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and ask liquisoap to play the playlist
and ask liquisoap to play the playlist

* Problems: liquidsoap seems not able to play mono files! in that case files still need to be downloaded -  brrr...
* <b>Problems: liquidsoap does NOT read all remote files</b> Any way to change this?

==Current Development 07/03/2012==
==Current Development 07/03/2012==

Revision as of 20:12, 12 March 2012

Blind Archive

An interpretation of texts through sound, according to the archive's knowledge on the terms that constitutes the texts

I envision this project to develop into a continuous sound-stream, a sort of internet radio where each sound(-file) matches word from a text. The stream becomes an interpretation of texts through sound.


Using liquidsoap it is possible that files do not have to be downloaded! I simply gather the urls of their location Add them to playlist and ask liquisoap to play the playlist

  • Problems: liquidsoap does NOT read all remote files Any way to change this?

Current Development 07/03/2012

At this point of its development the Blind Sound Archive is working by:

  • When the previous process is finished another script begins querying for the sounds:

Soundfiles are in (in pzwart3) /home/acastro/public_html/blind-archive/sf-archive


  • check if sf are not too long
  • create a list of the url from which each file is downloaded
  • process files from 1 topic into a single file: ecasound
  • create player(html5) to play the soundfiles

The process step-by-step

[Player / Front End] < ---------
[Sound Scraper] ----->	{ Sound sequences pool }
[Texts spider]	----> { Texts pool }
 topics	---> { topics pool }

1 - Text Search

gathering text sources on various topics

  • from a pool topics, one in chosen
  • a spider search for online texts on that topic (7: 1x per weekday) (or 1 per everyday - makes sence for news)
  • different sources: stackoverflow / stackexchange / news feeds / weather reports / blogs
  • the text are stored in the texts-pool (xml?)

  • Tech:
    • Spider / rss-feed reader / api
    • xml text pool:
		<day1 date="2012....">
                     <item>blahh blahhh balllahhh</item>
                     <item>blooo bluuu baaoooo</item>
                     <item>cooo cuuu caaoooo</item>  


[word-sound search]
[text feeding] 
[Text Download]

¿ Scheduling of these cripts ?

2 - Sound Search

finding sounds on that match the words from the text

  • for each word of a text a sound is downloaded from
    • words are fed one by one to's search engine, asking it for audio items tagged under that given term
    • search further limited by the collection, so that text/sound-sequences exhibit a more coherent identity and distinguishes themselves from other topics

TEST: 2 Topics: [source:poem collection:music ..:?? ] [source:weather forecast collection:field-recordings?? ] [source:news collectio:spoken word ]

  • sounds are downloaded and saved in a server directories (date-topic/)
  • sound directories from a day will deleted after that day
  • Frequency: the process takes place during the previous day. 1x per day
  • Tech:
    • Python: Text sequencing
    • Python: API queries + download - Done

3 - Player/stream

the resulting sound (files) sequences are player

  • sequences from soundfiles is create (1 topic=1sequence)
  • each sequence-topic last as long as its duration
  • then player move to next sequence-topic
  • if all sequences have been played, player goes through them again and again (different order ?) until the 24h of a day have been completed
  • Tech:
    • Liquid Soap
    • Icecast

4 - Front End=

  • Topic being played is displayed
  • Links to sound sources in
  • User can supply more topics
  • User can comment on the sound??
  • Tech:
    • html
    • ...

Searching soundfiles per term 17/02/2012

Feching sound files from based on search terms

In order to do that I am making 2 API requests:

  • 1 - searching for a given term within mediaType:Audio
    • getting the identifier of the first search occurance id_0
  • 2 - requesting details on identifier (id_0)

I use the 2nd (details) API query to look for the containig files.

From this list I get the first ogg (in case ogg files are present)

Downloading soundfile In files are stored + identifier + filename

12/02/2012 - Latest script

import urllib2, urllib, json, re, shutil, datetime, os

#create directroy where sfoundfiles will be saved
dt_obj =
date_str = dt_obj.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
archive_dir = 'sf-archive-' + date_str

sentence = "US President Obama unveils a $3.8 trillion budget, with plans to raise taxes on the wealthy"
sentance_list=re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", sentence) # find words and puctuation and slipt themo list

search_list = []
info_list = [] # Structure: [term, url, num of results ]
download_urls = []

# Results of search tem + mediatype:Audio
for term in sentance_list:	# build info list [ [term, url, response,  num of results], [...], [...] ] 
	results = []
	if ('.'in term) or ('?' in term) or ('!' in term):
		results.append("No Url")
		results.append("No Respose")
		results.append("No Results")
		info_list.append(results) # push the results list into the info list
		print 'stop: ' + term		
	elif (','in term) or (';' in term):
		results.append("No Url")
		results.append("No Respose")
		results.append("No Results")
		info_list.append(results) # push the results list into the info list
		print 'comma: '  + term	 
		print 'word: ' + term
		url = '' + term + '+AND+mediatype:Audio&rows=300&output=json' #api query
		print 'url: '+ url
		search = urllib2.urlopen(url)
		search_result = json.load(search)
		response = search_result['response']
		num_results =	response['numFound']
		info_list.append(results) # push the results list into the info list

# go throught the info list, checking if its a punctuation mar, if there are more than 0 search results, and if the item contains ogg files
for info in info_list: # checks the number of results results_list
	url = info[1]
	print info[0]
	print info[1]
	print info[3]

	if ('comma' in url):
		print 'comma found'
	elif ('fullstop' in url):
	elif num_results < 1:	
		print 'num_results is 0'
 		done = False 	
 		for n in range(num_results): #loop through the results looking for .ogg and < size limit			
			identifier = info[2]['docs'][n]['identifier']
			print identifier
			format = info[2]['docs'][n]['format'] 

			if "Ogg Vorbis" in format:
				# go to details url								
				details_url = '' + identifier + '&output=json' #details on identifier
				print details_url
					details_search = urllib2.urlopen(details_url)
					details_result = json.load(details_search)
					files=details_result['files'].keys() #look at the containig files
					for ogg in files:
						#print str(o)			
						if'.ogg$', ogg) or'.OGG$', ogg): #if there are .ogg or .OGG 
							print "ogg found"
							print ogg							
							size =  details_result['files'][ogg]['size']
							print size		
							if int(size) > 1000000:	#check file size
								print "file TOO large"			
								print "RIGHT SIZE"
								audio_url = '' + identifier + ogg	
								done = True
				except urllib2.HTTPError:
					print '404'+ details_url	

			if done: 

print download_urls

#silence and punctuation soundfiles - WILL LEAVE THEM OUT FOR NOW - since you don't have it in your machine
#silence = "silences/silence.ogg"
#comma = "silences/comma.ogg"
#fullstop = "silences/fullstop.ogg"

for i, url in enumerate(download_urls): #Download files from url	
	num = '%02d' % (1+(i))
	if url == 0:
		#silence_file = archive_dir+"/"+str(num)+'silence.ogg'
		#shutil.copyfile(silence, silence_file)
	elif url == 'comma':
		#comma_file = archive_dir+"/"+str(num)+'comma.ogg'
		#shutil.copyfile(comma, comma_file)
	elif url == 'fullstop':
		#fullstop_file = archive_dir+"/"+str(num)+'fullstop.ogg'
		#shutil.copyfile(fullstop, fullstop_file)
		file_name = str(num) + sentance_list[i] + '.ogg'
		print file_name + ' ' + url
		urllib.urlretrieve(url, archive_dir + "/" + file_name)