Sky Blue Sky

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Sky Blue Sky

Processing code initial sketch to create a collage of an array of images

import java.util.Calendar;
PImage[] images;
String[] imageNames;
int imageCount;
CollageItem[] layer1Items, layer3Items;
void setup() {
  size(1024, 768);
  // ------ load images ------
  // replace this location with a folder on your machine or use selectInput()
  File dir = dataFile("");
  if (dir.isDirectory()) {
    String[] contents = dir.list();
    images = new PImage[contents.length]; 
    imageNames = new String[contents.length]; 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < contents.length; i++) {
      // skip hidden files and folders starting with a dot, load .png files only
      if (contents[i].charAt(0) == '.') continue;
      else if (contents[i].toLowerCase().endsWith(".png")) {
        File childFile = new File(dir, contents[i]);        
        images[imageCount] = loadImage(childFile.getPath());
        imageNames[imageCount] = childFile.getName();
        println(imageCount+" "+contents[i]+"  "+childFile.getPath());
  // ------ init ------
  // generateCollageItems(filename prefix, count, x,y, range x,range y, scale start,scale end, rotation start,rotation end)
  // filname prefix               : Alle Bilder, deren Name so beginnt, werden für diesen Layer verwendet
  // count                        : Anzahl der Bilder
  // x,y                          : Position, um die sich die Bilder scharen
  // range x, range y             : So weit werden die Positionen in x- und y-Richtung gestreut
  // scale start, scale end       : Minimaler und maximaler Wert für den zufälligen Skalierungsfaktor
  // rotation start, rotation end : Minimaler und maximaler Wert für den zufälligen Rotationswinkel
  layer1Items = generateCollageItems("layer1", 100, width/2,height/2, width,height, 0.1,0.5, 0,0);
  layer3Items = generateCollageItems("layer3", 110, width/2,height/2, width,height, 0.1,0.85, 0,0);
  // draw collage

void draw() {
  // keep the programm running
// ------ interactions and generation of the collage ------
void keyReleased() {
  if (key == 's' || key == 'S') saveFrame(timestamp()+"_##.png");
  if (key == '1') layer1Items = generateCollageItems("layer1", (int)random(50,200), width/2,height/2,width,height, 0.1,0.5, 0,0);
  if (key == '3') layer3Items = generateCollageItems("layer3", (int)random(50,300), width/2,height*0.66,width,height*0.66, 0.1,random(0.4,0.8), -0.05,0.05);
  // draw collage
// ------ collage class/record ------
class CollageItem {
  float x = 0, y = 0;
  float rotation = 0;
  float scaling = 1;
  int indexToImage = -1;
// ------ collage items helper functions ------
CollageItem[] generateCollageItems(String thePrefix, int theCount, float thePosX, float thePosY, float theRangeX, float theRangeY, float theScaleStart, float theScaleEnd, float therotationStart, float therotationEnd) {
  // collect all images with the specified prefix
  int[] indexes = new int[0];
  for (int i = 0 ; i < imageNames.length; i++) {
    if (imageNames[i] != null) {
      if (imageNames[i].startsWith(thePrefix)) {
        indexes = append(indexes, i);
  CollageItem[] items = new CollageItem[theCount];
  for (int i = 0 ; i < items.length; i++) {
    items[i] = new CollageItem();
    items[i].indexToImage = indexes[i%indexes.length];
    items[i].x = thePosX + random(-theRangeX/2,theRangeX/2);
    items[i].y = thePosY + random(-theRangeY/2,theRangeY/2);
    items[i].scaling = random(theScaleStart,theScaleEnd);
    items[i].rotation = random(therotationStart,therotationEnd);
  return items;
void drawCollageItems(CollageItem[] theItems) {
  for (int i = 0 ; i < theItems.length; i++) {
    translate(theItems[i].x, theItems[i].y);
    image(images[theItems[i].indexToImage], 0,0);
// timestamp
String timestamp() {
  Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
  return String.format("%1$ty%1$tm%1$td_%1$tH%1$tM%1$tS", now);