [http://loliconangel.deviantart.com/art/My-teacher-is-a-vampire-adoptable-313176504 | As was seen in 'The Waldo Moment' the body of a corporation is multiple, the unity of many.]
* [http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Am-Confused-About-Many-Things/5109554| Cooperative teaching might be the version of the control society where it spreads from person to person, while corporations affect the masses.]

=== Jules' links===
The decentralization and deterritorialization of the finnish school reminds one of the sovereign society where the foundation of power was based on a symbolic leader without a strong centralized seat of power, where the production of this society was dependent on the taxes (or tributes) of its subjects.

* [http://pzi.here-you-are.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&p=4#p4 Some online platforms can still function as spaces of enclosure, but self initiated and rather on a shared interest.]
Speaking of discourse, Foucault mentioned the use of power as a tool of presenting reality. Without a virtual component it becomes difficult to distinguish what is real and what isn’t. When Deleuze mentions disciplinary society he defines it as one of transition, to the new ‘monster’, as Foucault puts it. The society of control is this predicted monster.  

* [http://pzwart3.wdka.hro.nl/mediawiki/images/a/aa/Relocating_the_authority%27s_eye_sight.pdf The characteristics of the Economy of a time orientates the eye sight of the observer.]
Deleuze’s illustration of the control society’s animal metaphor is the serpent slithering across the power structure. It isn’t a single entity, most likely multiple as its main source of power is information. In the society of control information is a tool for domination and control more than it is for the disciplinary society.

* [http://hyp3r13x1-n4rr.skyrock.com/ We don't need to go to things and people anymore as we can bring them to us.]
As was seen in 'The Waldo Moment' the body of a corporation is multiple, the unity of many; this also applies to cooperative teaching. The virtual image of the corporation is a clear-cut image, and so does the virtual image of the cooperate teacher also has to be in order for education to reach its optimum.  

The cooperative teaching is one body, where the teachers work towards a unified goal using both of each one's strength.  
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u32hQAcea3w The Waldo effect is the effect by which political personalities get replaces by a political interface.]

* [https://twitter.com/hyp3r13x1_n4rr Hiding a discourse behind an interface enables the speaking body to be constantly reshaping.]
Cooperative teaching might be the version of the control society where it spreads from person to person, and corporations may be the manifestation for crowd-controlling masses. Each use homework, or working at a distance, as their ways of observing and affecting subjects even outside their enclosures; teaching merely has a more consistent history of home-work.

=== some links on foucault (lucas)===
* [http://pzwart3.wdka.hro.nl/wiki/User:Jules/hypertext As a consequence of peer to peer collaborations, holoptism has replaced panopticism.]

first page:
* [http://mailinator.com/inbox.jsp?to=hypertextnarrative A personal email account can testify of this person's dividuation.]

[http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/what.html http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/what.html]  
* [http://instagram.com/hypertextnarrative New social media platforms encourage the documentation of people's private lives by themselves.]

=== Lucas ===

Pages written like Dictionary entries:
* [http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/what.html You are at the vaults of a server in London, about to learn more on disciplinary societies.]
* [http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/discipline.html The disciplinary power is to train (through a two-fold movement of homogenization and separation), rather than to select and to levy.] 
* [http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/foucault.html Who is Foucault?]

*On Discipline:
* [http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/normalizing.html The disciplinary power exercises a movement of normalization, while it also separates its subjects according to their level within the system.]

* [http://lucasstudionotes.tumblr.com/post/102449990745/hierarchical-observation Everyone is an observer and observed at the same time.]

*ON "Foucault":
* [http://lucasbattich.tumblr.com/examination.html The examination combine the techniques of an observing hierarchy and those of normalizing judgement.]

* [[A Hyperized Story/Societies of control | A society of control do not follow enclosures, but rather its mechanisms of power are modulated across different areas.]]

*On the idea of NORMALIZING:
* [http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/kafka.html "Limitless postponement" as the paradigm of control societies (related to Kafka's The Trial)]

* [http://lucasbattich.com/hyper/one.html Everybody may feel like TV celebrities, just by being on televised, although there's a fascist overtones to the whole thing.]

=== Thomas ===

=== Thomas' texts and their links ===
* [http://mailinator.com/inbox.jsp?to=hypertextnarrative#/#showmailpane In 1937 the mass observation movement started in the UK.]
* [http://walskaphoto.wordpress.com/2014/11/12/the-power-of-the-norm-appears-through-the-disciplines/ TV Shows are apparently educate people about the dangers of life.]
* [[User:ThomasW/hybrid_text_2|Using people as basis for entertainment.]]
In 1937 the mass observation movement started in the UK, The reasoning behind this was to revel how society really was by looking on people behaviors. Later and after the war it moved toward looking at commercial side of observation or research and the moment slowly died out. But the act of people watching still exist, but now the main activity is moved to peoples social media feed and tv. In 2005 20% is consuming fastfood  but 90% are using social media.
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_0U0G-aGmnlHYw1j7S4l4vSvrLf1vQUTqjvt41p_4yM/edit?usp=sharing The societies of control operate with machines.]
* [https://www.dropbox.com/s/zcc9svsoa6hbi62/Waldo.html?dl=0 Waldo is computer puppet made by the comedian and are a comic relief that exist on a tv show.]
To often there are TV Shows that are apparently there to educate people about the dangers about things like bad health, social issues or life style, but if you look at them they exist to normalizing judgment on the basis at entertainment. As Foucault said “The power of the norm appears through the disciplines. (page 183)”
Show like the UK shows “Benefits Street” “Honey we are Killing the Kids” and “ The Jeremy Kyle Show” are using people as basis for enteraiment. With tv show determine the norm, people will act that what they see in tv as reality. In the 1970 Professor George Gerber and Larry Gross put forward «Cultivation Theory», Over time watching TV is charing people prospective of reality. If people are watching on tv that people that live on benefits are slobs, then people will think that everyone on benefit are slobs after a while.
The old societies of sovereignty made use of simple machines – levels and pulley, clocks; but the recent disciplinary societies equipped themselves with machines involving energy, with the passive danger of entropy and the active danger of sabotage; the societies of control operate with machines of a third type, computers, whose passive danger is jamming and whose active one is piracy and the introduction of virus.  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_0U0G-aGmnlHYw1j7S4l4vSvrLf1vQUTqjvt41p_4yM/edit?usp=sharing
In the UK Tv-series Black Mirror we get to know the character Waldo in one of the episodes. Waldo is computer puppet made by the comedian and are a comic relief that exist on a tv show. Soon Waldo purpose changes at the character with no ideas thoughts of his one are used to go after real politicians after he one on of his gags are made fun of. It all aspire that the anti political on becomes the politicians. A real life person not that that dissimilar is Russell Brand with is outgoing and rebel persona,  a person that strongly agains politics but has turn him self as a politicians and front man for the  disillusioned groups in society.

Latest revision as of 17:09, 26 November 2014


A pseudo narrative based on hyperlinks.

The narrative includes readings of Foucault and Deleuze on disciplinary and control societies, TV show Black Mirror, the story of Josh Harris, and many intricate goodies.

Key ideas and terms include:

  • Infrastructure
  • The geographical location of internet sites
  • TV as a controling and normalizing force

List of LINKS and their content

This listing is to help the team organize the narrative and the connection between nodes.

Benjamin's text(s)

Jules' links

