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{{User:Lor.ensō/Lorenzo's Byte Noise project process page}}
{{User:Lor.ensō/Lorenzo's Byte Noise project process page}}

== METHODS IN TRIMESTER 1 Jo Freeman's The Tyranny of Structurelessness / my reflections on the ideas of alternatives or at least the idea(l)s of alternative ==
== METHODS IN TRIMESTER 1 Jo Freeman's The Tyranny of Structurelessness / my reflections on the ideas of alternatives or at least the idea(l)s of alternative ==

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src: [[User:Lor.ensō/si22|SPECIAL ISSUE TWENTY TWO PERSONAL CONSTRUCTION SITE]] (enter if you want to see a messy room, if you don't, just keep listening)
src: [[User:Lor.ensō/si22|SPECIAL ISSUE TWENTY TWO PERSONAL CONSTRUCTION SITE]] (enter if you want to see a messy room, if you don't, just keep listening)
  I have to admit, I kinda didn't knew what XPUB was gonna be like.  I recently graduated from KABK / IMD. A different institution and a different course. I knew that another IMD alumni parttook in XPUB. So this first trimester was a bit of a fresh new start for my practice. 'kind of' stepping away from what shaped my graduation project ''Happytalism'' which revolves around the idea of wellness / new age and spirituality industries to be open for business, making more money than big pharma and being a safe haven for charlatans, disinformation weaponizing pseudo health claims.
I stepped into this fresh new environment with new people and overall a to me new programme. And right after the first weeks of XPUB my life turned around and I needed to reconfigure everything for myself (as I am still kind of doing of course) During the first trimester it was a bit difficult to me to kind of 'find a way' to get back on track. I wanted to deliver something productive.  The changes in my life of course had an immediate effect on my way of thinking.
We were talking about the ideas of what it means to keep an archive and what protocols there should be made.
My counterthought was about Protocols for passive hoarding. As an idea of "we might need this later".
   The questions that I / We raised were  'do we really need to preserve everything? What do we take with us?'
From this point, Senka and I started talking about the questions that were raised about to think about ideas protocols for active archiving. I read that personally as if we were responsible for the maintenance of the Radio Worm's archive. Instead, we made a work that asks for reflection.
With both having made some critical essays / poems, we decided to make a video work because we wanted to visualize the amount of archives. No sound, just video. In these videos, we portray the radio worm from the apocalyptic narrative of SIGNAL LOST: ARCHIVE UNZIPPED.
Where Senka shows the vessel of the radio station, I show the amount of data and sounds and players and information that actually go 'live'. 
Struggle This was something I was thinking about, concerning the fact I was just *there.*
To be honest, I had some imposter syndrome,  experiencing whilst being around.
  The idea of the wordhole or actually the first trimester struck to me as a black hole:
  ''Once inside the black hole's event horizon, '''matter will be torn apart into its smallest subatomic components and eventually be squeezed into the singularity'''. As the singularity accumulates more and more matter, the size of the black hole's event horizon increases proportionally.''
  I felt that the matter of xpub/si22 etc was floating around me and I was there like some intergalactic fly on a meteorite.  Just being there.  Trying to make the best of it with the understanding of things.
  If I would think of a 'better scenario', I'd say I'd go more around the PZI /Wdka and join things. But back then my life was pure chaos and I made the decision to do my best and also taking step back in order to be a fly on the wall since I wasn't fully able to work on the SI22.  Keeping the condition in mind that I would do more in the second trimester. It was hard to get back though.
  Looking back I didn't really experiment with i.e. printing / terminal related things but more on the ideas of publication and mostly thinking about alternatives
====== However I was proud of myself of starting the narrative in the radio show as our improv ideas started. ======

Latest revision as of 16:39, 9 October 2024

SI22 -> Graveyard - > Questionnairerasure / protocols for passive hoarding / Marie KonDON'T -> ByteNoise: Sound You See Me, Sound You Don't


When we were working in the WordHole and thinking about metaphors for the archive.

The state of grief influenced me about how to deal with an archive. We were talking talking about ways to work with amounts of data and my Metaphor  came about a graveyard as an 'archive' with the 'datasets' on the stones. The idea was about having a place where we could 'bury' the files that were not used in order to give some honour to the effort concerning the making of the radio worm.

I said in my recording that at some point you just need to let it go because it's not coming back. The things that would be thrown away in the recycle bin folder, were still on the hard drive.

A proposition I made back then was "maybe we just leave it as is and just delete them and have a radio memorial service as a last salute rather than saving it for maybe later purposes without knowing when or if it would be used."

And I was clearly stating it as NOT Marie Kondo'ing it but just for the sake of cleaning up > maintenance.

Cleaning out the space, what is important?

