User:Eleanorg/1.3/Dissolute Image/Code/verify input: Difference between revisions

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
(Created page with "untested, 15 june 6pm <source lang="python"> #!/usr/bin/python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import cgi, os, subprocess, re import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import pymongo from pymongo im...")
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Line 1: Line 1:
21 june, throwing value error line 74
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "pixelsScrapeAndVerify.cgi", line 106, in &lt;module&gt;
    split = splitString(string) # calls split string function, passing it the string recieved from the input form, and assigns it to var 'split'
  File "pixelsScrapeAndVerify.cgi", line 74, in splitString
    k,v = s.split('=') # splits each capture on the = into key and value
ValueError: too many values to unpack
(working last night... now what did i change?)
<source lang="python">
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi
import os, subprocess, re, urllib2
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import pymongo
from pymongo import Connection
#from pymongo.objectid import ObjectId
# recieves url from inputForm.html scrapes it to check if pixel has been put there correctly
# if yes = updates db entry for that pixel
# if no = throws error
#-------------- error / thank you messages ----------------#
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A form talking to a python script</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">
    <div class="container txt" style="margin-top:100px;">"""
htmlFooter = """
        <a href="#"><< Back to the image</a>
ScrapingError = """Sorry, your pixel details couldn't be found at that URL! <br />
<li>Did you paste it exactly as it appears?</li>
<li>Is the page where you pasted it publicly accessible?</li>
<a href="inputForm.cgi">Try again</a>
verifyError = """Sorry, the details you've put online for that pixel seem to be wrong.
<li>Did you paste the pixel details exactly as they appear?</li>
<a href="inputForm.cgi">Try again</a>"""
thankyou = """Thanks, URL submitted. <br />
Your pixel has been added to the image."""
#------------- get URL from input form -------------------#
#form = cgi.FieldStorage() # Grabs whatever input comes from form
#string = form.getvalue("pixel")
#url = form.getvalue("url", "")  # assigns form's input to var 'url'. url on the right is a default value that will be printed for testing if nothing is recieved from the form
#------------- print html header--------------------------#
print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader
#------------ define splitting function-------------------#
# to split user's string into a hash which can be verified against the one in db
def splitString (stg) :
    pat = re.compile("(\w{1,4}=[^;]+);?") # captures each foo=blah pair in the string, separated by ;s
    cap = pat.findall(stg)                  # cap variable contains all four captures - id, x, y, color (if valid)
    # put captures into a hash for this pixel
    myhash = {}
    for s in cap :
        k,v = s.split('=') # splits each capture on the = into key and value
myhash[k] = v # puts new k/v pair into hash with these values
    # return hash so it can be compared with that in the db
    try :
        myhash['idNo'] and myhash['x'] and myhash['y'] and myhash['col']
        return # missing parameter! return nothing
    return myhash  # returns a hash as above, accessed thus: split['x'] etc
##------------- scrape and check the url -----------------#
## if correct string not found, throw error
## if found, print thankyou and update db
# connect to db for verification, and possible updating
connection = Connection()
myDB = connection['pixelDbQuery1']
collection = myDB.collection 
## for testing:
##TODO add backslashes to user's string before performing regex
string = r"id=65,x=4,y=3,col=red"
url = ""
text = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() # reads page at the specified URL
#print text
if not, text): # if string isn't matched within 'text'
#    print error # print error message to user
    print scrapingError
    split = splitString(string) # calls split string function, passing it the string recieved from the input form, and assigns it to var 'split'
    if split:
        idNo = int(split['idNo']) # get idNo according to user's string; cast as int to compare with db
#---------- verify scraped pixel info against the db ---------#
pixelHash = myDB.collection.find_one({'ID': idNo})  # this grabs a hash with the right id number (if valid), whose index thingies you can access
if pixelHash:
#    print "yes, that pixel id exists in db"
#    # now check if attributes from string recieved (xpos, ypos) match attributes for that ID in DB? 
    if split['x'] == pixelHash['xpos'] and split['y'] == pixelHash['ypos']:
#        print "correct x and y value given"
        collection.update( {'ID': idNo}, {"$set":{'url': url}}) # set pixel with string matching 'pat' to url given by user
        print thankyou
        print verifyError
    print verifyError
print htmlFooter
##---------------- trigger -----------#
##command = "python" # script called here must be executable!
##os.popen(command, 'r').read()
untested, 15 june 6pm
untested, 15 june 6pm
<source lang="python">
<source lang="python">

