Calendars:Networked Media Calendar/Networked Media Calendar/16-05-2018 -Event 2: Difference between revisions

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'''Angeliki '''
'''Angeliki '''

My contribution in the X-LIB is about interfacing the ecosystem of annotations that goes along with the books. This parallel, often hidden, text-based content that surrounds the books  and articles is dealt here as important as the core text. It can be seen as a supplementary material to the content of the X-LIB or as an indepedent entity, an alter ego of the books. It introduces a forum of collective writing, that takes the form of paratext. That is, the main text of published authors is often surrounded by other material supplied by the authors, editors, printers, and publishers and in this case readers. Each reader is invited to add publicly, and together with others, comments, references, poetic interventions, memories, stories, research questions in the core body of the existing texts. This material cannot be separated by the annotated prConnected with the metadata hosted by the machine but also the implemetations that have be done for a network to exist. A shared space of always mutable and under contruction knowledge.
'''how will it be made?'''
Within the infrastructure of the X-LIB the annotation machine takes advantage of and intervenes in the different created spaces that accommodates this library. Either through the catalogying system or the tunnels being created with tools like Tinc-Sync and Rsync the added and connected information can be passed through like small parasites. In addition to that an existing tool called is helping in writing comments in a the digital PDFs or the HTML pages representing the books (containing the title, the metadata, ...). The textfile is creating another book.
'''why is it necessary?'''
The system of the annotated interventions opens a realm of possibilities in the structure of a pirate library. The added material can often be irrational, random, personal or specified by a machinery mechanism. This brings the sense of contingency of reading. When a book is read or downloaded doesn't mean that the library is over and passive. With the purpose to create never-complete 'versions' of the books, I want to relate the multi-dimensional subjectivity that feminist theory introduces with the general perspective of piracy and knowledge. The reader is called to exist as a fluid identity in the multi-layered space of a network.
'''Relation to project as whole (how does it interface with the rest of the PZI library project)'''
The interface of annotations are connected with the stacks, as is can create personal paths of research and lead to sub-collections of books. More specifically, this feature adds a layer of personal connections and series of thoughts related to a book and is a way to visualize interests of readers of a book, but also highlight the common focus on specific field of research. Some annotations in specific pages will overlap each other.
The maintenance and continuity of the X-PUB it maintains through the participation of the librarians. My interface helps people to stay connected and write together through their own interests, following the ones the annoations of the other. 
'''Relation to your self-directed research (how does it interface with previous work or abiding interests? what new interests are you following?)'''
collective writing, reading, feministic approach, virginia woolf, literature.
infrastructure of pirate libraries.


Revision as of 17:03, 16 May 2018

XPUB1- RW&RM - Steve in the small project space

pad of today


If not... here is plan B


Describe proposed project (interface) [what? (250) how will it be made? (125) and why is it necessary? (125)]

= 500 words

Relation to project as whole (how does it interface with the rest of the interfacing the law project)


Relation to your self-directed research (how does it interface with previous work or abiding interests? what new interests are you following?)


Issues arising


What needs to be done?

= breakdown tasks and make timetable

= what help will you need?

= who can help? (line up your ducks)


Bibliography - media-links

Use Harvard method

link to yesterday's pad:



1) GENERAL PROJECT \\\\\\\\\\image\\\\\\\\

X-LIB is about creating a digital pirate library for people who are studying the field of media culture, or as we like to call them: knowledge comrades. This library gathers all the books and articles floating around on PZI shelves and our hard drives and memory sticks, so that they can be shared. As a web interface, it hosts a curated catalogue of books and articles, and moments for uploading and downloading. It starts at XPUB, but can go anywhere we want it to.

Our intention is to develop possibilities to interface with a core collection. What sets the X-lib apart is the presence of 'stacks': small selections of books that have a topic in common, or follow a certain study path. Rather than a bookshelf in a library, where books are lined up and often forgotten, the stack on your table/nightstand/toilet consists of books prone to be opened and reopened at any time. The stacks in X-LIB are visible for others in the network to browse, download, annotate, update or shuffle.

The search interface allows for serendipity, with playful bots which point to the invisible labour of librarianship. Gaps in the collection are made visible, which turns dormancy (red links and dead links) into potential, and provide an invitation to add to the library. In addition, visualizing the collection in 3D shapes allows users to sense the materiality of their stacks.

Through workshops, guides and discussions the library is open to future generations of students and researchers to augment, intervene and learn.


How are you interfacing?

