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==XPUB1/Projects that May/Mayn't]] == ==
==XPUB1/Projects that May/Mayn't]] == ==

== XPUB 1 ==

=== Abstractifying the map ===
=== Abstractifying the map ===

Latest revision as of 17:22, 9 October 2024



convo w/ arduino


int ldr = A0;

void setup() {

Serial.begin(115200); // USB

pinMode(ldr, INPUT); // LDR == input


void loop() {

int value = analogRead(A0);





int ledPin = 12;               //the int ledPin is 12

void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);      //ledPin is a OUTPUT

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);   //turns pin 12 on
  delay(500);                  //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds
  digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);    //turns pin 12 off
  delay(500);                  //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds


int RedLedPin = 8;                 //the int RedLedPin is 13
int GreenLedPin = 12;               //the int GreenLedPin is 12

void setup() {

pinMode(RedLedPin,OUTPUT);        //ledPin is a OUTPUT
pinMode(GreenLedPin,OUTPUT);      //ledPin is a OUTPUT

void loop() {
digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,HIGH);   //turns green led  on
delay(5000);                      //stops the loop for 5000 milliseconds
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){       //this for loop gets 5 times repeated
digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,LOW);  //turns green led off
delay(500);                     //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds
digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,HIGH); //turns green led off
delay(500);                     //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds

digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,LOW);    //turns green led off
digitalWrite(RedLedPin,HIGH);     //turns red led on
delay(5000);                      //stops the loop for 5000 milliseconds
digitalWrite(RedLedPin,LOW);      //turns red led on


int ldr = A0; 
int pinTone = 11; 

void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // USB
pinMode(ldr, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
int value = analogRead(A0);
tone (pinTone, value*0.2);


int poti = A0; 

void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // USB
pinMode(poti, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
int value = analogRead(poti);
tone (10, value*0.5);

int BUTTON = A0; 
int speaker = 10;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // USB
  pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
  bool value = digitalRead(BUTTON);
  if (value){
    Serial.println ("ALARMSTART");
    for(int peter = 0; peter < 5; peter++){ 
      for(int frequency = 500; frequency<1200; frequency++){
      tone(speaker, frequency);
  Serial.print ("ALARM END");
  Serial.println ("DEPRESSED");
  noTone (speaker);
//tone (10, value*0.5);


WhatsApp Image 2024-06-07 at 14.30.58 c89a7042.jpg

m watching this for the second time. And te first time I was naïve / new to this film.

Whilst I am currently watching this, I feel.. double about this?

to be fair Gyz la rivière has quite some [pseudo-critical] feedback and he's familiar with the problems, the irony of the city. There is a lot to say about the choices made for a city. There's plenty of paradoxes he says

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-06 at 21.48.14 84d83e91.jpg

but on the other hand, there is this post card - nostalgic - self absorbed - corporate graphic designer aesthetic with some problematic shots that take away the message.

It's interesting because the maker seems self-aware of his opinion going all over the place but I'd call it an artistically driven docu-rant-ary.

The problems and the solutions he states have the contrast of having a very complex nature and the outcome of how he'd like to see it are more like underbelly-stated arguments

I see some sort of modern conservative thinking towards some views "VROEGAH WAS ALLES BETAH"

"The city would improve if they'd revive fundamental buildings" I agree that a lot of a fundament has been destroyed without good reasoning but to reconstruct old building-replica's

This critique and the documentary is one big fever dream post-card with good arguments but I'm just crashing and erroring.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-06 at 21.48.15 a40eeec4.jpg

"we can finally design the city"

Rotterdam was bombed by fascism but also modernism and urban renewal

the idea of making the city more human


his manifest seems all over the place as well, which has something authentic yet... cringe?

it's a sort of rotterdam that is allowed to exist but also the one that i partially disagree with


51.93259088571757, 4.47072459760769

I was walking and my mother was in her scootmobile, we wondered about the new foodhall in the older station. In this building there first was a Happy Italy and before that even a cinema I believe.

Currently it´s a hip yuppified food hall, we went there to see how it is, that we could go there.

