
From XPUB & Lens-Based wiki

You'll need the "MySQLdb" library installed.

Connecting to MySQL

If you put this function in a file (say ""), you can easily import if from different scripts... and also you only need to change the login data in one location (useful for local vs. server-based testing).

import MySQLdb

def connect_db():
    host_name = "localhost"
    db_name = "dbname"
    user_name = "dbuser"
    password = "dbpass"
        conn = MySQLdb.connect (db = db_name,
                                host = host_name,
                                user = user_name,
                                passwd = password)
        return conn
    except MySQLdb.Error, e:
        print "Cannot connect to server"
        print "Error code:", e.args[0]
        print "Error message:", e.args[1]

Executing a Query

Many rows

import settings
name = "foo"
dbconn = settings.connect_db()
cursor = dbconn.cursor()
q = "SELECT id FROM items WHERE status='active' AND name=%s ORDER BY id"
cursor.execute(q, (name,))
while 1:
	row = cursor.fetchone()
	if (row == None): break
	print row[0]

# if you forget this, it happens automatically


dbconn = settings.connect_db() cursor = dbconn.cursor(MySQLdb.cursor.DictCursor) while 1: q = "SELECT * FROM commands ORDER BY t_create LIMIT 1" row = cursor.execute().fetchone() print row['command'] # if (row['command') == "foo"): print "doing foo command" elif (row['command'] == "print"): pass # q = "DELETE FROM commands WHERE id=%s" cursor.execute(q, (row['id'],))