Active archiving -> the 'worm' goes into the ground and there is stuff everywhere but 'worm' just goes where there is food. All the other things in the ground are dissolving and rotting away anyway.

To look at the idea of do we need this later, No.

during a methods class with Steve, we were doing an exercise that was about 'free for all typing' considering our thoughts on the special issue in order to create a narrative (from what I can still remember). It became a poem that with the format of the codeblock presented as some sort of net-poem.

<i> Questionnairerasure

Are worm a space a radio and a place and more

I listen in / to worm

I go out I listen I read and I archive.  Through the pipeline |

cant keep anything that is clutter but need to keep the importance and dance.

not the snake, am the wormoborous the community that feeds on ourshelves.

Leave the archive as to what is important rather than imported. leave files

And will come around and eat the cookies the crumbs lost. !important

Use the space for the next to continuity in unity of the worm

Prepare for leaving but never for farewell. Say goodbye to what you usent.

Is het kunst of kan het weg?


Is it art or can it be thrown in the trash

Can we empty the bin

In order to begin where our wormhole left us

If moved from here to there to then from now

What is taken

What is taken into consideration

In what state is the open city, In which state lies it and how do you leave it

The space as the wormhole through the wordhole takes us into the active archivalry.

The physicality contradicts the practicality, being pragmatic of fragments

Being pragmatic over the roots of the space into the data trees

What can be erased?  In order to digest, what is there

It should be clear, or cleared or ´klaar´ which means done

You can store it elsewhere but that isnt viable over the long run, worms dont run, they crawl and feed on what is there.

This is no calling for to be sterile or a vote for marie kondo, please kondont, but only the wormunity can understand what needs to be kept

Who are the worms, do they want to keep everything?

Are they capable of leaving recordings behind?

Is it a doom scenario to delete stuff to remain active in archive

Or does cluttering / hoarding / keeping storage in servers and clouds fit the idea or the worm

Will the worm be worn out because of the ecological ideas of the worm

The worm cant proceed while being stuck, the worm needs to crawl in order to move, to breathe through the space, how does the worm think of using the space,

How do you conserve if conservation can harm the soil, maybe digging a bit too deep in these old gardened graveyards but if we wish to make an apocalyptic doomsday protocol, we must show tough love about the institution of the open city. How do we maintain traffic in a city if the city is blocked and clogged?

Making the worm accessible and open implies that space is made. In what order does the worm make space for achieving an active archive rather than proceeding as the hoarding worm.  

Consider this an open call for an open city, an open space for an open mind where questions are open food for thought that the worm can digest again and let its excrements be dissolved in the past. </i>

This poem then lead as on of the backbones to

Byte Noise: Sound you see me? Sound you don't (w/ Senka)

© Florian Cramer

Lorenzo's Wiki Entry

Description of work: These 3D renditions of the Radio Worm studio contrast the empty studio with all the invisible audio data, the endless stream of radio shows, stored on Worm's hard drive. Since this is the most important space for the community of radio makers, we created this snapshot of it while thinking about the question 'What do we do with all this invisible digital data and how do we prevent it from getting "dusty"?'

METHODS IN TRIMESTER 1 Jo Freeman's The Tyranny of Structurelessness / my reflections on the ideas of alternatives or at least the idea(l)s of alternative

This text was something that really stuck to me in many ways. I was born in a 'red nest' and I have always considered myself a leftist (and no this is not a story about me being a liberated ancap libertarian, barf.) and part of subcultural scenes and supporter of autonomous spaces and the ideas of alternatives.

However, I have my doubts on the ideas of alternatives. In the text (and I'm paraphrasing now) the idea of community living is raised and questioned, the idea of a non-hierarchical community seems amazing, yet some sort of power structure or better put 'order' is inevitable. The more self-aware and critique friendly the better.

The text spoke to me as well because this idea of a big united group of ideology seems like an [oppositional] utopia. Especially in this time of online politics / meme culture wars.

I have been thinking about the idea of an alternative doesn't mean that the alternative is actually the better alternative, yet the idea of an alternative could be.

Especially during covid (oh no a reference to my gradwork) it became visible that people who appeared to be critical thinkers fell for the conspiracy theories. Or that the ideas of a big pharma are given such a horror scenario that wellness (that makes way more money than pharma) is pushing left-leaning progressives via the anthroposophisticated homeopathic tunnel towards the conservative church of health hazards and [forgot the word]

even though the internet is not all responsible for this but also the education and environmental influences that result people to go into their programmed minds. (I think that if you come from a space where certain beliefs are rooted, could easily influence you in your daily life even though you're agnostic or atheist but still have the coping mechanism of the circles or 'bubbles' you were raised in. )

Confirmation bias

Tim Minchin [comedian / artist] had a bit on confirmation bias where he talks about how search engine algorithms and social media feeds on our assumptions, (pre-existing) beliefs and fuels it with even more related content specifically aimed to these beliefs.