Latest revision as of 15:00, 21 June 2012

21 june, throwing value error line 74 Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "pixelsScrapeAndVerify.cgi", line 106, in <module>
   split = splitString(string)			# calls split string function, passing it the string recieved from the input form, and assigns it to var 'split'
 File "pixelsScrapeAndVerify.cgi", line 74, in splitString
   k,v = s.split('=') 	# splits each capture on the = into key and value

ValueError: too many values to unpack (working last night... now what did i change?)

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import cgi
import os, subprocess, re, urllib2
import cgitb; cgitb.enable()
import pymongo 
from pymongo import Connection
#from pymongo.objectid import ObjectId

# recieves url from inputForm.html scrapes it to check if pixel has been put there correctly
# if yes = updates db entry for that pixel
# if no = throws error

#-------------- error / thank you messages ----------------#
htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>A form talking to a python script</title>
        <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">
     <div class="container txt" style="margin-top:100px;">"""
htmlFooter = """
        <a href="#"><< Back to the image</a>

ScrapingError = """Sorry, your pixel details couldn't be found at that URL! <br />
<li>Did you paste it exactly as it appears?</li>
<li>Is the page where you pasted it publicly accessible?</li>

<a href="inputForm.cgi">Try again</a>
verifyError = """Sorry, the details you've put online for that pixel seem to be wrong. 
<li>Did you paste the pixel details exactly as they appear?</li>
<a href="inputForm.cgi">Try again</a>"""
thankyou = """Thanks, URL submitted. <br />
Your pixel has been added to the image."""
#------------- get URL from input form -------------------#
#form = cgi.FieldStorage()			# Grabs whatever input comes from form
#string = form.getvalue("pixel")
#url = form.getvalue("url", "")  # assigns form's input to var 'url'. url on the right is a default value that will be printed for testing if nothing is recieved from the form 

#------------- print html header--------------------------#

print "Content-Type: text/html"
print htmlHeader

#------------ define splitting function-------------------#
# to split user's string into a hash which can be verified against the one in db

def splitString (stg) :
    pat = re.compile("(\w{1,4}=[^;]+);?") 	# captures each foo=blah pair in the string, separated by ;s
    cap = pat.findall(stg)                   	# cap variable contains all four captures - id, x, y, color (if valid)
    # put captures into a hash for this pixel
    myhash = {}
    for s in cap :
        k,v = s.split('=') 	# splits each capture on the = into key and value
	myhash[k] = v		# puts new k/v pair into hash with these values
    # return hash so it can be compared with that in the db
    try :
        myhash['idNo'] and myhash['x'] and myhash['y'] and myhash['col']
        return # missing parameter! return nothing
    return myhash   # returns a hash as above, accessed thus: split['x'] etc
##------------- scrape and check the url -----------------#

## if correct string not found, throw error
## if found, print thankyou and update db

# connect to db for verification, and possible updating
connection = Connection()
myDB = connection['pixelDbQuery1']
collection = myDB.collection  

## for testing:
##TODO add backslashes to user's string before performing regex
string = r"id=65,x=4,y=3,col=red" 
url = ""

text = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()		# reads page at the specified URL
#print text
if not, text):			# if string isn't matched within 'text'
#    print error				# print error message to user
    print scrapingError			
    split = splitString(string)			# calls split string function, passing it the string recieved from the input form, and assigns it to var 'split'
    if split:
        idNo = int(split['idNo'])		# get idNo according to user's string; cast as int to compare with db

