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== Hello, welcome tot 1 2 0 2 4 3mester2  XPUB  -----> QUILTING AS AN INFRASTRUCTURE == 

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XPUB2 --- 

== Quiltgame exercise ==
marloes:  '''write an entry in the word quilt together with your editorial team (or if teams don't overlap anymore, with your game team), about the game world you have in mind! Before thinking about game rules, objectives, etc. try to imagine the world!'''

When the visitors/players enter your game, what kind of world do they step into?

The people step into a world that is situated in their actual world. As an annotated version, a lens OR a few lenses / stations. The space is a something that places our research, conversations and findings in a slight satirical / ironic / --- layer.

What does it look like (colors, space, hues, atmosphere), are there sounds, smells, other sensations? What kind?
= '''''<code>GRADUATION RESEARCH SEMINAR</code>''''' =
What? (two sentences)
A game that mocks the visual representation of virtual environments in Games and City Planning/Branding. The Idea of simulation games cover either daily strife of a certain job or expertise, or a surreal / parody / fantasy driven game.
Why? (two sentences) [old version: How? but very similar to workflow]
In both the promise of new city planning as the concept of a simulator. In games: the person / character is (based on the conception of an) able bodied - I city planning, the mockups always consist of stock footage or 3d rendered.
Workflow (two or three sentences)
The idea is to first think about the gameplay(ux / ui) to use what kind of virtual environments this could take place in. Then pitch to people that work in the same fields of thoughts and others, for the sake of fair use and that doesn't unintentionally becomes a mocking of people with disabilities. And in the end make some sort of beta testing version and present that...?
Timetable (Sept*)
September to December could be an idea, since I am participating in <a href=""> '''Open call Worksession: a Cane, Sticky notes, Another body''' d/a> and I could test it then with the audience there. But to be honest this project could be more of a critical meme towards abovementioned projects.
Relation to previous practice (two sentences, draw on Text on Practice)
I made something in Unity years ago based on this
Choices made (two sentences)
= '''''<code>PROTOTYPING</code>''''' =
XPUB1 ---  --- 
== ROTTERDAM 2040 ==
[[File:WhatsApp Image 2024-06-07 at 14.30.58 c89a7042.jpg|thumb]]
m watching this for the second time. And te first time I was naïve / new to this film.
Whilst I am currently watching this, I feel.. double about this?
to be fair Gyz la rivière has quite some [pseudo-critical] feedback  and he's familiar with the problems, the irony of the city. There is a lot to say about the choices made for a city. There's plenty of paradoxes he says
[[File:WhatsApp Image 2024-06-06 at 21.48.14 84d83e91.jpg|thumb]]
but on the other hand, there is this post card - nostalgic - self absorbed - corporate graphic designer aesthetic with some problematic shots that take away the message.
It's interesting because the maker seems self-aware of his opinion going all over the place but I'd call it an artistically driven docu-rant-ary. 
The problems and  the solutions he states have the contrast of having a very complex nature and the outcome of how he'd like to see it are more like underbelly-stated arguments
I see some sort of modern conservative thinking towards some views  "VROEGAH WAS ALLES BETAH"
"The city would improve if they'd revive fundamental buildings"
I agree that a lot of a fundament has been destroyed without good reasoning but to reconstruct old building-replica's 
This critique and the documentary is one big fever dream post-card with good arguments but I'm just crashing and erroring.
[[File:WhatsApp Image 2024-06-06 at 21.48.15 a40eeec4.jpg|thumb]]
"we can finally design the city"
Rotterdam was bombed by fascism but also modernism and urban renewal
the idea of making the city more human
his manifest seems all over the place as well, which has something authentic yet... cringe?
it's a sort of rotterdam that is allowed to exist but also the one that i partially disagree with
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I was walking and my mother was in her scootmobile, we wondered about the new foodhall in the older station. In this building there first was a Happy Italy and before that even a cinema I believe.
Currently it´s a hip yuppified food hall, we went there to see how it is, that we could go there.
There was a ramp so it accessible if you would like to enter. At least if you wanted to remain there. However, the roof terrace was handicapped by the age of the building. 
for means of toliet access   
A walk from my house to PZI in pedestrian mode of 3DRotterdam
RotterPunk 2025
It reminded me of this
= '''poinxs (points of inaccess) [working on it]''' =
a... Portmanteau (do not quote me on that) of
POI = Point of Interest
INXS which borrows the abbreviation of the band, but this stands for '''in excess('''in overly large amounts), where I mean it as In-access (not accessible).  
I intent to counter map locations.
using a platform to use gps
The locations aren't manoeuvrable.
With this project a way of countermapping could be marking certain points of the city.
Examples of tools to practice:
   <nowiki></nowiki>  leaflet js: an open-source JavaScript library
for mobile-friendly interactive maps
benchmarking (see next
= '''--------Benchmarking-------''' =
''What does it mean to benchmark''
dictionaries will tell that it is
<code>1. a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.</code>
<code>"the pay settlement will set a **benchmark for** other employers and workers"</code>
<code>2. ideal - a test designed to evaluate or compare the performance of computer hardware or software.</code>
<code>"we thought we'd run some benchmarks on the smartphone"</code>
<code>3. '''Benchmark is a surveyor's mark, cut on a rock, stone, wall or a building showing the height of that mark above sea level'''. Contours are lines shown in brown, joining places of equal height above the sea level. Heights of inaccessible areas are shown by contours drawn in broken lines called form lines.</code>
4. or building and used as a reference point in measuring [altitudes]
5. ==evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.==
  =="we are **benchmarking** our performance **against** external criteria"==
In these definitions, it all comes down to defining standards and legitimizing / testing.
When I would look for a certain hard or software, I need to check either consumer platforms such as tweakers, reviewers on video platforms.
What do I mean with it?
I'm intrigued by the idea of sitting / being / loitering somewhere and look for the compatibility of platforms. Be it physical or mental. The accessibility meets disability in where the bar is set and the threshold is put. The threshold is both a place to fit a tool that grants access as it is a bar to closes access.
When walking around, make a pitstop at a bench. Just sit there in the middle part. Look forward. Make yourself comfortable and take an unlimited time to see evaluate the premise. What does the neighborhood look like, what is the demographic. How much is it designed? Is it possible for anyone to be there?' <center></center><center></center><center><code>''`Make a list of the specs.`''</code></center><center></center><center><code>''`Is there anything that could be tweaked?`''</code></center><center></center><center><code>''`Be your own tracking device`''</code></center><center></center><center><code>''`In a smart city, be a smart civilian, look at the surroundings`''</code></center><center></center><center><code>''`from your own point of critique, make notes`''</code> </center><center></center>Example:
Report to the gemeente
''Are there ways to report bugs on streetlevel? Be it websites or sites or ways to make cities more accessible?''
Is the city a circuit?  (A brief discussion with Friedrich Kittler and Shannon Mattern between to bridge)
[working on this]
How to reconnect with the city in a empathetic way without framing myself as something ridiculous as an empath
Why do people like Susan Bijl bags (ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS HERE)
[this is more an underbelly anti-yuppy level description]
Is a big city open enough for people with disabilities, is the manoeuvrability?  
'''counter-flaneuring [working on it]'''
camouflage and not be seen
'''geoguessing [working on it]'''
= Pedestrian =
''What does it mean to be a pedestrian''
''I can not ride a bike, that made me a "WALKER"''
'' ''
''my .walking my way to get to places is not that interesting walking around to empty my brain''
''When I'm saying to someone that I'm going to go for a walk, I sometimes get the response like: "Where to?" as if I always to need to reach a goal''
''my parents used to ask me to do chores and favors because oh no why would I go on walks without any purpose, goals, or benefits''
''walking just a way of getting out of my stuffy bubble in the house to empty my brain, to look around and just be zigzagging through the streets.''
'' ''
''The purpose is more to walk something off rather than aiming towards a spot. It is away to maintain some space in the open''
''I prefer walking to places if the weather isn't too extreme, I'm never in a hurry transport is for A-B, for 1 to 0 walking is for neither, rather aimless in direction but aimful in health it's good for clearing up inner storms''
''either listening to the surroundings or closing off from them''
''I feel where people do the flaneuring I tend to want to be unnoticed, accept for greeting / politeness but other than that I just temporarily claim my walking distances as I were to be alone in a train''
''I talk about this walking because I feel that dull approach about what it means to be a pedestrian is rather bullshit. Plenty of people tend to want to ride their bikes, cars to get to places. I can not ride a bike due to balance problem, I never felt the urge to be the transporter vehiclist.''
''As if being a pedestrian isn't productive enough, as if it is bad to be dull.''
''What does it mean to be a pedestrian?''
= '''CybeRdam2077  - PolderPunk?''' =
27-05-24 We have visited VONK <nowiki></nowiki>
The innovation center of Rotterdam Municipality.
We had 3 talks:
   - One about Behavioural Change / Nudging
   - One about The Traffic Light system
   - One about the RotterdamSimulation methods via VR / AR and digitizing the city to something equal to what they said "GTA" but I thought more of Cyberpunk 2077 or the Matrix open world
   In the sense of the uprising industrialized neolights and hip city downfall of a city
NeoRotterdam, the idea of Rotterdam being so smart and innovative that it turns into a cybernetic dock station.
(still working on this)
Since monday I have been thinking about the correlations between my spare time interests and the xpub topics. On monday, I was triggered or intrigued by the idea of future of Rotterdam. At VONK [the innovation center]  they presented us with the three principles of the city, at least, the three principles they presented
- Nudging
- Controlling the traffic through soft and hardware that connects to the city sensors center.
- Rotterdam 3D /ARVRXR -> Looking at the city from / on a virtual perspective. "Gaaf zeg hey" as any person into tech and gadget and modern stuff would say.
The moment I saw the building and the modern gamification of the city, it reminded me of Night City in broad daylight. Night City is the place where Cyberpunk takes place.
It is very interesting to think about innovation, about the smartness of the city where I grew up. The city seems to be dangling in between
a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.
a literary and artistic movement that envisions and works toward actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.
the suffix -punk refers to the punk asin steampunk ('''a subgenre of science fiction that incorporates retrofuturistic technology and aesthetics inspired by, but not limited to, 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery'''.)  
But to a Dutch degree, I always feel that a lot 'we' try to mimic or make our own, becomes a very watered down overly negotiated version of the actual thing. I'm talking about the Polder Model.
''The polder model is a method of consensus decision-making, based on the Dutch version of consensus-based economic and social policymaking in the 1980s and 1990s. It gets its name from the Dutch word for tracts of land enclosed by dikes.''
Therefore, looking at the citymarketing / citybuilding / cityplanning idea of Rotterdam as some sort of PolderPunk starting to develop in 2025.
This kind of future city gives me some sort of future fictional idea. In a perfect world.
I'm afraid of this perfect world.
''Programmer and tech writer Paul McFedries explains this thinking:''
''The city is a computer, the streetscape is the interface, you are the cursor, and your smartphone is the input device. This is the user-based, bottom-up version of the city-as-computer idea, but there’s also a top-down version, which is systems-based. It looks at urban systems such as transit, garbage, and water and wonders whether the city could be more efficient and better organized if these systems were ‘smart.’''
This idea came to mind because of the connections of both defintions of a port / terminal / transport / uploading and downloading / docking etc
[[File:Pasted image 20240606134032.png|1200x1200px]]
= City as platform or Worldbuilding in games =
<code>Monday 27th of May 2024 our class had a tour in the municipality building at the halvemaan passage.</code>
It started with nudging en behavioral psychology, followed by traffic organising and then virtualizing Rotterdam.
The nudging idea is something I am still digesting, because it is passive agressive  way to change behavior, I asked if the nudger is opened to be nudged and the reaction seemed open but didn't feel as open in the end.
The second presentation lead us to the hofplein roundabout, talking about the amount of sensors, cameras and networks.
The third presentation had a map
Word diving in my brain:
<code>   </code>
<code>   </code>
<code>American / EUROTruck Simulator</code>
<code>Going from a to b, delivering, being the the transmission / transaction / transport.</code>
<code>Chrono Trigger</code>
<code>JRPG story driven and mapped out game</code>
<code>DBZ Kakarot</code>
<code>Open World gamified version of Dragon Ball Z-series</code>
<code>Garry's Mod</code>
<code>a world making / modding program with open source game making.</code>
<code>a futurist manoeuvring game to finish levels through thinking</code>
<code>Zelda Breathe of the Wild</code>
<code>The first open world zelda game,</code>
<code>Tales of Symphonia</code>
<code>turn based rpg game that has geopolitics put into a story</code>
<code>Surival / crafting game, make your own villlage / cities</code>
<code>Cyberpunk 2077</code>
<code>NeoTokyo-aestheticgame with the open world of Night City. A techno dystopian wolr</code>
<code>Pokémon Arceus / Violet</code>
<code>open world Pok'mon game</code>
== Route as circuit ==
the idea of mapping your location in the same idea as making a connection based electronic schematics and maps.
This is a way to see if there are connections missing, is your route  an open or closed circuit.
Does an open route mean that everybody is welcome  / public
Does a close route mean that it's exclusive / private
Is a detour a connection with extension cords?
= Geo-equalism =
Considering Latitudes and altitudes defined by the prime meridian and the equator
meridian meaning MidDay
Equator -> AeQuator -> circulus Aequator diei etonoctus
Circle equalizing day and night
make equal
the production of space
performativity lefebreve (or how ever the fuck you spell this french name)
affordance : what are the possibilities?
capabilities / possibilities
hostile architecture                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
27/05/24                                                                                                                <syntaxhighlight lang="asc" line="1">
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mapping out everything I'm doing to find the lines.   
Tool: [[Obsidian]]   
[ HTML] 
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'''Friedrich Kittler's The City is a Medium'''
'''Shannon Mattern's A City is Not a Computer'''
''Perhaps interesting to look at nudge theory: <nowiki></nowiki>''
[[File:NS NUDGE.jpg|thumb|Dutch Railways nudge to ride a bike  > I CAN'T RIDE A BIKE ]]
''And, related to that, this film by Harun Farocki about the human design/social engineering of shopping malls:''
''The Real Lives game:''
Piepzna-Samarasinha, L. L. (2018) Care work: dreaming disability justice, Vancouver, Arsenal Pulp Press.
Knabb, K. (ed.) (2006) Situationist International anthology, Rev. and expanded ed., Berkeley, CA, Bureau of Public Secrets.
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verb: **benchmark**; 3rd person present: **benchmarks**; past tense: **benchmarked**; past participle: **benchmarked**; gerund or present participle: **benchmarking**
1. evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.
    "we are **benchmarking** our performance **against** external criteria"
When walking around, make a pitstop at a bench. Just sit there in the middle part. Look forward. Make yourself comfortable and take an unlimited time to see evaluate the premise.  What does the neighborhood look like, what is the demographic. How much is it designed? Is it possible for anyone to be there?

Make a list of the specs.

I believe the aesthetics of an 'internet café' towards the classic mario overwhelming worldmaps elements (having a 'saturated) with a non-linear crossover map between the topics. It mocks the typical silicon valley / server / data center. aesthetic and gives lenses towards actual processes.
Is there anything that could be tweaked?

Be your own tracking device

Possible aesthetical influences differ from text based to early video text based (Roberta Williams) games to more modern ideas as the stanley parable and as said before silicon valley related. [ From hip start up to servers].
In a smart city, be a smart civilian, look at the surroundings

we could use sounds as the imminent server space as a soundscape and have bleeps
from your own point of critique, make notes

Physics as in real life or different? 

The physics in the game / area are met with the confines of reality. Instead of thinking about gravity, think of the weight of information as the load of the player.  
1. What does it mean to be a [ pedestrian]

[ "you see me walking coz I don't run fam"]

What/who inhabits this world?
I can not ride a bike, that made me a "WALKER"

my .walking my way to get to places is not that interesting walking around to empty my brain

When I'm saying to someone that I'm going to go for a walk, I sometimes get the response like: "Where to?" as if I always to need to reach a goal

my parents used to ask me to do chores and favors because oh no why would I go on walks without any purpose, goals, or benefits

Are there objects, plants, trees and animals or is it an abstract world of ideas and symbols?
walking just a way of getting out of my stuffy bubble in the house to empty my brain, to look around and just be zigzagging through the streets.
----the objects as far as I know will communicate with the elements of the word quilt entries.

The purpose is more to walk something off rather than aiming towards a spot. It is away to maintain some space in the open

I prefer walking to places if the weather isn't too extreme, I'm never in a hurry transport is for A-B, for 1 to 0 walking is for neither, rather aimless in direction but aimful in health it's good for clearing up inner storms

Can players communicate with these and/or each other?
either listening to the surroundings or closing off from them
----There could be a communication of some sort through ticket.

