Dave Young - Consent to Print Outline: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 14:02, 29 January 2013

group processes

  • Who owns the computer? Technical convenience / social decision?
  • What sources were suggested for the content?
  • How did the group editorialise the content?
  • At which points were there disagreements?
  • Ask about individual agreements to specific decisions.
  • Are all members of the group satisfied with what has been produced?
  • If they had to follow the brief individually, what would have been different?

notes for short talk on hierarchical systems

Hierarchy is a social system of assumed consent. In a traditional hierarchy (eg military), the assumption of consent travels upwards through the ranks.


If consent can no longer be *assumed*, then the hierarchy breaks down.

decentralisation / power

  • How can power be disguised/anonymised in a flat hierarchy?
  • How can this be used as a tactic to retain control?

Discipline: obedience/consent through fear/paranoia of discipline Control: obedience/consent through the manipulation of the will of a person