There was a ramp so it accessible if you would like to enter. At least if you wanted to remain there. However, the roof terrace was handicapped by the age of the building.

for means of toliet access

A walk from my house to PZI in pedestrian mode of 3DRotterdam

RotterPunk 2025

It reminded me of this

poinxs (points of inaccess) [working on it]

a... Portmanteau (do not quote me on that) of

POI = Point of Interest


INXS which borrows the abbreviation of the band, but this stands for in excess(in overly large amounts), where I mean it as In-access (not accessible).  


I intent to counter map locations.

using a platform to use gps

The locations aren't manoeuvrable.

With this project a way of countermapping could be marking certain points of the city.

Examples of tools to practice:  leaflet js: an open-source JavaScript library

for mobile-friendly interactive maps

benchmarking (see next



What does it mean to benchmark

dictionaries will tell that it is

1. a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.

"the pay settlement will set a **benchmark for** other employers and workers"

2. ideal - a test designed to evaluate or compare the performance of computer hardware or software.

"we thought we'd run some benchmarks on the smartphone"

3. Benchmark is a surveyor's mark, cut on a rock, stone, wall or a building showing the height of that mark above sea level. Contours are lines shown in brown, joining places of equal height above the sea level. Heights of inaccessible areas are shown by contours drawn in broken lines called form lines.

4. or building and used as a reference point in measuring [altitudes]

5. ==evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.==

  =="we are **benchmarking** our performance **against** external criteria"==


In these definitions, it all comes down to defining standards and legitimizing / testing.

When I would look for a certain hard or software, I need to check either consumer platforms such as tweakers, reviewers on video platforms.

What do I mean with it?

I'm intrigued by the idea of sitting / being / loitering somewhere and look for the compatibility of platforms. Be it physical or mental. The accessibility meets disability in where the bar is set and the threshold is put. The threshold is both a place to fit a tool that grants access as it is a bar to closes access.

When walking around, make a pitstop at a bench. Just sit there in the middle part. Look forward. Make yourself comfortable and take an unlimited time to see evaluate the premise. What does the neighborhood look like, what is the demographic. How much is it designed? Is it possible for anyone to be there?'

`Make a list of the specs.`
`Is there anything that could be tweaked?`
`Be your own tracking device`
`In a smart city, be a smart civilian, look at the surroundings`
`from your own point of critique, make notes`


Report to the gemeente


Are there ways to report bugs on streetlevel? Be it websites or sites or ways to make cities more accessible?

Is the city a circuit?  (A brief discussion with Friedrich Kittler and Shannon Mattern between to bridge)

[working on this]

How to reconnect with the city in a empathetic way without framing myself as something ridiculous as an empath

Why do people like Susan Bijl bags (ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS HERE)

[this is more an underbelly anti-yuppy level description]

Is a big city open enough for people with disabilities, is the manoeuvrability?  

counter-flaneuring [working on it]

camouflage and not be seen

geoguessing [working on it]


What does it mean to be a pedestrian

I can not ride a bike, that made me a "WALKER"

my .walking my way to get to places is not that interesting walking around to empty my brain

When I'm saying to someone that I'm going to go for a walk, I sometimes get the response like: "Where to?" as if I always to need to reach a goal

my parents used to ask me to do chores and favors because oh no why would I go on walks without any purpose, goals, or benefits

walking just a way of getting out of my stuffy bubble in the house to empty my brain, to look around and just be zigzagging through the streets.

The purpose is more to walk something off rather than aiming towards a spot. It is away to maintain some space in the open

I prefer walking to places if the weather isn't too extreme, I'm never in a hurry transport is for A-B, for 1 to 0 walking is for neither, rather aimless in direction but aimful in health it's good for clearing up inner storms

either listening to the surroundings or closing off from them

I feel where people do the flaneuring I tend to want to be unnoticed, accept for greeting / politeness but other than that I just temporarily claim my walking distances as I were to be alone in a train

I talk about this walking because I feel that dull approach about what it means to be a pedestrian is rather bullshit. Plenty of people tend to want to ride their bikes, cars to get to places. I can not ride a bike due to balance problem, I never felt the urge to be the transporter vehiclist.

As if being a pedestrian isn't productive enough, as if it is bad to be dull.

What does it mean to be a pedestrian?

CybeRdam2077  - PolderPunk?