I feel where people do the flaneuring I tend to want to be unnoticed, accept for greeting / politeness but other than that I just temporarily claim my walking distances as I were to be alone in a train

I talk about this walking because I feel that dull approach about what it means to be a pedestrian is rather bullshit. Plenty of people tend to want to ride their bikes, cars to get to places. I can not ride a bike due to balance problem, I never felt the urge to be the transporter vehiclist.

Does the world reveal itself immediately or do players unravel it's mysteries step by step?
As if being a pedestrian isn't productive enough, as if it is bad to be dull.
----It's a non-linear space that is met with a server data-esque aesthetics when it comes to a (de)tour around the area.  

I recently made a thing about public transport.  _link to previous_

Or do the players construct the world themselves? Just to get you started.
On the subject of a to b
----I think there is room for input, or that there will be because there is always space for errors and glitches.

When I want to be mindless, I play Eurotruck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.

Which are a games that are about transporting goods.

It gives some sort of weird satisfaction of doing something as just hours of virtual driving.

It's the part of the machine, part of the connection. Being an arrow on a map

Don't worry about implementation of the world design when you write, in the end you can conjure up a universe in a text game so that should not be an obstacle :) If you have games in mind as reference, link to them!       
looking at the maintenance points being on the road.

  random (re)mem(b)ory

It is something that truly gives me a very lay back setting. However it does give me a meta layer of these circuits connecting capital(ist) interfaces.
[[File:Mapping out the words in obsidian.png|thumb|Trying to map out words in Obsidian]]Walking around in the neighbourhood thinking and defining (counter)mapping I walk in this space that used to be a prison complex in the north of rotterdam, The area has changed into a hip area that flirts with truman show type of aesthetics. I have been thinking about the infrastructures and how things are not working in this city. I have many objections into city planning and I'm wildly attracted to ideas of who owns the city.

As I stroll my sunday gloom away, mending the shapes of spaces I read or hear something along the lines of Codes of Conduct, earlier today I was watching the sitcom parks and recreation, which is a based at a local government in America and the shows the bureaucracy ''sometimes.'' 

I am wrestling with my ideas on what I want to do and I am doing these things justice and or the right way.  
Looking at cities as if they were chips.  
Maps as schematics 

A bubble came up in opposition to a Code of Conduct and I thought about Bugs of Misconduct.
roads as (Short) Circuits
short circuiting when connection can not be established     

Dividing the definitions:  
Progressive metal/ Dance/Electronic music recording artist Remi Gallégo aka The Algorithm has [ album covers] that resemble what I mean


informal:  a harmful microorganism, typically a bacterium. "their ham was found to be contaminated with food bugs"

   an illness caused by a microorganism.

   "he'd just recovered from a flu bug"


   Similar: illness, ailment, infection, disease, disorder, sickness, affliction, malady, complaint, upset, condition, infirmity, indisposition, malaise, bacterium, germ, virus, bacillus, microorganism. microbe. lurgy

an enthusiastic interest in something.

"they caught the sailing bug"

Similar: obsession, enthusiasm, craze, fad, mania, rage, passion, fixation, hobby, interest, pastime  thing

1. Benchmarking as loitering practice

North American

a small insect.
a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.

"a thick green scum which crawls with bugs, centipedes, and worse"
"the pay settlement will set a **benchmark for** other employers and workers"

Line 113: Line 689:

insect.  flea. mite. midge. creepy-crawly, beastie, minibeast
standard point of reference

guiding principle


an insect of a large order distinguished by having mouthparts that are modified for piercing and sucking.


a concealed miniature microphone, used for secret eavesdropping or recording.

"they cleaned out the bugs and wiretaps"
litmus test



listening device, hidden microphone, receiver, transmitter, wire, wiretap, phone tap, tap, bugging device


an error in a computer program or system.

"a custom program we used developed a bug"
classic example


Similar: fault, error, defect, flaw, imperfection, failing, breakdown, virus, glitch gremlin,  snarl-up


verb: bug; 3rd person present: bugs; past tense: bugged; past participle: bugged; gerund or present participle: bugging

1. ideal  - a test designed to evaluate or compare the performance of computer hardware or software.
"we thought we'd run some benchmarks on the smartphone"
2. 2.
    a surveyor's mark cut in a wall, [pillar](, or building and used as a reference point in measuring [altitudes](

   conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to listen to or record someone's conversations secretly.

   "their offices, homes, and telephones were bugged"

       record or listen to (a conversation) using a concealed microphone.

       "she fears that her conversations were bugged"

LINK TO PMMNBENEBEBIJFNBNBSDDF?<gallery mode="slideshow">
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listen in on, eavesdrop on, spy on, overhear, wiretapmonitorm, phone-tap, snoop on



annoy or bother (someone).

"a persistent reporter was bugging me"</blockquote>

<blockquote>noun: '''misconduct'''


# 1.  unacceptable or improper behaviour, especially by an employee or professional person.  "she was found guilty of professional misconduct by a disciplinary tribunal and dismissed"  h  Similar:  wrongdoing, delinquency, unlawfulness ,lawlessness ,crime ,felony,criminality,sin,sinfulness,evil,evil-doing,unprofessional behaviour,unprofessionalism,unethical behaviour,malpractice,maladministration,dereliction of duty ,negligence,breach of ethics,impropriety,immorality,abuse,malversation,misbehaviour, bad behaviour,misdeeds. misdemeanours,disorderly conductbadnessmischief
[[Lorenzo's Projects that May/Mayn't|Projects that May/Mayn't]]


# rudeness
#* Hockey  a penalty assessed against a player for unsportsmanlike conduct.  plural noun: '''misconducts'''  "Smith got a game misconduct for spearing Nick Kypreos"
# 2.  mismanagement, especially culpable neglect of duties.  "the general was pardoned for misconduct of the war"


verb: '''misconduct'''; 3rd person present: '''misconducts'''; past tense: '''misconducted'''; past participle: '''misconducted'''; gerund or present participle: '''misconducting'''
<code> <pre>

   - Eigen Welzijn Eerst - Roxane van Iperen

# 1.  behave in an improper manner.  "the committee reprimanded two members who were found to have misconducted themselves"
# 2.  mismanage (an activity).  "there is no evidence that the premises were being misconducted"


Thinking about the bugs of misconduct, it's a great ethical dilemma because it is, if I am correct, a bit of a contronym/auto-antonym/Janus term. OR a homonym.  
   - Synopsis
An Ourobouros: the snake biting it's own tail. == the circle that the writer intended to go through:
1. Equality as a starting point
2. The rise of Nativism in NL == the ideas of a first class and second class citizen  (the end of equality)
3. The fear of falling (meaning the middle class being afraid of falling back to a / the lower class, being pressure with the future perspective of an offspring not being able to enjoy the privileges of their parents)
4. The Closed Circle of the middle class  (The Country Club Mentality, so creating your own little clubs to gain exclusivity)
5. Wellness-Right (The radicalization of the group within the middle class)

To me, bugs of misconduct are an error in the system. The cracks that appear to be loopholes or invite to squat. It opens for alternative opportunities as a crack in the wall. The bugs go in and start to acclimatize to the space, showcasing the cracks and the errors as fundament. For what idk yet. I'm in need of looking at the readings of previous weeks and to show.
this 5-step program plays with of the ourobouros, the snake biting its own tail in the sense of progress.  
idea 'we have reached emancipation, we can now claim our superiority'

another of countermapping is to show showcase hostile architecture, or infrastructure, maybe that is what I have been doing earlier with locating the steps from one person in a scootmobile / wheelchair to another by public transport.

A bug of misconduct is potentially a parasite that leeches off the host.

140224---(visualizing nodes / processes / connections /graphs , idk how to formulate this yet but it is something I'm currently making, 4, 6 and 7 also come to mind in this connection )

''_____________________________________________________________________________  ....''
Paraphrased from the website:

  <s>''   - involve playlessness (not sure what means yet) |''</s>
  ''       -(con)text adventure games, where limitations are there in the game (up down south east west north and other commands) and also the limitations offline could be implemented in case / scenarios  |      ''
Nederland heeft lang een zelfbeeld van openheid en tolerantie gehad. Dat beeld kwam voort uit het naoorlogse optimisme van de middenklasse, die geloofde in kansengelijkheid, ongeacht afkomst of achternaam, en het belang van goede publieke voorzieningen. Zo zou elke nieuwe generatie het beter krijgen dan de vorige.
Het geloof in vooruitgang is de afgelopen jaren afgebrokkeld en heeft onder invloed van de politiek plaatsgemaakt voor een sterke hang naar zelfbehoud, met extreme sentimenten tot gevolg. In Eigen welzijn eerst laat Roxane van Iperen op prikkelende wijze zien hoe dit heeft kunnen gebeuren, en spreekt ze de hoop uit dat de middenklasse opnieuw de vooruitgangsgedachte omarmt.
Rond het verschijnen van Eigen welzijn eerst op 10 mei gaf Roxane interviews aan De Telegraaf en Het Financieele Dagblad en sprak ze met Leon Verdonschot voor Linda: lees het hier. Ook schoof ze aan bij de Zelfspodcast en de talkshow Khalid & Sophie. Het essay werd gepresenteerd in De Rode Hoed en stond vier maanden in de Bestseller60, waar het de 2e plaats bereikte.
‘Een messcherp pamflet en een klassiek essay brengen het hedendaagse egoïsme in kaart… In Eigen welzijn eerst zet schrijfster Roxane van Iperen zeer effectief de kettingzaag in het gedrag van yogamoeders en andere spirituele kruidenheksen die Facebook en omstreken opstoken met deskundologische wijsheden over opvoeding of huidverzorging. Wat we denken te zien is een sociale media-gezondheidsbeweging, met mooie foto’s van moeders met kinderen aan de borst en tegeltjeswijsheden over nachtrust. Wat we moeten zien is ‘wellness-rechts’, een agressieve marketingmachine die extreem-rechts gedachtengoed normaliseert. Men schakelt in die contreien nu in één moeite van anti-vaccinatie naar pro-Poetin. Tussen ‘eigen lijf eerst’ en ‘eigen volk eerst’ zit weinig licht.’ 
**** Menno Hurenkamp, NRC Handelsblad
‘Dat is wat mij betreft het belangrijkste inzicht uit het boek: laat de vooroordelen los, en probeer je voor te stellen hoe het kómt dat een groep mensen bang is en zich zorgen maakt. Dat hoeft niet te betekenen dat je dan ook alles wat die groep zegt en doet goedpraat, maar het betekent wél dat je probeert te achterhalen wat er achter die uitspraken schuilgaat. Dan pas kun je de voedingsbodem voor die angst aanpakken.’
Dilara Bilgic, De Correspondent
''...// booting mind>>>>>>>>>> general comment: we have so much we can work with (all the readings / prototyping)  / imagemagick / python / html css javascript / web / ascii art''
''ghost host parasite server etc / the wordquilt / code of conduct etc etc etc''
''..first; ''
''Maria X mentioned the word question but the connection broke it into quest-ion+1, which could be a happy accident to use the storyline to ask questions that may have come up in the reading and prototyping of previous weeks. QuiltQuestionQuest or somethin.''
''..second   :''
''based on the  adventure txt and fictionalizing human computer something(very paraphrased from a previous text we read)''
''you see what you type -> person a speaks''
''person b does walk compass-like''
''limiting the options "You can't open cabinet"   said by person c  ''
''/the narrator in this part could read it out either non-linear or linear depending on the 'script' so if the person does something not according to script, the narrator will go to bottom of script''

   - Why is this text important to my research/work
It deals with normality and the rise of neoliberalism. The mechanism of what we define as 'wellness' and 'normal' and 'fit'.
''something I have been thinking about[[User:Lor.ensō#Concept:%20Where%20do%20ya%20draw%20the%20line%3F|]]  I am kind of using the idea of Google maps step by step and using the linear story and fictionalizing / gamifying the inaccessible process from A to B  (this is more a political thing and I might just do it for myself on the side) //this could also just be a personal side quest using 1-3 cases with the idea of connections servers protocols etc''
I wanted this book for the idea of Wellness Right-critique. It speaks about the classes towards health being something you are in charge of. Which is an unfair statement to people with disabilities / illness. My graduation project was a work about the wellness, spirituality industry. Another big source was the Conspirituality podcast.  
   - Annotations and notes
''yesterday's class reminded me of the dos games / old mac games and the actual collosal cave adventure: Roberta Williams as inspiration <nowiki></nowiki>''
   --> format: up to you (transclusion optional!)  
''<nowiki></nowiki>  :)))))''
   - Pick 2 or 3 references (they are not fixed or set in stone, don't spend too much time picking the best references)
''I have this with me in the studio btw vvvvvv''
   - Write a synopsis (even if you haven't read it
''..fifth, make the special issue somewhat like an webquilt arcade?   out of ideas, mind will close down for maintenance''
   - Why this is important to you
This essay is a historical / political / socially / critically accurate book. It shows the dangers of nostalgic elements in political populist beliefs "Before THEY came it was BETTER", it shows how the most progressive 'looking' people having conservative values: "Father with beard and tattoos and modern fashion and mother with purple long hair and a nose piercing and a hippie dress maintaining conservative thoughts like not vaccinating their kids because of political biases".
   - If you're drawing blanks/not sure about a reference, browse the bootleg library
   - Collection of texts/works (in whichever way you would like to include it (section/whole text/...), How is the original present in the reader?)
Ten Theses on Life Hacks - Former XPUB1
"Life Hacks in general aren’t taken too seriously. The ten theses
in this document are meant to provide a widened perspective on
Life Hacks, and on their relationship to our collective experiences
and reflections. The criteria listed in first thesis allow us to test
whether something is a Life Hack or not. The remaining theses
present extended arguments, supported by examples, that
identify specific features of Life Hacks, the environments they
exist within, and the kind of culture they foster.
This publication’s format incorporates the Life Hack ethos. With
the addition of a series of holes, each loose page can be seen as
a hackable surface. We invite you to collate and bind them,
making an eclectic choice from a range of unorthodox materials." Copy of p1.
   - Synopsis

<sup>SEE YOU LATER</sup>
It seems that this text is looking at worthless and very meme-able lifehacks that could make your life easier but 9/10 times don't really do that.

   - Why is this text important to my research/work
[ norenzoQuilt] // page on chopchop

==== Concept: Where do ya draw the line? ====
Selling the interaction 'doing nothing' as a life changing product is shit. (I wanted to say is just something I would really disagree with, but then my fingers wrote shit and that was a better tl;dr definition.)

I speculate that these theseseses have an echo chambery effect on me but I might just read a lot of their sources. 

A personal observation based on the limitations concerning accessibility, usability concerning healthcare, <u>public</u> transport.
   - Annotations and notes

Since XPUB is focused on making things public, I'm thinking about some stuff.
   --> format: up to you (transclusion optional!)

