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=ATM super WIP=
==ATM super raw | WIP | ENG==
gonna write in Korean first and then translate it..
I really enjoyed the day when Michael and Manetta introduced API(combined with the Flask App-I think it was around week 10..?). I had so much fun and was super excited to see how user inputs(gathered via form tag) can be automatically synced with my webpage(!). My brain was super stimulated⚡️🧠⚡️ haha. Super cool and fun stuff. Like so, I really enjoyed prototyping class, after class I learned new things. However, using those skills and making those into something more complicated was very challenging.

초반에 온라인으로 가자고 했던 의견이 있었기 때문에 피지컬을 성공?시키기 위한 부담이 컸고 책임감이 컸음. 그래서 후반부에는 너무 많은 짐을 혼자 옮기려 했던 것 같음. 웃긴 것은 그 짐도 제대로 해내지 못했다는 것임. 서브 그룹에 대한 집중을 하지 못했고, 내가 원하는 대로 미련없이 해내지 못했기 때문에 실패한 기분이 계속해서 드는 주였음.
A lot of my frustrations came from my lack of ability to write the computer language. I had some ideas and thoughts but I did not know how and where to start, which keywords I should look for, etc.<br>
리터럴리 많은 짐을 옮기기도 했고, 혹은 심정적으로도 이것을 내가 해내야된다? 이것을 친구들과 함께 믿고 나누기 보다는 내가 혼자 짊어지려했던 것을 보면 아직 타인에 대한 믿음을 잘 갖지 못한 것이 아닌가 싶음.

보여지는 부분에만 너무 치중을 했다는 생각이 듬. 단적인 예로 굿즈가 너무 많음. 그에 비해서 콘텐츠가 탄탄한가? 글쎄. 내가 싫어하는 빈수레가 요란하다라는 말처럼 된 것 같아서 기분이 좋지 않았음. 외에도 론칭하는 날 내 프로젝트를 다른 사람에게 설명해야되었을때, 설명을 제대로 하지 못해서 속이 상함.  
I appreciate Manetta and Michael's hard works and patience.🖤 (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)<br>
At some point, I felt bad for keeping them too late, after their working hours. For the next Special Issue, I will try to be more autonomous. To do so, I will <span style="text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #FF0199">a) do more research on my own b) go through readings(NLTK, Explanatory blabla) multiple times and make notes.</span> Hmm. Or maybe as Kamo suggested, we need more prototyping class sessions... Once in a week is not enough. I had so many questions and I only had one day(Monday) to solve all my burning questions, which ended up keeping Michael and Manetta overworked.<br>
<span style="background-color: black; color: white;">''Idea: Maybe we(xpub1) can organize our own prototyping session, to cover the things we learned and let ourselves experiment.'' Like Kamo/Grgr's small experiments(b-day card gen. soup recipe gen.)

미스커뮤니케이션이 많았음.  
Every time I had an individual session with Cristina, I really enjoyed it. Cristina brought many different points of view and recommended great readings.<br>However, I think it would be really nice to have more reading-discussion sessions related to the overall topic of Special Issue. I had this feeling that I used certain terms(vernacular, situated knowledge, etc) without thoroughly understanding the definition, concept or context. Maybe more casual reading- discussion session would be nice.<br>
<span style="background-color: black; color: white;>''Idea: Having a reading group/or book club would be super nice. Not only with Xpubs but also outside of XPUBIES. Why not open up with other PZI students?''
There were a lot of miscommunications. Here are some of the observations:<br>
a) each one started working on something without updating each other or reaching an agreement.<br>
There was a lot of loss of time because a lot of times, we ended up not using the things that we had been working on.

고집을 부리는 순간이 많았음. 여전히 그 부분이 어려움. 설득을 하는 것과 고집을 부리는 것..  
b) I did not fully understand the role of the Visual Identity group. I think the VI group was overworked but yet their works have not been fully incorporated in Special Issue. I think, personally, this was because there was no clear concept of what the VI group should do, not enough communication on why they chose certain visual language and the latest VI package. For instance, I could not find the final version of the sticker packages. To be honest this goes to other subgroups as well, like the backend group, launch group, etc. We should have a clear distribution of roles and a clear concept of what each group should be responsible for.

