Spiritual media psychosis

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This page is Lorenzo and Alessia's

Here is the pad we are using: https://pad.xpub.nl/p/obsessive_catalogue_of_madness

Intro (general introduction, social context + why we are writing about it)

x let's write it together on the pad x

witchcraft, shamanism, influencers, cults, spiritual colonialism

Modern Messiah(s) - [in progress by Lorenzo]

Wim Hof


His breathing method and training in ice cold temperatures are something that people really find interesting. He joined forces with the Radboud University to release in what EenVandaag calls a "scientific breakthrough" since he manages to control his autonomous nerve system and his immune responses. This method has been praised and worshiped for the last decade by (famous) people (Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey,  Gwyneth Paltrow), (alternative) health platforms(Gaia, GOOP) and media(TEDx, Vice, etc) which resulted in becoming the institute of Wim Hof.


On the website  https://www.wimhofmethod.com/ It is possible to sign up for events in your area, but if you want to experiment alone there are ways to do so but also anywhere or even let yourself be guided by him (for only €1499,00) in a weekend with Wim.


There have been allegations of the Wim Hof Method being related to the death of people. 
Wiki Article of Wim Hof Deaths sources
- https://www.outsideonline.com/outdoor-adventure/exploration-survival/wim-hof-california-lawsuit/
- https://eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/item/iceman-onder-vuur/ 
- https://www.parool.nl/nieuws/iceman-oefening-eist-opnieuw-leven~bd0a4600/
- https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/wim-hof-breathing-method-coroner-man-drown-2436121
- https://www.yahoo.com/news/woman-tragically-dies-cold-water-111600703.html
- https://www.dutchnews.nl/2024/07/iceman-wim-hof-cleared-of-causing-death-of-american-teenager/utm_source=ground.news&utm_medium=referral
- https://eenvandaag.avrotros.nl/wimhof/ 


The discussion about this topic is often countered as

"They're not doing it right"

"they just want to get money out of it"  

"How would someone think this method could kill people, it needs to be done with caution"

"They should carefully have listened and this is just a Darwin Award winner because how can you be so stupid"


And these responses are part of the dilemma. In my personal experience I have first seen the aforementioned EenVandaag article and how Wim Hof as a (semi-self-proclaimed)'super being' has worked together with medical science and tried to motivate people to use their bodies in the same way and to grow the idea of YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE.

People are of course in charge of their own life choices and in participating in these kind of self-help like events.


Wim Hof is praised as being this sweet radical hippie person that has found some miraculous superhuman way to control his body through his mind. He gets praised and paid a lot. And that is where it gets interesting. The appearances he makes are at first in talk shows as a medical phenomenon and extreme athlete. In a way it make sense for him to share his 'wisdom' and 'experience' and earn money from that.  

He has multiple specials and features on Gaia.com: "Gaia is a global conscious community that offers over 8,000 titles to members online through the Gaia app and internet-connected devices — featuring original series, instructional videos, and documentaries on yoga, meditation, spiritual growth, personal transformation, alternative history, and the unexplained."

He has connections to Flavo Pasquini's alternative 'news' network called BLCBX, where he is guest on the show and live meetups

Selling books on the website of that's the spirit. A 'spiritual' platform that brings 'spirituality' in one space with conspiracy, alt-right and other thinkers.

Giel Beelen's Kukuru podcast. Former Radio DJ interviews people he finds interesting.


But if the recent majority is on alternative health channels and podcasts, is that still fair? There is a certain need for alternatives to our status quo, the need is based on the lack of justice, systemic change but is then *helped* by influencers that speak in a 'soft' way with 'soft' languages in 'soft' designed studios or on 'soft' websites. These aesthetics appeal to vulnerable people (maybe this is a harsh way of phrasing it).

Most recent allegation

As mentioned in the beginning of this text, there was a recent article in de Volkskrant about Wim Hof 

About a week ago(28-09-24) de Volkskrant released an article about Wim Hof.  Wim Hof is known as someone with a peculiar body and 'method'. He is considered as some sort of guru to his following.

This article was in response to the upcoming movie glorifying the iceman. The newspaper asked for response and Hof replied to most of the questions. But to reply in a later manner was not the case. He replied to POWNED {a 'rebellious / right wing'} in a YouTube video and Shownieuws, an entertainment/showbizz programme.

Former allegation(s) and conflicts

In this article, the idea of Wim Hof being demolished once again is something that makes me feel a bit bittersweet. Because of the alternative (alt-right leaning) connections that Wim Hof has, I don't trust him. I have new discussions with friends every time something happens. I try to remain neutral and to just think this person takes all the jobs he can, regardless of political color.  

The previous cases of deaths are unethical what so ever. I feel that it the dual emotions are a bit too simplified. If a person gets health issues based on the idea of wanting to become better and resulting them to die in such a way, it seems a bit.. cruel to say that it's their own fault.  

What is then the best option, only being allowed to engage in such extreme temperatures with a specialist?

How can you become a specialist in something that isn't really proven but shown?

The judge in the most reason death case has ruled that Wim Hof isn't liable even though there

My bias in this dilemma is that Wim Hof is a charlatan that profits from gullibility and people in certain situations and mindsets and reveals his true colours when he speaks on alternative stages.  

To counterpoint my argument,

in 2023, Scott Carney made a 'documentary' against Wim Hof. Scott Carney is a journlist that in 2011 traveled to Poland from US to meet him and 'expose' him.  Carney was then completely convinced of Hof's technique and changed 180 degrees and he wrote a book in support of WHM.

The counter-dilemma is that Scott Carney now has focussed his practice on exposing Wim Hof rather than supporting him and making his business around anti-ganda (instead of propaganda?).

The 'documentary' lacks proper journalism and is only beneficial for my 'A-HA! WE GOT EM' irrational underbelly. I'd rather just see justice in general.