He points out that 'we' would do ANYTHING BUT the idea of intellectual heavylifting to change our minds. Which refers to the fact that (online) discourse has been pushing people apart not only from progressive to conservative or from left to right but also within the borders of political ideology where every movement is watched, recorded and frowned upon.


Minchin speaks about how human beings love to be in herds and part of a group / a city or a community and how the internet is making distance between tribes and becoming more binary.

the main point I was going to share in relation to structurelessness and my concerns as a leftist towards current state of 'the left' is portrayed by Minchin perfectly in the sense of kindness in modern day discourse is not being presented by (generalized) right wing christian pro gun anti-vaxx conservatives but that modern progressives (with an assumed degree in higher education) are missing the idea of kindness as well as

A future of more empathy and understanding for more and more people

instead, he claims that everybody that is not on 'their' side of the 'line' is immediately a fascist.


"I can't believe you still follow J.K. Rowling on Twitter" "why are you saying not all men?!" "Why do you use the F slur in your song?" "Why are you sharing pictures of your manicure when you should be posting black squares, which means you are a racist"

As an alternative he says that

showing humility

mentioning not everybody has had the opportunity to read the books you have and learnt the lessons that you have learned

practicing the principle of charity

and not assume that anyone that disagrees has a nefarious intent and try to hear their arguments

is rejected by the idea of tone policing as he is put into place as a straight white male and that he needs to check his privilege in which he keeps in his satirically put "library on a mahogany shelf next to his BMW keys" and as he checks his privileges he concludes that this way of thinking is still ffing wrong.

He stresses that it can not be that progressives progress forward into a future of more empathy and understanding for more people

it can not be that the primary mechanism by which we approach this future is the suppression of empathy and understanding for anyone that doesn't align with our beliefs.

it can not be that unmitigated expression of furious outrage will alchemize into a future of peace and love.

ofcourse there is reason to want justification and be righteously furious about things and he can be as furious as cis gender straight white male with privileges being pissed off about 700 things before breakfast but it doesn't matter if it's not helping. And it's not helping that these aforementioned tribes are being pushed further and further apart.

The moral is that it is hard to change peoples minds but it's not impossible. However, if you would tell someone that they were a fascist and publicly shame them for what they believe, you've lost them and prioritized your need to express outrage and if we're honest, signalling your virtue over the possibility that you could utilize your educational privilege to reach across this algorithmic casm.


Just after this post I got a insta reel with Daniel Sloss also saying this:]

Another result is my utter discontent towards how the left parties in the Netherlands have perfectly shown the state of leftism in the Netherlands.

I was talking to a friend and we evaluated the elections.

I said that

"The lesson that left leaning NL needs to learn, is that political parties being tiny power structures is a very bad example of an alternative.

the two parties I'd vote for (bij1 / animal party) but also GL/PVDA. I.e. migration is also a very typical thing at the moment

This morning (26/11/23) I was watching WNL op Zondag (conservative rightwing talkshow, my mother believes that you need to watch and listen to your opponent in order to understand and grow over their beliefs to unravel their beliefs)

One of the guests was the controversial Lale Gül and other names like (former left turned right leaning) Zihni Özdil were mentioned that represent 'migrants that who do not want to be viewed as pathetic minorities at all' and the sad soul crushing fact that people that lived here for (more than) 3 generations even voted for Geert Wilders [PVV]

It made me think, I kinda get the why. The populist belief of "hey, screw your migration, could I be helped first?"

I heavily disagree with this, but I 'kinda get' why. No human is illegal and there's a humanitarian crisis. However the left here is way too individualistic and fighting between the bubbles, instead of actually uniting as worthy block of strong left (or something) instead of the effing bullshit of moralistic wee measuring whilst the status quo is destroying everything through aggressive neoliberalism.

I love to see PvdD en Bij1 as strong parties but I just get so sick of this corrupted management system. Fix it between eachother and it was also the worst timing ever right before the elections. I voted for one of them. But with less motivation than before.

TL;DR  the dutch left should really start reflecting and start building, repairing and mobilizing.`

Lastly, as I was thinking about all of these things.

that also inspired me in this structurelessness

Dead Kennedys - Where do ya draw the line? 
Seems like the more I think I know / The more I find I don't / Every answer opens up / So many questions
Anarchy sounds good to me / Then someone asks, "Who'd fix the sewers?" / "Would the rednecks just play king/ Of the neighborhood?"

How many liberators / Really want to be dictators? / Every theory has its holes / When real life steps in
So, how do we feed and make room for / All the people crowded on our earth / And transfer all that wealth / From the rich to those who need it?