이렇게 큰 규모?로 작업한 것은 처음이었기 때문에 어떤 그룹이 어디까지 맡아야되는지에 대한 혼란이 있었음. 후반에 비쥬얼 아이덴티티 그룹이 해야되는 일이 정말 많다고 느꼈고, 비쥬얼 아이덴티티 그룹이 어디서부터 어디까지 해야되는 부분인지에 대한 합의가 있으면 좋겠다는 생각을 했음. 또한 스티커 팩에 대한 아이디어에 대한 설명이 더 있었으면 좋겠다는 생각을 했음. 결과적으로 스티커라는 아이디어가 굉장히 중요한 시각적 컨셉이었는데,(그건 이벤트 그룹이 그것을 차용했기때문일수도) 여전히 왜?라는 부분이 없었음. 설명을 듣거나 한 적이 없었기 때문에.. 하지만 이 모든 것은 시간이 너무 부족했기 때문이라고 생각하긴 함.

도구 사용이 서툴어서 힘들었음.(코딩하는 것, 일러 파일 작업) 어느 곳에서 어느 재료를 파는지 몰라서 힘들었음.(아크릴, 시트지, 종이봉투, 블루투스 마우스와 키보드->한국이라면 청계천이나 다이소에서 사면 되는데 말이지..) 종이봉투를 사야됐었는데, 무작정 돌아다니기에는 시간이 촉박하고 할일도 많고..
인터넷으로 미리미리 주문하는 것이 좋을 것 같음.  
We need more practical communication skills in making a group decision. For instance, the methods that Cristina and Steve introduced(5min short description on each subgroup project, the overall project, and use those short sentences as a building block for the final content, split into a small group and gradually merge those small groups into a bigger group, yes | yes with reservations | stand aside | block method )
<span style="background-color: black; color: white;>Idea: The workshop with Elenor was super helpful but we need more of those, or more practical way to make decisions and do group discussion. </span>

에머릭이 홍보를 릴리즈할 때 레슬리나 코호스트 기관 등과 꼭 함께 점검하고 넘겨서 일해야된다고 했을 때 덜컥했음.  
There was a disagreement(hybrid vs. online only) but in the end, ppl agreed on the hybrid. I felt a lot of responsibility to make it(physical event) work. I did not want to disappoint not only myself but also my mates who voted for online-only. So, I think I was too desperate to make it work so got stressed too much. Maybe next time I should trust my classmates more and share some burdens rather than trying to carry those internally.<br>
Also, I realized I need to work on an editorial perspective. Seeing the forest rather than one tree sometimes. +Need to work on moderating skills.  

하이브리드로 갈지 온라인 온리로 갈지 최종적으로 결정했던 그 날. 온라인 온리로 가는 것이 낫겠다는 의견이 있었을 때, 내가 그 사람이 누구냐고 패드에 적었고, 굉장히 미성숙하고 어리석은 행동이었기에 후회됨. 왜그랬는지 생각해보면, 이미 그러한 가정으로 바리아에 방문해서 이런저런 플랜을 짜두었는데, 갑자기 다시 원점으로 돌아가야된다는 생각이 들어서 그런 반응을 보였었음. 하지만 여전히 부끄럽다고 생각함.
이후에 한명씩 서로의 의견을 얘기하는 상황에서 감정이 북받치는 것을 느꼈는데, 스스로도 당황스러웠음. 왜그랬을까 생각해보았을때 스트레스가 굉장히 많이 쌓이고 있었던 때인데다가
Was the content well delivered and organized? Felt like I did not have enough time to go through not only the overall content but even my sub-group content. There was physically not enough time. Period. The most problematic part was that every deadline was the 17th. (sub-group project, installation and physical production, overall special issue webpage) which was total hell and problematic. For the next Special Issue, the deadline for content should be 1.5 weeks before the launch day.

