Wiki to print

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
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Publishing Workflows

Alessandro Ludovico: Post-Digital Print: The Mutation of Publishing Since 1894


From Print to Ebooks: a Hybrid Publishing Toolkit for the Arts


Wiki To Print Workflow

required software

download scripts

git config --global http.sslVerify false
git clone


Python library to interface with the MediaWiki API.

Use: to download content from wiki pages, through the script ./ -h

More on Wiki_publishing


Pandoc diagram.jpg

A universal document converter - converts from one markup language onto another

Use: convert downloaded wiki pages onto HTML files

extensive documentation in Pandoc’s Manual or man pandoc

pandoc example1: convert HTML string to markdown

echo "<h1>Hello Pandoc</h1><p>from html to markdown</p>" | pandoc -f html -t markdown

pandoc example2: mediawiki file to HTML

Pandoc common arguments

-f - option standing for “from”, is followed by the input format;

-t - option standing for “to”, is followed by the output format;

-s - option standing for “standalone”, produces output with an appropriate header and footer;

-o - option for file output;

mediawiki - mediawiki input filename - you need to replace it by its actual name


A visual rendering engine for HTML and CSS that can export to PDF. It aims to support web standards for printing. . The CSS layout engine is written in Python, designed for pagination, and meant to be easy to hack on., WeadyPrint documentation

Use: to convert HTML + CSS onto a PDF

The standalone command weasyprint can produce a PDF, simply with the instructions:

weasyprint input.html -s style.css ouput.pdf


  • input.html - is the souce HTML file (could also be a URL)
  • -s - is the option for a CSS stylesheet
  • ouput.pdf - the resulting PDF


@page CSS rule that determines orientation and page size is successfully rendered in the PDF.

@page {
size: A5 portrait;

@page left @page right

Option for the left and right pages, such as the margin sizes, which have to alternate in order to produce a bound work, are correctly rendered.

@page:right {
  margin-left: 3cm; /*inner margin*/
  margin-right:1cm; /*outer margin*/ 

@page:left {
  margin-right: 3cm; /*inner margin*/
  margin-left:1cm; /*outer margin*/



Weasy-print also applies consistently @bottom rules, including page counting.

  @bottom-right {
    margin: 10pt 0 30pt 0;
    border-top: .25pt solid #FF05F6;
    content: "Testing WeasyPrint";
    font-size: 6pt;
    color: #00FFF2;

  @bottom-center {
    margin: 10pt 0 30pt 0;
    content: counter(page);
    font-size: 6pt;

CSS Custom Fonts

Weasy Print does not support CSS's (@font-face) rule.

Yet it can use fonts available in your system.

On Linux fc-list will give you a list of fonts installed in your system

Page breaks

To control page breaks on the PDF use the CSS properties:

With the values:

  • always
  • avoid
  • left
  • right

Weasyprint examples