Public Transport, How do you make Transport Public? Or more public

I'm just thinking about the idea of the public service for the transport from an accessible / disability point of view. This case is quite personal but also inspirational from my critical thinking designartresearchblabla point of view.
   - Pick 2 or 3 references (they are not fixed or set in stone, don't spend too much time picking the best references)

So, let's say my mother wants to go to my brother. What needs to be done? For this ''method'' I'm using the google maps standard*/ **
   - Write a synopsis (even if you haven't read it yet)

# Go out of the house
   - Why this is important to you
# Unlock the scootmobile
# Uncover the scootmobile
# Put the cover inside
# move the bicycle
# position the basket and possible bags
# start scootmobile
# go to end of street
# wait for traffic lights / or if you're lucky it's green but it's always in favour of the cars.
# once you crossed the street, go to the elevator
# check in at port **
# push the button
# wait for elevator
# possibly wait for people to exit the elevator
# enter the elevator***
# wait until you are at the platform
# exit elevator to right side(need to confirm this)
# wait for the metro
# search for the good entrance without the metal poles in the middle ^
# be in metro for one stop
# reach central station
# pull back to exit metro
# go back or forward to elevator
# push button and wait for elevator / if you are lucky it'll be there already
# enter the elevator ***
# wait til you reach centraal station begane grond
# go back or forward to exit elevator
# check out at port **
# ride towards third tram platform
# enter third tram platform
# wait for tram 7 towards woudestein? (need to be confirmed)
# in the meantime, guess on what half of the platform the tram will stop
# inevitably ride or race through crowd to reach the middle / center of tram****
# enter tram in transit ^
# position yourself
# wait until you reach you reach your destination
# try to get out of the tram
# check out as well
# you can finally breathe again
# enjoy your visit
# when it is time to leave, leave*
# go back to the tram
# search for the right port on the other side of the street
# inevitably ride or race through crowd to reach the middle / center of tram****
# step / check in
# it might be possible that there is a parent and a baby carriage in the space that is also meant for wheelchair and rollator
# wait in discomfort
# person with baby carriage needs to get out, instead of going to another exit, this person insists to get out the door they came in, they lift the scootmobile and you are in even more discomfort
#you need to wait some more time
#finally you are at Rotterdam Centraal
#struggle to get out of the tram once again**
#head to the metro port
#check in and somehow also drive towards the elevator***
#push the button of the elevator
#position yourself in the metro at the place with no metal poles in the middle
#wait one stop
#get out the metro
#go to elevator
#go up
#go out
#go home
#place all the stuff back

<nowiki>*</nowiki>before you go, think about leaving at least 10-15 minutes in advance

<nowiki>**</nowiki> might need someone else to do it because it closes again in a certain timeframe
   - If you're drawing blanks/not sure about a reference, browse the bootleg library

<nowiki>***</nowiki> this means the elevator works

<nowiki>****</nowiki> there might be a parent with child, cyclist, person in wheelchair, other person in scootmobile there
[[File:You may not have a purpose when you do nothing.jpg|thumb]]

^ take into consideration the doors are literally timeframes so you better have someone with you to hold the door
</pre> </code> 

[[File:How to seem like you know what you are doing.jpg|center|thumb]]
[[File:Do Nothing.jpg|left|thumb]]

Example: --------

The Rotterdam Electric Tram has multiple Entrances -> Ports

      <div style="text-align: center;">
Port asin the doors

Port asin checkin / outs

[] PORT 1

[] PORT 2

[] PORT 3
convo w/ arduino <pre>
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
�������������get that coffeeeeeee
get that coffeeeeeee
����ݟ�ی��ی�ی�����������ݟݚ��������H���������ݟݚ�֝֘˘֝���������ېۘ����ې���ݛݟ��ݚ��ݟ��H����ې��������錏ݟ���������ݟ�ם֝֝֝��������������������get that coffeeeeeee
���ט�ݛ���㌏�ט֐�H�get that coffeeeeeee
�א���ی��㌏��ݚݛ��ݚݛ���۝�get that coffeeeeeee
������ݟ���۝�ݚ������������ۘ���get that coffeeeeeee
��������H����㌏����֝�ݚݚ��������������˘���H�����ݚ�֐ېې�����ݟݛݚ�������ݟ������ݟ��L��֌�����������㌏����get that coffeeeeeee
��ݟH���ݛ����������ݟ��������֝���������ݟ��������阋���������ݟ�����ۜ����֌��挏��������get that coffeeeeeee
get that coffeeeeeee
�����錏��������ݚ�������ݟ�ݛ������ݟ������L����H���ی�������ی�ۜ���get that coffeeeeeee
������M,��]N�[��L�����5�d����������@����`�����6y��6y��6Y��M,������you know what, make it 2

== '''''<u> <<<<< <big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)>>>>>></big></u>''''' ==


[PORT1]  |    [PORT2]  |  [PORT3]

check      I / O        |    I / O      |        I / O

int ldr = A0;

void setup() {

Serial.begin(115200); // USB

pinMode(ldr, INPUT); // LDR == input


<big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)</big>
void loop() {

int value = analogRead(A0);

<big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)</big>


<big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)</big>


  int ledPin = 12;               //the int ledPin is 12
  [[Quilt INC]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="d" line="1">
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);      //ledPin is a OUTPUT
  08-02-24 ///
void loop() {
  digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);   //turns pin 12 on
  delay(500);                  //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds
    digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);    //turns pin 12 off
  delay(500);                  //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds

  Dear Xpubdiary, I'm starting to get some more time off on my own to put things into perspective. I'm digesting through more than one channel
  <br />int RedLedPin = 8;                 //the int RedLedPin is 13
  int GreenLedPin = 12;               //the int GreenLedPin is 12
  channel 1 //
  void setup() {
The first channel is or was the care channel. I am <code>function mantelzorger() {for my mother, dog and four chicken; exception: sometimes also brother;}</code>
pinMode(RedLedPin,OUTPUT);        //ledPin is a OUTPUT
  It's a hassle but I feel like that is starting to land and give me some headspace. I have no idea what is happening or bound to happen but I am just completely bamboozled sometimes
  pinMode(GreenLedPin,OUTPUT);      //ledPin is a OUTPUT
  channel 2 //  
  void loop() {
The second channel is the xpub channel, where I tend to be moreI do not know what information to process first and what to do next what to research and what to reflect or experiment with it is a lot to process and I want to be productive but [x=channel 3] is taking over help.js
digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,HIGH);   //turns green led  on
delay(5000);                      //stops the loop for 5000 milliseconds
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){       //this for loop gets 5 times repeated
digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,LOW);  //turns green led off
delay(500);                     //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds
digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,HIGH); //turns green led off
delay(500);                     //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds
  channel 3 //  
  digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,LOW);    //turns green led off
  The third channel is the health channel. This should be top priority but in the heat
  digitalWrite(RedLedPin,HIGH);     //turns red led on
  of everything I am just lost. It is truly madness to deal with the days of information
  delay(5000);                      //stops the loop for 5000 milliseconds
  and an unlimited load of things coming from channel 1 / 2 / 3. The pipeline is clogged
  digitalWrite(RedLedPin,LOW);      //turns red led on
<br />
<code>LDR NOIZE<pre>

int ldr = A0;
int pinTone = 11;


void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // USB
pinMode(ldr, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
int value = analogRead(A0);
tone (pinTone, value*0.2);

there is no perfect way to deal with this, anyone in my shoes would either struggle, give up or have other ideas so  comparing myself to another isn't the way
pushing myself isn't the way
punishing myself for things beyond me isn't the way
initiate be-good-to-self protocol print ('it's fucking hard to proceed in a grieving time');

  if else {
  ask-for-help-maybe protocol
int poti = A0;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // USB
pinMode(poti, INPUT); // LDR == input
  void loop() {
  int value = analogRead(poti);
tone (10, value*0.5);

wtf is plotting, what are servers, how do I do the things I wanna do and still keep up and avoid panicc and ztrezz and jdnfjdskfAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


int BUTTON = A0;
int speaker = 10;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // USB
  pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
  bool value = digitalRead(BUTTON);
  if (value){
    Serial.println ("ALARMSTART");
    for(int peter = 0; peter < 5; peter++){
      for(int frequency = 500; frequency<1200; frequency++){
      tone(speaker, frequency);
  Serial.print ("ALARM END");
  Serial.println ("DEPRESSED");
  noTone (speaker);
//tone (10, value*0.5);

til next time, I'll do more things.

<code><big>H e l l o and well come to the.......................................................................</big></code>
== 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 ==
                  <big>== '''Assesmental Presentental Wikipageroo aka Lorenzo Quint's''' ==</big>
= ''*airhorn sounds* == '''BEST OF XPUB1 TRIMESTER 1 & 2 = Protocolastic Quiltessential Boogaloo''' == *that windows celebrational noise.mp3*'' =
== 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 ==
BEFORE WE START I WOULD LIKE TO say that this is a type of presentation format I'm just playing with. Everything is in one place on this page. I will scroll back and forth, I will reflect and whilst making this I'm overthinking about this being the right way, but there is no right way. Anyway let's get on with the show->>>>>
<big>This is the page you will be watching whilst experiencing the process I went through. It will be a bit on the linear chronological side. As an old wise cliché once said whilst gazing to the inevitable sunburn:</big>
<image of a mountain.jpeg> <some wacky pseudoscientific font.otf>
<big>''You need to look backwards in order to look forwards. (Or if you want to use a cheat code up up down down left right left right B BA RT LT left X O spacebar spacebar spacebar epic backspace)''</big> 
so before we ask ourselves: [[How did we get here?]] / Transport / /DOOR/PORT.html
I'm first going to talk about the first trimester.
== SI22 -> Graveyard - > Questionnairerasure / protocols for passive hoarding / Marie KonDON'T -> ByteNoise: Sound You See Me, Sound You Don't ==
<blockquote>'''THE GRAVEYARD METAPHOR'''
When we were working in the WordHole and thinking about metaphors for the archive.
The state of grief influenced me about how to deal with an archive. We were talking talking about ways to work with amounts of data and my Metaphor  came about a graveyard as an 'archive' with the 'datasets' on the stones. The idea was about having a place where we could 'bury' the files that were not used in order to give some honour to the effort concerning the making of the radio worm.
I said in my recording that at some point you just need to let it go because it's not coming back. The things that would be thrown away in the recycle bin folder, were still on the hard drive.
A proposition I made back then was "maybe we just leave it as is and just delete them and have a radio memorial service as a last salute rather than saving it for maybe later purposes without knowing when or if it would be used."
And I was clearly stating it as NOT Marie Kondo'ing it but just for the sake of cleaning up > maintenance.
Cleaning out the space, what is important?
Active archiving -> the 'worm' goes into the ground and there is stuff everywhere but 'worm' just goes where there is food. All the other things in the ground are dissolving and rotting away anyway.
To look at the idea of do we need this later, No. </blockquote>during a methods class with Steve, we were doing an exercise that was about 'free for all typing' considering our thoughts on the special issue in order to create a narrative (from what I can still remember). It became a poem that with the format of the codeblock presented as some sort of net-poem. <syntaxhighlight lang="abap">
<i> Questionnairerasure
Are worm a space a radio and a place and more
I listen in / to worm
I go out I listen I read and I archive.  Through the pipeline |
can’t keep anything that is clutter but need to keep the importance and dance.
not the snake, am the wormoborous the community that feeds on ourshelves.
Leave the archive as to what is important rather than imported. leave files
And will come around and eat the cookies the crumbs lost. !important
Use the space for the next to continuity in unity of the worm
Prepare for leaving but never for farewell. Say goodbye to what you usen’t.
Is het kunst of kan het weg?
Is it art or can it be thrown in the trash
Can we empty the bin
In order to begin where our wormhole left us
If moved from here to there to then from now
What is taken
What is taken into consideration
In what state is the open city, In which state lies it and how do you leave it
The space as the wormhole through the wordhole takes us into the active archivalry.
The physicality contradicts the practicality, being pragmatic of fragments
Being pragmatic over the roots of the space into the data trees
What can be erased?  In order to digest, what is there
It should be clear, or cleared or ´klaar´ which means done
You can store it elsewhere but that isn’t viable over the long run, worms don’t run, they crawl and feed on what is there.
This is no calling for to be sterile or a vote for marie kondo, please kondon’t, but only the wormunity can understand what needs to be kept
Who are the worms, do they want to keep everything?
Are they capable of leaving recordings behind?
Is it a doom scenario to delete stuff to remain active in archive
Or does cluttering / hoarding / keeping storage in servers and clouds fit the idea or the worm
Will the worm be worn out because of the ecological ideas of the worm
The worm can’t proceed while being stuck, the worm needs to crawl in order to move, to breathe through the space, how does the worm think of using the space,
How do you conserve if conservation can harm the soil, maybe digging a bit too deep in these old gardened graveyards but if we wish to make an apocalyptic doomsday protocol, we must show tough love about the institution of the open city. How do we maintain traffic in a city if the city is blocked and clogged?
Making the worm accessible and open implies that space is made. In what order does the worm make space for achieving an active archive rather than proceeding as the hoarding worm.  
Consider this an open call for an open city, an open space for an open mind where questions are open food for thought that the worm can digest again and let its excrements be dissolved in the past. </i>
This poem then lead as on of the backbones to

== ''Byte Noise: Sound you see me? Sound you don't''  (w/ Senka) ==
[[File:SI22 Launch image Byte Noise 1.jpg|thumb|© Florian Cramer]]

{{User:Lor.ensō/Lorenzo's Byte Noise project process page}}

========================== MY PART IN THE QUILT ==================================
== METHODS IN TRIMESTER 1 Jo Freeman's The Tyranny of Structurelessness / my reflections on the ideas of alternatives or at least the idea(l)s of alternative ==

Cloud Cosmogram
This text was something that really stuck to me in many ways. I was born in a 'red nest' and I have always considered myself a leftist (and no this is not a story about me being a liberated ancap libertarian, barf.) and part of subcultural scenes and supporter of autonomous spaces and the ideas of alternatives.

However, I have my doubts on the ideas of alternatives. In the text (and I'm paraphrasing now) the idea of community living is raised and questioned, the idea of a non-hierarchical community seems amazing, yet some sort of power structure or better put 'order' is inevitable. The more self-aware and critique friendly the better.

The text spoke to me as well because this idea of a big united group of ideology seems like an [oppositional] utopia.  Especially in this time of online politics / meme culture wars. 

       - [ ] alternative microcosm
I have been thinking about the idea of an alternative doesn't mean that the alternative is actually the better alternative, yet the idea of an alternative could be. 

- [ ] *an incessant, noisy hum* / disquieting
Especially during covid (oh no a reference to my gradwork) it became visible that people who appeared to be critical thinkers fell for the conspiracy theories. Or that the ideas of a big pharma are given such a horror scenario that wellness (that makes way more money than pharma) is pushing left-leaning progressives via the anthroposophisticated homeopathic tunnel towards the conservative church of health hazards and [forgot the word]   

- [ ] disguised materiality
even though the internet is not all responsible for this but also the education and environmental influences that result people to go into their programmed minds. (I think that if you come from a space where certain beliefs are rooted, could easily influence you in your daily life even though you're agnostic or atheist but still have the coping mechanism of the circles or 'bubbles' you were raised in. ) 

- [ ] sanctum sanctorum / tabernacle
<blockquote>'''Confirmation bias'''

Tim Minchin [comedian / artist] had a bit on [ confirmation bias] where he talks about how search engine algorithms and social media feeds on our assumptions, (pre-existing) beliefs and fuels it with even more related content specifically aimed to these beliefs.

       <s>- [ ] promiscuous connectivity</s>
He points out that 'we' would do ANYTHING BUT the idea of intellectual heavylifting to change our minds. Which refers to the fact that (online) discourse has been pushing people apart not only from progressive to conservative or from left to right but also within the borders of political ideology where every movement is watched, recorded and frowned upon. 

<s>       - [ ] *could we blow up the internet*</s>

<s>       - [ ] sanctum sanctorum / tabernacle</s>
Minchin speaks about how human beings love to be in herds and part of a group / a city or a community and how the internet is making distance between tribes and becoming more binary. 

<s>       - [ ] disquieting</s>
the main point I was going to share in relation to structurelessness and my concerns as a leftist towards current state of 'the left' is portrayed by Minchin perfectly in the sense of kindness in modern day discourse is not being presented by (generalized) right wing christian pro gun anti-vaxx conservatives but that modern progressives (with an assumed degree in higher education) are missing the idea of kindness as well as 

<s>       - [ ] physical infrastructure of the cloud</s>
''A future of more empathy and understanding for more and more people'' 

<s>       - [ ] infrastructural promise</s>
instead, he claims that everybody that is not on 'their' side of the 'line' is immediately a fascist. 

<s>       - [ ] terms of spatiality</s>
{| class="wikitable"
! '''BUBBLES'''
|"I can't believe you still follow J.K. Rowling on Twitter"
|"why are you saying ''not all men?!"''
|"Why do you use the F slur in your song?"
|"Why are you sharing pictures of your manicure when you should be posting black squares, which means you are a racist"
| colspan="4" |
As an alternative he says that 

<s>       - [ ] fork</s>
''showing humility'' 

<s>       - [ ] alternative microcosm (squat server)</s>
''mentioning not everybody has had the opportunity to read the books you have and learnt the lessons that you have learned''

<s>       - [ ] *an incessant, noisy hum*</s>
''practicing the principle of charity'' 

<s>       - [ ] disguised materiality</s>
''and not assume that anyone that disagrees has a nefarious intent and try to hear their arguments'' 

<s>       - [ ] cohabitation</s>
is rejected by the idea of tone policing as he is put into place as a straight white male and that he needs to check his privilege in which he keeps in his satirically put "library on a mahogany shelf next to his BMW keys"  and as he ''checks'' his privileges he concludes that this way of thinking is still ''ffing'' wrong. 

<s>       - [ ] relentless troubleshooting</s>
He stresses that it ''can not be'' that progressives  progress forward into a future of more empathy and understanding for more people 

<s>       - [ ] alternative cosmogram</s>
it ''can not be'' that the primary mechanism by which we approach this future is the suppression of empathy and understanding for anyone that doesn't align with our beliefs. 

<s>       - [ ] chronopolitics</s>
it ''can not be'' that unmitigated expression of furious outrage will alchemize into a future of peace and love.

<s>       - [ ] typologies without history</s>
ofcourse there is reason to want justification and be righteously furious about things and he can be as furious as cis gender straight white male with privileges being pissed off about 700 things before breakfast but it doesn't matter if it's not helping. And it's not helping that these aforementioned tribes are being pushed further and further apart.

<s>       - [ ] accidental faraday cage</s>
The moral is that it is hard to change peoples minds but it's not impossible. However, if you would tell someone that they were a fascist and publicly shame them for what they believe, you've lost them and prioritized your need to express outrage and if we're honest, signalling your virtue over the possibility that you could utilize your educational privilege to reach across this algorithmic casm.