#---------- verify scraped pixel info against the db ---------#
pixelHash = myDB.collection.find_one({'ID': idNo})   # this grabs a hash with the right id number (if valid), whose index thingies you can access

if pixelHash:
#    print "yes, that pixel id exists in db"			
#    # now check if attributes from string recieved (xpos, ypos) match attributes for that ID in DB?  
    if split['x'] == pixelHash['xpos'] and split['y'] == pixelHash['ypos']:
#        print "correct x and y value given"
        collection.update( {'ID': idNo}, {"$set":{'url': url}}) # set pixel with string matching 'pat' to url given by user
        print thankyou
        print verifyError
    print verifyError

print htmlFooter

##---------------- trigger -----------#

##command = "python"		# script called here must be executable!
##os.popen(command, 'r').read()

untested, 15 june 6pm <source lang="python">

  1. !/usr/bin/python
  2. -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

import cgi, os, subprocess, re import cgitb; cgitb.enable() import pymongo from pymongo import Connection

  1. recieves url from inputForm.html scrapes it to check if pixel has been put there correctly
  2. if yes = updates db entry for that pixel
  3. if no = throws error

  1. -------------- error / thank you messages ----------------#

htmlHeader = """<!DOCTYPE html> <html>

   <title>A form talking to a python script</title>
       <link <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../pixels.css">

htmlFooter = """



error = """Sorry, your pixel details couldn't be found at that URL!

  • Did you paste it exactly as it appears here?
  • Is the page where you pasted it publicly accessible?
  • """ thankyou = """Thanks, URL submitted.
    Your pixel has been added to the image."""

    1. ------------- get URL from input form -------------------#

    form = cgi.FieldStorage() # Grabs whatever input comes from form

    1. string = form.getvalue("pixel")
    2. url = form.getvalue("url", "") # assigns form's input to var 'url'. url on the right is a default value that will be printed for testing if nothing is recieved from the form
    1. for testing:

    string = "x=123;y=345;col=(255,255,255);idNo=ObjectId('4fdb5b75ed9c8d4743000000')" url = ""

    1. ------------- print html header--------------------------#
    1. print "Content-Type: text/html"
    2. print
    3. print htmlHeader
    1. ------------ define splitting function-------------------#
    2. to split user's string into a hash which can be verified against the one in db

    def splitString (stg) : pat = re.compile("(\w{1,4}=[^;]+);?") # captures each foo=blah pair in the string, separated by ;s cap = pat.findall(stg) # cap variable contains all four captures - id, x, y, color (if valid) # put captures into a hash for this pixel myhash = {} for s in cap : k,v = s.split('=') # splits each capture on the = into key and value myhash[k] = v # puts new k/v pair into hash with these values # return hash so it can be compared with that in the db try : myhash['x'] and myhash['y'] and myhash['col'] and myhash['idNo'] except: return # missing parameter! return nothing return myhash # returns a hash as above, accessed thus: paramGet(stg)['x'] etc

    1. ------------- scrape and check the url -----------------#
    1. if correct string not found, throw error
    2. if found, print thankyou and update db
    1. connect to db for verification, and possible updating

    connection = Connection() myDB = connection['pixelsDbTest0'] collection = myDB.collection text = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() # reads page at the specified URL if not, text): # if pattern 'pat' (ie unique pixel string) isn't matched within 'text'

    1. print error # print error message to user

    print "sorry, couldnt scrape ur string" else: pixelHash = myDB.collection.find({"id": idNo}) # check db to see if ID exists if pixelHash: # check if attributes from string recieved (xpos, ypos + colour) match attributes for that ID in DB? split = splitString(string) # calls split string function, passing it the string recieved from the input form, and assigns it to var 'split' if split: print "hurrah, string was split into a hash" # now do verification against db: # split['x'] should == pixelHash['x'] etc # split['idNo'] should == pixelHash['id'] << remember you're not allowed 'id' as a hash key in python # if all 4 attributes are the same, print hurrah and update db else print "boo, splitting didnt work" # if yes: # print thank you # trigger drawing script # else print error else:

    1. print error

    print "sorry, no pixel with that id exists in the db" #print thankyou #collection.update( {"string":pat}, {"$set":{"url": url}}) # set pixel with string matching 'pat' to url given by user

    1. print htmlFooter
