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(Created page with " ''''''Social phobia Interactive installation'''''' This interactive installation is a robotic object without any practical function. The body of this robot was made of white ...")
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Latest revision as of 20:16, 18 September 2012

'Social phobia Interactive installation'

This interactive installation is a robotic object without any practical function. The body of this robot was made of white cloth and stuffed with cutton fibre, rubber pipes and red balloons. It’s nerves system was built by sensors, air pumps and electronic timers. I wanted to make it cell shapes and organic forms. It was in a total passive condition in which it was not able to move but to be approached and manipulated by people.This robot carried a centern character which is the fear of the approach of strangers. The balloon was inflated once the air pump was activated when someone is close enouh to the infrared detector. the balloons started to reacte as ancious breath, inhaling and exhaling. At the same time, the electronic timer controlled the volume of air to prevent frequent explosions of those red balloons. But still it was facing the danger of self-destruction through its own fear.

Describtion 02 (what?)

'Self-regeneration Interactive installation with moving images and sound'

This work was constructed as a 1.4 x 2 x 4 meter wooden tunnel. The end of the tunnel is a projection screen which allow me to use moving images to built a virtual space.The virtual space is an expansion based on the physical tunnel installation, eight life size figures of myself live in the virtual space. Those figures are mirror image of my thoughts , physical activities and behaviors which repeat each different moment with high speed.The video was created based on the size of the tunnel space the figures was base on the life size of myself. When audiences enter into the tunnel, while audiences come closer to the virtual space, those eight figures will be destroyed one by one. Those figures will be regenerated later when the audiences leave the tunnel. As long as this interaction continues, those figures will be infinitely killed and regenerated. The audio system of this installation used eight sound producers playing individual sound track. Each sound track content heart beats, sound effect when those figures shattered, and some background noises.