Noura's proposal for a project that may or may not be made (2)

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

I recorded an audio at a Palestine protest. I am trying to identify the different steps/emotions/themes/sounds/phases that can be heard throughout. I then want to use this audio as a basis of a visual story. The powerful audio will overlay on different visuals. By doing so two worlds of protests (audio) and another one (visual) will be merged together. I am not sure yet what this other world will be. Maybe it will be in someone's head, maybe it will be a memory of someone maybe its a generational/ancestral communication bleeding through current times or a longing for something/someone. I will start by listening to the audio and identifying the sounds. I am doing this by categorizing it in: chanting, conversations and sounds. This is transcripted. based on the conversations or/and sounds, I have to come up with visuals that it can overlay with. Currently I am unsure what these visuals will be. The goal is to tell a story of resistance and resilience.

I want to work with this audio, because when I first heard it, it generated a very strong feeling for me personally as well as people that I have shown it to. protests have made me personally feel better under the current circumstances as a tool to process loss as well as feeling like I am adding to a cause. working on projects such as this will further more increase these feelings for me. furthermore, this is an opportunity for me to work with a cinematic video style and experiment with different styles to emphasize a feeling (be it longing or memory etc). this is important as these are themes that i work with. A big part of my interests is (but not limited to): preserving memory, senses of home, migration and diaspora, the subconciousness, community, nostalgia and decolonization. Some of these themes have occurred in my previous work as well. This interest is currently even bigger as I hope to inform, humanize and spread a hopeful message.

quick summary of the audio:

in the beginning energy is high, people are chanting, beat on drums, and almost want to dance. raspy voices from screaming all day add to the sensation of emotions being high.

slowly making transition into the next phase → when u hear the sounds of drones coming and people saying look at the drone.

harder to hear words through shitty microphone, but chanting continues

becomes quiet.

daily conversations can be heard through the protests.

attention is being called through the megaphone as communication with police is happening. no more sound is allowed. a slight hint of panic is heard.

the presence of media becomes clear as well as the police, the voice note end with the sounds of the barricade being built, someone being cold, and someone looking for a megaphone.



shut it down

falastine harra harra

itla barra

when palestine is under attack, what do we do? stand up right now.

from the river to the sea, palestine will be free

soura soura el machtem - revolution against the occupier

he he, hoho police we wont go

Conversations (begint 104:

‘ een drone een drone, boven je

the drone

mic check

3;13 wacht twee seconde ‘op wie ga je wachten’ zit allemaal haar in mn mond.

police communicated theyre coming now

ik denk als, maar if they come,

‘ its 9;43’



daar daar daar

wat zie je daar - politie

wacht even

daar is dus - oh my god


4:50 we need to put the noise down

what? knive

we need to put the knife down

listen to me carefully

we need to put the noise down

a lot of people have to sleep

sound down

thats it

not yet

kill em

free free palestine

5:07 so the thing is, as long as we keep the noise down, i think we will be okay the police man said if someone of the neighbourhood starts complaining about us, they can .. us.

‘free free palestine’

so please keep the noise down, we can stay here all together but noise down.

this is a very fucking serious thing, okay, please take it seriously this is a ..

can you hear me?

mic check mic check. noise down noise down the police are telling us that we need to keep the noise down. no noise. no chant. there is a neighboorhood people might complain, if they complain the police might react

5:45 alles goed? van welke ding? autonoom dus voor iedereen die wilt betalen. ah ja, want ik zocht at5, maar dat bent u dan niet. …….heeelemaal ….


wat wordt er gezegd? wat gebeurd hier en

uh .. gesprek.

neem me mee

ik wil niet dat je mn nummer deelt

nee nee nee maar ik bedoel.

dan kan ik springen desnoods

mocht  dat mocht er een besluit genomen worden door de gemeente ‘....

ik ga niet.. waarschuwen, mensen de ruimte

ja maar geef dan de ruimte en niet met geweld.

nee ik ga echt niet

ja ze vragen om een waarschuwing, dat als ze aankomen dat ze waarschuwing geven zodat ze weg kunnen gaan

ze lopen daar


die zit

ben je oke? ja ik heb het koud en ben overprikkeld.

heeft iemand een megaphone, megaphone?


talking, clapping, cheering, bells, drums, gravel, wind, ruffle, laughter, drilling