User:Mihail Bakalov/Trimester 1/NETWORK BASED PROTOTYPING/Assignment11.11.2013

From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki
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import struct, sys

width = 320

height = 240

header = struct.pack("<BBBHHBHHHHBB",0,0,2,0,0,8,0,0,width,height,32,1<<5)

totalframes = 25

for frame in xrange(totalframes):

   out = open("frame_%02d.tga" % frame, "wb")
   for y in xrange(height):
       for x in xrange(width):
           if y >= 200:
               r = 5*(float(frame))
               g = y/4+2*(float(frame))
               b = 3*(float(frame))
               a = 255
           elif y <= 75:
               r = (x+y)/4+(float(frame)/totalframes)
               g = y+2*(float(frame))
               b = y+2*(float(frame))
               a = 255            
               r = 5+5*(float(frame)/totalframes)
               g = y-2*(float(frame))
               b = 4*(float(frame))
               a = 255
           out.write(struct.pack('B', b))
           out.write(struct.pack('B', g))
           out.write(struct.pack('B', r))
           out.write(struct.pack('B', a))
