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(Created page with "First I turned on wireshark. Then I created this page. Now I will work on a client website. I had the tab already open before I started wireshark so I opened and closed it again. Knowing I am observed affects my behaviour. I stand up and tie my hair up. I sit down again. I am playing music on spotify but from my phone so I wont have information on that. I have another chrome tab open for gmail but apart from that my computer is not obviously doing anything else, I mean t...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 12:53, 19 October 2023

First I turned on wireshark. Then I created this page. Now I will work on a client website. I had the tab already open before I started wireshark so I opened and closed it again. Knowing I am observed affects my behaviour. I stand up and tie my hair up. I sit down again. I am playing music on spotify but from my phone so I wont have information on that. I have another chrome tab open for gmail but apart from that my computer is not obviously doing anything else, I mean there are no other programs or applications currently open. There are plenty of other processes running though and in the time it took me to write this paragraph (and stand up and sit down again) 2890 events have been recorded in wireshark. In the time it took to write these two sentences its gone up to 3209. The numbers are graphically very similar, the three almost looks like an eight, like the inside numerals have been swapped with the outside one. A sort of folding or reversing of what is usually concealed and what is usually revealed. Like that toy that kind of looks like flubber. I forget what it's called so I'll open a new tab and google it. I do an image search. I use a combination of mouse clicks and keyboard shortcuts to change tabs in Chrome. when I use the keyboard shortcut I have to go via my gmail tab. I wonderr if it connects to anyone when I don that. Ok the toy seems to be called a water trick snake. Inside and outside. Full of water.

I have some notes saved as a txt file from when I spoke to the client last week, I'll open them now in NotePad. I use windows explorer to find the file using the mouse. I have an external mouse plugged into my laptop via USB because there is a problem with my trackpad. And it is more comfortable for my hand. There are five small things to fix, and then I need to migrate the dev site so we can do some user testing. "dev site" is short for development website and is a term used to describe a website which is only intented to be seen (generally) by the programmers, designers and other parties involved in creating or building the website. "user testing" is a part of the process where the site will be shown to a small number of other people (in this case clients of my client) who will test the functionality and experience of using the website. With the intention of getting feedback from them on whether the site is meeting their needs, to then potentially adjust how the site works to better meet these needs. Ultimately to make more money for my client by encouraging their clients to use the site more and buy more stuff.

I check my email, why? Habit. Procrastinating. I open VS Code, why? Habit, working. Wireshark is now at over 40.000 lines no fuck it jumped to 70.000. I guess VS Code must be a bit chatty. I duplicate the project folder (the wordpress theme actually) and open it in VS Code ("Add Folder to Workspace"). Like Adobe software, VS Code uses the concept of a "Workspace" to describe the environment it sets up for me visually on the screen. This helps me to switch between the relevant files easily and efficiently. It probably does other more complicated stuff but meh. I open the style.css file and update the version number and save by pressing Ctrl+S, why? Habit, productivity, practice, technique. It's super effective. Technically I haven't done any work yet? But the annotation slows it down.

I use the inspector in Google Chrome. I wonder if it creates much network activity.

I open Filezilla. I'm going to connect to the server using SFTP, to modify files. The log in details are saved in FileZilla. I use the mouse to navigate to the file location on my harddrive and on the server. These are both symbolic locations but the one on my hard drive feels more real. Maybe because I know it is on the table in front of me. I'm not sure where the server is, I think it is possibly in Ireland. It makes me feel connected but in a way that emphasises the distance and lack of clarity; I dont know what I'm connecting to. I refresh the page, the first edit seems to have worked. It was a small visual tweak for mobile displays. I'll check it on my phone too one sec. I check it in two browsers on my phone (Brave and Chrome), why? Rational doubt, empirical methodology. It's super effective. But it looks good on both this time. I'd like to check on an iPhone too, generally this is good practice but also in this specific situation I know the client will look at it on Safari on his phone, and he's a stickler for details so it would be great to know he will see the best version. But I dont have an iPhone and they're expensive. And I cant be bothered using an emulator, it'll be fine.

I use Google Chrome's passsword manager to log in to the wordpress back-end of the site through my browser. It actually didnt really work today for some reason (usually autocompletes the fields) so I open the settings in another tab chrome://password-manager/passwords and copy and paste the password from there. Why? Because the normal operation wasn't functioning as expected so I had to find another way. Oh my god the annotating makes this so slow.

I count backwards from 50 to 1. I get interrupted at 27 because I never made it. This is inefficient and magical. I need to stop so I'll switch off wireshark. I got so little done.