Describe proposed (interface) [what? (250) how will it be made? (125) and why is it necessary? (125)]

Relation to project as whole (how does it interface with the rest of the interfacing the law project)

Relation to your self-directed research (how does it interface with previous work or abiding interests? what new interests are you following?)

Timeline= now=June


The default web interface of the library is a space for researching as well as reading. Here users can choose to navigate through the entire X-LIB catalogue, or through various stacks. Unlike most search engines, X-LIB's is designed to prioritize ecosystems and interactions instead of results or objects. Multiple queries for non-existant items in the collection are tracked and automatically made into red links, which are visualised and placed back into the library. In this way the collection is always represented in relation to its own limits, outsides and peripheries. Making these 'wishlists' visible also offers context: we get to know our fellow researchers, situate our own knowledge with theirs. Within the core network, pirate downloaders and outlaw uploaders can interact more directly with each other. When you see an empty item, either in the full catalogue or in someone's stack, you can choose to upload to it. You can create an entire stack of wished-for items and wait for others who may have the file to help you to complete it. The search engine also offers more playful orderings like randomization or by reading time.

The search engine can be made using html, python and CGI scripts. The files would be stored in separate directories and JSON files which can be called and created via a web interface. Another option is to use the Semantic MediaWiki platform, which already has built in functions like the automatic creation of red links, categories and tags for archiving, and also supports the maintenance of these files. To research further: how each of these platforms will deal with user accounts / anonymity / interactivity.

We want this library to exist in the space between researching and the act of downloading/uploading. Piracy is necessary for studying – but it is not just about file sharing. It is also about learning what it means to be a librarian, to pass on information and to explore questions of data provenance. In this way it is important that the default interface of X-LIB explores more social modes of reading and searching.

This project continues my research into feminist ways of representing data, of making visible what is included and what is excluded in archive. My research into the social aspects of the digital library is also relevant to the concept of enunciative materiality, which we started to explore last trimester.



I am interested in developing an added feature to the bulk collection of books in the library, represented in the idea of stacks. A stack is a number of books that are alternatively read at a certain point in time. What makes them cohesive is the fact that they follow a certain study path, while not necessarily having the same topic. A stack of books can be a very personal collection that one keeps close, that may or may not have a specific order or hierarchy, and that makes it easy to be browsed over and over again. The stacks can also be represented through a certain time period that the reader needs to dedicate in order to go through, and can thus be edited and remixed according to this parameter. One of the main theoretical bases for this research is the study "'Isms' In Information Science: Constructivism, Collectivism and Constructionism", which describes three of the most important theories and perspectives in information science. For this project, the concepts of social constructivism and constructionism are the most relevant ones that will help be better define the idea of stacks. In addition to this, I am also interested in the possibility to combine certain parts of texts, in order to create a mixtape that caters to your knowledge needs.

Another central interest is developing an interface that would be best suited for a library that serves our community. The library will provide a platform for sharing and discussions, with the potential to grow at any time. It is important that the project is always in a state of work in progress. In this way, anyone who is or wants to be part of the network can develop new features and adapt the library to cater to the ever changing needs of our community.


How are you interfacing? Describe proposed (interface)

  • what? (250)
  • how will it be made? (125) and
  • why is it necessary? (125)]
    • Relation to project as whole (how does it interface with the rest of the PZI library project)
    • Relation to your self-directed research (how does it interface with previous work or abiding interests? what new interests are you following?)

X-lib's non-human librarians are a collection of bots that serve as an interface for maintaining the collection and discovering interesting items. The bots interact in a playful way with the users of the library, sometimes helping people, but also demanding attention for their work and fighting with the users. Each bot is responsible for one activity. These vary from crawling the collection with strange combinations of queries (e.g. Scanned pdf, orange cover, published in Slovenia) to highlight them on the frontpage, to making stacks of books that have never been downloaded. And these jobs can go as far as offering non-sensical autocomplete suggestions in the searchbar. A bot can even chase users with pop-ups to force them to add metadata after spending too much time in the X-lib without contributing books, stacks, or annotations.

The working methods of this swarm of bots balance between offering a satyric view on algorithmic assistances and supporting people in contributing to the X-lib and its community. A well-known example of bots that maintain a website and collaborate with humans are the anti-spam bots made for Wikipedia. In In the Company of Bots Christina Cochior describes this relation as operating "at the intersection of technical infrastructure and social superstructure". The X-lib bots try to challenge the traditional social role of the bot as an assistant.