Following inputs are based on [ Susan Leigh's Misconcrete somethingtism(page 143)]
[ <br />
Just after this post I got a insta reel with Daniel Sloss also saying this:]  

== Method(ol(atry)ogy) is a way of surviving experience ==
{{:Quilt INC./Method(ol(atry)ogy) is a way of surviving experience}} 
[[Category:Quilt Inc.]]

== Validity ==
Another result is my utter discontent towards how the left parties in the Netherlands have perfectly shown the state of leftism in the Netherlands.

I was talking to a friend and we evaluated the elections.

I said that

- bit of a fictional intro
''"The lesson that left leaning NL needs to learn, is that political parties being tiny power structures is a very bad example of an alternative.''

Validity comes in multiple badges. It has the sacred I P R V code imprinted in its labels. These four labels stand for the four regions of the tanssgressiv validitrain. it is something to be found in the real world but could it be that Validity is also based on the journey
''the two parties I'd vote for (bij1 / animal party) but also GL/PVDA. I.e. migration is also a very typical thing at the moment''

''This morning (26/11/23) I was watching WNL op Zondag (conservative rightwing talkshow, my mother believes that you need to watch and listen to your opponent in order to understand and grow over their beliefs to unravel their beliefs)''

''One of the guests was the controversial Lale Gül and other names like (former left turned right leaning) Zihni Özdil were mentioned that represent 'migrants that who do not want to be viewed as pathetic minorities at all' and the sad soul crushing fact that people that lived here for (more than) 3 generations even voted for Geert Wilders [PVV]''

Ironia  / Paralogia / Rhizomia / Voluptia are all areas waiting to be explored.
''It made me think, I kinda get the why. The populist belief of "hey, screw your migration, could I be helped first?"''

''I heavily disagree with this, but I 'kinda get' why. No human is illegal and there's a humanitarian crisis. However the left here is way too individualistic and fighting between the bubbles, instead of actually uniting as worthy block of strong left (or something) instead of the effing bullshit of moralistic wee measuring whilst the status quo is destroying everything through aggressive neoliberalism.''

''I love to see PvdD en Bij1 as strong parties but I just get so sick of this corrupted management system. Fix it between eachother and it was also the worst timing ever right before the elections.  I voted for one of them. But with less motivation than before.''

   - what is the keyword? our definition TL;DR
''TL;DR  the dutch left should really start reflecting and start building, repairing and mobilizing.`''

noun: validity; plural noun: validities
Lastly, as I was thinking about all of these things.

    - the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency.
that also inspired me in this structurelessness
    - the state of being legally or officially binding or acceptable
Dead Kennedys - Where do ya draw the line?

''Seems like the more I think I know / The more I find I don't / Every answer opens up / So many questions''
''Anarchy sounds good to me / Then someone asks, "Who'd fix the sewers?" / "Would the rednecks just play king/ Of the neighborhood?"''
''How many liberators / Really want to be dictators? / Every theory has its holes / When real life steps in''
''So, how do we feed and make room for / All the people crowded on our earth / And transfer all that wealth / From the rich to those who need it?''
''Where do ya draw the line? I'm not telling you; I'm asking you''!
''Ever notice hardline radicals can go on star trips, too? Where no one's pure and right except themselves?''
''"I'm cleansed of the system" ('Cept when my amp needs electric power) Or, "The party line says, 'No Feminists can't wear fishnets'"''
''Where do ya draw the line? I'm not telling you; I'm asking you!''
''You wanna help stop war?  Well, we reject your application. You crack too many jokes and you eat meat''.  ''What better way to turn people off than to twist ideas for change. Into one more church that forgets we're all human beings?''
Dead Kennedys - Chickenshit Conformist.
''Punk's not dead; it just deserves to die when it becomes another stale cartoon''
A closed-minded, self-centered social club. Ideas don't matter; it's who you know
Who drive the bright people out of our so-called scene till all that's left is just a meaningless fad
Hardcore formulas are dogshit, change and caring are what's real. Is this a state of mind or just another label?
'''The joy and hope of an alternative has become its own cliché'''
Walk tall, act small, only as tough as gang approval
Unity is bullshit when it's under someone's fat boot
Where's the common cause?
Too many factions safely sulk in their shells:
''"Agree with us on everything or we won't help with anything" That kind of attitude just makes a split grow wider''
No one's ever the best once they believe their own press
"Maturing" don't mean rehashing mistakes of the past
The more things change, the more they stay the same
We can't grow when we won't criticize ourselves
The '60s weren't all failure, it's the '70s that stunk
As the clock ticks, we dig the same hole
Music scenes ain't real life, they won't get rid of the bomb
Won't eliminate r### or bring down the banks
Any kind of real change takes more time and work
Than changing channels on a TV set
So, why are we so eager to please peer pressure decrees?
So eager to please peer pressure decrees
Make the same old mistakes, again and again
Chickenshit conformist like your parents<br />
src: [[User:Lor.ensō/si22|SPECIAL ISSUE TWENTY TWO PERSONAL CONSTRUCTION SITE]] (enter if you want to see a messy room, if you don't, just keep listening)
I have to admit, I kinda didn't knew what XPUB was gonna be like.  I recently graduated from KABK / IMD. A different institution and a different course. I knew that another IMD alumni parttook in XPUB. So this first trimester was a bit of a fresh new start for my practice. 'kind of' stepping away from what shaped my graduation project ''Happytalism'' which revolves around the idea of wellness / new age and spirituality industries to be open for business, making more money than big pharma and being a safe haven for charlatans, disinformation weaponizing pseudo health claims.
I stepped into this fresh new environment with new people and overall a to me new programme. And right after the first weeks of XPUB my life turned around and I needed to reconfigure everything for myself (as I am still kind of doing of course) During the first trimester it was a bit difficult to me to kind of 'find a way' to get back on track. I wanted to deliver something productive.  The changes in my life of course had an immediate effect on my way of thinking. 
We were talking about the ideas of what it means to keep an archive and what protocols there should be made.
My counterthought was about Protocols for passive hoarding.
As an idea of "we might need this later".
   The questions that I / We raised were  'do we really need to preserve everything? What do we take with us?'
From this point, Senka and I started talking about the questions that were raised about to think about ideas protocols for active archiving. I read that personally as if we were responsible for the maintenance of the Radio Worm's archive. Instead, we made a work that asks for reflection.
With both having made some critical essays / poems, we decided to make a video work because we wanted to visualize the amount of archives. No sound, just video. In these videos, we portray the radio worm from the apocalyptic narrative of SIGNAL LOST: ARCHIVE UNZIPPED.
Where Senka shows the vessel of the radio station, I show the amount of data and sounds and players and information that actually go 'live'.
Struggle This was something I was thinking about, concerning the fact I was just *there.*
To be honest, I had some imposter syndrome,  experiencing whilst being around.
The idea of the wordhole or actually the first trimester struck to me as a black hole

''Once inside the black hole's event horizon, '''matter will be torn apart into its smallest subatomic components and eventually be squeezed into the singularity'''. As the singularity accumulates more and more matter, the size of the black hole's event horizon increases proportionally.''

   - annotation of text/(the reference of the source)    <blockquote>

"Patti Lather, a brilliant feminist methodologist, has written about this under the
I felt that the matter of xpub/si22 etc was floating around me and I was there like some intergalactic fly on a meteorite.  Just being there. Trying to make the best of it with the understanding of things.
rubric ''transgressive validity'' ( Lather 1993 ). Her map of attributes of a feminist method,
which I read after I wrote the passage above, has some remarkable resonances. She asks
the question, where, after poststructuralism, can we find validity? Her answer has four
points that together equal a validity which rests reflexively on the contemporary crisis"

"Her answer has four points that together equal a validity which rests reflexively on the contemporary crisis of representation: Ironic validity (which problematizes the single voice, realist representation
of nature); paralogical validity (which emphasizes paradox and heterogeneity);
rhizomatic validity (which undermines the taken-for-granted and keeps opening up
new ways of situated seeing); and voluptuous validity (which precisely goes too far , and
joins ethics and epistemology)" </blockquote>

If I would think of a 'better scenario', I'd say I'd go more around the PZI /Wdka and join things. But back then my life was pure chaos and I made the decision to do my best and also taking step back in order to be a fly on the wall since I wasn't fully able to work on the SI22.  Keeping the condition in mind that I would do more in the second trimester. It was hard to get back though.


"Transgressive validity" -> "here, after poststructuralism, can we find validity?" is validity the same as validation? searching for distinction I find that one is a verb an the other is a noun, but both seem to be tags? 
Looking back I didn't really experiment with i.e. printing / terminal related things but more on the ideas of publication and mostly thinking about alternatives

"Ironic validity" > "which problematizes the single voice, realist represen- tation of nature)" ... "would demand that the representation of pregnancy as an illness be challenged in the encoding, and include multiple views of what in fact constitutes a pregnancy. "

"Paralogical validity" > "(which emphasizes paradox and heterogeneity); .. "might at the same time acknowledge that for some women an aborted fetus never constituted a pregnancy at all, while for others it did, and there is no resolving that question in any simple fashion."
However I was proud of myself of starting the narrative in the radio show as our improv ideas started.  

"Rhizomatic validity" > "(which undermines the taken-for-granted and keeps opening up new ways of situated seeing. " ... "would seek out the range of what we take for granted about pregnancy, childbirth, and sexuality, and keep challenging us to break boundaries of what we think we know about these processes—perhaps cross-culturally, but also in phenomenological explorations of daily routines connected with them, denying the taken-for-granted “every woman feels X”: and being sure to listen for com- plex differences and similarities."

"Voluptuous validity" > "which precisely goes too far, and joins ethics and epistemology" .. "in this sense might bring entirely other conceptions of birth and pregnancy, such as the kind of spiritual birth found in some religious cultures, or dreams and visions. From this base, feminism has some important things to say about technology, and especially information technology, in its capacity creatively and ethically to mingle people, things, and experience."


- bit of a fictional intro

Bzzzt bzzt error of approval. This bug does not have followed standardized procedure.

   - what is the keyword? our definition

From what I read / think / assume, standardization means to bring things, stuff, objects into one standard. And that to me is quite troublesome because when a norm or standard is made, there always will be conflicts with the things that are not standard. But then again, adaptation, nuance and contextualization are in place.

   - annotation of text/(the reference of the source)    

Four questions before introducing:

# how can objects inhabit multiple contexts at once, and have both local and shared meaning?
==SI23 / COUNTERMAPPING / PUBLIC TRANSPORT / /DOOR/PORT "How did we get here?" ==
# how can people living in one community, and drawing their meanings from other people and objects situated there, communicate in another
# what is the relationship between the two?
# what range of solutions to the preceding three questions are possible, and what consequences attend each of them —cui bono?
Ideas session for SI23_________________________________________________________
       -(con)text adventure games, where limitations are there in the game (up down south east west north and other commands) and also the limitations offline could be implemented in case / scenarios  |

Standardization has been one of the common solutions to this class of problems: 3 if the

interfaces and formats are standard across contexts, then at least the first three questions
...// booting mind>>>>>>>>>>

become clear, and the fourth becomes moot. But we know from a long and gory
general comment:

history of attempts to standardize information systems that standards don’t remain
we have so much we can work with (all the readings / prototyping)  /

standard for very long, and that one person’s standard is another’s confusion and mess
imagemagick / python / html css javascript / web / ascii art

( Gasser 1986 ; Star 1991 ).</blockquote>
ghost host parasite server etc / the wordquilt / code of conduct etc etc etc

''Noun. solutionism (uncountable) '''The belief that all difficulties have benign solutions, often of a technocratic nature'''. quotations ▼ The providing of a solution or solutions to a customer or client (sometimes before a problem has been identified).''

important question:
''first; '' Maria X mentioned the word '''''question''''' but the connection broke it into '''quest-'''''ion'', which could be a happy accident to use the storyline to ask questions that may have come up in the reading and prototyping of previous weeks. QuiltQuestionQuest or somethin.

''how to preserve the integrity of information without a''

''priori standardization and its attendant violence''
''second   :'' based on the  adventure txt and fictionalizing human computer something(very paraphrased from a previous text we read)


Naturalization in response to standardization:
you see what you type -> person a speaks

person b does walk compass-like
I mean stripping away the contingencies of an object’s creation and its situated
limiting the options "You can't open cabinet"   said by person c  

nature. A naturalized object has lost its aura of anthropological strangeness, and is
the narrator in this part could read it out either non-linear or linear depending on the 'script' so if the person does something not according to script, the narrator will go to bottom of script

in a sense “de-situated” in that members have forgotten the local nature of the object’s

meaning. 4 We no longer think much about the miracle of plugging a light into a socket
''third'' --> something I have been thinking about[[User:Lor.ensō#Concept:%20Where%20do%20ya%20draw%20the%20line%3F|]]  

I am kind of using the idea of Google maps step by step and using the linear story and fictionalizing / gamifying the inaccessible process from A to B  (this is more a political thing and I might just do it for myself on the side)

and obtaining illumination, and must make an effort of anthropological imagination
this could also just be a personal side ''quest''

to remind ourselves of contexts in which it is still unnaturalized.
using 1-3 cases with the idea of connections servers protocols etc


Objects exist, with respect to a community of practice, along a trajectory of naturalization,
''fourth:'' yesterday's class reminded me of the dos games / old mac games and the actual collosal cave adventure: Roberta Williams as inspiration  :)))))
I have this with me in the studio btw vvvvvv
..''fifth,'' make the special issue somewhat like an webquilt arcade?   out of ideas, mind will close down for maintenance
250224 update / looking back it was more a cool reference than a work to make, I think?
[[File:Game research.jpg|left|thumb]]
Walking around in the neighbourhood thinking and defining (counter)mapping I walk in this space that used to be a prison complex in the north of rotterdam, The area has changed into a hip area that flirts with truman show type of aesthetics. I have been thinking about the infrastructures and how things are not working in this city. I have many objections into city planning and I'm wildly attracted to ideas of who owns the city.
As I stroll my sunday gloom away, mending the shapes of spaces I read or hear something along the lines of Codes of Conduct, earlier today I was watching the sitcom parks and recreation, which is a based at a local government in America and the shows the bureaucracy ''sometimes.''
I am wrestling with my ideas on what I want to do and I am doing these things justice and or the right way.
A bubble came up in opposition to a Code of Conduct and I thought about Bugs of Misconduct.
Dividing the definitions:<blockquote>BUGS:
informal:  a harmful microorganism, typically a bacterium. "their ham was found to be contaminated with food bugs"
  an illness caused by a microorganism.
  "he'd just recovered from a flu bug"
  Similar: illness, ailment, infection, disease, disorder, sickness, affliction, malady, complaint, upset, condition, infirmity, indisposition, malaise, bacterium, germ, virus, bacillus, microorganism. microbe. lurgy
an enthusiastic interest in something.
"they caught the sailing bug"
Similar: obsession, enthusiasm, craze, fad, mania, rage, passion, fixation, hobby, interest, pastime  thing
North American
a small insect.
"a thick green scum which crawls with bugs, centipedes, and worse"
insect.  flea. mite. midge. creepy-crawly, beastie, minibeast
an insect of a large order distinguished by having mouthparts that are modified for piercing and sucking.
a concealed miniature microphone, used for secret eavesdropping or recording.
"they cleaned out the bugs and wiretaps"
listening device, hidden microphone, receiver, transmitter, wire, wiretap, phone tap, tap, bugging device

which has elements of both ambiguity and duration. It is not predetermined

whether an object will ever become naturalized or how long it will remain so—rather,
an error in a computer program or system.
"a custom program we used developed a bug"
Similar: fault, error, defect, flaw, imperfection, failing, breakdown, virus, glitch gremlin,  snarl-up

practice/activity is required to make it so and keep it so.
verb: bug; 3rd person present: bugs; past tense: bugged; past participle: bugged; gerund or present participle: bugging


Anomalies or interruptions, the cause of contingency,
  conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to listen to or record someone's conversations secretly.

come when some person or object interrupts the flow of expectations. One
  "their offices, homes, and telephones were bugged"

reason that “glass box technology” or pure transparency is impossible is that anomalies
       record or listen to (a conversation) using a concealed microphone.

always arise when multiple communities of practice come together, and useful technologies
       "she fears that her conversations were bugged"

cannot be designed in all communities at once. Monsters arise when the legitimacy

of that multiplicity is denied.

Transparency is in theory the endpoint of the trajectory of naturalization, as complete

legitimacy or centrality is the end point of the trajectory of membership in a

community of practice. However, due to the multiplicity of membership of all people,
listen in on, eavesdrop on, spy on, overhear, wiretapmonitorm, phone-tap, snoop on

and the persistence of newcomers and strangers, a well as the multiplicity of naturalization

of objects, this is inherently nonexistent in the real world. For those brief historical

moments where it seems to be the case, it is unstable.
annoy or bother (someone).