어떤 아이디어들이 마구 나왔을 때 그것을 선택하고, 맞지 않은 것을 넣어두고 하는 시간이 부족했던 것 같음.  
<span style="background-color: black; color: white;>''Idea: It would be nice to have an intro to publication station skills at the beginning of the next semester.</span> This is because, by the time we need to print out something and do production, the stations were super crowded, super busy, very difficult to ask questions freely. I want to know what is possible in terms of production beforehand. It was very hard to experiment in a limited time set. I would love to organize several group workshop things(riso printing, matte printing, gloss printing, laser cutting, Illustration and InDesign skill, embroidery machine, Arduino etc.) <br>

마이클을 너무 괴롭히고 붙잡아두었던 것 같아서 마음이 매우 좋지 않음. 사실 그 당시에는 뿌듯함이 많았는데, 돌이켜보면 너무 이기적이었나 싶기도 함. 그리고 다른 친구들이 나때문에 본인의 프로젝트를 물어볼 시간이 없었던 것 같아서 마음이 안좋음. 나는 다른 사람들한테 도움을 굉장히 많이 요청하는 편인데, 앞으로는 좀더 자율적으로, 스스로 해결할 수 있도록 노력해야겠다는 생각이 들었음. 돌이켜보면 그동안 해온 작업들 모두 누군가의 도움을 받아 진행한 경우가 많았음.  
<span style="background-color: black; color: white;>''Idea: Maybe we need to make a protocol on how to organize things in Soupboat..? </span> Because by the end, everything was super messy so I could not able to find the up-to-date content, documentation, etc. Yeah, I know it is almost impossible to keep tidy and neat but at least we can try,? Grgr and Kamo said something about using git to share the latest code.

크리스티나와 면담을 한 순간들이 매우 좋았음. 바리아에서 나누었던 이야기. 그리고 나중에 온라인으로 한번 스튜디오에서 오프라인으로 한번 나누었던 이야기 모두 프로젝트에 대해서 좀더 다각도로 접근할 수 있는 기회가 되었음. 디벨롭을 할 수 있으면 좋겠다는 생각이 듬. 스스로에게 약속하고 싶음.  
I really enjoyed working in a smaller group. Because it was much easier to reach an agreement, and really listen and talk through what is going on in each one's head. Also enjoyed small couch talks about various stuff(but mostly related to Special Issue) the problem was those in group discussion was not distributed to a bigger group by the end of the semester.

수요일에 다같이 서로의 프로젝트를 경험한 것은 좋았음. 다만 나와 지지의 프로젝트를 공유하는 순간, 이런저런 오작동이 많아 속상했음. 멘붕이 살짝왔던 것 같음.  
XPUB in-group non-public launch should be a regular thing. It was super nice and fun. (to be continued...)
스스로 너무 빠르게 아이디어를 내는 것 같음. 그것이 전체적인 주제와 프로젝트와 어울리는가에 대한 점검이 미흡하다는 사실을 깨달음.  
같이 모여서 작업하는 시간을 더 많이 만들어야되나?

Latest revision as of 23:26, 6 March 2022

ATM super raw | WIP | ENG

I really enjoyed the day when Michael and Manetta introduced API(combined with the Flask App-I think it was around week 10..?). I had so much fun and was super excited to see how user inputs(gathered via form tag) can be automatically synced with my webpage(!). My brain was super stimulated⚡️🧠⚡️ haha. Super cool and fun stuff. Like so, I really enjoyed prototyping class, after class I learned new things. However, using those skills and making those into something more complicated was very challenging.

A lot of my frustrations came from my lack of ability to write the computer language. I had some ideas and thoughts but I did not know how and where to start, which keywords I should look for, etc.