27-05-24 We have visited VONK

The innovation center of Rotterdam Municipality.

We had 3 talks:

  - One about Behavioural Change / Nudging

  - One about The Traffic Light system

  - One about the RotterdamSimulation methods via VR / AR and digitizing the city to something equal to what they said "GTA" but I thought more of Cyberpunk 2077 or the Matrix open world

  In the sense of the uprising industrialized neolights and hip city downfall of a city

NeoRotterdam, the idea of Rotterdam being so smart and innovative that it turns into a cybernetic dock station.

(still working on this)

Since monday I have been thinking about the correlations between my spare time interests and the xpub topics. On monday, I was triggered or intrigued by the idea of future of Rotterdam. At VONK [the innovation center]  they presented us with the three principles of the city, at least, the three principles they presented

- Nudging

- Controlling the traffic through soft and hardware that connects to the city sensors center.

- Rotterdam 3D /ARVRXR -> Looking at the city from / on a virtual perspective. "Gaaf zeg hey" as any person into tech and gadget and modern stuff would say.

The moment I saw the building and the modern gamification of the city, it reminded me of Night City in broad daylight. Night City is the place where Cyberpunk takes place.

It is very interesting to think about innovation, about the smartness of the city where I grew up. The city seems to be dangling in between


a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.



a literary and artistic movement that envisions and works toward actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.

the suffix -punk refers to the punk asin steampunk (a subgenre of science fiction that incorporates retrofuturistic technology and aesthetics inspired by, but not limited to, 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.)

But to a Dutch degree, I always feel that a lot 'we' try to mimic or make our own, becomes a very watered down overly negotiated version of the actual thing. I'm talking about the Polder Model.

The polder model is a method of consensus decision-making, based on the Dutch version of consensus-based economic and social policymaking in the 1980s and 1990s. It gets its name from the Dutch word for tracts of land enclosed by dikes.

Therefore, looking at the citymarketing / citybuilding / cityplanning idea of Rotterdam as some sort of PolderPunk starting to develop in 2025.

This kind of future city gives me some sort of future fictional idea. In a perfect world.

I'm afraid of this perfect world.


Programmer and tech writer Paul McFedries explains this thinking:

The city is a computer, the streetscape is the interface, you are the cursor, and your smartphone is the input device. This is the user-based, bottom-up version of the city-as-computer idea, but there’s also a top-down version, which is systems-based. It looks at urban systems such as transit, garbage, and water and wonders whether the city could be more efficient and better organized if these systems were ‘smart.’

This idea came to mind because of the connections of both defintions of a port / terminal / transport / uploading and downloading / docking etc

Pasted image 20240606134032.png

City as platform or Worldbuilding in games

Monday 27th of May 2024 our class had a tour in the municipality building at the halvemaan passage.

It started with nudging en behavioral psychology, followed by traffic organising and then virtualizing Rotterdam.

The nudging idea is something I am still digesting, because it is passive agressive  way to change behavior, I asked if the nudger is opened to be nudged and the reaction seemed open but didn't feel as open in the end.

The second presentation lead us to the hofplein roundabout, talking about the amount of sensors, cameras and networks.

The third presentation had a map

Word diving in my brain:



American / EUROTruck Simulator

Going from a to b, delivering, being the the transmission / transaction / transport.

Chrono Trigger

JRPG story driven and mapped out game

DBZ Kakarot

Open World gamified version of Dragon Ball Z-series

Garry's Mod

a world making / modding program with open source game making.


a futurist manoeuvring game to finish levels through thinking

Zelda Breathe of the Wild

The first open world zelda game,

Tales of Symphonia

turn based rpg game that has geopolitics put into a story


Surival / crafting game, make your own villlage / cities


Cyberpunk 2077

NeoTokyo-aestheticgame with the open world of Night City. A techno dystopian wolr

Pokémon Arceus / Violet

open world Pok'mon game

Route as circuit

the idea of mapping your location in the same idea as making a connection based electronic schematics and maps.

This is a way to see if there are connections missing, is your route  an open or closed circuit.

Does an open route mean that everybody is welcome  / public

Does a close route mean that it's exclusive / private

Is a detour a connection with extension cords?



