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I make muffins every week to have snacks on hand!

Week -1

Peanut butter + chocolate chips muffins

Used a yogourt cake recipe and replaced the oil and part of the flour with homemade peanut butter (careful with that, not to kill fred). Good but a bit gooey, sticked to the teeth.

Week 0

Carrot Muffins

Great Idea, not so great execution. I put too much salt in the batter, so I had to roll them in sugar and cinammon to balance it out. Would do them again though, great color.

Week 1

Chocolate Muffins

A bit too dry, not enough chocolate. SWISS dark chocolate would've done a better job I'm sure 😭 Batter was too thick Baked them for too long I think, at like 25min 200°C

Week 2

Honey Cinnamon Muffins

Taste like gingerbread but without the ginger I guess ? Whipped it out on Sunday evening with no recipe on hand, I was short on sugar so used honey, I could've added more flour I think. Also, baking time was surprisingly short, only 15min at 175°C

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6