But what are the things that make objects and statuses seem given, durable, real?
"a persistent reporter was bugging me"</blockquote><blockquote>noun: '''misconduct'''

Several things coalesce.</blockquote>Generalization is also named in well as denaturalization
#1.  unacceptable or improper behaviour, especially by an employee or professional person. "she was found guilty of professional misconduct by a disciplinary tribunal and dismissed"  h  Similar:  wrongdoing, delinquency, unlawfulness ,lawlessness ,crime ,felony,criminality,sin,sinfulness,evil,evil-doing,unprofessional behaviour,unprofessionalism,unethical behaviour,malpractice,maladministration,dereliction of duty ,negligence,breach of ethics,impropriety,immorality,abuse,malversation,misbehaviour, bad behaviour,misdeeds. misdemeanours,disorderly conductbadnessmischief
#*Hockey  a penalty assessed against a player for unsportsmanlike conduct.  plural noun: '''misconducts'''  "Smith got a game misconduct for spearing Nick Kypreos"
#2.  mismanagement, especially culpable neglect of duties. "the general was pardoned for misconduct of the war"

verb: '''misconduct'''; 3rd person present: '''misconducts'''; past tense: '''misconducted'''; past participle: '''misconducted'''; gerund or present participle: '''misconducting'''
#1.  behave in an improper manner.  "the committee reprimanded two members who were found to have misconducted themselves"
#2.  mismanage (an activity).  "there is no evidence that the premises were being misconducted"</blockquote>Thinking about the bugs of misconduct, it's a great ethical dilemma because it is, if I am correct, a bit of a contronym/auto-antonym/Janus term. OR a homonym.
To me, bugs of misconduct are an error in the system. The cracks that appear to be loopholes or invite to squat. It opens for alternative opportunities as a crack in the wall. The bugs go in and start to acclimatize to the space, showcasing the cracks and the errors as fundament. For what idk yet. I'm in need of looking at the readings of previous weeks and to show.
another of countermapping is to showcase hostile architecture, or infrastructure, maybe that is what I have been doing earlier with locating the steps from one person in a scootmobile / wheelchair to another by public transport.
A bug of misconduct is potentially a parasite that leeches off the host.
This was a sideproject  that comes from my best inspiration: frustration <3
====Concept: Where do ya draw the line?====
1. "Public transport: From A to B via Metroline E and Tram 7."
A personal observation based on the limitations concerning accessibility, usability concerning healthcare, <u>public</u> transport.
Since XPUB is focused on making things public, I'm thinking about some stuff.
Public Transport, How do you make Transport Public? Or more public
I'm just thinking about the idea of the public service for the transport from an accessible / disability point of view. This case is quite personal but also inspirational from my critical thinking designartresearchblabla point of view.
So, let's say my mother wants to go to my brother. What needs to be done? For this ''method'' I'm using the google maps standard*/ **
#Go out of the house
#Unlock the scootmobile
#Uncover the scootmobile
#Put the cover inside
#move the bicycle
#position the basket and possible bags
#start scootmobile
#go to end of street
#wait for traffic lights / or if you're lucky it's green but it's always in favour of the cars.
# once you crossed the street, go to the elevator
#check in at port **
#push the button
#wait for elevator
# possibly wait for people to exit the elevator
#enter the elevator***
#wait until you are at the platform
#exit elevator to right side(need to confirm this)
#wait for the metro
#search for the good entrance without the metal poles in the middle ^
#be in metro for one stop
#reach central station
#pull back to exit metro
#go back or forward to elevator
#push button and wait for elevator / if you are lucky it'll be there already
#enter the elevator ***
#wait til you reach centraal station begane grond
#go back or forward to exit elevator
# check out at port **
# ride towards third tram platform
#enter third tram platform
#wait for tram 7 towards woudestein? (need to be confirmed)
# in the meantime, guess on what half of the platform the tram will stop
#inevitably ride or race through crowd to reach the middle / center of tram****
#enter tram in transit ^
#position yourself
#wait until you reach you reach your destination
#try to get out of the tram
#check out as well
#you can finally breathe again
#enjoy your visit
#when it is time to leave, leave*
#go back to the tram
#search for the right port on the other side of the street
#inevitably ride or race through crowd to reach the middle / center of tram****
#step / check in
#it might be possible that there is a parent and a baby carriage in the space that is also meant for wheelchair and rollator
#wait in discomfort
#person with baby carriage needs to get out, instead of going to another exit, this person insists to get out the door they came in, they lift the scootmobile and you are in even more discomfort
#you need to wait some more time
# finally you are at Rotterdam Centraal
#struggle to get out of the tram once again**
#head to the metro port
#check in and somehow also drive towards the elevator***
# push the button of the elevator
#position yourself in the metro at the place with no metal poles in the middle
#wait one stop
#get out the metro
#go to elevator
#go up
#go out
# go home
#place all the stuff back
<nowiki>*</nowiki>before you go, think about leaving at least 10-15 minutes in advance
<nowiki>**</nowiki> might need someone else to do it because it closes again in a certain timeframe
<nowiki>***</nowiki> this means the elevator works
<nowiki>****</nowiki> there might be a parent with child, cyclist, person in wheelchair, other person in scootmobile there
^ take into consideration the doors are literally timeframes so you better have someone with you to hold the door
Example: --------
The Rotterdam Electric Tram has multiple Entrances -> Ports<div style="text-align: center;">
Port asin the doors
Port asin checkin / outs
[] PORT 1
[] PORT 2
[] PORT 3
=='''''<u> <<<<< <big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)>>>>>></big></u>'''''==
[PORT1]  |    [PORT2]  |  [PORT3]
check      I / O        |    I / O      |        I / O
<big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)</big>
<big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)</big>
<big>(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)</big>
[[File:Former hover version of -door-port.gif|frameless|600x600px]]
===''' /PORT'''===
[[File:Mapping out the words in obsidian.png|thumb|Trying to map out words in Obsidian]]
eurotruck/american truck simulator as a reference for being in a process of sharing files -> gaming for the relaxation and accepting the absurdity of simulator but also understand the educational value of these peculiar games
as a part of the /door group (w/ Victor and Mania)
I was thinking about how to grasp all of the words we (both as Quilt INC and as the entire class), collected, discussed and try to understand and define in one big web/map of words, thinking about the [ example] as shown in Aymerics lecture.  My thought rise to the idea of
<gallery mode="slideshow">
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File:WhatsApp Image 2024-03-30 at 17.35.34 75f8fb04.jpg
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File:Screenshot 2024-03-30 173238.jpg
File:Mapping out the words in obsidian.png
File:Mapping out the words2.png
File:-PORT 1.jpg
File:Wordseam structure how it became.jpg
File:Mapping out the words2.png
==[[Quilt INC]]  / METHODOLOGY==
Methods remark:
==Method(ol(atry)ogy) is a way of surviving experience==
{{:Quilt INC./Method(ol(atry)ogy) is a way of surviving experience|Method(ol(atry)ogy) is a way of surviving experience}}
==REFLECTION # trimester 2 SI23==
The second trimester was nice to start. With the winter break behind me, I could really just start up again without the constant feeling of running a treadmill version of imagining Sisyphus happy.  During this trimester it was quite interesting to dive deeper in the ideas of servers and datacenters.
My focus came back and I attended more events, I still felt a bit alienated but felt the xpubbery of things going into my bloodstream as I finally put up my little desk next to the door.
If I'd be very critical to myself, I would say that I would have liked to have more energy next to the things happenings during the XPUB days. Life was just exhausting but it got better on a week per week basis. I done the tasks I needed to do but at the same time my body and mind just claimed for me to touch grass, go outside, do other things because the per week load was sometimes a bit too much to grasp. In the end it streamlined to some more coherent (as I used my /port to but all the meanings and projects in 1 page with the perspective of the SI23 and also with the wonderful pre-tag.
Not to be smashing my work to the ground I also am very happy that the group project with Mania and Victor was this nice. Our forces combined made this amazing metaphysical paper-to-web-and-back-again work
I wanted to dive into Python, ImageMagick and in the end I was doing something completely: going back to my HTML / CSS experience and instead of working with the things I already  (but ofcourse implementing then) I started just playing from the perspective of Seamfulness. I had a talk once with a fellow Unity-maker and we shared memes based on the fact that it does not matter if the code isn´t working properly and filled with my glitches and error, as long as it does what it needs to do. And that's how I approached the /port. I wanted to make it this raw interpretation of the terminal but then making it more welcoming and a space where information is exchanged with the limited access and the visitor is being presented with not only as huuuuge glossary but also context and the input to continue to the other project. It was my intent to show the seams but not literally linking all the things together. Because my first plan was to use the window (based on Alice's window mapping) to put all the words in the window frame as the 'port' to the space, using cables and jacks and such to 'make the connection'. Also for the sense of making something with for me experimental printing on transparent paper, but as I reflected on this idea. I changed from the window frame to the screen, since the visitor might not even know that there were connections and that might have given it an accessible touch. 
My research was based on the understandings of methodology in general as discussed in and about Susan Leigh Star's piece.
The ideas of using more ways to look at things finally struck to me and I felt inspired by frustration that I as a carer/family member/former user of social transportation.  Both the A to B-U turning and also the trevvel story are very interesting to me because the amount of interactions, requests, errors and bureaucratic features from the both social code to the actual code of systems seem very intriguing to dive deeper in for a Thesis and Graduation Project. Accessibility and Disability from the privatized perspective from both bureaucratic as well as technologically governed institutions. While I am writing this, I'm also thinking "can't we do something lighter or different?" and I like to listen to that train of thought. An idea of publishing this would be to show and relate to making these difficult and unneededly overcomplicated made processes and making these more tangible and understandable. 
As an entertainment element related to the issue, I started watching Silicon Valley again. A series that gets an extra layer with the readings we have done.
Mania and I were sharing our findings on the street.
File:Glass fiber meets cloud infrastructure.jpg
File:Contrast box 2 .jpg
File:Contrast electric box.jpg
File:Another colossal electricity cabinet .jpg
File:Smol fibre.jpg
File:WhatsApp Image 2024-03-25 at 09.15.11 d9efd6dc.jpg
File:Sprouts .jpg
File:Perfect garden .jpg
We intended to make a paper / glass / transparent type of essay with her and my imagery* and looking at these 'infranatural' 
*I only included my images in this part.
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visit [[User:Lor.ensō/si22|SPECIAL ISSUE TWENTY TWO PERSONAL CONSTRUCTION SITE]] / [[User:Lor.ensō/si23|si23]] --->

Revision as of 12:22, 24 September 2024

XPUB2 ---




What? (two sentences)

A game that mocks the visual representation of virtual environments in Games and City Planning/Branding. The Idea of simulation games cover either daily strife of a certain job or expertise, or a surreal / parody / fantasy driven game.

Why? (two sentences) [old version: How? but very similar to workflow]

In both the promise of new city planning as the concept of a simulator. In games: the person / character is (based on the conception of an) able bodied - I city planning, the mockups always consist of stock footage or 3d rendered.

Workflow (two or three sentences)

The idea is to first think about the gameplay(ux / ui) to use what kind of virtual environments this could take place in. Then pitch to people that work in the same fields of thoughts and others, for the sake of fair use and that doesn't unintentionally becomes a mocking of people with disabilities. And in the end make some sort of beta testing version and present that...?

Timetable (Sept*)

September to December could be an idea, since I am participating in <a href=""> Open call Worksession: a Cane, Sticky notes, Another body d/a> and I could test it then with the audience there. But to be honest this project could be more of a critical meme towards abovementioned projects.

Relation to previous practice (two sentences, draw on Text on Practice) I made something in Unity years ago based on this

Choices made (two sentences)



XPUB1 --- ---


WhatsApp Image 2024-06-07 at 14.30.58 c89a7042.jpg

m watching this for the second time. And te first time I was naïve / new to this film.

Whilst I am currently watching this, I feel.. double about this?

to be fair Gyz la rivière has quite some [pseudo-critical] feedback and he's familiar with the problems, the irony of the city. There is a lot to say about the choices made for a city. There's plenty of paradoxes he says

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-06 at 21.48.14 84d83e91.jpg

but on the other hand, there is this post card - nostalgic - self absorbed - corporate graphic designer aesthetic with some problematic shots that take away the message.

It's interesting because the maker seems self-aware of his opinion going all over the place but I'd call it an artistically driven docu-rant-ary.

The problems and the solutions he states have the contrast of having a very complex nature and the outcome of how he'd like to see it are more like underbelly-stated arguments

I see some sort of modern conservative thinking towards some views "VROEGAH WAS ALLES BETAH"

"The city would improve if they'd revive fundamental buildings" I agree that a lot of a fundament has been destroyed without good reasoning but to reconstruct old building-replica's

This critique and the documentary is one big fever dream post-card with good arguments but I'm just crashing and erroring.

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-06 at 21.48.15 a40eeec4.jpg

"we can finally design the city"

Rotterdam was bombed by fascism but also modernism and urban renewal

the idea of making the city more human


his manifest seems all over the place as well, which has something authentic yet... cringe?

it's a sort of rotterdam that is allowed to exist but also the one that i partially disagree with


51.93259088571757, 4.47072459760769

I was walking and my mother was in her scootmobile, we wondered about the new foodhall in the older station. In this building there first was a Happy Italy and before that even a cinema I believe.

Currently it´s a hip yuppified food hall, we went there to see how it is, that we could go there.

There was a ramp so it accessible if you would like to enter. At least if you wanted to remain there. However, the roof terrace was handicapped by the age of the building.

for means of toliet access

A walk from my house to PZI in pedestrian mode of 3DRotterdam

RotterPunk 2025

It reminded me of this

poinxs (points of inaccess) [working on it]

a... Portmanteau (do not quote me on that) of

POI = Point of Interest


INXS which borrows the abbreviation of the band, but this stands for in excess(in overly large amounts), where I mean it as In-access (not accessible).  


I intent to counter map locations.

using a platform to use gps


The locations aren't manoeuvrable.

With this project a way of countermapping could be marking certain points of the city.

Examples of tools to practice:  leaflet js: an open-source JavaScript library

for mobile-friendly interactive maps

benchmarking (see next



What does it mean to benchmark

dictionaries will tell that it is

1. a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.

"the pay settlement will set a **benchmark for** other employers and workers"

2. ideal - a test designed to evaluate or compare the performance of computer hardware or software.

"we thought we'd run some benchmarks on the smartphone"

3. Benchmark is a surveyor's mark, cut on a rock, stone, wall or a building showing the height of that mark above sea level. Contours are lines shown in brown, joining places of equal height above the sea level. Heights of inaccessible areas are shown by contours drawn in broken lines called form lines.

4. or building and used as a reference point in measuring [altitudes]

5. ==evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.==

  =="we are **benchmarking** our performance **against** external criteria"==


In these definitions, it all comes down to defining standards and legitimizing / testing.

When I would look for a certain hard or software, I need to check either consumer platforms such as tweakers, reviewers on video platforms.

What do I mean with it?

I'm intrigued by the idea of sitting / being / loitering somewhere and look for the compatibility of platforms. Be it physical or mental. The accessibility meets disability in where the bar is set and the threshold is put. The threshold is both a place to fit a tool that grants access as it is a bar to closes access.

When walking around, make a pitstop at a bench. Just sit there in the middle part. Look forward. Make yourself comfortable and take an unlimited time to see evaluate the premise. What does the neighborhood look like, what is the demographic. How much is it designed? Is it possible for anyone to be there?'

`Make a list of the specs.`
`Is there anything that could be tweaked?`
`Be your own tracking device`
`In a smart city, be a smart civilian, look at the surroundings`
`from your own point of critique, make notes`


Report to the gemeente


Are there ways to report bugs on streetlevel? Be it websites or sites or ways to make cities more accessible?

Is the city a circuit?  (A brief discussion with Friedrich Kittler and Shannon Mattern between to bridge)

[working on this]

How to reconnect with the city in a empathetic way without framing myself as something ridiculous as an empath

Why do people like Susan Bijl bags (ASKING THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS HERE)

[this is more an underbelly anti-yuppy level description]

Is a big city open enough for people with disabilities, is the manoeuvrability?  

counter-flaneuring [working on it]

camouflage and not be seen

geoguessing [working on it]


What does it mean to be a pedestrian

I can not ride a bike, that made me a "WALKER"


my .walking my way to get to places is not that interesting walking around to empty my brain

When I'm saying to someone that I'm going to go for a walk, I sometimes get the response like: "Where to?" as if I always to need to reach a goal

my parents used to ask me to do chores and favors because oh no why would I go on walks without any purpose, goals, or benefits

walking just a way of getting out of my stuffy bubble in the house to empty my brain, to look around and just be zigzagging through the streets.