Considering Latitudes and altitudes defined by the prime meridian and the equator

meridian meaning MidDay

Equator -> AeQuator -> circulus Aequator diei etonoctus

Circle equalizing day and night

make equal




the production of space

performativity lefebreve (or how ever the fuck you spell this french name)

affordance : what are the possibilities?

capabilities / possibilities

hostile architecture


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mapping out everything I'm doing to find the lines.

Tool: Obsidian



PDF from Canvas.pdf



Friedrich Kittler's The City is a Medium

Shannon Mattern's A City is Not a Computer


Perhaps interesting to look at nudge theory:

Dutch Railways nudge to ride a bike > I CAN'T RIDE A BIKE

And, related to that, this film by Harun Farocki about the human design/social engineering of shopping malls:

The Real Lives game:




Piepzna-Samarasinha, L. L. (2018) Care work: dreaming disability justice, Vancouver, Arsenal Pulp Press.

Knabb, K. (ed.) (2006) Situationist International anthology, Rev. and expanded ed., Berkeley, CA, Bureau of Public Secrets.



verb: **benchmark**; 3rd person present: **benchmarks**; past tense: **benchmarked**; past participle: **benchmarked**; gerund or present participle: **benchmarking**

1. evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.

   "we are **benchmarking** our performance **against** external criteria"

When walking around, make a pitstop at a bench. Just sit there in the middle part. Look forward. Make yourself comfortable and take an unlimited time to see evaluate the premise. What does the neighborhood look like, what is the demographic. How much is it designed? Is it possible for anyone to be there?

Make a list of the specs.

Is there anything that could be tweaked?

Be your own tracking device

In a smart city, be a smart civilian, look at the surroundings

from your own point of critique, make notes

1. What does it mean to be a pedestrian

"you see me walking coz I don't run fam"

I can not ride a bike, that made me a "WALKER"

my .walking my way to get to places is not that interesting walking around to empty my brain

When I'm saying to someone that I'm going to go for a walk, I sometimes get the response like: "Where to?" as if I always to need to reach a goal

my parents used to ask me to do chores and favors because oh no why would I go on walks without any purpose, goals, or benefits

walking just a way of getting out of my stuffy bubble in the house to empty my brain, to look around and just be zigzagging through the streets.

The purpose is more to walk something off rather than aiming towards a spot. It is away to maintain some space in the open

I prefer walking to places if the weather isn't too extreme, I'm never in a hurry transport is for A-B, for 1 to 0 walking is for neither, rather aimless in direction but aimful in health it's good for clearing up inner storms

either listening to the surroundings or closing off from them

I feel where people do the flaneuring I tend to want to be unnoticed, accept for greeting / politeness but other than that I just temporarily claim my walking distances as I were to be alone in a train

I talk about this walking because I feel that dull approach about what it means to be a pedestrian is rather bullshit. Plenty of people tend to want to ride their bikes, cars to get to places. I can not ride a bike due to balance problem, I never felt the urge to be the transporter vehiclist.

As if being a pedestrian isn't productive enough, as if it is bad to be dull.

I recently made a thing about public transport. _link to previous_

On the subject of a to b

When I want to be mindless, I play Eurotruck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.

Which are a games that are about transporting goods.

It gives some sort of weird satisfaction of doing something as just hours of virtual driving.

It's the part of the machine, part of the connection. Being an arrow on a map

looking at the maintenance points being on the road.

It is something that truly gives me a very lay back setting. However it does give me a meta layer of these circuits connecting capital(ist) interfaces.

Looking at cities as if they were chips.

Maps as schematics

roads as (Short) Circuits

short circuiting when connection can not be established

Progressive metal/ Dance/Electronic music recording artist Remi Gallégo aka The Algorithm has album covers that resemble what I mean



1. Benchmarking as loitering practice


a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.

"the pay settlement will set a **benchmark for** other employers and workers"



standard point of reference









guiding principle





litmus test






classic example





1. ideal - a test designed to evaluate or compare the performance of computer hardware or software.

