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Thesis Outline

So, hearing about the thesis outline and having in mind that the glossary is gonna involve a writing practice, I decided that maybe the best thing to do is actually use the glossary as my thesis by mapping and connecting conceptually the words inside.

Each word is gonna be made by annotations on them that develop the text. Each word is part of a container(chapter) and some words may appear in multiple ones when they are connected. Therefore, the annotations over the words trace connections among the words constructing the whole body of the thesis.

These 3 containers (so far) are gonna be these:

"a non-shaped voice": words that are reflecting on the structure and the voice of publishing examples: hierarchy, reflection, diffraction, politics, sustainability, glossary(as a form), codex, quantity, production, audience, distribution

"weaving the tool": words that are showing practical possibilities, giving examples, and drawing out the materiality of the practice examples: hybrid-publishing, printed-matter, servers, infrastructure, electronics, sustainability, website, page, paper, book, fanzine, magazine, one-to-database, one-to-one, one-to-many, games, etc.

"publishing act": words that are exploring and throw questions to the intentionality of the practice. examples: relation-ability, sympoiesis, urgency, intra-act, circulation, fragmented, sustainability

  Chapter outline:  

1. Introduction

2. Theme Analysis

3. Visual Normalisation


4. “In dimensions” (Conclusion)