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[[User:Bohye Woo/First Project Proposal | <span style="color:#000;"> First Project Proposal </span>]]<br>

===What do you want to make? What do I start with?===

I would like to investigate on (how colonialism is related with) digital labour by forensicating crime scene on the web.

I would like to meticulously delve on what is a digital form of labour, what different types of digital capital exist, what is the relationship between value and digital capital, how does it related with digital labour— would be sub-research.
what is a infrastructure around digital labour?
I believe there is a digital colonialism happening in the web, and by using my Korean background and history, the fact that Korea was colonized by Japan back betwen 1910s and 1940s, I would like to find out some evidences in which I can apply to the digital world.
Going back to the method of forensic, I would like to being in a detective mode, crawing the web, writing a forensic report.
My thesis will be an investigation report where I reveal several crime scenes. It is a digital crime scene in the digital world that free labour is being used in a different way. So, being a detective to reveal the cases that are being ignored/shadowed without knowing it/illegally used/ from users. And trying to find digital footages, traces, provisos that are hidden on internet/web.
My project will be a platform in which you can experience different kinds of digital labour I will introduce.
===How do you plan to make it?===
0, Trying to define what is digital labour -> A new digital glossary <br>
1. Doing researches on Colonialism, what was happening during the colonial period, why did it happened.  <br>
2.  Doing researches on the digital form of labour, what types of different digital labour, capital, value exists in the web. <br>
3. Reading on the idea of colonialism, labour, capital, capitalism, Data colonialism, Maxism...More to come.  <br>
4.Thinking about how I'm going to prototype it. Small sets of experiments that shows the revealment of digital labour? <br>
5. Make a different study case, aka crime scene, and investigate on it. The investigation might lead me to start on a new study case. So I can image that my work could be a series of investigation that are linked all together under the subject of digital labour. <br>
===What is your timetable?===
20 September — Read read and read, dream about what I read, write down, think about what I want to prototype. <br>
27 September — Be precise of what I want to make.. <br>
04 October  — Graduate proposal done + Thesis outline <br>
Early Dec  — Deadline First Chapter  <br>
Mid Feb  — Deadline First Draft Thesis  <br>
Early March  — Deadline Second Draft thesis (texts to 2nd readers)  <br>
Mid March  — Deadlines Second readers' comments  <br>
Early April  — DEADLINE THESIS <br>
===Why do you want to make it?===
Thinking about why labour is such an important to me: Considering my Korean background where we were colonized by Japan back in 1940s, Japan took control of Korea in a very authoritative way by abusing our property, languages, human resources and so on. ...... MORE TO COME
===Who can help you and how?===
Aymeric + Andre + Micheal + Amy + Clara + Steve + Marlous  + .....
I don't know yet how specifically I could ask for help.
Relation to previous practice
My interest has been slowly built since last Special Issue 8 where I was working on the subject of dependency on a network, infrastructure, and decentralization. The idea of being dependent or independent on a web brought me to think of how data is being used/exploited from a third party, and used to make a profit.
On the Special Issue 9, I got interested on the labour part of pirate library where the labour tend to be invisible intentionally or unintentionally. My project will be an extension of this research, more in a broad sense in the web.
===Relation to a larger context===
Capitalism <br>
Data colonization <br>
Capital <br>
Colonialism <br>
Free software <br>
Authorship <br>
Dependency <br>
Decentralization <br>
Network <br>
— platform+capitalism+nick+srnicek
— Data colonialism by Nick Couldry
— The Internet as Playground and Factory Edited ByTrebor Scholz
Data worker:
— adam smith's the division of labor
— karl marx's transformation of human labor into its own enslavement
— Make a small gesture/prototype on my first research/interest (Make a small study case in the form of crime scene: gathering some materials on the web and find a hidden labour, and analyse what kind of labour it is? )
— Annotating on readers

Latest revision as of 17:20, 12 September 2019