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Ënjoy poverty aims on the issue of documenting some of the main problems in Congo. The movie is insisting that it provides transperrancy on the issues, objectively presents it and provides an experimental solution describing the idea of poverty as a commodity. Although there are certain layers of subjectivity. In his work Renzo is the filmmaker(artist), also is a journalist, who acts as a narrator, but also plays as an actor. So all these parts played by him introduce quite a sophistication which confuses the viewer about Renzo's true self. He looses objectivity with implaying the cynical reason which takes over of him. Renzo insists with sharp uncomfortable questions playing with his arrogance and vanity, he abuses of his distance. Acting the same way as the press agent/photographer/plantation owner with no result for the african people. The film as a representation of reality in an eternal loop of our arrogance upon the other.

In the Act of killing the director deals with the concept of objectivity in a different way. In comparrison to Enjoy poverty there is no external narator. Letting the gangsters reanact their own past so the viewer can see their previous doing and their present thoughts on them. The surrealistic parts of the film shows another representation of reality trought the subjectivity of the director. The ideology of this political regime is making use of the gangsters.Individuals who oppose to the regime are not perceived as the people.The people who conform, they are mere subjects to the will of the Big Other. Surpressing enemy is a duty. Gangsters are people who work outside the system, but they were the law also. Through ideology, these afwul facts, events and crimes are seen as 'natural', inevitable and part of history. And this same ideology states that not everything true should be made public. Another representation of this false consciousness is that Panascania military youth glorifies all its soldiers as heroes.

All though Renzo Martins in his film reveals the cynical reason where one knows the falsehood very well, one is well aware of a particular interest hidden behind an ideological universality he falls into the cynical reason ass well. And he goes further and even takes a kick out of it. He is doing it to create the autonomy of his piece, which provides him the ability to deal with it self while its dealing with the outside world also. So just trying to provide a solution is enough sufficietly. It doesn't matter because he achieves his goal. Renzo Martins overidentifies with the idea that poverty is a comodity. Its a similliar situation to the captain from Full metal jackets. Zizek states that people fall for a belive in a conditional mode, which blinds them, like Renzo. This cynical reason inscribes it self in reality by distorting it. The problem is similliar with cinema in the sence that people know its directed and they still fall for it. Although totalitarian ideology has lost its faith from its authors, in the act of killing its still recognisable. Although the social situation has changed the system is still fed around past events. With the cynical reason leaves untouched the fundamental level of ideological fantasy, the level on which ideology structures the social reality itself.

New Draft

--- enjoy poverty - how objectivity fails, because of his desire/overidentification with the idea of PovertyAsComodity ---

Ënjoy poverty aims on the issue of documenting some of the main problems in Kongo. The movie is insisting that it provides transperrancy on the issues, objectively presents it and shows an experimental solution describing the idea of poverty as a commodity. Although there are certain layers of subjectivity. In his work Renzo is the filmmaker(artist), also is a journalist, who acts as a narrator, but also plays as an actor. So all these parts played by him introduce quite a sophistication which confuses the viewer about Renzo's true self. He looses objectivity with implaying the cynical reason which takes over of him. Renzo insists with sharp uncomfortable questions playing with his arrogance and vanity, he abuses of his distance. Acting the same way as the press agent/photographer/plantation owner with no result for the african people. The film as a representation of reality in an eternal loop of our arrogance upon the other.

zizek exxtract---

Zizek states that This ideology of charity is "revealed as basic constituent of our economy", how its operating just to keep the poor alive, so the system can profit from them(by means of labor and charity).

--- act of killing - lost objectivity because of the role play; a fantasy representation of justification (saved by killing them) ---

In the Act of killing the director deals with the concept of objectivity in a different way. In comparrison to Enjoy poverty there is no external narator. Letting the gangsters reanact their own past so the viewer can see their previous doing and their present thoughts on them. The surrealistic parts of the film shows another representation of reality throught the subjectivity of the director. The ideology of this political regime is nothing else than exploiting the people. The same as the communist regine, but this one is making use of the gangsters. These free men are people who work outside the system, but they were the law also. Individuals who oppose to the regime are not perceived as the people.The people who conform, they are mere subjects to the will of the Big Other. Surpressing enemy is a duty (relate here to the big others control). (elaborate on awful facts!!!) The past doings of the "free men" , they feel comfortable with the past, and are really excited about doing this film"- which will praise our system. Through ideology, these afwul facts, events and crimes are seen as 'natural', innevitable and part of history. And this same ideology states that not everything true should be made public. Another representation of this false consciousness is that Panascania military youth glorifies all its soldiers as heroes.

--- going further with the cynical reason in Renzo - getting a kick out of it; autonomy of his piece; captain --- Although Renzo Martins in his film reveals the cynical reason where one knows the falsehood very well and one is well aware of a particular interest hidden behind an ideological universality he falls into the cynical reason concept ass well. And even goes further and gets a kick out of it. He is doing it to create the autonomy of his piece, which provides him the ability to deal with it self while its dealing with the outside world also. So just trying to provide a solution is sufficietly enough for him. It doesn't matter because he achieves his goal. Renzo Martins overidentifies with the idea that poverty is a comodity. Its a similliar situation to the captain from Full metal jackets.

---ACT OF KILLING - conditional mode of believe; based on the past --- - To ADD more about the fantasy world they are living in! Zizek states that people fall for a belive in a conditional mode, which blinds them, like Renzo. This cynical reason inscribes it self in reality by distorting it. Zizek intridues the problem is similliar with cinema in the sence that people know its directed and they still fall for it. Although totalitarian ideology has lost its faith from its authors, in the act of killing its still recognisable. Although the social situation has changed the system is still fed around past events. In the Stalinist universe, history is the Big Other. The necessity of history to advance towards its rightful end (communism), and the story in the act of killing is similliar to the With the cynical reason leaves untouched the fundamental level of ideological fantasy, the level on which ideology structures the social reality itself. - continuing on ActOfKilling They don't have anymore comunists as enemies In the movie its stated that the communist children are starting to speak up about the past, as like we will have to punish them again. Totalitarian ideology no longer has this pretension. It is no longer taken seriously even by its authors — its status is just that of means of manipulation, purely external and instrumental; its rule is secured not by its truth-value but by simple extra-ideological violence and promise of gain. <- > that is great!, about fantasy!!! They don't only percieve these facts as 'natural', but they justify them selfs with the fantasy world they create. (They are fantasizing how the communist are thanking them for slying them - Oh, thank you for saving me, by salying me) Justifing them selfs with imagenary shit.