"we thought we'd run some benchmarks on the smartphone"

2. 2.

   a surveyor's mark cut in a wall, [pillar](, or building and used as a reference point in measuring [altitudes](





   - Eigen Welzijn Eerst - Roxane van Iperen

   - Synopsis 
An Ourobouros: the snake biting it's own tail. == the circle that the writer intended to go through:
1. Equality as a starting point 
2. The rise of Nativism in NL == the ideas of a first class and second class citizen  (the end of equality)
3. The fear of falling (meaning the middle class being afraid of falling back to a / the lower class, being pressure with the future perspective of an offspring not being able to enjoy the privileges of their parents)
4. The Closed Circle of the middle class  (The Country Club Mentality, so creating your own little clubs to gain exclusivity)
5. Wellness-Right (The radicalization of the group within the middle class)

this 5-step program plays with of the ourobouros, the snake biting its own tail in the sense of progress. 
idea 'we have reached emancipation, we can now claim our superiority' 


Paraphrased from the website:


Nederland heeft lang een zelfbeeld van openheid en tolerantie gehad. Dat beeld kwam voort uit het naoorlogse optimisme van de middenklasse, die geloofde in kansengelijkheid, ongeacht afkomst of achternaam, en het belang van goede publieke voorzieningen. Zo zou elke nieuwe generatie het beter krijgen dan de vorige.
Het geloof in vooruitgang is de afgelopen jaren afgebrokkeld en heeft onder invloed van de politiek plaatsgemaakt voor een sterke hang naar zelfbehoud, met extreme sentimenten tot gevolg. In Eigen welzijn eerst laat Roxane van Iperen op prikkelende wijze zien hoe dit heeft kunnen gebeuren, en spreekt ze de hoop uit dat de middenklasse opnieuw de vooruitgangsgedachte omarmt.

Rond het verschijnen van Eigen welzijn eerst op 10 mei gaf Roxane interviews aan De Telegraaf en Het Financieele Dagblad en sprak ze met Leon Verdonschot voor Linda: lees het hier. Ook schoof ze aan bij de Zelfspodcast en de talkshow Khalid & Sophie. Het essay werd gepresenteerd in De Rode Hoed en stond vier maanden in de Bestseller60, waar het de 2e plaats bereikte. 

‘Een messcherp pamflet en een klassiek essay brengen het hedendaagse egoïsme in kaart… In Eigen welzijn eerst zet schrijfster Roxane van Iperen zeer effectief de kettingzaag in het gedrag van yogamoeders en andere spirituele kruidenheksen die Facebook en omstreken opstoken met deskundologische wijsheden over opvoeding of huidverzorging. Wat we denken te zien is een sociale media-gezondheidsbeweging, met mooie foto’s van moeders met kinderen aan de borst en tegeltjeswijsheden over nachtrust. Wat we moeten zien is ‘wellness-rechts’, een agressieve marketingmachine die extreem-rechts gedachtengoed normaliseert. Men schakelt in die contreien nu in één moeite van anti-vaccinatie naar pro-Poetin. Tussen ‘eigen lijf eerst’ en ‘eigen volk eerst’ zit weinig licht.’  

**** Menno Hurenkamp, NRC Handelsblad 

‘Dat is wat mij betreft het belangrijkste inzicht uit het boek: laat de vooroordelen los, en probeer je voor te stellen hoe het kómt dat een groep mensen bang is en zich zorgen maakt. Dat hoeft niet te betekenen dat je dan ook alles wat die groep zegt en doet goedpraat, maar het betekent wél dat je probeert te achterhalen wat er achter die uitspraken schuilgaat. Dan pas kun je de voedingsbodem voor die angst aanpakken.’
/  Dilara Bilgic, De Correspondent


   - Why is this text important to my research/work
It deals with normality and the rise of neoliberalism. The mechanism of what we define as 'wellness' and 'normal' and 'fit'.
I wanted this book for the idea of Wellness Right-critique. It speaks about the classes towards health being something you are in charge of. Which is an unfair statement to people with disabilities / illness. My graduation project was a work about the wellness, spirituality industry. Another big source was the Conspirituality podcast. 

   - Annotations and notes

   --> format: up to you (transclusion optional!) 