The purpose is more to walk something off rather than aiming towards a spot. It is away to maintain some space in the open

I prefer walking to places if the weather isn't too extreme, I'm never in a hurry transport is for A-B, for 1 to 0 walking is for neither, rather aimless in direction but aimful in health it's good for clearing up inner storms

either listening to the surroundings or closing off from them

I feel where people do the flaneuring I tend to want to be unnoticed, accept for greeting / politeness but other than that I just temporarily claim my walking distances as I were to be alone in a train

I talk about this walking because I feel that dull approach about what it means to be a pedestrian is rather bullshit. Plenty of people tend to want to ride their bikes, cars to get to places. I can not ride a bike due to balance problem, I never felt the urge to be the transporter vehiclist.

As if being a pedestrian isn't productive enough, as if it is bad to be dull.

What does it mean to be a pedestrian?

CybeRdam2077  - PolderPunk?

27-05-24 We have visited VONK

The innovation center of Rotterdam Municipality.

We had 3 talks:

   - One about Behavioural Change / Nudging

   - One about The Traffic Light system

   - One about the RotterdamSimulation methods via VR / AR and digitizing the city to something equal to what they said "GTA" but I thought more of Cyberpunk 2077 or the Matrix open world

   In the sense of the uprising industrialized neolights and hip city downfall of a city

NeoRotterdam, the idea of Rotterdam being so smart and innovative that it turns into a cybernetic dock station.

(still working on this)

Since monday I have been thinking about the correlations between my spare time interests and the xpub topics. On monday, I was triggered or intrigued by the idea of future of Rotterdam. At VONK [the innovation center]  they presented us with the three principles of the city, at least, the three principles they presented

- Nudging

- Controlling the traffic through soft and hardware that connects to the city sensors center.

- Rotterdam 3D /ARVRXR -> Looking at the city from / on a virtual perspective. "Gaaf zeg hey" as any person into tech and gadget and modern stuff would say.

The moment I saw the building and the modern gamification of the city, it reminded me of Night City in broad daylight. Night City is the place where Cyberpunk takes place.

It is very interesting to think about innovation, about the smartness of the city where I grew up. The city seems to be dangling in between


a genre of science fiction set in a lawless subculture of an oppressive society dominated by computer technology.



a literary and artistic movement that envisions and works toward actualizing a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community.

the suffix -punk refers to the punk asin steampunk (a subgenre of science fiction that incorporates retrofuturistic technology and aesthetics inspired by, but not limited to, 19th-century industrial steam-powered machinery.)

But to a Dutch degree, I always feel that a lot 'we' try to mimic or make our own, becomes a very watered down overly negotiated version of the actual thing. I'm talking about the Polder Model.

The polder model is a method of consensus decision-making, based on the Dutch version of consensus-based economic and social policymaking in the 1980s and 1990s. It gets its name from the Dutch word for tracts of land enclosed by dikes.

Therefore, looking at the citymarketing / citybuilding / cityplanning idea of Rotterdam as some sort of PolderPunk starting to develop in 2025.

This kind of future city gives me some sort of future fictional idea. In a perfect world.

I'm afraid of this perfect world.


Programmer and tech writer Paul McFedries explains this thinking:

The city is a computer, the streetscape is the interface, you are the cursor, and your smartphone is the input device. This is the user-based, bottom-up version of the city-as-computer idea, but there’s also a top-down version, which is systems-based. It looks at urban systems such as transit, garbage, and water and wonders whether the city could be more efficient and better organized if these systems were ‘smart.’

This idea came to mind because of the connections of both defintions of a port / terminal / transport / uploading and downloading / docking etc

Pasted image 20240606134032.png

City as platform or Worldbuilding in games

Monday 27th of May 2024 our class had a tour in the municipality building at the halvemaan passage.

It started with nudging en behavioral psychology, followed by traffic organising and then virtualizing Rotterdam.

The nudging idea is something I am still digesting, because it is passive agressive  way to change behavior, I asked if the nudger is opened to be nudged and the reaction seemed open but didn't feel as open in the end.

The second presentation lead us to the hofplein roundabout, talking about the amount of sensors, cameras and networks.

The third presentation had a map

Word diving in my brain:



American / EUROTruck Simulator

Going from a to b, delivering, being the the transmission / transaction / transport.

Chrono Trigger

JRPG story driven and mapped out game

DBZ Kakarot

Open World gamified version of Dragon Ball Z-series

Garry's Mod

a world making / modding program with open source game making.


a futurist manoeuvring game to finish levels through thinking

Zelda Breathe of the Wild

The first open world zelda game,

Tales of Symphonia

turn based rpg game that has geopolitics put into a story


Surival / crafting game, make your own villlage / cities


Cyberpunk 2077

NeoTokyo-aestheticgame with the open world of Night City. A techno dystopian wolr

Pokémon Arceus / Violet

open world Pok'mon game

Route as circuit

the idea of mapping your location in the same idea as making a connection based electronic schematics and maps.

This is a way to see if there are connections missing, is your route  an open or closed circuit.

Does an open route mean that everybody is welcome  / public

Does a close route mean that it's exclusive / private

Is a detour a connection with extension cords?



Considering Latitudes and altitudes defined by the prime meridian and the equator

meridian meaning MidDay

Equator -> AeQuator -> circulus Aequator diei etonoctus

Circle equalizing day and night

make equal





the production of space

performativity lefebreve (or how ever the fuck you spell this french name)

affordance : what are the possibilities?

capabilities / possibilities

hostile architecture


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mapping out everything I'm doing to find the lines.

Tool: Obsidian



PDF from Canvas.pdf



Friedrich Kittler's The City is a Medium

Shannon Mattern's A City is Not a Computer


Perhaps interesting to look at nudge theory:

Dutch Railways nudge to ride a bike > I CAN'T RIDE A BIKE

And, related to that, this film by Harun Farocki about the human design/social engineering of shopping malls:

The Real Lives game:




Piepzna-Samarasinha, L. L. (2018) Care work: dreaming disability justice, Vancouver, Arsenal Pulp Press.

Knabb, K. (ed.) (2006) Situationist International anthology, Rev. and expanded ed., Berkeley, CA, Bureau of Public Secrets.



verb: **benchmark**; 3rd person present: **benchmarks**; past tense: **benchmarked**; past participle: **benchmarked**; gerund or present participle: **benchmarking**

1. evaluate (something) by comparison with a standard.

   "we are **benchmarking** our performance **against** external criteria"

When walking around, make a pitstop at a bench. Just sit there in the middle part. Look forward. Make yourself comfortable and take an unlimited time to see evaluate the premise. What does the neighborhood look like, what is the demographic. How much is it designed? Is it possible for anyone to be there?

Make a list of the specs.

Is there anything that could be tweaked?

Be your own tracking device

In a smart city, be a smart civilian, look at the surroundings

from your own point of critique, make notes

1. What does it mean to be a pedestrian

"you see me walking coz I don't run fam"

I can not ride a bike, that made me a "WALKER"

my .walking my way to get to places is not that interesting walking around to empty my brain

When I'm saying to someone that I'm going to go for a walk, I sometimes get the response like: "Where to?" as if I always to need to reach a goal

my parents used to ask me to do chores and favors because oh no why would I go on walks without any purpose, goals, or benefits

walking just a way of getting out of my stuffy bubble in the house to empty my brain, to look around and just be zigzagging through the streets.

The purpose is more to walk something off rather than aiming towards a spot. It is away to maintain some space in the open

I prefer walking to places if the weather isn't too extreme, I'm never in a hurry transport is for A-B, for 1 to 0 walking is for neither, rather aimless in direction but aimful in health it's good for clearing up inner storms

either listening to the surroundings or closing off from them

I feel where people do the flaneuring I tend to want to be unnoticed, accept for greeting / politeness but other than that I just temporarily claim my walking distances as I were to be alone in a train

I talk about this walking because I feel that dull approach about what it means to be a pedestrian is rather bullshit. Plenty of people tend to want to ride their bikes, cars to get to places. I can not ride a bike due to balance problem, I never felt the urge to be the transporter vehiclist.

As if being a pedestrian isn't productive enough, as if it is bad to be dull.

I recently made a thing about public transport. _link to previous_

On the subject of a to b

When I want to be mindless, I play Eurotruck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.

Which are a games that are about transporting goods.

It gives some sort of weird satisfaction of doing something as just hours of virtual driving.

It's the part of the machine, part of the connection. Being an arrow on a map

looking at the maintenance points being on the road.

It is something that truly gives me a very lay back setting. However it does give me a meta layer of these circuits connecting capital(ist) interfaces.

Looking at cities as if they were chips.

Maps as schematics

roads as (Short) Circuits

short circuiting when connection can not be established

Progressive metal/ Dance/Electronic music recording artist Remi Gallégo aka The Algorithm has album covers that resemble what I mean



1. Benchmarking as loitering practice


a standard or point of reference against which things may be compared.

"the pay settlement will set a **benchmark for** other employers and workers"



standard point of reference









guiding principle





litmus test






classic example





1. ideal - a test designed to evaluate or compare the performance of computer hardware or software.

"we thought we'd run some benchmarks on the smartphone"

2. 2.

   a surveyor's mark cut in a wall, [pillar](, or building and used as a reference point in measuring [altitudes](



Projects that May/Mayn't


   - Eigen Welzijn Eerst - Roxane van Iperen

   - Synopsis 
An Ourobouros: the snake biting it's own tail. == the circle that the writer intended to go through:
1. Equality as a starting point 
2. The rise of Nativism in NL == the ideas of a first class and second class citizen  (the end of equality)
3. The fear of falling (meaning the middle class being afraid of falling back to a / the lower class, being pressure with the future perspective of an offspring not being able to enjoy the privileges of their parents)
4. The Closed Circle of the middle class  (The Country Club Mentality, so creating your own little clubs to gain exclusivity)
5. Wellness-Right (The radicalization of the group within the middle class)

this 5-step program plays with of the ourobouros, the snake biting its own tail in the sense of progress. 
idea 'we have reached emancipation, we can now claim our superiority' 


Paraphrased from the website:


Nederland heeft lang een zelfbeeld van openheid en tolerantie gehad. Dat beeld kwam voort uit het naoorlogse optimisme van de middenklasse, die geloofde in kansengelijkheid, ongeacht afkomst of achternaam, en het belang van goede publieke voorzieningen. Zo zou elke nieuwe generatie het beter krijgen dan de vorige.
Het geloof in vooruitgang is de afgelopen jaren afgebrokkeld en heeft onder invloed van de politiek plaatsgemaakt voor een sterke hang naar zelfbehoud, met extreme sentimenten tot gevolg. In Eigen welzijn eerst laat Roxane van Iperen op prikkelende wijze zien hoe dit heeft kunnen gebeuren, en spreekt ze de hoop uit dat de middenklasse opnieuw de vooruitgangsgedachte omarmt.

Rond het verschijnen van Eigen welzijn eerst op 10 mei gaf Roxane interviews aan De Telegraaf en Het Financieele Dagblad en sprak ze met Leon Verdonschot voor Linda: lees het hier. Ook schoof ze aan bij de Zelfspodcast en de talkshow Khalid & Sophie. Het essay werd gepresenteerd in De Rode Hoed en stond vier maanden in de Bestseller60, waar het de 2e plaats bereikte. 

‘Een messcherp pamflet en een klassiek essay brengen het hedendaagse egoïsme in kaart… In Eigen welzijn eerst zet schrijfster Roxane van Iperen zeer effectief de kettingzaag in het gedrag van yogamoeders en andere spirituele kruidenheksen die Facebook en omstreken opstoken met deskundologische wijsheden over opvoeding of huidverzorging. Wat we denken te zien is een sociale media-gezondheidsbeweging, met mooie foto’s van moeders met kinderen aan de borst en tegeltjeswijsheden over nachtrust. Wat we moeten zien is ‘wellness-rechts’, een agressieve marketingmachine die extreem-rechts gedachtengoed normaliseert. Men schakelt in die contreien nu in één moeite van anti-vaccinatie naar pro-Poetin. Tussen ‘eigen lijf eerst’ en ‘eigen volk eerst’ zit weinig licht.’  

**** Menno Hurenkamp, NRC Handelsblad 

‘Dat is wat mij betreft het belangrijkste inzicht uit het boek: laat de vooroordelen los, en probeer je voor te stellen hoe het kómt dat een groep mensen bang is en zich zorgen maakt. Dat hoeft niet te betekenen dat je dan ook alles wat die groep zegt en doet goedpraat, maar het betekent wél dat je probeert te achterhalen wat er achter die uitspraken schuilgaat. Dan pas kun je de voedingsbodem voor die angst aanpakken.’
/  Dilara Bilgic, De Correspondent


   - Why is this text important to my research/work
It deals with normality and the rise of neoliberalism. The mechanism of what we define as 'wellness' and 'normal' and 'fit'.
I wanted this book for the idea of Wellness Right-critique. It speaks about the classes towards health being something you are in charge of. Which is an unfair statement to people with disabilities / illness. My graduation project was a work about the wellness, spirituality industry. Another big source was the Conspirituality podcast. 

   - Annotations and notes

   --> format: up to you (transclusion optional!) 


   - Pick 2 or 3 references (they are not fixed or set in stone, don't spend too much time picking the best references)

   - Write a synopsis (even if you haven't read it 

   - Why this is important to you
This essay is a historical / political / socially / critically accurate book. It shows the dangers of nostalgic elements in political populist beliefs "Before THEY came it was BETTER", it shows how the most progressive 'looking' people having conservative values: "Father with beard and tattoos and modern fashion and mother with purple long hair and a nose piercing and a hippie dress maintaining conservative thoughts like not vaccinating their kids because of political biases".

   - If you're drawing blanks/not sure about a reference, browse the bootleg library


   - Collection of texts/works (in whichever way you would like to include it (section/whole text/...), How is the original present in the reader?)

Ten Theses on Life Hacks - Former XPUB1

"Life Hacks in general aren’t taken too seriously. The ten theses
in this document are meant to provide a widened perspective on
Life Hacks, and on their relationship to our collective experiences
and reflections. The criteria listed in first thesis allow us to test
whether something is a Life Hack or not. The remaining theses
present extended arguments, supported by examples, that
identify specific features of Life Hacks, the environments they
exist within, and the kind of culture they foster.
This publication’s format incorporates the Life Hack ethos. With
the addition of a series of holes, each loose page can be seen as
a hackable surface. We invite you to collate and bind them,
making an eclectic choice from a range of unorthodox materials." Copy of p1. 

   - Synopsis 

It seems that this text is looking at worthless and very meme-able lifehacks that could make your life easier but 9/10 times don't really do that. 

   - Why is this text important to my research/work

Selling the interaction 'doing nothing' as a life changing product is shit. (I wanted to say is just something I would really disagree with, but then my fingers wrote shit and that was a better tl;dr definition.) 

I speculate that these theseseses have an echo chambery effect on me but I might just read a lot of their sources.  

   - Annotations and notes

   --> format: up to you (transclusion optional!) 


   - Pick 2 or 3 references (they are not fixed or set in stone, don't spend too much time picking the best references)

   - Write a synopsis (even if you haven't read it yet)

   - Why this is important to you


   - If you're drawing blanks/not sure about a reference, browse the bootleg library

[[File:You may not have a purpose when you do nothing.jpg|thumb]]

How to seem like you know what you are doing.jpg
Do Nothing.jpg


convo w/ arduino

Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
Hello World
�������������get that coffeeeeeee
get that coffeeeeeee
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���ט�ݛ���㌏�ט֐�H�get that coffeeeeeee
�א���ی��㌏��ݚݛ��ݚݛ���۝�get that coffeeeeeee
������ݟ���۝�ݚ������������ۘ���get that coffeeeeeee
��������H����㌏����֝�ݚݚ��������������˘���H�����ݚ�֐ېې�����ݟݛݚ�������ݟ������ݟ��L��֌�����������㌏����get that coffeeeeeee
��ݟH���ݛ����������ݟ��������֝���������ݟ��������阋���������ݟ�����ۜ����֌��挏��������get that coffeeeeeee
get that coffeeeeeee
�����錏��������ݚ�������ݟ�ݛ������ݟ������L����H���ی�������ی�ۜ���get that coffeeeeeee
������M,��]N�[��L�����5�d����������@����`�����6y��6y��6Y��M,������you know what, make it 2


int ldr = A0;

void setup() {

Serial.begin(115200); // USB

pinMode(ldr, INPUT); // LDR == input


void loop() {

int value = analogRead(A0);





int ledPin = 12;               //the int ledPin is 12

void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);      //ledPin is a OUTPUT

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);   //turns pin 12 on
  delay(500);                  //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds
  digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);    //turns pin 12 off
  delay(500);                  //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds


int RedLedPin = 8;                 //the int RedLedPin is 13 int GreenLedPin = 12;               //the int GreenLedPin is 12 void setup() { pinMode(RedLedPin,OUTPUT);        //ledPin is a OUTPUT pinMode(GreenLedPin,OUTPUT);      //ledPin is a OUTPUT } void loop() { digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,HIGH);   //turns green led  on delay(5000);                      //stops the loop for 5000 milliseconds for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++){       //this for loop gets 5 times repeated digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,LOW);  //turns green led off delay(500);                     //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,HIGH); //turns green led off delay(500);                     //stops the loop for 500 milliseconds } digitalWrite(GreenLedPin,LOW);    //turns green led off digitalWrite(RedLedPin,HIGH);     //turns red led on delay(5000);                      //stops the loop for 5000 milliseconds digitalWrite(RedLedPin,LOW);      //turns red led on }


int ldr = A0; 
int pinTone = 11; 

void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // USB
pinMode(ldr, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
int value = analogRead(A0);
tone (pinTone, value*0.2);


int poti = A0; 

void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // USB
pinMode(poti, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
int value = analogRead(poti);
tone (10, value*0.5);

int BUTTON = A0; 
int speaker = 10;

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(115200); // USB
  pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); // LDR == input

void loop() {
  bool value = digitalRead(BUTTON);
  if (value){
    Serial.println ("ALARMSTART");
    for(int peter = 0; peter < 5; peter++){ 
      for(int frequency = 500; frequency<1200; frequency++){
      tone(speaker, frequency);
  Serial.print ("ALARM END");
  Serial.println ("DEPRESSED");
  noTone (speaker);
//tone (10, value*0.5);

H e l l o and well come to the.......................................................................


