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Various code prototypes

This tremester resulting in a whole range of small scripts that have served as tools for projects or research.

The basis of many of the scripts I wrote this semester. Executes a os command for every line of the file. This examples executes a traceroute on a list of URLs.


# a script to batch terminal commands from a list of things in a file.
import os, sys 

fn = sys.argv[1]
f = open(fn, 'r')
for i in f:
	i = i.split()
	str1 = ' '.join(i)
	print "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
	print "Current item in list:", str1

	command = 'traceroute -q 2 -m 20 '+str1+' > AlexaTop20/'+str(str1)+'.txt'
	print "Executing:", command, '\n'


Google TTS API

A script that allows the user convert a text to speech using google translate's unofficial TTS api. Was used in making the Telewar films.


# a script to change text into speech (.mp3) using Google TTS. It reads the text from a file.
# every line of the text becomes a new soundfile. Google has a limit of 100 chars per query. 
import os, sys 

fn = sys.argv[1]
f = open(fn, 'r')
for i in f:
	str1 = i.strip('\n')
	urlstr1 = str1.replace(' ', '%20') #make text URL proof
	str2 = str1.replace(' ','-')
	print "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
	print "Current item in list:", str1,"|||"

	command1 = 'curl -A "Mozilla" ""'+str(urlstr1)+'"" > '+str(str2)+'.mp3'
	print "CURLING:", command1, '\n'

ScamDex Email retriever

A script that crawls through, opens the e-mails from the scam email archive one by one and stores any email adresses it finds in a file. Scamdex is a very weird website that has a large archive of scam emails (since 2000). Also it has weird class names for it's tables.

# Script to scrape scammer's e-mails off
# The website contains monthly lists of received spam-emails ordered in a large
# list of hrefs on the page. Very annoying to click through manually.
# The first function get's all the hrefs from the lists.

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as Bsoup
import urllib2, re

def GetFirstLinks():
	url =''
	html = urllib2.urlopen(url)
	soup = Bsoup(html)
	content = soup.findAll('a', attrs={'class':'indexSubject'})
	links = []
	print "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
	print "//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
	for link in content:
	return links

def Test(x):
	print str(x)

def GetEmailFromLink(x):
	for url in x:
		url = ''.join(url)
		fullurl = ''+url
		html = urllib2.urlopen(fullurl)
		soup = Bsoup(html)
		content = soup.findAll('th', attrs={'class':'anal'})
		email_pattern = re.compile("[-a-zA-Z0-9._]+@[-a-zA-Z0-9_]+.[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+")
		email = re.findall(email_pattern,str(content))
		email = ''.join(email)
		print email

a = GetFirstLinks()

Automatic Mailer

Uses SMTP lib to send an email at random intervals. To a list of adreses in a file.


import smtplib, os, sys, time
from random import randint
def force_movie_mailer(TO, TEXT):
	FROM = 'from'
	SUBJECT = 'subject'
	username = ''
	pw = 'pw'
	MESSAGE = """\From: %s\nTo: %s\nSubject: %s\n\n%s
		server = smtplib.SMTP('')
		server.login(username, pw)
		server.sendmail(FROM, TO, MESSAGE)
		print 'email sent to:', TO, TEXT
		print 'failed to send! to',TO,TEXT

TO =''
TEXT = """

fn = sys.argv[1]
f = open(fn, 'r')
for i in f:
	TO = i.strip('\n')
	force_movie_mailer(TO, TEXT)

Bitonic JSON Reader

Very early in the trimester I made a script that would check for their bitcoin exchange rates. Bitonic is a website where one can easily buy and sell bitcoins using ideal. A modified version of this script runs as a cron and will send me an email once the exchange rate hits a certain amount. Nice tool for bitcoin speculation.


import urllib2, json
from time import gmtime, strftime

#price to buy
def CostOfBuying(amount):
        data = urllib2.urlopen(''+str(amount)+'')
        j = json.load(data)
        euros = j.get('euros')
        balance = j.get('balance')
        currentTime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

        #with open("/Volumes/The Warehouse/Current/Third Trimester/Prototyping/Bitonic Json Reader/bitonic history", "a") as historylog:
        #       historylog.write(str(euros)+'\t'+str(currentTime)+'\t'+str(amount)+'\n')

        print ''+str(amount)+' BTC is bought for', euros, '\n'
        print 'Available', balance,'BTC',

def CostOfSelling(amount):
        data = urllib2.urlopen(''+str(amount)+'')
        j = json.load(data)
        euros = j.get('euros')
        minimum = j.get('minimum')
        currentTime = strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime())

        #with open("/Volumes/The Warehouse/Current/Third Trimester/Prototyping/Bitonic Json Reader/bitonic history_saleprices", "a") as historylog:
        #       historylog.write(str(euros)+'\t'+str(currentTime)+'\t'+str(amount)+'\n')
        print ''+str(amount)+' BTC sells for', euros, '\n'
        print 'Minimum amount to sell', minimum, 'BTC', '\n'
        print currentTime

print "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
print "\n"
print "\n"
print "\n"
print "\n"
print "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"

BTC Exchange Broadcast.png

Synonym Replacement Writing Machine

Written during an hour long prototyping session for the Writing Machines workshop. It uses the NLTK library. Looks for nouns in a text and tries to replace them with a random synonym. However often the 'synonyms' are barely synonyms, just different nouns. As a special feature it kills any formatting and removes any special characters that the text had.

#Synonym Replacement Machine
#Reading Writing Research Methodologies Class on Writing Machines -> Roel RA 2013
#copy paste at will
import sys, re
from nltk.corpus import lin_thesaurus as thes
import nltk,random

#open the file and convert it into the constituent words
fn = sys.argv[1]
f = open(fn, 'r')

text =
words = re.findall(r'\w+', text) #find all idividual words in the text
newwords = []

for i in words: # for every word
	a = nltk.word_tokenize(i) 
	b = nltk.pos_tag(a) # identify what kind of word it is (noun adjective etc)
	if b[0][1] == 'NN': # if the word is a noun that has a synonym
			i = thes.synonyms(i, fileid="simN.lsp")[random.randint(1,10)] # replace the word in question with a random synonym from the thesaurus
		except: #if it doesnt have a synonym nevermind
	newwords.append(i) # add it to the new text
	str1 =' '.join(newwords) # that is converted to string text

print str1 #