   - Pick 2 or 3 references (they are not fixed or set in stone, don't spend too much time picking the best references)

   - Write a synopsis (even if you haven't read it 

   - Why this is important to you
This essay is a historical / political / socially / critically accurate book. It shows the dangers of nostalgic elements in political populist beliefs "Before THEY came it was BETTER", it shows how the most progressive 'looking' people having conservative values: "Father with beard and tattoos and modern fashion and mother with purple long hair and a nose piercing and a hippie dress maintaining conservative thoughts like not vaccinating their kids because of political biases".

   - If you're drawing blanks/not sure about a reference, browse the bootleg library


   - Collection of texts/works (in whichever way you would like to include it (section/whole text/...), How is the original present in the reader?)

Ten Theses on Life Hacks - Former XPUB1

"Life Hacks in general aren’t taken too seriously. The ten theses
in this document are meant to provide a widened perspective on
Life Hacks, and on their relationship to our collective experiences
and reflections. The criteria listed in first thesis allow us to test
whether something is a Life Hack or not. The remaining theses
present extended arguments, supported by examples, that
identify specific features of Life Hacks, the environments they
exist within, and the kind of culture they foster.
This publication’s format incorporates the Life Hack ethos. With
the addition of a series of holes, each loose page can be seen as
a hackable surface. We invite you to collate and bind them,
making an eclectic choice from a range of unorthodox materials." Copy of p1. 

   - Synopsis 

It seems that this text is looking at worthless and very meme-able lifehacks that could make your life easier but 9/10 times don't really do that. 

   - Why is this text important to my research/work

Selling the interaction 'doing nothing' as a life changing product is shit. (I wanted to say is just something I would really disagree with, but then my fingers wrote shit and that was a better tl;dr definition.) 

I speculate that these theseseses have an echo chambery effect on me but I might just read a lot of their sources.  

   - Annotations and notes

   --> format: up to you (transclusion optional!) 


   - Pick 2 or 3 references (they are not fixed or set in stone, don't spend too much time picking the best references)

   - Write a synopsis (even if you haven't read it yet)

   - Why this is important to you


   - If you're drawing blanks/not sure about a reference, browse the bootleg library

[[File:You may not have a purpose when you do nothing.jpg|thumb]]

XPUB1/Projects that May/Mayn't]] ==


Abstractifying the map

  Abstractifying the walk as the memory that it is,

  a blend of words, lines, colors and shapes

  as shape of personal drawing designs rather than monitored landscapes in schematically saved geolocations

This idea is about being your own tracking device. Making your walk into poetic visual rather than a monitored given. It's about looking at your route as a circuit. Would this circuit work? Are there stable connections, or are these broken?

- change your track into a circuit

- note your tracks but without context

- follow the lines of the map but don't save them

- just draw them and symbolize your strolling

The colours you use are based on the coördinates








  take note: since these coördinates are short 4 numbers, add 2 x 00's

this is your colour spectrum per location


Dull Pedestrian 3D walk

A walk from my house to PZI in pedestrian mode of 3DRotterdam

Inaccessible Geocaching

Geocache / geoguessr ------ Accessing Location

Limited acces / disability

Pedestrian definition .png
Pedestrian definitions.png

Notes made on 230424 before class:

Latitudes and altitudes

defined by the prime meridian and the equator \

meridian meaning MidDay

Equator -> AeQuator -> circulus Aequator diei etonoctus

Circle equalizing day and night

make equal




Will continue this laterrrrrrr



What is it?

The performance of ageism onto older electronics


Techno-biased Projection turned into a critical self-reflection

Case in point:

the iiyama screen at my desk is not working because it is too old!!!!!!! >:(

it's a projection on my own prejudgement

Why make it?

A frustration to both my inhabited luxury of having a second screen and finding that 'older machines are nice when they are usable but I have also grown biased to this "newer == better" while that is horse shit not true


I see it for me that I would keep track of all the transactions that I inhabited and how these interactions grew into me. More a practice actually.


this is a short-time based project. A self-reflective practice, actually. This exercise can be done in 5-10 minutes.

over the long run it can be practiced with multiple forms of technology

be it the dependence of the droplet-key to enter the front door

Rapid prototype

Img-1 iiyama.jpgWhy isn't my screen working, old piece of electronic trash

Go stand against the wall! You should be ashamed.jpg

Go stand against the wall! You should be ashamed

Oh it's the cable.jpgoh but maybe... it's not the screen.. let's try another HDMI to USB-C connector*

Two screens did work.jpg

oh but it is working?!