                 == Assesmental Presentental Wikipageroo aka Lorenzo Quint's ==

*airhorn sounds* == BEST OF XPUB1 TRIMESTER 1 & 2 = Protocolastic Quiltessential Boogaloo == *that windows celebrational noise.mp3*


BEFORE WE START I WOULD LIKE TO say that this is a type of presentation format I'm just playing with. Everything is in one place on this page. I will scroll back and forth, I will reflect and whilst making this I'm overthinking about this being the right way, but there is no right way. Anyway let's get on with the show->>>>>

This is the page you will be watching whilst experiencing the process I went through. It will be a bit on the linear chronological side. As an old wise cliché once said whilst gazing to the inevitable sunburn:

<image of a mountain.jpeg> <some wacky pseudoscientific font.otf>

You need to look backwards in order to look forwards. (Or if you want to use a cheat code up up down down left right left right B BA RT LT left X O spacebar spacebar spacebar epic backspace)

so before we ask ourselves: How did we get here? / Transport / /DOOR/PORT.html

I'm first going to talk about the first trimester.

SI22 -> Graveyard - > Questionnairerasure / protocols for passive hoarding / Marie KonDON'T -> ByteNoise: Sound You See Me, Sound You Don't


When we were working in the WordHole and thinking about metaphors for the archive.

The state of grief influenced me about how to deal with an archive. We were talking talking about ways to work with amounts of data and my Metaphor  came about a graveyard as an 'archive' with the 'datasets' on the stones. The idea was about having a place where we could 'bury' the files that were not used in order to give some honour to the effort concerning the making of the radio worm.

I said in my recording that at some point you just need to let it go because it's not coming back. The things that would be thrown away in the recycle bin folder, were still on the hard drive.

A proposition I made back then was "maybe we just leave it as is and just delete them and have a radio memorial service as a last salute rather than saving it for maybe later purposes without knowing when or if it would be used."

And I was clearly stating it as NOT Marie Kondo'ing it but just for the sake of cleaning up > maintenance.

Cleaning out the space, what is important?

Active archiving -> the 'worm' goes into the ground and there is stuff everywhere but 'worm' just goes where there is food. All the other things in the ground are dissolving and rotting away anyway.

To look at the idea of do we need this later, No.

during a methods class with Steve, we were doing an exercise that was about 'free for all typing' considering our thoughts on the special issue in order to create a narrative (from what I can still remember). It became a poem that with the format of the codeblock presented as some sort of net-poem.

<i> Questionnairerasure

Are worm a space a radio and a place and more

I listen in / to worm

I go out I listen I read and I archive.  Through the pipeline |

cant keep anything that is clutter but need to keep the importance and dance.

not the snake, am the wormoborous the community that feeds on ourshelves.

Leave the archive as to what is important rather than imported. leave files

And will come around and eat the cookies the crumbs lost. !important

Use the space for the next to continuity in unity of the worm

Prepare for leaving but never for farewell. Say goodbye to what you usent.

Is het kunst of kan het weg?


Is it art or can it be thrown in the trash

Can we empty the bin

In order to begin where our wormhole left us

If moved from here to there to then from now

What is taken

What is taken into consideration

In what state is the open city, In which state lies it and how do you leave it

The space as the wormhole through the wordhole takes us into the active archivalry.

The physicality contradicts the practicality, being pragmatic of fragments

Being pragmatic over the roots of the space into the data trees

What can be erased?  In order to digest, what is there

It should be clear, or cleared or ´klaar´ which means done

You can store it elsewhere but that isnt viable over the long run, worms dont run, they crawl and feed on what is there.

This is no calling for to be sterile or a vote for marie kondo, please kondont, but only the wormunity can understand what needs to be kept

Who are the worms, do they want to keep everything?

Are they capable of leaving recordings behind?

Is it a doom scenario to delete stuff to remain active in archive

Or does cluttering / hoarding / keeping storage in servers and clouds fit the idea or the worm

Will the worm be worn out because of the ecological ideas of the worm

The worm cant proceed while being stuck, the worm needs to crawl in order to move, to breathe through the space, how does the worm think of using the space,

How do you conserve if conservation can harm the soil, maybe digging a bit too deep in these old gardened graveyards but if we wish to make an apocalyptic doomsday protocol, we must show tough love about the institution of the open city. How do we maintain traffic in a city if the city is blocked and clogged?

Making the worm accessible and open implies that space is made. In what order does the worm make space for achieving an active archive rather than proceeding as the hoarding worm.  

Consider this an open call for an open city, an open space for an open mind where questions are open food for thought that the worm can digest again and let its excrements be dissolved in the past. </i>

This poem then lead as on of the backbones to

Byte Noise: Sound you see me? Sound you don't (w/ Senka)

© Florian Cramer

Lorenzo's Wiki Entry

Description of work: These 3D renditions of the Radio Worm studio contrast the empty studio with all the invisible audio data, the endless stream of radio shows, stored on Worm's hard drive. Since this is the most important space for the community of radio makers, we created this snapshot of it while thinking about the question 'What do we do with all this invisible digital data and how do we prevent it from getting "dusty"?'

METHODS IN TRIMESTER 1 Jo Freeman's The Tyranny of Structurelessness / my reflections on the ideas of alternatives or at least the idea(l)s of alternative

This text was something that really stuck to me in many ways. I was born in a 'red nest' and I have always considered myself a leftist (and no this is not a story about me being a liberated ancap libertarian, barf.) and part of subcultural scenes and supporter of autonomous spaces and the ideas of alternatives.

However, I have my doubts on the ideas of alternatives. In the text (and I'm paraphrasing now) the idea of community living is raised and questioned, the idea of a non-hierarchical community seems amazing, yet some sort of power structure or better put 'order' is inevitable. The more self-aware and critique friendly the better.

The text spoke to me as well because this idea of a big united group of ideology seems like an [oppositional] utopia. Especially in this time of online politics / meme culture wars.

I have been thinking about the idea of an alternative doesn't mean that the alternative is actually the better alternative, yet the idea of an alternative could be.

Especially during covid (oh no a reference to my gradwork) it became visible that people who appeared to be critical thinkers fell for the conspiracy theories. Or that the ideas of a big pharma are given such a horror scenario that wellness (that makes way more money than pharma) is pushing left-leaning progressives via the anthroposophisticated homeopathic tunnel towards the conservative church of health hazards and [forgot the word]

even though the internet is not all responsible for this but also the education and environmental influences that result people to go into their programmed minds. (I think that if you come from a space where certain beliefs are rooted, could easily influence you in your daily life even though you're agnostic or atheist but still have the coping mechanism of the circles or 'bubbles' you were raised in. )

Confirmation bias

Tim Minchin [comedian / artist] had a bit on confirmation bias where he talks about how search engine algorithms and social media feeds on our assumptions, (pre-existing) beliefs and fuels it with even more related content specifically aimed to these beliefs.

He points out that 'we' would do ANYTHING BUT the idea of intellectual heavylifting to change our minds. Which refers to the fact that (online) discourse has been pushing people apart not only from progressive to conservative or from left to right but also within the borders of political ideology where every movement is watched, recorded and frowned upon.


Minchin speaks about how human beings love to be in herds and part of a group / a city or a community and how the internet is making distance between tribes and becoming more binary.

the main point I was going to share in relation to structurelessness and my concerns as a leftist towards current state of 'the left' is portrayed by Minchin perfectly in the sense of kindness in modern day discourse is not being presented by (generalized) right wing christian pro gun anti-vaxx conservatives but that modern progressives (with an assumed degree in higher education) are missing the idea of kindness as well as

A future of more empathy and understanding for more and more people

instead, he claims that everybody that is not on 'their' side of the 'line' is immediately a fascist.


"I can't believe you still follow J.K. Rowling on Twitter" "why are you saying not all men?!" "Why do you use the F slur in your song?" "Why are you sharing pictures of your manicure when you should be posting black squares, which means you are a racist"

As an alternative he says that

showing humility

mentioning not everybody has had the opportunity to read the books you have and learnt the lessons that you have learned

practicing the principle of charity

and not assume that anyone that disagrees has a nefarious intent and try to hear their arguments

is rejected by the idea of tone policing as he is put into place as a straight white male and that he needs to check his privilege in which he keeps in his satirically put "library on a mahogany shelf next to his BMW keys" and as he checks his privileges he concludes that this way of thinking is still ffing wrong.

He stresses that it can not be that progressives progress forward into a future of more empathy and understanding for more people

it can not be that the primary mechanism by which we approach this future is the suppression of empathy and understanding for anyone that doesn't align with our beliefs.

it can not be that unmitigated expression of furious outrage will alchemize into a future of peace and love.

ofcourse there is reason to want justification and be righteously furious about things and he can be as furious as cis gender straight white male with privileges being pissed off about 700 things before breakfast but it doesn't matter if it's not helping. And it's not helping that these aforementioned tribes are being pushed further and further apart.

The moral is that it is hard to change peoples minds but it's not impossible. However, if you would tell someone that they were a fascist and publicly shame them for what they believe, you've lost them and prioritized your need to express outrage and if we're honest, signalling your virtue over the possibility that you could utilize your educational privilege to reach across this algorithmic casm.


Just after this post I got a insta reel with Daniel Sloss also saying this:]

Another result is my utter discontent towards how the left parties in the Netherlands have perfectly shown the state of leftism in the Netherlands.

I was talking to a friend and we evaluated the elections.

I said that

"The lesson that left leaning NL needs to learn, is that political parties being tiny power structures is a very bad example of an alternative.

the two parties I'd vote for (bij1 / animal party) but also GL/PVDA. I.e. migration is also a very typical thing at the moment

This morning (26/11/23) I was watching WNL op Zondag (conservative rightwing talkshow, my mother believes that you need to watch and listen to your opponent in order to understand and grow over their beliefs to unravel their beliefs)

One of the guests was the controversial Lale Gül and other names like (former left turned right leaning) Zihni Özdil were mentioned that represent 'migrants that who do not want to be viewed as pathetic minorities at all' and the sad soul crushing fact that people that lived here for (more than) 3 generations even voted for Geert Wilders [PVV]

It made me think, I kinda get the why. The populist belief of "hey, screw your migration, could I be helped first?"

I heavily disagree with this, but I 'kinda get' why. No human is illegal and there's a humanitarian crisis. However the left here is way too individualistic and fighting between the bubbles, instead of actually uniting as worthy block of strong left (or something) instead of the effing bullshit of moralistic wee measuring whilst the status quo is destroying everything through aggressive neoliberalism.

I love to see PvdD en Bij1 as strong parties but I just get so sick of this corrupted management system. Fix it between eachother and it was also the worst timing ever right before the elections. I voted for one of them. But with less motivation than before.

TL;DR  the dutch left should really start reflecting and start building, repairing and mobilizing.`

Lastly, as I was thinking about all of these things.

that also inspired me in this structurelessness

Dead Kennedys - Where do ya draw the line? 
Seems like the more I think I know / The more I find I don't / Every answer opens up / So many questions
Anarchy sounds good to me / Then someone asks, "Who'd fix the sewers?" / "Would the rednecks just play king/ Of the neighborhood?"

How many liberators / Really want to be dictators? / Every theory has its holes / When real life steps in
So, how do we feed and make room for / All the people crowded on our earth / And transfer all that wealth / From the rich to those who need it?

Where do ya draw the line? I'm not telling you; I'm asking you!

Ever notice hardline radicals can go on star trips, too? Where no one's pure and right except themselves? 
"I'm cleansed of the system" ('Cept when my amp needs electric power) Or, "The party line says, 'No Feminists can't wear fishnets'" 

Where do ya draw the line? I'm not telling you; I'm asking you! 

You wanna help stop war?  Well, we reject your application. You crack too many jokes and you eat meat.  What better way to turn people off than to twist ideas for change. Into one more church that forgets we're all human beings? 

Dead Kennedys - Chickenshit Conformist.
Punk's not dead; it just deserves to die when it becomes another stale cartoon
A closed-minded, self-centered social club. Ideas don't matter; it's who you know
Who drive the bright people out of our so-called scene till all that's left is just a meaningless fad

Hardcore formulas are dogshit, change and caring are what's real. Is this a state of mind or just another label?
The joy and hope of an alternative has become its own cliché
Walk tall, act small, only as tough as gang approval
Unity is bullshit when it's under someone's fat boot
Where's the common cause?
Too many factions safely sulk in their shells:
"Agree with us on everything or we won't help with anything" That kind of attitude just makes a split grow wider

No one's ever the best once they believe their own press
"Maturing" don't mean rehashing mistakes of the past
The more things change, the more they stay the same
We can't grow when we won't criticize ourselves
The '60s weren't all failure, it's the '70s that stunk
As the clock ticks, we dig the same hole
Music scenes ain't real life, they won't get rid of the bomb
Won't eliminate r### or bring down the banks
Any kind of real change takes more time and work
Than changing channels on a TV set

So, why are we so eager to please peer pressure decrees?
So eager to please peer pressure decrees
Make the same old mistakes, again and again
Chickenshit conformist like your parents

src: SPECIAL ISSUE TWENTY TWO PERSONAL CONSTRUCTION SITE (enter if you want to see a messy room, if you don't, just keep listening)


I have to admit, I kinda didn't knew what XPUB was gonna be like.  I recently graduated from KABK / IMD. A different institution and a different course. I knew that another IMD alumni parttook in XPUB. So this first trimester was a bit of a fresh new start for my practice. 'kind of' stepping away from what shaped my graduation project Happytalism which revolves around the idea of wellness / new age and spirituality industries to be open for business, making more money than big pharma and being a safe haven for charlatans, disinformation weaponizing pseudo health claims.

I stepped into this fresh new environment with new people and overall a to me new programme. And right after the first weeks of XPUB my life turned around and I needed to reconfigure everything for myself (as I am still kind of doing of course) During the first trimester it was a bit difficult to me to kind of 'find a way' to get back on track. I wanted to deliver something productive.  The changes in my life of course had an immediate effect on my way of thinking.

We were talking about the ideas of what it means to keep an archive and what protocols there should be made.

My counterthought was about Protocols for passive hoarding.

As an idea of "we might need this later".

   The questions that I / We raised were  'do we really need to preserve everything? What do we take with us?'

From this point, Senka and I started talking about the questions that were raised about to think about ideas protocols for active archiving. I read that personally as if we were responsible for the maintenance of the Radio Worm's archive. Instead, we made a work that asks for reflection.

With both having made some critical essays / poems, we decided to make a video work because we wanted to visualize the amount of archives. No sound, just video. In these videos, we portray the radio worm from the apocalyptic narrative of SIGNAL LOST: ARCHIVE UNZIPPED.

Where Senka shows the vessel of the radio station, I show the amount of data and sounds and players and information that actually go 'live'.

Struggle This was something I was thinking about, concerning the fact I was just *there.*

To be honest, I had some imposter syndrome,  experiencing whilst being around.

The idea of the wordhole or actually the first trimester struck to me as a black hole

Once inside the black hole's event horizon, matter will be torn apart into its smallest subatomic components and eventually be squeezed into the singularity. As the singularity accumulates more and more matter, the size of the black hole's event horizon increases proportionally.