Each bot is a script that performs a specific task. It works periodically, or it is activated by specific actions of users; think of typing in the search bar for example. Then it will request information form the library catalog, using the application programming interface (API) offered by the infrastructure of the X-lib. The bot processes the data, for instance by pairing a book title with meta data provided by an external service. The result can be part of the interface in the form of a highlighted book, dialogbox showed to the user, or even be sent back to the catalog as additional data that part of an item in the collection.

The project builds upon the research I did for the past special issue. I looked into ways how computers read text and structure the found information. Besides that, I made a reader the profession of librarianship, where the role of serving users already started at the start of the first librarian school (Dewey, 1886). The X-lib offers an interesting context to experiment with the role of the librarian in a digital pirate library. The bots live as elements of the 'default' library interface. In addition to the curation by 'human librarians' in the stacks, the non-human librarians offer a way to explore to explore the collection in a programmatic way. Another use of the bots within the X-lib is to visualize the invisible work required to maintain the library, nudging people to add metadata to the collection. It raises interesting questions about what it takes to keep the collection useful on the long term, and what it means to collaborate with bots that sometimes tend to use their masters as their human assistants to complete their work.


  • Cochior, C. (2016). IN THE COMPANY OF BOTS. Retrieved from
  • Dewey, M. (1886). Librarianship as a profession for college-bred women. An address delivered before the Association of collegiate alumnæ, on March 13, 1886. Library bureau, Boston.

Angeliki My contribution in the XPPL is about interfacing the ecosystem of annotations that goes along with the books. This parallel, often hidden, text-based content that surrounds the books and articles is dealt here as important as the core text. It can be seen as a supplementary material to the content of the XPPL or as an independent entity, an alter ego of the books. It introduces a forum of collective writing, that takes the form of paratext. That is, the main text of published authors is often surrounded by other material supplied by the authors, editors, printers, and publishers and in this case readers, like names of contributors and addresses (Genette).Each reader is invited to add publicly, and together with others, comments, references, poetic interventions, memories, personal associations, stories, research questions in the core body of the existing texts. The 'text' could be more than words like videos and audio. This material cannot be separated by the annotated procedures that are connected with the metadata hosted by the machine but also the manual implementations that have be done for a network to exist. It is about a shared space of an eternally mutable and under construction knowledge.

Within the infrastructure of the XPPL the annotative 'machine' takes advantage of and intervenes in the different created spaces that accommodate this library. Either through the cataloguing system or the tunnels being created with tools like Tinc-Sync and Rsync, the added and connected information can be passed through like small parasites. In addition to that an existing tool called is helping in writing comments in the digital PDFs or the HTML pages representing the books (containing the title, the metadata, ...). Then the annotations can be exported as a textfile and being handled separately, even leading to the creation of a new book.

What? (250)
How would it be possible to explore an exisiting book collection in a joyfull manner?
An addion to the X-Lib would be a 3D web interface, which creates customized stacks in forms of 3D shapes. These will generated based on the input of the hand drawings of the users. A serendipidian way of exploring a library. After the analysation process the metadata of the books will dictate a morphology of the shapes. Either round, spicky, robust, geometric or organic–each book has it's own character, which will be mirrored in the interface. Finally the reader will have the possiblilty to download the 3D shapes of the stacks and access the original content of the books in form of as a PDF. This project explores as well the alternative ways of representing books in digital libraries and aims to break the rigidness of square presentations. It aims as well to play with syntaxes of abuising file formats.

how will it be made? (125)
The interface will be written in JavaScript. WebGL is an JavaScript API for rendering interactive 3D and 2D graphics within any compatible web browser without the use of plug-ins. WebGL does so by introducing an API that closely conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0 that can be used in HTML5 <canvas> elements.

Why is it necessary? (125)]
This project approaches the interfaces in a serendipitian and subjective manner by using steganography, which is encoding and decoding information on 2D and 3D levels.

Relation to project as whole (how does it interface with the rest of the PZI library project) Relation to your self-directed research (how does it interface with previous work or abiding interests? what new interests are you following?) This project uses the similar way of thinking, but the outcome differentiats from the other

 encoding and decoding information on 2D and 3D level
   steganography (hiding information in other file formats)
   similar way of thinking, but using different software (webgl + js in this case)

Timeline= now=June

Relation to your self-directed research and previous projects (how does it interface with previous work or abiding interests? what new interests are you following?) 200

   encoding and decoding information on 2D and 3D level
   steganography (hiding information in other file formats)
   similar way of thinking, but using different software (webgl + js in this case)

remote access to the library

Issues arising 200

   the knowledge of the software
   how to connect the interface to the core library