Maybe I should be less dependent than I think I am on these things.jpg

maybe I should be less dependent than I think I am on these things

this is a bit dramatic but it's funny to be confronted with your own technological habits

Previous practice

The Monster of Albert Heijn

A previous project based on the newness / oldness of electronics in consumer culture and the adaptation of automated grocery shopping. It was based on growing annoyance.

Relation to a wider context

Choices made

This proposal is more a black mirror, how I adapt to these technological differences out of laziness yet also being forced to the new electronic consumerist habits.

Blaming it on a fine working 'older' screen, while a newer connection cable is the actual error in the connection.

I always think about a conversation I had with a stranger at Antwerpen train station about that (2013) in Belgium everything electronic wasn't working because it was too old (check in / out, ATM, public transport) and in NL the same things weren't working because it was just too new.

The work could be a step by step list of showing my own thought pattern through the automated steps.

other examples


  1. I need to do my laundry
  2. for my laundry I need to upgrade 20 euros on my AppWash app
  3. for my laundry I need to see through Internet of Things-technology if the washing and/or drying machines
  4. for my laundry I need to have data on my phone, to check in with €1,50-€2,00
  5. in order to do my laundry, I need to buy data to pay.

Keyboard connections

for all my 'regular' keyboards  to get the '€' I need to ctrl + shift + 
on the 'alternative keyboard' I get '¼' or '¤' ((I use blind typing on this keyboard because actually using the system is not really helping))


(<<Steve has been asked to unpack "Choices made" (here are 2 interpretations):

1) Why is this proposal different from your previous work? Perhaps there was a change of mind along the way. Perhaps you wanted to approach things differently. So, why did you choose to take the proposal in this direction? A change of mind demonstrates that you are thinking critically about your practice. ("choices made" is there to help you unpack your process).

2) You may interpret it as an opportunity to list the procedures you will go through when making the work. Again, these choices are critical (because you chose to do one thing rather than something else:-)

Is this proposal clear?

What can be done to make it clearer?

As a group, identify core texts and references that help with the proposal?

Why is this text necessary

Rapid prototype template

Write one sentence instruction for a work.

Make it.


A project for startup errors.

Things that go too slow for a quick demand. The kind of things that make you want to push force the power button to stop and start over.

Why make it?

To deal with the errors the morning, to beat around the bushes and to be annoyed for no particularly valid reason at all


   follow this mantra


do this on the daily, when you are confused and unsollicitedly force your good intentions on to others, your network needs to grow, the pyramid needs to be filled.

Previous practice

gradproject, step by step obsession

Relation to a wider context

quick fix

Choice made

>be me

>be annoyed

>think about the productivity

>think about the way there 's a business based on this

> make a course

   (Please include rapid prototype.)

   1. you are relaxed

   2. too relaxed

   3. why are you so slow today

   4. start!!!

   5. try this exercise

       1. weigh your eyelids, brain, shoulders in a homeopathic way

       2. nose exhales are not healthy!

           1. do not ask what things mean, just accept it or get out of here anyway

       3. think for a solution for problem that does not exist

       4. if that is not possible, think of a problem for a solution that does not exist

       5. if that is not possible, think of huge problems that you could benefit of

       6. join a 3-day course to get certified

       7. congratulations, you now seem like you know what you are doing

   6. at least you know seem like you are on the right path.

   7. why are you still reading this, you should know better.

A non-problem solution demanding mantra

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A critique on commodification of anything that is new to another person.

Why make it?

The example of *Niksen* (which means to do nothing), it has been shown sinds 2019 or so as some sort of wellness trend (bbc). Which literally means 'nothing-ing' tHe ArT oF dOiNg NoThInG

_Dolce far niente_ ... _Dolce far niente_ (literally 'sweetness [of] doing nothing, sweet idleness') is an Italian saying.


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Previous practice

'I am Dutch' jk but it's again a bit of a wellness critique with blatant claims profiting on a burnout culture

Relation to a wider context

Profiting on burn-out culture.


Choices made

less is more