Where do ya draw the line? I'm not telling you; I'm asking you!

Ever notice hardline radicals can go on star trips, too? Where no one's pure and right except themselves? 
"I'm cleansed of the system" ('Cept when my amp needs electric power) Or, "The party line says, 'No Feminists can't wear fishnets'" 

Where do ya draw the line? I'm not telling you; I'm asking you! 

You wanna help stop war?  Well, we reject your application. You crack too many jokes and you eat meat.  What better way to turn people off than to twist ideas for change. Into one more church that forgets we're all human beings? 

Dead Kennedys - Chickenshit Conformist.
Punk's not dead; it just deserves to die when it becomes another stale cartoon
A closed-minded, self-centered social club. Ideas don't matter; it's who you know
Who drive the bright people out of our so-called scene till all that's left is just a meaningless fad

Hardcore formulas are dogshit, change and caring are what's real. Is this a state of mind or just another label?
The joy and hope of an alternative has become its own cliché
Walk tall, act small, only as tough as gang approval
Unity is bullshit when it's under someone's fat boot
Where's the common cause?
Too many factions safely sulk in their shells:
"Agree with us on everything or we won't help with anything" That kind of attitude just makes a split grow wider

No one's ever the best once they believe their own press
"Maturing" don't mean rehashing mistakes of the past
The more things change, the more they stay the same
We can't grow when we won't criticize ourselves
The '60s weren't all failure, it's the '70s that stunk
As the clock ticks, we dig the same hole
Music scenes ain't real life, they won't get rid of the bomb
Won't eliminate r### or bring down the banks
Any kind of real change takes more time and work
Than changing channels on a TV set

So, why are we so eager to please peer pressure decrees?
So eager to please peer pressure decrees
Make the same old mistakes, again and again
Chickenshit conformist like your parents

src: SPECIAL ISSUE TWENTY TWO PERSONAL CONSTRUCTION SITE (enter if you want to see a messy room, if you don't, just keep listening)


 I have to admit, I kinda didn't knew what XPUB was gonna be like.  I recently graduated from KABK / IMD. A different institution and a different course. I knew that another IMD alumni parttook in XPUB. So this first trimester was a bit of a fresh new start for my practice. 'kind of' stepping away from what shaped my graduation project Happytalism which revolves around the idea of wellness / new age and spirituality industries to be open for business, making more money than big pharma and being a safe haven for charlatans, disinformation weaponizing pseudo health claims.
I stepped into this fresh new environment with new people and overall a to me new programme. And right after the first weeks of XPUB my life turned around and I needed to reconfigure everything for myself (as I am still kind of doing of course) During the first trimester it was a bit difficult to me to kind of 'find a way' to get back on track. I wanted to deliver something productive.  The changes in my life of course had an immediate effect on my way of thinking.
We were talking about the ideas of what it means to keep an archive and what protocols there should be made.
My counterthought was about Protocols for passive hoarding. As an idea of "we might need this later".
   The questions that I / We raised were  'do we really need to preserve everything? What do we take with us?'

From this point, Senka and I started talking about the questions that were raised about to think about ideas protocols for active archiving. I read that personally as if we were responsible for the maintenance of the Radio Worm's archive. Instead, we made a work that asks for reflection.

With both having made some critical essays / poems, we decided to make a video work because we wanted to visualize the amount of archives. No sound, just video. In these videos, we portray the radio worm from the apocalyptic narrative of SIGNAL LOST: ARCHIVE UNZIPPED.

Where Senka shows the vessel of the radio station, I show the amount of data and sounds and players and information that actually go 'live'.  

Struggle This was something I was thinking about, concerning the fact I was just *there.*
To be honest, I had some imposter syndrome,  experiencing whilst being around.

 The idea of the wordhole or actually the first trimester struck to me as a black hole:

 Once inside the black hole's event horizon, matter will be torn apart into its smallest subatomic components and eventually be squeezed into the singularity. As the singularity accumulates more and more matter, the size of the black hole's event horizon increases proportionally.
 I felt that the matter of xpub/si22 etc was floating around me and I was there like some intergalactic fly on a meteorite.  Just being there.  Trying to make the best of it with the understanding of things.
 If I would think of a 'better scenario', I'd say I'd go more around the PZI /Wdka and join things. But back then my life was pure chaos and I made the decision to do my best and also taking step back in order to be a fly on the wall since I wasn't fully able to work on the SI22.  Keeping the condition in mind that I would do more in the second trimester. It was hard to get back though.
 Looking back I didn't really experiment with i.e. printing / terminal related things but more on the ideas of publication and mostly thinking about alternatives
However I was proud of myself of starting the narrative in the radio show as our improv ideas started.