Welcome to my personal dictionary.
I read that Idioticon is a synonym for dictionary and i loved the word, cause there is Idiot in it lol.
API stands for Application Programming Interface. It's an interface for two computers to communicate in order to carry out tasks on the internet. The application can be any software that performs a specific task and the interface is a point where two applications communicate. One application acts as a client and the other acts as a server. A client asks for some resource, say for example a photo, and the server sends that photo to the client. The client here can be your mobile phone, desktop or laptop computer, or any device you use to surf the internet. And the server is a bigger computer that stores the data you want (a photo in our case).
APIs follow the HTTP protocol to communicate, which has a specific request and response structure.
Different methods exist to perform different tasks and numerous status codes are available that indicate whether the request is successful, declined, or in a pending state.
the warmth of the sun in winter source
disposition to do good, the quality of being kind and helpful source
"To fall quickly and in large amounts". As I understood it: An event in a series of events. Eins stupst das andere an und bildet somit eine kette an events. "to pass on information by giving it to just a few people, who then give it to more people; to be passed on in this way." source
Das Copyleft ist eine Klausel in urheberrechtlichen Nutzungslizenzen, die den Lizenznehmer verpflichtet, jegliche Bearbeitung des Werks unter die Lizenz des ursprünglichen Werks zu stellen. Die Copyleft-Klausel soll verhindern, dass veränderte Fassungen des Werks mit Nutzungseinschränkungen weitergegeben werden, die das Original nicht hat. Das Copyleft setzt voraus, dass Vervielfältigungen und Bearbeitungen in irgendeiner Weise erlaubt sind.
the action of moving away from the main subject you are writing or talking about and writing or talking about something else source
strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way source
something that exists apart from other things, having its own independent existence
Extensibility (Dehnbarkeit) is a software engineering and systems design principle that provides for future growth. Extensibility is a measure of the ability to extend a system and the level of effort required to implement the extension. Extensions can be through the addition of new functionality or through modification of existing functionality. The principle provides for enhancements without impairing existing system functions. source
not known in advance, not leading to a definite end or result
When you determine something, you decide on what it is, which means you put limits or boundaries on its identity. So something indeterminate lacks identifying limits. A mutt is usually the product of indeterminate breeding, since at least the father's identity is generally a mystery. A painting of indeterminate origins is normally less valued than one with the painter's name on it. And if negotiations are left in an indeterminate state, nothing has been decided. source
Marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details.
Etymological news: meticulous comes from the Latin word for "fearful"—metīculōsus—and ultimately from the Latin noun metus, meaning "fear." Although meticulous currently has no "fearful" meanings, it was originally used as a synonym of "frightened" and "timid." This sense had fallen into disuse by 1700, and in the 1800s meticulous acquired a new meaning of "overly and timidly careful" (possibly due to the influence of the French word méticuleux). This meaning in turn led to the current one of "painstakingly careful," with no connotations of fear at all. The newest use was controversial for a time, but it is now by far the most common meaning; even the most meticulous (or persnickety, depending on your view) among us consider it perfectly acceptable. source
Notation ist die Benennung von Gegenständen durch das Festhalten von Dingen und Bewegungsverläufen in schriftlicher Form mit vereinbarten symbolischen Zeichen.
to cause to be set aside, to force out of use as inferior, to take the place or position of, to displace in favor of another source
superlative in quality, possessed of supreme power source