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Revision as of 16:38, 8 January 2013

This is a sample Thematic Project page, please use the same structure when creating a new one.

Thematic Project Description

A description of the thematic project, the context, the aims and how it will be articulated. Provide a relevant illustration if possible.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec quis mauris turpis, sit amet porta tortor. Aliquam non nisl at nulla eleifend ullamcorper. Sed ac arcu lacus, vel aliquet justo. Nulla ornare enim odio, id faucibus justo. Aliquam posuere porta gravida. Pellentesque ultrices fringilla urna, vitae facilisis tortor pretium congue. Morbi venenatis bibendum risus ac placerat. Fusce ut ultrices magna. Fusce consequat turpis non nunc malesuada ultrices. Nullam ac ipsum nisl. Sed tempus dolor sit amet nibh pharetra venenatis. Nunc vestibulum erat in ipsum adipiscing ultricies. Proin laoreet lorem nec erat facilisis elementum.

Proin non condimentum tortor. Cras mattis, lectus eget sodales dapibus, eros mi consectetur tellus, vel sodales enim sem vel massa. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec in massa nibh, sit amet posuere neque. Aliquam et ante quis neque tempor porta non vitae eros. Nulla ante velit, iaculis at faucibus id, tempus eu metus. Nunc sapien nisi, congue et aliquet quis, fringilla in orci. Aliquam ullamcorper egestas feugiat. Vivamus tempus, lacus sit amet suscipit lobortis, nisi nisl aliquam lacus, sed sodales purus eros at ipsum. In interdum sapien ullamcorper erat facilisis bibendum. Sed blandit rutrum orci. Cras varius arcu ac velit vulputate rutrum. Nulla vitae orci a odio molestie rhoncus eget at augue. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed at risus neque. Pellentesque mi quam, porta id rutrum in, ultrices hendrerit massa. Curabitur eleifend rhoncus velit non porttitor.


This section might need to link to standard practices within the Networked Media handbook

Next to following generic information, please add special requirements if necessary, or if the default requirements do not apply to your thematic project.

Each participant is supposed to create a wiki page to document the following aspects:

  • Outcomes of weekly assignments
  • Project plan and concept
  • Annotated bibliography
  • Final project and essay

Required readings and audiovisuals

Text books

Bib goes here. Provide at least full author names, title, year and URL in the case of electronic resources.

  • Luther Blisset. Totò, Peppino e la guerra psichica. 1996
  • Cecil Saa Abeigh. Eelpout lithoprint supporters. 1969
  • Tabel Corps. Ui Ui! Taai prop hol te scheel, te spring. 1699
  • A. A. Hissions pli, égérie, ce luth à port bec trop plut. 996

Audio and Video

Same as above.


Optional. List your guests if you intend to invite someone as part of your thematic project. Provide at least full name, country, institution/uni/school/org/group/etc, and relevant URL.


Use this section to highlight important dates in your trimester planning.

  • Pony tail workshop
  • Guest lecture from Luther Blisset