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Revision as of 15:35, 17 September 2014


1. Photography work

WHAT - I take photography practice as a parallel activity to my design practice. I most commonly take individual pictures and then later on present them as series. A kind of collage in which I associate independent shoots and provide a new collective meaning.

HOW - Beside the analogue procedures of photography making; and as much as technique is concerned, I very much focus on the framework - what information to include and which one not to. In a way creating a new imaginary world, in which each piece is taken from the real world and matched with another.

WHY - It is somehow an escape from my conventional method of creation. A free gateway to imagery creation; exploring new possibilities of representation. Feeding the eye as much as the soul.

2. Identity Project

WHAT - Creation of a new identity for Manggha, a Japanese centre of Art and Technology in Krakow, Poland.The stationary and further graphic devices were developed.

HOW - The logo was designed by simply creating a a small distortion of the lower parts of the lettering, to simulate its water reflections, it gives the impression of a "floating" type. Having decided on the main typography; its size and colour options, the information was displayed and adapted to the different communication platforms.

WHY - The reason why the logo for Manggha Center has this certain shape, is the water proximity of both the centre facilities and the japanese culture. The Manggha centre is located by the riverside and its also famous for its wavy roof by the japanese architect Arata Isozaki. Moreover, the japanese culture has always had a strong connection with the water, or "sui" one of the five elements.

3. Webdesign - L'atlas des Utopies

WHAT - A website in which three different levels of google maps satellite pictures can be matched; either randomly or by user's choice. The levels are organized by weather and geographical characteristics. This online game allows users to choose their own prefered earth prototype.

HOW - Adapted from the surrealistic technique -The exquisite corpse* - a kind of a collective collage of words or images (from the original French term cadavre exquis). A game most commonly seen in children’s books in which the pages were cut into thirds, the top third pages showing the head of a person or animal, the middle third the torso, and the bottom third the legs, with children having the ability to “mix and match” by turning pages. >>> SHOULD I BE EXPLAINING THE CODING PROCEADURE ??

WHY - The name of the project itself explains the purpose of this virtual experience.