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Latest revision as of 10:15, 4 November 2021

1 What do you want to make? I want to make a body of work wherein the experience of landscape/nature takes a central place. This includes finishing the current project I am working on. Going through the 90 images I made of the Swiss mountains and make a selection out of these images that I want to turn into a presentation. This could be a book, or an installation consisting of projections or something else. I might include working with miniatures in this project and try find out if I can form diptychs. In wintertime I’m going back to the mountains to make

2 How do you plan to make it? One of the important things to focus on this year would be to create an immersive experience for the spectator. Therefore, I’d like to experiment with different materials. This includes different kind of papers, (slide) projections, light(panels), video installations, or stereo viewers. For my miniatures landscapes I’d like to experiment with 3D prints of mountains and making them out of clay. I might also try some more with video.

3 What is your timetable? I’m going back in wintertime to photograph another series in the mountains. In the meantime, I’m planning on making my miniature models of mountainscapes. After this I’d like to focus on working on a presentation.

4 Why do you want to make it? The landscape has always been a big inspiration for me. I am fascinated about how we live in and are influenced by our environment and how we can use our imagination to create a new one. For a long time, I wanted my work not only to be about my own experience but also about making this experience accessible for the spectator.

5 Who can help you and how? My tutors with continuing the conversation about my work and reflecting on it. Also, we have the opportunity to invite a guest ‘mentor’. I’d like to investigate a bit more who I want to invite. Other than that, I’d like to take workshops in the wood station and ceramics station to see how I can build things myself.

6 Relation to previous practice I’ve always been fascinated about landscape and nature, so this is a central subject in my work. I am taking on different approaches within this subject and I try to deepen this more. Instead of using the landscape just as a ‘decor’ for my work, as I did before, I am now trying to incorporate different views (anthropological, geographical, cultural, environmental, aesthetical).

7 Relation to a larger context There’s a relationship with my work with the following: Romanticism, The Sublime experience, Escapism.

8 References/bibliography Conversations with landscape – Karl Benediktsson, Katrin Anna Lund Examples: the making of 40 photographs - Ansel Adams Space is the place – Lukas Feireiss Landscape and power – W.J.T. Mitchell