I felt that the matter of xpub/si22 etc was floating around me and I was there like some intergalactic fly on a meteorite. Just being there. Trying to make the best of it with the understanding of things.

If I would think of a 'better scenario', I'd say I'd go more around the PZI /Wdka and join things. But back then my life was pure chaos and I made the decision to do my best and also taking step back in order to be a fly on the wall since I wasn't fully able to work on the SI22.  Keeping the condition in mind that I would do more in the second trimester. It was hard to get back though.

Looking back I didn't really experiment with i.e. printing / terminal related things but more on the ideas of publication and mostly thinking about alternatives

However I was proud of myself of starting the narrative in the radio show as our improv ideas started.



Ideas session for SI23_________________________________________________________

      -(con)text adventure games, where limitations are there in the game (up down south east west north and other commands) and also the limitations offline could be implemented in case / scenarios  |



...// booting mind>>>>>>>>>>

general comment:

we have so much we can work with (all the readings / prototyping)  /

imagemagick / python / html css javascript / web / ascii art

ghost host parasite server etc / the wordquilt / code of conduct etc etc etc


first;  Maria X mentioned the word question but the connection broke it into quest-ion, which could be a happy accident to use the storyline to ask questions that may have come up in the reading and prototyping of previous weeks. QuiltQuestionQuest or somethin.


second   : based on the  adventure txt and fictionalizing human computer something(very paraphrased from a previous text we read)


you see what you type -> person a speaks

person b does walk compass-like

limiting the options "You can't open cabinet"   said by person c  


the narrator in this part could read it out either non-linear or linear depending on the 'script' so if the person does something not according to script, the narrator will go to bottom of script


third --> something I have been thinking about  

I am kind of using the idea of Google maps step by step and using the linear story and fictionalizing / gamifying the inaccessible process from A to B  (this is more a political thing and I might just do it for myself on the side)

this could also just be a personal side quest

using 1-3 cases with the idea of connections servers protocols etc


fourth: yesterday's class reminded me of the dos games / old mac games and the actual collosal cave adventure: Roberta Williams as inspiration  :)))))



I have this with me in the studio btw vvvvvv


..fifth, make the special issue somewhat like an webquilt arcade?   out of ideas, mind will close down for maintenance


250224 update / looking back it was more a cool reference than a work to make, I think?


Game research.jpg

Walking around in the neighbourhood thinking and defining (counter)mapping I walk in this space that used to be a prison complex in the north of rotterdam, The area has changed into a hip area that flirts with truman show type of aesthetics. I have been thinking about the infrastructures and how things are not working in this city. I have many objections into city planning and I'm wildly attracted to ideas of who owns the city.

As I stroll my sunday gloom away, mending the shapes of spaces I read or hear something along the lines of Codes of Conduct, earlier today I was watching the sitcom parks and recreation, which is a based at a local government in America and the shows the bureaucracy sometimes.

I am wrestling with my ideas on what I want to do and I am doing these things justice and or the right way.

A bubble came up in opposition to a Code of Conduct and I thought about Bugs of Misconduct.

Dividing the definitions:


informal: a harmful microorganism, typically a bacterium. "their ham was found to be contaminated with food bugs"

  an illness caused by a microorganism.

  "he'd just recovered from a flu bug"

  Similar: illness, ailment, infection, disease, disorder, sickness, affliction, malady, complaint, upset, condition, infirmity, indisposition, malaise, bacterium, germ, virus, bacillus, microorganism. microbe. lurgy

an enthusiastic interest in something.

"they caught the sailing bug"

Similar: obsession, enthusiasm, craze, fad, mania, rage, passion, fixation, hobby, interest, pastime thing


North American

a small insect.

"a thick green scum which crawls with bugs, centipedes, and worse"



insect. flea. mite. midge. creepy-crawly, beastie, minibeast



an insect of a large order distinguished by having mouthparts that are modified for piercing and sucking.


a concealed miniature microphone, used for secret eavesdropping or recording.

"they cleaned out the bugs and wiretaps"



listening device, hidden microphone, receiver, transmitter, wire, wiretap, phone tap, tap, bugging device


an error in a computer program or system.

"a custom program we used developed a bug"


Similar: fault, error, defect, flaw, imperfection, failing, breakdown, virus, glitch gremlin, snarl-up


verb: bug; 3rd person present: bugs; past tense: bugged; past participle: bugged; gerund or present participle: bugging


  conceal a miniature microphone in (a room or device) in order to listen to or record someone's conversations secretly.

  "their offices, homes, and telephones were bugged"

       record or listen to (a conversation) using a concealed microphone.

       "she fears that her conversations were bugged"





listen in on, eavesdrop on, spy on, overhear, wiretapmonitorm, phone-tap, snoop on



annoy or bother (someone).

"a persistent reporter was bugging me"

noun: misconduct


  1. 1. unacceptable or improper behaviour, especially by an employee or professional person. "she was found guilty of professional misconduct by a disciplinary tribunal and dismissed" h Similar: wrongdoing, delinquency, unlawfulness ,lawlessness ,crime ,felony,criminality,sin,sinfulness,evil,evil-doing,unprofessional behaviour,unprofessionalism,unethical behaviour,malpractice,maladministration,dereliction of duty ,negligence,breach of ethics,impropriety,immorality,abuse,malversation,misbehaviour, bad behaviour,misdeeds. misdemeanours,disorderly conductbadnessmischief


  1. rudeness
    • Hockey a penalty assessed against a player for unsportsmanlike conduct. plural noun: misconducts "Smith got a game misconduct for spearing Nick Kypreos"
  2. 2. mismanagement, especially culpable neglect of duties. "the general was pardoned for misconduct of the war"


verb: misconduct; 3rd person present: misconducts; past tense: misconducted; past participle: misconducted; gerund or present participle: misconducting


  1. 1. behave in an improper manner. "the committee reprimanded two members who were found to have misconducted themselves"
  2. 2. mismanage (an activity). "there is no evidence that the premises were being misconducted"

Thinking about the bugs of misconduct, it's a great ethical dilemma because it is, if I am correct, a bit of a contronym/auto-antonym/Janus term. OR a homonym.

To me, bugs of misconduct are an error in the system. The cracks that appear to be loopholes or invite to squat. It opens for alternative opportunities as a crack in the wall. The bugs go in and start to acclimatize to the space, showcasing the cracks and the errors as fundament. For what idk yet. I'm in need of looking at the readings of previous weeks and to show.

another of countermapping is to showcase hostile architecture, or infrastructure, maybe that is what I have been doing earlier with locating the steps from one person in a scootmobile / wheelchair to another by public transport.

A bug of misconduct is potentially a parasite that leeches off the host.


This was a sideproject that comes from my best inspiration: frustration <3

Concept: Where do ya draw the line?

1. "Public transport: From A to B via Metroline E and Tram 7."

A personal observation based on the limitations concerning accessibility, usability concerning healthcare, public transport.

Since XPUB is focused on making things public, I'm thinking about some stuff.

Public Transport, How do you make Transport Public? Or more public

I'm just thinking about the idea of the public service for the transport from an accessible / disability point of view. This case is quite personal but also inspirational from my critical thinking designartresearchblabla point of view.

So, let's say my mother wants to go to my brother. What needs to be done? For this method I'm using the google maps standard*/ **

  1. Go out of the house
  2. Unlock the scootmobile
  3. Uncover the scootmobile
  4. Put the cover inside
  5. move the bicycle
  6. position the basket and possible bags
  7. start scootmobile
  8. go to end of street
  9. wait for traffic lights / or if you're lucky it's green but it's always in favour of the cars.
  10. once you crossed the street, go to the elevator
  11. check in at port **
  12. push the button
  13. wait for elevator
  14. possibly wait for people to exit the elevator
  15. enter the elevator***
  16. wait until you are at the platform
  17. exit elevator to right side(need to confirm this)
  18. wait for the metro
  19. search for the good entrance without the metal poles in the middle ^
  20. be in metro for one stop
  21. reach central station
  22. pull back to exit metro
  23. go back or forward to elevator
  24. push button and wait for elevator / if you are lucky it'll be there already
  25. enter the elevator ***
  26. wait til you reach centraal station begane grond
  27. go back or forward to exit elevator
  28. check out at port **
  29. ride towards third tram platform
  30. enter third tram platform
  31. wait for tram 7 towards woudestein? (need to be confirmed)
  32. in the meantime, guess on what half of the platform the tram will stop
  33. inevitably ride or race through crowd to reach the middle / center of tram****
  34. enter tram in transit ^
  35. position yourself
  36. wait until you reach you reach your destination
  37. try to get out of the tram
  38. check out as well
  39. you can finally breathe again
  40. enjoy your visit
  41. when it is time to leave, leave*
  42. go back to the tram
  43. search for the right port on the other side of the street
  44. inevitably ride or race through crowd to reach the middle / center of tram****
  45. step / check in
  46. it might be possible that there is a parent and a baby carriage in the space that is also meant for wheelchair and rollator
  47. wait in discomfort
  48. person with baby carriage needs to get out, instead of going to another exit, this person insists to get out the door they came in, they lift the scootmobile and you are in even more discomfort
  49. you need to wait some more time
  50. finally you are at Rotterdam Centraal
  51. struggle to get out of the tram once again**
  52. head to the metro port
  53. check in and somehow also drive towards the elevator***
  54. push the button of the elevator
  55. position yourself in the metro at the place with no metal poles in the middle
  56. wait one stop
  57. get out the metro
  58. go to elevator
  59. go up
  60. go out
  61. go home
  62. place all the stuff back
  63. recover

*before you go, think about leaving at least 10-15 minutes in advance

** might need someone else to do it because it closes again in a certain timeframe

*** this means the elevator works

**** there might be a parent with child, cyclist, person in wheelchair, other person in scootmobile there

^ take into consideration the doors are literally timeframes so you better have someone with you to hold the door

Example: --------

The Rotterdam Electric Tram has multiple Entrances -> Ports

Port asin the doors

Port asin checkin / outs

[] PORT 1

[] PORT 2

[] PORT 3

<<<<< (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)>>>>>>



[PORT1] | [PORT2] | [PORT3]

check I / O | I / O | I / O






(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)


(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)


(_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_) / (_□___□▯▯__□__▯▯_□__▯▯_□_)



Former hover version of -door-port.gif


Trying to map out words in Obsidian

eurotruck/american truck simulator as a reference for being in a process of sharing files -> gaming for the relaxation and accepting the absurdity of simulator but also understand the educational value of these peculiar games

as a part of the /door group (w/ Victor and Mania)

I was thinking about how to grasp all of the words we (both as Quilt INC and as the entire class), collected, discussed and try to understand and define in one big web/map of words, thinking about the example as shown in Aymerics lecture. My thought rise to the idea of


Methods remark:

Method(ol(atry)ogy) is a way of surviving experience

Method is a way of surviving experience. The post-coping mechanism of someone on a journey to the center of the data. How does one look. Is it the landscape of hexadecimals, binaries, flying bits or deeper digging. A mole goes into depth in a different matter than the human does.

As I kinda recalled in my 'essay'(as Rosa called my methods remark ;)), this word or experiment/experience has been quite the quilt on its own, I'm a bit confused but it also feels like the step after coping? Method on its own feels like a way to practicalize whatever the ---- I'm struggling with.

Yes, I'm currently linking this sentence to my own surviving experience as I'm trying to create my own method in how to live this

◹xpub / ◹carer / ◹own life ◹triangle◹.

...But about the text; the word first makes an entry in the title. And it introduces feminist methodology as a radical alternative.


My current method is just doing a quick scan through the text and react quickly and associative through the text. (Whilst making comments on the side)(to process text, this worked, to read, it didn't work


When searching for methods vs methodology;

"Methodology vs. method. 'Methodology' is not just a fancier-sounding term for 'methods' – it refers to the school of thought by which you conduct research. Method, on the other hand, is all about practicalities: surveys, experiments, observations and so on

Luckily the text goes back to the nature of method, which contextualizes it to 'normal everyday life stuff' as a cleaning habit towards radicalizing (mobilizing) in order to protest injustice. As I'm writing about Methods, I hear Victor talk about methods and I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but I'm doing it in my own method?

It mentions methodolatry; "Worship of a method that employs it uncritically regardless of ever- changing particulars and steadfastly ignoring past negative results."

Text I'm responding to / with:

"A method is distinct from a recipe or formula, in exactly the sense that science is not embodied in a textbook and cooking is not a cookbook. It is a real-time, lived, and experiential form of ordering practice. In the words of Isabelle Stengers: Indeed, you do not follow a challenge, you do not obey it, it does not direct you. You have to invent the way to answer it, it proposes risks for your answers, but gives you no model. Thus it is consonant with my conception of science. It is consonant because our “social experience,” the moral and political options which situate us cannot become self-conscious just by a process of honest self-examination. It must be created through an active process of learning. Learning how we are situated, inventing the situations from which we can learn more about our situation does not give power to emancipation over cognition. It associates both emancipation and cognition. (1993, 46)"

"... It is a word at once stronger than para- digm, in the sense that it often crosses, both historically and spatially, most uses of the Kuhnian term. It may be part of several paradigms; it may persist after other attributes of a paradigm have fallen away. Methods considered in this fashion may have many of the features of surviving experience, depending on the values of the community using them: they can become imperialistic or monolithic (if one only has a hammer, the world becomes a nail, etc.); they can become a means of enforcing fundamentalism (reducing the world to that which can be perceived using the method); or they can become ways of encompassing multiplicity, complexity, and ambiguity. It is in this latter sense that feminism is important methodologically, I think, although we have sometimes used it in the monolithic or reductionist senses. Feminists have written some extremely powerful methodological pieces, not always recognized as such..."

"Considered formally, then, the attributes of feminist method that are particularly important are: 1. experiential and collective basis; 2. processual nature; 3. honoring contradiction and partialness; 4. situated historicity with great attention to detail and specificity; and 5. the simultaneous application of all of these points."

REFLECTION # trimester 2 SI23

The second trimester was nice to start. With the winter break behind me, I could really just start up again without the constant feeling of running a treadmill version of imagining Sisyphus happy. During this trimester it was quite interesting to dive deeper in the ideas of servers and datacenters.

My focus came back and I attended more events, I still felt a bit alienated but felt the xpubbery of things going into my bloodstream as I finally put up my little desk next to the door.

If I'd be very critical to myself, I would say that I would have liked to have more energy next to the things happenings during the XPUB days. Life was just exhausting but it got better on a week per week basis. I done the tasks I needed to do but at the same time my body and mind just claimed for me to touch grass, go outside, do other things because the per week load was sometimes a bit too much to grasp. In the end it streamlined to some more coherent (as I used my /port to but all the meanings and projects in 1 page with the perspective of the SI23 and also with the wonderful pre-tag.

Not to be smashing my work to the ground I also am very happy that the group project with Mania and Victor was this nice. Our forces combined made this amazing metaphysical paper-to-web-and-back-again work

I wanted to dive into Python, ImageMagick and in the end I was doing something completely: going back to my HTML / CSS experience and instead of working with the things I already (but ofcourse implementing then) I started just playing from the perspective of Seamfulness. I had a talk once with a fellow Unity-maker and we shared memes based on the fact that it does not matter if the code isn´t working properly and filled with my glitches and error, as long as it does what it needs to do. And that's how I approached the /port. I wanted to make it this raw interpretation of the terminal but then making it more welcoming and a space where information is exchanged with the limited access and the visitor is being presented with not only as huuuuge glossary but also context and the input to continue to the other project. It was my intent to show the seams but not literally linking all the things together. Because my first plan was to use the window (based on Alice's window mapping) to put all the words in the window frame as the 'port' to the space, using cables and jacks and such to 'make the connection'. Also for the sense of making something with for me experimental printing on transparent paper, but as I reflected on this idea. I changed from the window frame to the screen, since the visitor might not even know that there were connections and that might have given it an accessible touch.

My research was based on the understandings of methodology in general as discussed in and about Susan Leigh Star's piece. The ideas of using more ways to look at things finally struck to me and I felt inspired by frustration that I as a carer/family member/former user of social transportation. Both the A to B-U turning and also the trevvel story are very interesting to me because the amount of interactions, requests, errors and bureaucratic features from the both social code to the actual code of systems seem very intriguing to dive deeper in for a Thesis and Graduation Project. Accessibility and Disability from the privatized perspective from both bureaucratic as well as technologically governed institutions. While I am writing this, I'm also thinking "can't we do something lighter or different?" and I like to listen to that train of thought. An idea of publishing this would be to show and relate to making these difficult and unneededly overcomplicated made processes and making these more tangible and understandable.

As an entertainment element related to the issue, I started watching Silicon Valley again. A series that gets an extra layer with the readings we have done.

Mania and I were sharing our findings on the street.

We intended to make a paper / glass / transparent type of essay with her and my imagery* and looking at these 'infranatural'

  • I only included my images in this part.