I appreciate Manetta and Michael's hard works and patience.🖤 (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
At some point, I felt bad for keeping them too late, after their working hours. For the next Special Issue, I will try to be more autonomous. To do so, I will a) do more research on my own b) go through readings(NLTK, Explanatory blabla) multiple times and make notes. Hmm. Or maybe as Kamo suggested, we need more prototyping class sessions... Once in a week is not enough. I had so many questions and I only had one day(Monday) to solve all my burning questions, which ended up keeping Michael and Manetta overworked.
Idea: Maybe we(xpub1) can organize our own prototyping session, to cover the things we learned and let ourselves experiment. Like Kamo/Grgr's small experiments(b-day card gen. soup recipe gen.)

Every time I had an individual session with Cristina, I really enjoyed it. Cristina brought many different points of view and recommended great readings.
However, I think it would be really nice to have more reading-discussion sessions related to the overall topic of Special Issue. I had this feeling that I used certain terms(vernacular, situated knowledge, etc) without thoroughly understanding the definition, concept or context. Maybe more casual reading- discussion session would be nice.
Idea: Having a reading group/or book club would be super nice. Not only with Xpubs but also outside of XPUBIES. Why not open up with other PZI students?

There were a lot of miscommunications. Here are some of the observations:
a) each one started working on something without updating each other or reaching an agreement.
There was a lot of loss of time because a lot of times, we ended up not using the things that we had been working on.

b) I did not fully understand the role of the Visual Identity group. I think the VI group was overworked but yet their works have not been fully incorporated in Special Issue. I think, personally, this was because there was no clear concept of what the VI group should do, not enough communication on why they chose certain visual language and the latest VI package. For instance, I could not find the final version of the sticker packages. To be honest this goes to other subgroups as well, like the backend group, launch group, etc. We should have a clear distribution of roles and a clear concept of what each group should be responsible for.


We need more practical communication skills in making a group decision. For instance, the methods that Cristina and Steve introduced(5min short description on each subgroup project, the overall project, and use those short sentences as a building block for the final content, split into a small group and gradually merge those small groups into a bigger group, yes | yes with reservations | stand aside | block method ) Idea: The workshop with Elenor was super helpful but we need more of those, or more practical way to make decisions and do group discussion.

There was a disagreement(hybrid vs. online only) but in the end, ppl agreed on the hybrid. I felt a lot of responsibility to make it(physical event) work. I did not want to disappoint not only myself but also my mates who voted for online-only. So, I think I was too desperate to make it work so got stressed too much. Maybe next time I should trust my classmates more and share some burdens rather than trying to carry those internally.
Also, I realized I need to work on an editorial perspective. Seeing the forest rather than one tree sometimes. +Need to work on moderating skills.

Was the content well delivered and organized? Felt like I did not have enough time to go through not only the overall content but even my sub-group content. There was physically not enough time. Period. The most problematic part was that every deadline was the 17th. (sub-group project, installation and physical production, overall special issue webpage) which was total hell and problematic. For the next Special Issue, the deadline for content should be 1.5 weeks before the launch day.

Idea: It would be nice to have an intro to publication station skills at the beginning of the next semester. This is because, by the time we need to print out something and do production, the stations were super crowded, super busy, very difficult to ask questions freely. I want to know what is possible in terms of production beforehand. It was very hard to experiment in a limited time set. I would love to organize several group workshop things(riso printing, matte printing, gloss printing, laser cutting, Illustration and InDesign skill, embroidery machine, Arduino etc.)

Idea: Maybe we need to make a protocol on how to organize things in Soupboat..? Because by the end, everything was super messy so I could not able to find the up-to-date content, documentation, etc. Yeah, I know it is almost impossible to keep tidy and neat but at least we can try,? Grgr and Kamo said something about using git to share the latest code.

I really enjoyed working in a smaller group. Because it was much easier to reach an agreement, and really listen and talk through what is going on in each one's head. Also enjoyed small couch talks about various stuff(but mostly related to Special Issue) the problem was those in group discussion was not distributed to a bigger group by the end of the semester.

XPUB in-group non-public launch should be a regular thing. It was super nice and fun. (to be continued...)